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What was your first computer game? First MMO?



  • ExadiusExadius Member UncommonPosts: 3
    Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego on the Apple 2GS followed by The Shadow of Yserbius, AOL Neverwinter and Ultima Online.
  • GorweGorwe Member Posts: 1,642
    edited February 2021
    Warhammer 40000: Chaos Gate is the first PC game I remember playing.

    MMO? Depending on the definition of an MMO it's either Guild Wars or Warhammer Online.

    (my life is so defined by Warhammer lol)
  • MyrdynnMyrdynn Member RarePosts: 2,484
    other early great games

    Wizardry 1
    DND in basic

  • cameltosiscameltosis Member LegendaryPosts: 3,875
    Gorwe said:
    Warhammer 40000: Chaos Gate is the first PC game I remember playing.

    MMO? Depending on the definition of an MMO it's either Guild Wars or Warhammer Online.

    (my life is so defined by Warhammer lol)

    Chaos Gate was an amazing game!

    Would really love a modern day remake. I suppose XCOM comes very close, but it's not matter how many mods you install :P
    Currently Playing: WAR RoR - Spitt rr82 Black Orc | Scrotling rr6X Squig Herder | Scabrous rr6X Shaman

  • free2playfree2play Member UncommonPosts: 2,043
    edited February 2021
    First MMO: Star Wars Galaxies

    First Video game was a hand held baseball game back in the 80's. (Might have been the late 70's the more I think about it)
  • techchristytechchristy Newbie CommonPosts: 1
    Road rash, commandos, 
  • kitaradkitarad Member LegendaryPosts: 8,190
    First MMORPG was Everquest but first computer game hmm I'm not sure to be honest.

  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,656
    Road rash, commandos, 
    Welcome to the Forums! :)
  • AethaerynAethaeryn Member RarePosts: 3,150
    edited February 2021
    I saw pong but wasn't able to play. . 
    The first game I played was Robots on the C64
    The first game that I really loved and considered my first was Ultima 4 (also c64).  it was the first time I was passionate about a game.

    The first MMO I guess was something on TEN or AOL. . darksun or Gemstone or something.  I did player NWN briefly as well (the fist one)

    I think Meridian 59 was the first one I would call an MMO or The Realm.

    Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!

  • AethaerynAethaeryn Member RarePosts: 3,150
    Iselin said:
    I have two that I bought at the same time: a table top war game simulation, Eastern Front, and an RPG, Temple of Apshai.

    My first MMO was Asheron's Call which I played until DAoC came out and I moved over to that one.
    When I read Temple of Apshai something either broke or reconnected in my brain.  Some serious nostalgia there.

    Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!

  • FrodoFraginsFrodoFragins Member EpicPosts: 6,071
    edited February 2021
    My first computer was a Commodore 64 and I'm pretty sure the first game I paid for was Microleague baseball.  I had  Atari and NES games before that though.

    My first purchased MMO was WOW which I played in their free open beta before launch.  I watched people play UO and EQ but they never pulled me in.
  • DrunkWolfDrunkWolf Member RarePosts: 1,701
    first game age of empires 1. first mmo Asherons Call. all from the good old msn gaming zone!
  • keinersonersterkeinersonerster Member UncommonPosts: 33
    Sharne said:
    First Game -Oh blimey, going back a bit. Elite on the electron. I saw it at school on one of the BBC model b's and was amazed that they could do 3D polygon graphics. So to cut a long story short, did loads of odd jobs, window cleaning round etc and bought an acorn electron (couldn't afford the BBC) and the game.

    First MMO - Everquest

    Elite was my first PC game that I really got hooked on.  I played on my IBM 433dx/d sometime in the early 90s.  First mmo was Asheron's Call but that didn't last long before jumping over to EQ.
    [Deleted User]Nanfoodle[Deleted User]
  • CuddleheartCuddleheart Member UncommonPosts: 391
    My first computer was a Commodore 64 and I'm pretty sure the first game I paid for was Microleague baseball.  I had  Atari and NES games before that though.

    My first purchased MMO was WOW which I played in their free open beta before launch.  I watched people play UO and EQ but they never pulled me in.
    I loved those games!  I used to play the WWF Microleague game where side one of the disk was Hulk Hogan vs Mr Wonderful and the second side one other match.  It was like a graphic branching choice type of game.  It inspired me to make a branching choice fighting game in QBasic when I was a teenager.
  • FrodoFraginsFrodoFragins Member EpicPosts: 6,071
    My first computer was a Commodore 64 and I'm pretty sure the first game I paid for was Microleague baseball.  I had  Atari and NES games before that though.

    My first purchased MMO was WOW which I played in their free open beta before launch.  I watched people play UO and EQ but they never pulled me in.
    I loved those games!  I used to play the WWF Microleague game where side one of the disk was Hulk Hogan vs Mr Wonderful and the second side one other match.  It was like a graphic branching choice type of game.  It inspired me to make a branching choice fighting game in QBasic when I was a teenager.
    lol that's great.  I had the main baseball game and a couple of other disks like the GM one and a disk with a bunch of teams.  Microleague didn't really survive the 90's as the consoles got some pretty good sims that you could also play manually.

    My schoolmates had tons of pirated games and they were nice enough to make me copies.  But I also bought games when I could like One on One: Larry Bird vs. Doctor J. :)
  • CuddleheartCuddleheart Member UncommonPosts: 391
    edited February 2021
    My first computer was a Commodore 64 and I'm pretty sure the first game I paid for was Microleague baseball.  I had  Atari and NES games before that though.

    My first purchased MMO was WOW which I played in their free open beta before launch.  I watched people play UO and EQ but they never pulled me in.
    I loved those games!  I used to play the WWF Microleague game where side one of the disk was Hulk Hogan vs Mr Wonderful and the second side one other match.  It was like a graphic branching choice type of game.  It inspired me to make a branching choice fighting game in QBasic when I was a teenager.
    lol that's great.  I had the main baseball game and a couple of other disks like the GM one and a disk with a bunch of teams.  Microleague didn't really survive the 90's as the consoles got some pretty good sims that you could also play manually.

    My schoolmates had tons of pirated games and they were nice enough to make me copies.  But I also bought games when I could like One on One: Larry Bird vs. Doctor J. :)
    Hell yeah!  It would play that old-timey song when you would load it and the little janitor guy would come sweep the basket when you broke it with a dunk.  My family was way into Commodores until the 286 PCs came out.  Remember when my dad brought me to Babbages and let me pick out my first game.  I got the Last ninja - which is one of my all-time favorites.
  • ShadanwolfShadanwolf Member UncommonPosts: 2,392
    Ultima Online---Atari Computer
  • Jamar870Jamar870 Member UncommonPosts: 573
    First game, ASCII Star Trek on a TRS 80

    First MMO  World of Warcraft

  • GorweGorwe Member Posts: 1,642
    Gorwe said:
    Warhammer 40000: Chaos Gate is the first PC game I remember playing.

    MMO? Depending on the definition of an MMO it's either Guild Wars or Warhammer Online.

    (my life is so defined by Warhammer lol)

    Chaos Gate was an amazing game!

    Would really love a modern day remake. I suppose XCOM comes very close, but it's not matter how many mods you install :P
    Yeah, I only remember awesome gothic menus / music and big blue(uSmurfs) / vine red(Bearers) guys. At first, when I started playing Starcraft, I thought it was the same universe(and Blizzard was sneaky enough to use an awfully uSmurf Blue for their first campaign's protags - smart).
  • FrodoFraginsFrodoFragins Member EpicPosts: 6,071
    My first computer was a Commodore 64 and I'm pretty sure the first game I paid for was Microleague baseball.  I had  Atari and NES games before that though.

    My first purchased MMO was WOW which I played in their free open beta before launch.  I watched people play UO and EQ but they never pulled me in.
    I loved those games!  I used to play the WWF Microleague game where side one of the disk was Hulk Hogan vs Mr Wonderful and the second side one other match.  It was like a graphic branching choice type of game.  It inspired me to make a branching choice fighting game in QBasic when I was a teenager.
    lol that's great.  I had the main baseball game and a couple of other disks like the GM one and a disk with a bunch of teams.  Microleague didn't really survive the 90's as the consoles got some pretty good sims that you could also play manually.

    My schoolmates had tons of pirated games and they were nice enough to make me copies.  But I also bought games when I could like One on One: Larry Bird vs. Doctor J. :)
    Hell yeah!  It would play that old-timey song when you would load it and the little janitor guy would come sweep the basket when you broke it with a dunk.  My family was way into Commodores until the 286 PCs came out.  Remember when my dad brought me to Babbages and let me pick out my first game.  I got the Last ninja - which is one of my all-time favorites.
    I went from the C64 to the Sega Genesis for several years until I got my own PC.  I forgot about the janitor. LOL
  • Po_ggPo_gg Member EpicPosts: 5,749
    Or in Kings Quest game where he knows you used his stuff, but you keep going... unaware.. (I won't spoil).

    No youtube or guides back then.

    And they were typed commands for younger players reading this... with no real instructions... "inspect flower"  "give driving test" " draw weapon"  "give money" "mix xyz with abc"

    Edit:  honestly if I gave my prime gaming nieces and nephews (16 yrs to 8 years, 7 of them)... a full week to beat one of these games with no internet or help.... in a cabin... collectively... they would fail.
    Well, did a KQ (the first) rerun this weekend, and have to say it's still really good. Almost sandbox-y with no instructions/tutorial, and the full freedom to go anywhere, do anything. No handholding, just puts you in the middle of the world and go.
    Plenty of places to die, even more possibilities to get stucked, multiple solutions for most challenges and puzzles - all that in about 10 megabytes (DOSBox included), in the present simple screenshots can take up more space :)

    Not to mention Roberta's fun/mocking writing style, tried to throw the cheese to the rat from afar: "Aw, Sir Graham is afraid of the big rat! C'mon, don't be shy, get closer, can't do that from here."  (and then I went a step further than necessary and got eaten...)

    The only con (for me) is maybe the hefty use of action/platformer elements, it was a staple in Sierra games and I never liked that trend. Later (from maybe Space Quest IV and beyond) they added a bypass, if you died a lot at such segments you could skip them - for a point loss ofc.

    In this King's Quest I playthrough, the beanstalk and the stairs took most of my time to be honest. Luckily you can slow down the game in DOSBox, that helped a lot, but still was a pain to pass those sections.
    TwistedSister77[Deleted User]
  • Hawkaya399Hawkaya399 Member RarePosts: 620
    edited February 2021
    First computer game I played was probably Oregon Trail (IBM) or Cosmic Osmo and the Worlds Beyond the Mackerel, on the flashy Macintosh at school, or maybe it was the obscure unnamed olympics game on the commodore 64 my dad's brother had when i visited. The first PC game I bought was probably Myst or Jetfighter II. I still remember being so excited when I got Under a Killing Moon and saw the 3d graphics. I think that was around the time I upgraded my cpu from 486sx 25mhz to 486dx2 66mhz.

    For MMORPGs it's EQ. I logged in March 21, 1999. I had to use my dad's credit card. I still remember going outside near the shed and trying to persuade him to use his credit card. I remember where my PC was too. I remember the table. I moved it there because I was using a extension cord for the phone. Strange how EQ makes the memories more clear. I wasn't unfamiliar with MP. I had played many Quake 2 deathmatches and also Diablo. The only differneces was its persistence and the larger numbers of players in one space. Sadly I got hooked. I played Ultima Online later that year.
    Post edited by Hawkaya399 on
  • KeushpuppyKeushpuppy Member UncommonPosts: 171
    First computer game was Wizardy  1  had stacks of paper with each level mapped out. First MMO was Asherons Call still one of the best ever made.
  • mgilbrtsnmgilbrtsn Member EpicPosts: 3,430
    edited March 2021
    I just thought of 2 games m.u.l.e and seven cities of gold
    Post edited by mgilbrtsn on

    I self identify as a monkey.

  • AkulasAkulas Member RarePosts: 3,029
    Kingdom of Drakkar. Then it turned into an MMORPG. 100 was massive back in the day. Whoever said Shadow of Yserbius probably played or heard of KoD too.

    This isn't a signature, you just think it is.

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