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Bethesda is bringing Fallout Worlds, new customizable servers to Fallout 76 this September, which will allow players to change their rulesets and make the Appalachia they've always wanted to experience.
Does this mean that progression is pretty much useless? Infinite ammo and AP makes leveling a joke, and farming even more of a joke. If you can transfer items from custom servers to adventure, it'll break the RPG aspect of it.
Unless it's also sharing disable like it is on the public world, then FO76 is going in a weird direction.
These are options for custom rulesets. You get to decide what type of tweaks are made to your personal server. If you don't want infinite ammo and AP don't select it.
To expand on this since this reply didn't really answer the original question, Adventure mode ( the original FO76 mode ) does NOT have cross item/level progress with custom servers. Found the answer on reddit.
ya know, youd think they would start off with this info, its kinda important.
Fallout 1st for a private world is nothing new, its been there since the start, they are just adding more options.
People that play custom worlds, most likely already play on private worlds, this just gives a different option for people that want to do something completely different.
Items wont be tradeable between adventure mode and custom servers, so thats a non issue.
It doesnt sound like you played in the first year tbh, or maybe even at all.
Naw private servers came out after the game launched and was kinda met with a go fk yourself from the community.
Anyhow it doesn't cross with real servers and Fallout 76 is like dead as hell so they need this. I think I saw 12k players on steam like two weeks ago though so it's better than the 5k that were on prior without steam a year plus ago lol...ffs let the game die
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Are the new worlds really a purchase? I understood their announcements that they'd be available for free to all subscribers.
I think that any multiplication you could use is just a guess.
These days with localized servers those multiplication figures should be lower.
But I think everyone can agree that average Fallout 76 player today spends less time per day on it than EQ 1 players used to. If the multiplication for EQ 1 was by 5, then we need to multiply a modern game that requires less time commitment by a larger factor.
Also localized servers should not affect the multiplication factor. If you used to get number of players from all over the world on EQ servers, you'll now also get number of players from all over the world through Steam Data. Unless you're suggesting that the multiplication factor is affected by old EQ 1 players trying more actively play everyone at same time, in which case today's multiplication factor today should be larger.
Also there are far more console players than PC, both PS4 and XBOX.
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
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