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Player's Choice Awards 2020 Winners |

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599
edited December 2020 in News & Features Discussion

imagePlayer's Choice Awards 2020 Winners |

You voted and here are the results of the Player's Choice Awards of 2020!

Read the full story here



  • psychosiz1psychosiz1 Member UncommonPosts: 200
    edited December 2020
    Almost as expected. Sad to ESO win the best mmo. It speaks volumes of the accepted mediocrity in this genre looking at the votes by gamers and the voters in the mmo market. You reap what you sow and this is the end result. Perhaps the gamers have some blame for the current mess as well.
    Post edited by psychosiz1 on
    chilltime99seraphis79sumdumguy1Huntrezzashiru_1978velimiriusbcbullyIndahole[Deleted User]Alomar
  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,111
    Almost as expected. Sad to ESO win the best mmo. It speaks volumes of the accepted mediocrity in this genre looking at the votes by gamers and the voters in the mmo market. You reap what you sow and this is the end result. Perhaps the gamers have same blame for the current mess as well.
    There's that. But also, best RPG being AC Valhalla says a lot about just how bad this year was for RPGs.

    Unless you count P5 the Royal, which is barely a new game.
  • Viper482Viper482 Member LegendaryPosts: 4,102
    How on Earth does the MMO built around a cash shop keep winning this? Zenimax puts more time and effort into the Crown Store than they EVER will in the game. Every expansion is worst than the last and amounts to what used to be a free DLC. Cyrodiil is unplayable. What a shit-fest the genre is when this piece of dung can take #1.
    psychosiz1[Deleted User]ircaddictsArleesumdumguy1HuntrezzPalebanevelimiriusHatefullPhixion13and 7 others.
    Make MMORPG's Great Again!
  • bamwallabamwalla Member UncommonPosts: 221
    Alternate title: Best Turds in the Toilet 2020
    psychosiz1UngoodKyleranAreteovelimiriusFoolOfATook39Phixion13[Deleted User][Deleted User]Alomar
  • UngoodUngood Member LegendaryPosts: 7,535
    How did WoW not win Best MMO?
    [Deleted User]ircaddictscheyanevelimiriusHatefullMcSleazbcbullyTwistedSister77[Deleted User]gph1990
    Egotism is the anesthetic that dullens the pain of stupidity, this is why when I try to beat my head against the stupidity of other people, I only hurt myself.

  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,781

    Aeander said:

    Almost as expected. Sad to ESO win the best mmo. It speaks volumes of the accepted mediocrity in this genre looking at the votes by gamers and the voters in the mmo market. You reap what you sow and this is the end result. Perhaps the gamers have same blame for the current mess as well.

    There's that. But also, best RPG being AC Valhalla says a lot about just how bad this year was for RPGs.

    Unless you count P5 the Royal, which is barely a new game.

    Umm.. what it says a lot about is the disconnect between the staff and PC games. This was a good year for PC RPGs and not a single one made the "list".

    sumdumguy1Phixion13[Deleted User]ScorchienLackingMMOYashaX

    All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

    "I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator

    Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017. 

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  • momintimmomintim Member UncommonPosts: 108
    Who TF made this list. How exactly is GoT an RPG?
  • mandark91mandark91 Member UncommonPosts: 58
    edited December 2020

    momintim said:

    Who TF made this list. How exactly is GoT an RPG?

    They made it, and trying to pass it as "user's choice". This site has become a joke and the "gamer journalists" are just writing to pay their bills by adding a link in the content for SEO purposes. Sex workers are more honest than the guest posters on this website.
    foppoteeHatefullultimateduck[Deleted User]
  • AmatheAmathe Member LegendaryPosts: 7,630
    Well the results suck, but since we the forum posters chose them, I guess we all have to kick our own ass.

    maskedweaselAsheram[Deleted User]

    EQ1, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, GW, GW2 CoH, CoV, FFXI, WoW, CO, War,TSW and a slew of free trials and beta tests

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,262
    edited December 2020
    Amathe said:
    Well the results suck, but since we the forum posters chose them, I guess we all have to kick our own ass.

    I still think had the option been included "None of the Above" would have been the clear victor in most categories.... For like the 7th year running..


    MendelHatefullArgost[Deleted User]bamwalla

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • Viper482Viper482 Member LegendaryPosts: 4,102

    Rhoklaw said:

    Viper482 said:

    How on Earth does the MMO built around a cash shop keep winning this? Zenimax puts more time and effort into the Crown Store than they EVER will in the game. Every expansion is worst than the last and amounts to what used to be a free DLC. Cyrodiil is unplayable. What a shit-fest the genre is when this piece of dung can take #1.

    I wonder if you've played it since BETA, because none of what you said is true about ESO.

    Oh really? I came back for Greymoor, as I ALWAYS have for new expansions. I have one of each class maxed (two NB's one Magblade for Cyro bombing and one Stamblade) with a 790 champ level. I played in a streak of DC campaigns in no cp where we won like 4 months in a row, then all of the new Cyrodiil lag tests on live serve all but killed PvP. So I moved to Grey Host and the new meta in CP is tank meta where you can do more damage than a glass cannon but with 40k health thanks for Malacath and proc sets. The lag makes it unplayable during primetime, desync is a HUGE issue.

    Sound like I haven't played since beta still? Sounds to me like YOU are the only who hasn't played since beta.

    How about this, I have a fking opinion, sucks you don't agree with it but when your first inclination is to discredit me instead of posting an actual "this is why you're wrong" you obviously don't have shit for an argument.

    This game still has shit performance and bugs that are not fixed since this beta you claimed I played in, yet the Crown Store has new items almost weekly. So YOU TELL ME how am I wrong?
    RhimeKyleran[Deleted User]Phixion13groullock[Deleted User]IselinAlomarstrawhat0981
    Make MMORPG's Great Again!
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,262
    Viper482 said:

    Rhoklaw said:

    Viper482 said:

    How on Earth does the MMO built around a cash shop keep winning this? Zenimax puts more time and effort into the Crown Store than they EVER will in the game. Every expansion is worst than the last and amounts to what used to be a free DLC. Cyrodiil is unplayable. What a shit-fest the genre is when this piece of dung can take #1.

    I wonder if you've played it since BETA, because none of what you said is true about ESO.

    Oh really? I came back for Greymoor, as I ALWAYS have for new expansions. I have one of each class maxed (two NB's one Magblade for Cyro bombing and one Stamblade) with a 790 champ level. I played in a streak of DC campaigns in no cp where we won like 4 months in a row, then all of the new Cyrodiil lag tests on live serve all but killed PvP. So I moved to Grey Host and the new meta in CP is tank meta where you can do more damage than a glass cannon but with 40k health thanks for Malacath and proc sets. The lag makes it unplayable during primetime, desync is a HUGE issue.

    Sound like I haven't played since beta still? Sounds to me like YOU are the only who hasn't played since beta.

    How about this, I have a fking opinion, sucks you don't agree with it but when your first inclination is to discredit me instead of posting an actual "this is why you're wrong" you obviously don't have shit for an argument.

    This game still has shit performance and bugs that are not fixed since this beta you claimed I played in, yet the Crown Store has new items almost weekly. So YOU TELL ME how am I wrong?
    Well, one area I can think of is that you put up with all of that crap for so long and kept playing on.

    Then again, I guess I'm putting up with similar shenanigans with FO76 which has an equally long list of issues, probably more even.

    Heck PVP got so bad they pretty much have all but neutralized it completely from the public servers rather than bother to fix it.

    We are who we are...

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,139
    edited December 2020

    Viper482 said:

    How on Earth does the MMO built around a cash shop keep winning this? Zenimax puts more time and effort into the Crown Store than they EVER will in the game. Every expansion is worst than the last and amounts to what used to be a free DLC. Cyrodiil is unplayable. What a shit-fest the genre is when this piece of dung can take #1.

    That's easy.

    Because the majority of people who voted don't care about the cash shop.

    Some of the most vocal people here scream, rant and rave about cash shops. I bet they are used to the earlier monetization models. But a good many people, especially if they have never played earlier games, were introduced to these games 'with cash shop."

    They probably just shrug their shoulders and say "whatever."

    There are players on this site who have clearly stated that they would never play a game that has a sub. It's possible they like the idea of the cash shop whether they spend money or not. It's very easy to say "I"m not spending a dime let others support the game" and they play on.

    For the record, I don't really care about the Elder Scrolls cash shop other than a good many items are a bit tacky. I'll add that they also might not have the issues you talk about or care about them. Again, I've played the game and the worst issues I've experienced were at launch. Not saying others don't have far worse but I don't really pay any mind to what I have experienced as minor issue. My complaints with Elder Scrolls Online are about it's entire design as mmorpg.
    AreteoHatefull[Deleted User]KyleranAlomar
    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • ashiru_1978ashiru_1978 Member RarePosts: 818

    Almost as expected. Sad to ESO win the best mmo. It speaks volumes of the accepted mediocrity in this genre looking at the votes by gamers and the voters in the mmo market. You reap what you sow and this is the end result. Perhaps the gamers have some blame for the current mess as well.

    ESO only has a big franchise behind its back and voice acting, that's all the game has. Everything about ESO sucks and I played it for hundreds of hours (can't stomach it anymore though).

    Combat is one of the worst and most mundane combats I've ever had the misfortune to experience.

    The other issue I have is compared to previous TES games, you are locked behind classes and can't really create a character that is truly yours and unique.
    [Deleted User]HatefullbcbullyAlomarYashaX
  • ashiru_1978ashiru_1978 Member RarePosts: 818

    ESO deserves it, so would WoW have.

    This generation makes me more sad each new year - they expect AAA games to be free to play without cash shop, without having to fork out a cent, as if developers where people living from love and fresh air and not needing to feed their families like we all do.

    WoW was at its peak between 2004 and 2009. It was (and still is) a B2P + Subscription MMO and the build quality of the product justified the high price, but everyone was happy during this time period.

    ESO was B2P + Sub, but later dropped the Sub, because their numbers were not high enough and a Subscription is another paywall for many people who straight up just refuse to pay a monthly subscription on top of a game they ALREADY bought. That's why the Crown Store became the main source of income for ESO after the switch to B2P.

    I personally have no issue with the Crown Store, for me the combat of the game sucks and the class limitations are annoying me. But regardless I don't see why you would defend ESO like it's some kind of a great game.

    ESO is like "the lesser of two evils" or in other words "the less shittier game", that's why it won the award, not because it's some kind of masterpiece. We are in a period in gaming where standards are so low that ESO is considered a good MMO and Retail WoW is still the most populated MMO in the West. That's how bad things are.
  • rojoArcueidrojoArcueid Member EpicPosts: 10,722
    edited December 2020

    ESO deserves it, so would WoW have.

    And that cash shop argument about ESO is pathetic - you can definitely play the game without it, which can't be said for other games like Black Desert.

    This generation makes me more sad each new year - they expect AAA games to be free to play without cash shop, without having to fork out a cent, as if developers where people living from love and fresh air and not needing to feed their families like we all do.

    While I agree with this, i think the problem with ESO's cash shop is not the regular microtransaction business model. The problem with ESO's cash shop is the DLC business model. Back when they made the transition to the current model I loudly vouched for it and bought the first 4 DLCs, but then it became highway robbery for non-subscribers.

    For instance, a WoW expansion costs around $40-$60 dollars while a story DLC in ESO is around $15-$30. Buying enough story DLC's in ESO to match the amount of content in a single WoW expansion will cost you around double the price of WoW's expansion. That means story DLC's for ESO are tiny, overpriced, and they release them way too often, barring any non-subscriber from getting new content unless they overpay. Paying is not the problem if they charge a fair price for the content they release.

    EDIT: my opinion of course, different people see monetary value differently. To me, those DLC's are overpriced on purpose to drive people to subscribe.

  • PalebanePalebane Member RarePosts: 4,011

    Viper482 said:

    How on Earth does the MMO built around a cash shop keep winning this? Zenimax puts more time and effort into the Crown Store than they EVER will in the game. Every expansion is worst than the last and amounts to what used to be a free DLC. Cyrodiil is unplayable. What a shit-fest the genre is when this piece of dung can take #1.

    I agree with you. And I even like the game. But you are right.
    [Deleted User]HuntrezzAlomar

    Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.

  • PalaPala Member UncommonPosts: 360
    edited December 2020
    So the only group based game in this whole list is possibly Pantheon? I don't solo to end game, always get bored before I get there
  • rojoArcueidrojoArcueid Member EpicPosts: 10,722
    edited December 2020
    Rhoklaw said:

    As for the cash shop in ESO, it's probably THEE most tolerant cash shop on the market. Not to mention, having a subscription to the game, which of course I had, gave you 1250 crowns to spend every month. Guess what, that means your subscription money is actually going towards crowns, not for playing the game. So my "basic subscription" actually paid for all my expansions and more if you think about it.

    ESO also far exceeds most other MMO's amount of content available. World of Warcraft and FFXIV having roughly the same amount of content, which both have a subscription requirement to play and neither of which give you free expansions, just for having a subscription.
    - A subscription is $15/month and you get 1250 crowns, but if you cancel the subscription then that 1250 is not even close to the cost of a DLC so you still end up overpaying if you want it that DLC. That monthly crown giveaway is perfectly designed to just fall short of what you need so you have to pay double and "get leftover crowns for something else". That's sadly common with Microtransactions.

    - Paying for amount of content is not the problem in ESO, like i said in my previous post, it's how they are charging per "amount of content". The game may be as big as WoW or FFXIV, but you overpay for the same amount of content in ESO because it's delivered in pieces so they get to charge more per piece.

    If you subscribe every month then this doesn't affect you, but not everyone finds the best value in subscriptions.

  • HatefullHatefull Member EpicPosts: 2,503
    I love the MMORPG awards. Every year it's: Lets Vote for the games we all like! As long as you vote for the games we tell you to vote for.

    It's just about as legit as some recent elections. In similar fashion to the election comment, then the same few posters come in here to make comments about how they don't really like the games they were forced to vote for and then the other side of the crew shows up to set up their arguments against, either white knighting said games or bashing the people that support said games.

    It's truly amazing, like Christmas when I was a kid half my family was Vets the other half hippies and they all got together and got drunk. Like a monkey shit fight at the zoo. Ahh what an awesome childhood.

    At any rate the arguments are about nothing, until we decide what the "list" is and then vote for the final outcome, it's just this site manipulating us into thinking there is some sort of content here.

    Merry Christmas! Shitters full!
    [Deleted User]Indaholegph1990ScorchienAlomar[Deleted User]bamwallaYashaX

    If you want a new idea, go read an old book.

    In order to be insulted, I must first value your opinion.

  • rojoArcueidrojoArcueid Member EpicPosts: 10,722

    Rhoklaw said:

    Rhoklaw said:

    As for the cash shop in ESO, it's probably THEE most tolerant cash shop on the market. Not to mention, having a subscription to the game, which of course I had, gave you 1250 crowns to spend every month. Guess what, that means your subscription money is actually going towards crowns, not for playing the game. So my "basic subscription" actually paid for all my expansions and more if you think about it.

    ESO also far exceeds most other MMO's amount of content available. World of Warcraft and FFXIV having roughly the same amount of content, which both have a subscription requirement to play and neither of which give you free expansions, just for having a subscription.

    - A subscription is $15/month and you get 1250 crowns, but if you cancel the subscription then that 1250 is not even close to the cost of a DLC so you still end up overpaying if you want it that DLC. That monthly crown giveaway is perfectly designed to just fall short of what you need so you have to pay double and "get leftover crowns for something else". That's sadly common with Microtransactions.

    - Paying for amount of content is not the problem in ESO, like i said in my previous post, it's how they are charging per "amount of content". The game may be as big as WoW or FFXIV, but you overpay for the same amount of content in ESO because it's delivered in pieces so they get to charge more per piece.

    If you subscribe every month then this doesn't affect you, but not everyone finds the best value in subscriptions.

    However you wish to look at it. Paying for a subscription that basically pays for the DLC and Expansions versus say WoW or FFXIV which paying for their subscription is only to play the game, you're still paying full price for the expansions, so I'm not seeing the logic in your argument.

    Putting game time aside, buying a full fledge expansion in WoW/FFXIV is cheaper for the amount of content it has than buying DLC separately in ESO. To buy a single small DLC in ESO using the crowns you get as a subber you need at least 2 months of subscription, that's $30 for very little content. That's my logic. Paying more money and getting less content. Again, i'm not talking about paying for game time in a subscription game, i'm talking about paying for content.

  • cheyanecheyane Member LegendaryPosts: 9,436
    edited December 2020

    Rhoklaw said:

    Rhoklaw said:

    As for the cash shop in ESO, it's probably THEE most tolerant cash shop on the market. Not to mention, having a subscription to the game, which of course I had, gave you 1250 crowns to spend every month. Guess what, that means your subscription money is actually going towards crowns, not for playing the game. So my "basic subscription" actually paid for all my expansions and more if you think about it.

    ESO also far exceeds most other MMO's amount of content available. World of Warcraft and FFXIV having roughly the same amount of content, which both have a subscription requirement to play and neither of which give you free expansions, just for having a subscription.

    - A subscription is $15/month and you get 1250 crowns, but if you cancel the subscription then that 1250 is not even close to the cost of a DLC so you still end up overpaying if you want it that DLC. That monthly crown giveaway is perfectly designed to just fall short of what you need so you have to pay double and "get leftover crowns for something else". That's sadly common with Microtransactions.

    - Paying for amount of content is not the problem in ESO, like i said in my previous post, it's how they are charging per "amount of content". The game may be as big as WoW or FFXIV, but you overpay for the same amount of content in ESO because it's delivered in pieces so they get to charge more per piece.

    If you subscribe every month then this doesn't affect you, but not everyone finds the best value in subscriptions.

    However you wish to look at it. Paying for a subscription that basically pays for the DLC and Expansions versus say WoW or FFXIV which paying for their subscription is only to play the game, you're still paying full price for the expansions, so I'm not seeing the logic in your argument.

    Putting game time aside, buying a full fledge expansion in WoW/FFXIV is cheaper for the amount of content it has than buying DLC separately in ESO. To buy a single small DLC in ESO using the crowns you get as a subber you need at least 2 months of subscription, that's $30 for very little content. That's my logic. Paying more money and getting less content. Again, i'm not talking about paying for game time in a subscription game, i'm talking about paying for content.
    All things are not equal. To play WoW you have to have a subscription. I am not saying that the amount you are paying for the DLC in ESO isn't higher for the amount of content just that you aren't required to have a sub. 

    Things aren't equal and you are therefore comparing things that aren't the same. The goal of the subscription in ESO is to allow you access to the game including the DLC am I right? I don't know because I don't play ESO. So how can you compare it to WoW.

    Different payment systems and I believe that the entire optional sub in ESO is actually geared towards getting people to sub hence the DLC will cost more when you opt to buy it for crowns.

    They could have actually not allowed the purchase of the DLC for crowns. Like buying an expansion for WoW is not something you can exchange for WoW currency. So you're never actually comparing two things that are exactly the same.
    Garrus Signature
  • rojoArcueidrojoArcueid Member EpicPosts: 10,722
    edited December 2020
    cheyane said:

    Things aren't equal and you are therefore comparing things that aren't the same. The goal of the subscription in ESO is to allow you access to the game including the DLC am I right? I don't know because I don't play ESO. So how can you compare it to WoW.

    WoW is just an example, any mmo with paid large expansions applies here. GW2, Everquest, FFXIV, etc. I'm not talking about subscription to play the game either. If the game has the option to play with no subscription, then non-subbers have a choice to make. And in ESO, the choice of paying for new content separately is more expensive than the competition (if you want all new content), which is less content for the price anyway. That's all i'm saying. Subscribers have nothing to do with this, it doesn't affect them.

  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843
    Sometimes I started to post about some stupid comment, then I just put my phone down...

    [Deleted User]WhiteLanternYashaX
  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    edited December 2020
    Torval said:
    Ungood said:
    How did WoW not win Best MMO?

    Because more people voted for ESO? Just like AC: V, people voted for it because they like the game. Don't be surprised when a majority of others don't share your interests. Apex Legends won... again. Does that surprise you too?

    Most of those games wouldn't be my choice either, but this is a popularity poll to find out what the majority of people like, not what a few posters think everyone else should like.

    Half the comments in this thread make me think there are quite a few people who don't understand how voting works.

    Its the same reason Next Island is the 2nd ranked Best MMO on this site , there is an excessive amount of fraudulent accts made for the sole purpose of voting games up ..

     If they cared to to get the actual pulse and an accurate read on this community the Poll would be thru this site with members that have 100 post Minimum for starters
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