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Guild Wars 2 is receiving a pretty hefty skill and balance release tomorrow, May 11. Specifically, the team at ArenaNet notes that this update is meant to relieve frustrations with boons and conditions. These include new duration caps for boons and condition, a rework of retaliation and resistance boons, and more.
Simply put, it's not working as intended, so, It's not a L2P issue, with the new layout system anyone can just copy a meta build and instantly multiply their damage by as much as 10x without needing to change their gear or attack rotations compared to what they they were doing with a non-meta build, They can even get the metas from a chat log, so people can just max your DPS with a tell, it's really that stupid easy to do that in the game right now, so it's not some skill issue, and anyone that thinks it is, has not been paying attention to what has been going on in the actual game.
It's flat out a bad balance issue on Anets part. While they will not come out and admit they made a mistake on this, they will just pass it off as "Balance patch"
Just like they did with their overall damage power creep and needed to do a balance patch then as well.
Long and short of it, they are not doing a good job of building a game that is balanced well to either their PvE or PvP content, and right now, GW2 is still riddled with massive disparities in damage output between builds, and they don't want to admit this is a byproduct of a bad overall game design and planning on their part.
a solidly balanced game does not stagnate, what happens is players start to build tactical means to win, and that is what a PvP game is all about, the PLAYER vs PLAYER combat.
Case in point, in Eternal Crusade, which has not seen a balance patch, in like ever, the dynamic of game has evolved, tactics have changed, and the game evolves based on the tactics and how players use what they have to win, and how other players react to these new tactics.
The idea that the game stagnates without balance changes it a complete myth, no doubt paraded by the developers that can't build a well balanced game to justify them changing it all the time, but the truth is, a well balanced game will bring out the skill of the players as they face each other, as opposed to a players ability to game the system or crunch numbers to give themselves an edge.
This right here.