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Final Fantasy 14's Naoki Yoshida Talks Player Population Surge As Patch 5.58 Drops |

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599

imageFinal Fantasy 14's Naoki Yoshida Talks Player Population Surge As Patch 5.58 Drops |

If you've been following Final Fantasy 14 even within just the last month, you might notice that the MMO's common areas feel a little bit...crowded. This is thanks to a multitude of factors, but FFXIV is seeing great population growth in the wake of it. Today, Naoki Yoshida, the MMO's producer, took to the official website to address this trend.

Read the full story here


  • JudgeUKJudgeUK Member RarePosts: 1,709
    The pretty dramatic population increase/explosion/avalanche, call it what you will, is something no one could have seen coming.
    The game is in a content dip, with the previous storyline finished and players now waiting for 6.0 which is still several months away.
    Sure there will be side quests/events as fill ins, but that's it at the moment.
    Player growth history had been steady and ongoing, nothing spectacular. Other mmo games had either recently released expansions, or about to launch into the market for the first time.

    Yet still the SE team publicly deeply apologize for the issues this unheralded, dramatic influx has caused.
    This is the mark of a company that truly cares about the players and about their beloved game.
  • NexeusSNexeusS Member UncommonPosts: 88

    JudgeUK said:

    The pretty dramatic population increase/explosion/avalanche, call it what you will, is something no one could have seen coming.

    The game is in a content dip, with the previous storyline finished and players now waiting for 6.0 which is still several months away.

    Sure there will be side quests/events as fill ins, but that's it at the moment.

    Player growth history had been steady and ongoing, nothing spectacular. Other mmo games had either recently released expansions, or about to launch into the market for the first time.

    Yet still the SE team publicly deeply apologize for the issues this unheralded, dramatic influx has caused.

    This is the mark of a company that truly cares about the players and about their beloved game.

    Gotta love how you generalize this like as everyone has finished all expansions and they have nothing to do, while on other hand you got staggering migration from others MMO. FFXIV now is literally an MMO heaven for every new player, or returning and hasn't completed the story yet.

    This game has content to keep you up for at least 3-4 months if you decide to take your time. On top of that, you aren't done once you reach the end. This is where the fun begins, and you can dedicated yourself to being in statics, crafting, pvp if you will, hunts and so on and so forth, it's basically endless if you fancy all that.

    JudgeUK said:

    Player growth history had been steady and ongoing, nothing spectacular.

    You should inform yourself better. It's quite spectacular, but you wouldn't know that, obviously.
  • sayuusayuu Member RarePosts: 766

    NexeusS said:

    JudgeUK said:

    The pretty dramatic population increase/explosion/avalanche, call it what you will, is something no one could have seen coming.

    The game is in a content dip, with the previous storyline finished and players now waiting for 6.0 which is still several months away.

    Sure there will be side quests/events as fill ins, but that's it at the moment.

    Player growth history had been steady and ongoing, nothing spectacular. Other mmo games had either recently released expansions, or about to launch into the market for the first time.

    Yet still the SE team publicly deeply apologize for the issues this unheralded, dramatic influx has caused.

    This is the mark of a company that truly cares about the players and about their beloved game.

    Gotta love how you generalize this like as everyone has finished all expansions and they have nothing to do, while on other hand you got staggering migration from others MMO. FFXIV now is literally an MMO heaven for every new player, or returning and hasn't completed the story yet.

    This game has content to keep you up for at least 3-4 months if you decide to take your time. On top of that, you aren't done once you reach the end. This is where the fun begins, and you can dedicated yourself to being in statics, crafting, pvp if you will, hunts and so on and so forth, it's basically endless if you fancy all that.

    JudgeUK said:

    Player growth history had been steady and ongoing, nothing spectacular.

    You should inform yourself better. It's quite spectacular, but you wouldn't know that, obviously.

    dude seriously take a chill pill, he was giving Squeenix a compliment. . .

  • JudgeUKJudgeUK Member RarePosts: 1,709
    sayuu said:

    NexeusS said:

    JudgeUK said:

    The pretty dramatic population increase/explosion/avalanche, call it what you will, is something no one could have seen coming.

    The game is in a content dip, with the previous storyline finished and players now waiting for 6.0 which is still several months away.

    Sure there will be side quests/events as fill ins, but that's it at the moment.

    Player growth history had been steady and ongoing, nothing spectacular. Other mmo games had either recently released expansions, or about to launch into the market for the first time.

    Yet still the SE team publicly deeply apologize for the issues this unheralded, dramatic influx has caused.

    This is the mark of a company that truly cares about the players and about their beloved game.

    Gotta love how you generalize this like as everyone has finished all expansions and they have nothing to do, while on other hand you got staggering migration from others MMO. FFXIV now is literally an MMO heaven for every new player, or returning and hasn't completed the story yet.

    This game has content to keep you up for at least 3-4 months if you decide to take your time. On top of that, you aren't done once you reach the end. This is where the fun begins, and you can dedicated yourself to being in statics, crafting, pvp if you will, hunts and so on and so forth, it's basically endless if you fancy all that.

    JudgeUK said:

    Player growth history had been steady and ongoing, nothing spectacular.

    You should inform yourself better. It's quite spectacular, but you wouldn't know that, obviously.

    dude seriously take a chill pill, he was giving Squeenix a compliment. . .

    Yep lol, thought I'd queued for normal mode, then found out it was full savage. :-)
  • ArimaWasTakenArimaWasTaken Member UncommonPosts: 21

    NexeusS said:

    JudgeUK said:

    The pretty dramatic population increase/explosion/avalanche, call it what you will, is something no one could have seen coming.

    The game is in a content dip, with the previous storyline finished and players now waiting for 6.0 which is still several months away.

    Sure there will be side quests/events as fill ins, but that's it at the moment.

    Player growth history had been steady and ongoing, nothing spectacular. Other mmo games had either recently released expansions, or about to launch into the market for the first time.

    Yet still the SE team publicly deeply apologize for the issues this unheralded, dramatic influx has caused.

    This is the mark of a company that truly cares about the players and about their beloved game.

    Gotta love how you generalize this like as everyone has finished all expansions and they have nothing to do, while on other hand you got staggering migration from others MMO. FFXIV now is literally an MMO heaven for every new player, or returning and hasn't completed the story yet.

    This game has content to keep you up for at least 3-4 months if you decide to take your time. On top of that, you aren't done once you reach the end. This is where the fun begins, and you can dedicated yourself to being in statics, crafting, pvp if you will, hunts and so on and so forth, it's basically endless if you fancy all that.

    JudgeUK said:

    Player growth history had been steady and ongoing, nothing spectacular.

    You should inform yourself better. It's quite spectacular, but you wouldn't know that, obviously.

    You should take your time to actually read what people say before getting defensive of Square Enix. It's not healthy for you, man. He said player growth HAD been steady, that's BEFORE the spike. Additionally, we ARE in what is known as a content draught which is normal before an expansion. This had nothing to do with existing content.

    I love FFXIV and have been playing it for a few years now too, but there's no need to get that defensive, my brother. Especially if it was a compliment.
  • BobRichmondBobRichmond Member UncommonPosts: 32

    remnar said:

    FFXIV is heaven compared to some MMORPG's on certain topics: UX
    ...GW2 is ok...There seems to be a lack of community and no one runs dungeons anymore....Getting into a guild is as difficult... as you need to post at their official forums...

    I know this post isn't about GW2, but would like to comment on that part of your post. I find some of your comments accurate and have thus cut them out. However there are some comments that are misleading.

    I don't know why you feel there is a lack of community as at prime times chat in the major cities is constant.

    As far as dungeons that is an item that the devs have dropped in favor of fractals which are less time consuming and sometimes much more challenging. However since the dungeons do have some story behind them the devs have left them in the game.

    The forums are the best way to find a guild if you don't spend a lot of time in the major cities where guilds are usually "advertising". There is a LFG section for guild recruitment but it isn't very populated. I don't know much about FF14 but I love that you can join up to 5 guilds in GW2, so you can have a "main" guild and then 4 others for more specific game types/purposes.


  • DattelisDattelis Member EpicPosts: 1,686
    edited July 2021
    It did make sense for them to hold selling copies because the servers can get stressed quite easily. A lot of people forget that the framework of this game is still working on 1.0 parts, with the inventory and npcs (chocobos) all being tied heavily to server stability. Its like when they made chocobos usable while still in parties in Stormblood, servers were going crazy and they had to open multiple 'portals' (forgot what they called them at the time) to help with server stress. Yoshida also said that certain materials for servers are also in short supply due to how covid still impacts businesses globally, so it'll still take some time to get things stable well into Endwalker. I guess all in all, its a good problem for them to have. It does seem like free trial players will end up getting the short-end of the stick come Endwalkers (if they are on more populated servers that is) since they wont be able to participate in queues, only paid players.
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