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When thinking of game mechanics, movement doesn't always come up. Yet it's something Bradford hasn't been able to get out of his head since Swords of Legends Online went into beta last week.
I prefer a serious game and not that silly flying and gliding nonsense,flying on a sword .
Good customization is more than a face visual change.You'll be wearing gear al the time so the visual customization is nearly pointless.
Combat animation are typical of Asian work,they look silly,arcade type movement and appear to be missing half their .ani frames.
I watched a very long session of the live stream today and much of the Q/a and still feel like this game is awful but will likely have good housing.
Graphically/visual is another topic long discussed for years.I don't share the same view that a simple 2D view is all that meaningful.Personally i put more importance on the interactive world you know a world that actually feels real and not just some screen saver.
So very typically Asian or even cheap games tend to have very few inside building/structures,no moving doors and just have all the npc's standing motionless outside.
Bounties for points ...sigh.Who gives you these points,automated?How does it make ANY sense that a bounty gives you points?if they had AN Yclue how to create immersive content there could be a LAWFUl entity that might hire you to help catch criminals and they pay you in currency but POINTS..lmao doesn't even make sense.
This leads right into the point allotment systems,again DUMB fake looking ideas.This would be like in real life we can just add a Strength point and we automatically are stronger !!!.Sounds dumb right,well that's because it IS.
Most...ALL really bad game studios have no idea how to create a plausible immersive world/game.Instead they think oh RPG,i know let's give them stuff to do,loot to grind and systems to allot points and oh yeah PVP !!.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Also, to the person above, it clearly shows how they never played the game and just watched a couple of streams.
1) Customization is very extensive, with a wide range of gear appearances (some of which even look better than cash shop stuff) that can be transmogged.
2) Combat animations fit perfectly in the setting without looking overkill, and no, they don't miss any frames. Animations are fluid and the combat is fun.
3) Yes, housing has the potential to be one of the best in the genre. It certainly looks beautiful, and gives you a lot of freedom on what you want to build.
4) The world feels alive, and it looks beautiful. Plus, the music adds even more to the setting. NPCs don't stand there doing nothing. Some of them do, like quest NPCs or those that are inside a building or doing something, but others are walking around or only appear at certain times. Overall, the game world certainly invites you to sometimes take a break and just enjoy the scenery and the music. Even more, you can climb or fly to the highest mountain or building and watch everyone below. Asking for more than that on a MMO, when real AI is still not here and when adding more complex stuff would severely impact server performance, is unrealistic.
5) There's a lot of interiors for buildings and structures. That's notable on the cities, and easy to see if one doesn't run from quest giver to quest giver as if the world was going to end tomorrow (like most streamers do).
6) There's no "fake and dumb" point allotting systems. It has a constellation system (different for each class and role) that allows for build diversity way beyond "+1 Strenght".
It's not a perfect game, not by any means. But it's a good one, and this person wasn't really on the point with their "review".
seems like every major mmo is going down this path, milk that buy to play then go f2p
The buy up front path for MMORPGs has been gone down more than any other, so it shouldn't be much of a surprise.
Welcome to the forums!
For a first post this was very insightful, hope to hear more from you soon.
This includes flying(!), running as fast as the Flash, and superjump which allows you to jump 10 story buildings, and teleporting.
2025: 48 years on the Net.
Dude, if someone here did a review on chess you'd find a way to say the game was trash. Let's see....the map is too small and stolen from checkers, the turn-based system isn't realistic because any real army would move all of their men at once when attacking a king, the movement of the pieces is too restrictive, and it's so easy a five year old could play it.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
Yes, this immediately came to mind when I read this. As you levelled up, you could get travel powers to be quite fast, which really made travelling a lot less hassle than in other games. This made all other games feel like they were just wasting player time with travel.