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Amid Cyberpunk 2077 Players Getting Inconsistent Refunds CDPR Admits Severe Missteps |



  • GdemamiGdemami Member EpicPosts: 12,342
    remsleep said:
    Why do you think companies try so hard to build their brand ?
    ...something like EA and their brand of worst company in America?

    It does not seem to be hurting them much, does it?

  • CleffyCleffy Member RarePosts: 6,414
    Sounds like they didn't bother testing this on AMD hardware. Sounds like the QA supervisor is so getting fired.
  • AlexanderVendiAlexanderVendi Member UncommonPosts: 378
    If you use the code from a physical box and try and return it to a store, 100% they will not give you a refund, pretty silly to think otherwise.
  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,111
    Gdemami said:
    remsleep said:
    Why do you think companies try so hard to build their brand ?
    ...something like EA and their brand of worst company in America?

    It does not seem to be hurting them much, does it?

    Having the exclusive right to make officially licensed sports games makes you pretty much fail proof. Seeing as how sports gamers are the dumbest people on the planet.
  • VrikaVrika Member LegendaryPosts: 8,023
    Aeander said:
    Gdemami said:
    remsleep said:
    Why do you think companies try so hard to build their brand ?
    ...something like EA and their brand of worst company in America?

    It does not seem to be hurting them much, does it?

    Having the exclusive right to make officially licensed sports games makes you pretty much fail proof. Seeing as how sports gamers are the dumbest people on the planet.
    People who like different things from you are not stupider or wiser. They're just people with different likes and dislikes.
  • JeroKaneJeroKane Member EpicPosts: 7,105
    edited December 2020
    If you use the code from a physical box and try and return it to a store, 100% they will not give you a refund, pretty silly to think otherwise.
    Console retail copies don't have a code. Nonetheless they have a seal and the moment you break that seal to take the disc out, you can no longer return it!

    So it's an outright lie and scam from CDPR to say people can return their XBOX/PS4 copies to the store they bought it from.
    CDPR would have to contact the entire distribution network and those then have to send a notice to all the retail shops, notifying them of the situation and allowing refunds of said game copies.

    Of course they don't do that!  It will actually cost CDPR a fortune. As all copies need to be returned to the distributers and most likely end up being dumped. The cost will be enormous and the distributors are not going to foot that bill for CDPR.

    Refunding digital purchases is easy and doesn't cost them anything, since it's just virtual goods. Other than it being a nuisance to Microsoft and Sony.
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,262
    remsleep said:

    Sandmanjw said:

    remsleep said:

    They lost player trust - and that is priceless. 

    CDPR walked on water and were the chosen one in publics eye - not anymore, they are no better than any lowlife scam company now

    They have shown that they will lie and hide things just to make sales - they sacrificed game features and quality for a quick dollar

    I would have to see heads roll at the top level of CDPR as a result for me to ever trust this company again.

    CEO and top level execs gotta fuckin go - they should not be allowed to stay running the company after the shit they pulled.

    Show us by firing people in charge that you are serious - otherwise its all for show and you will never see a dollar from me on any of their products again

    Do people really expect any of that to happen? The company will look at the last line the total made from the game and decide from that.

    All the rest is just noise to the people that count the coins.

    And as to the "players" bah, sheep, everyone of them, running around bahhing and acting like the sky is falling.

    Each and everyone of them will be first in line on the next hype train to line up like good little sheep to hand out cash for preorders.

    You know it, I know it, the game companies know it, AND the people crying and overacting on boards everywhere know it, since they are the ones that always line up for hype trains and started and keep things like this happening.

    Go back just a couple weeks ago to all the "players" raising hell about the gets shit on if they delay and if they do not. Guess they rather get the shit with a ton of cash in their pockets eh?


    Once companies lose players trust they also lose out on pre-orders, and lose on sales.

    Why do you think companies try so hard to build their brand ?

    Because it directly translates to profits.

    This shitstorm will cost CDPR millions of lost sales in the future.
    Will it really? Can you prove it?

    FO76 was a total shitshow, but today can you quantify in dollars or number of lost customers Bethesda has seen because o it.

    Near as I can tell gamers are chomping at the bit to play the next Elders Scroll, or the upcoming one based on a new IP, and gamers beg regularly for Fallout 5.

    Thing is, it's very hard to prove that which never happens, such how many players might have bought a game but didn't vs the number of players who actually did pay for it.

    It's why voting with your wallet never really works, just takes you right out of equation just like your grandmother....but she probably would buy the next game by CDPR anyways.



    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,111
    Vrika said:
    Aeander said:
    Gdemami said:
    remsleep said:
    Why do you think companies try so hard to build their brand ?
    ...something like EA and their brand of worst company in America?

    It does not seem to be hurting them much, does it?

    Having the exclusive right to make officially licensed sports games makes you pretty much fail proof. Seeing as how sports gamers are the dumbest people on the planet.
    People who like different things from you are not stupider or wiser. They're just people with different likes and dislikes.
    Liking or disliking something doesn't make you an idiot. Buying a $60 roster update and gambling hundreds of dollars on lootboxes every single year does.
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,262
    Aeander said:
    Gdemami said:
    remsleep said:
    Why do you think companies try so hard to build their brand ?
    ...something like EA and their brand of worst company in America?

    It does not seem to be hurting them much, does it?

    Having the exclusive right to make officially licensed sports games makes you pretty much fail proof. Seeing as how sports gamers are the dumbest people on the planet.
    Hey now, my brother in law loves playing sport games and he... err .. a ....

    Point taken, nevermind

    SandmanjwSovrathAeander[Deleted User]Asheram

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • Skaar.AionSkaar.Aion Member UncommonPosts: 16
    Literally the ONLY way for CDPR to get out of this mess would be a redemption-arc á-la No Man's Sky.

    Only if they fix and add everything that was promised - free of charge of course - will they have a chance at gaining back trust...

    And they better don't come knocking with paid expansions or that planned multiplayer standalone version, before they delivered on their promise with the main game. If that were to happen, they could kiss the studios reputation goodbye forever...
  • MendelMendel Member LegendaryPosts: 5,609
    Ridrith said:

    Mendel said:

    I find it somewhat refreshing that CDProjekt Red is owning the mistakes.  Anyone who has been paying attention can name companies that routinely do (or did) throw just about anyone they could under the bus.  CDPR seems to be acknowledging their errors and are attempting to remedy the situation.  Correcting the issues created by their product launch is a step towards customer satisfaction.  I can get behind that.

    Oh fuck them, they don't deserve to have anyone standing by them. That's corporate speech for saying "we intentionally fucked over numerous players" but now we're going to fix it. They knew the console port was shit. There's a reason they didn't send out those console codes out for early review, there's a reason that they required a heavy embargo and only allowed b-roll footage.

    They knew exactly what they were doing. That shit was anti-consumer.

    What they did to their customers was intolerable.  And it was very much anti-consumer.  I will barbeque them for that.

    But trying to fix the issues they created is at least a step in the right direction.  They could have simply tried to run away with any pre-game sales and not produced a game at all.  Instead of hiding behind the corporate walls, the principles are standing on the balcony and giving some semblance of an apology, publicly.  I'm willing to acknowledge that CDPR may have learned something from this.  They are at least showing some degree of corporate remorse.  I'm not going to grill them for trying to do right.

    We'll see if they actually learned anything when their next project launches.


    Logic, my dear, merely enables one to be wrong with great authority.

  • GruugGruug Member RarePosts: 1,794

    Antarious said:

    Well I'm sorry that people are having issues. They claimed they would give refunds and should...

    That said I feel like the odd duck because I have over 100 hours into this game and absolutely love it.

    I agree. Those that have issues and are impatient should get their refunds. And like you, I too have a lot of hours in the game (on PC) and have loved it. That is not to say I have not had any issues or seen any bugs. Fortunately for me, I have not had any game breaking issues. One bug did force me to go back and reload a previous save but I only lost about 15 minutes of play. Otherwise, all is well.

    Let's party like it is 1863!

  • GruugGruug Member RarePosts: 1,794

    remsleep said:

    Sandmanjw said:

    remsleep said:

    They lost player trust - and that is priceless. 

    CDPR walked on water and were the chosen one in publics eye - not anymore, they are no better than any lowlife scam company now

    They have shown that they will lie and hide things just to make sales - they sacrificed game features and quality for a quick dollar

    I would have to see heads roll at the top level of CDPR as a result for me to ever trust this company again.

    CEO and top level execs gotta fuckin go - they should not be allowed to stay running the company after the shit they pulled.

    Show us by firing people in charge that you are serious - otherwise its all for show and you will never see a dollar from me on any of their products again

    Do people really expect any of that to happen? The company will look at the last line the total made from the game and decide from that.

    All the rest is just noise to the people that count the coins.

    And as to the "players" bah, sheep, everyone of them, running around bahhing and acting like the sky is falling.

    Each and everyone of them will be first in line on the next hype train to line up like good little sheep to hand out cash for preorders.

    You know it, I know it, the game companies know it, AND the people crying and overacting on boards everywhere know it, since they are the ones that always line up for hype trains and started and keep things like this happening.

    Go back just a couple weeks ago to all the "players" raising hell about the gets shit on if they delay and if they do not. Guess they rather get the shit with a ton of cash in their pockets eh?


    Once companies lose players trust they also lose out on pre-orders, and lose on sales.

    Why do you think companies try so hard to build their brand ?

    Because it directly translates to profits.

    This shitstorm will cost CDPR millions of lost sales in the future.

    Ever hear of a little game called No Man's Sky?

    Let's party like it is 1863!

  • JeroKaneJeroKane Member EpicPosts: 7,105
    edited December 2020
    Literally the ONLY way for CDPR to get out of this mess would be a redemption-arc á-la No Man's Sky.

    Only if they fix and add everything that was promised - free of charge of course - will they have a chance at gaining back trust...

    And they better don't come knocking with paid expansions or that planned multiplayer standalone version, before they delivered on their promise with the main game. If that were to happen, they could kiss the studios reputation goodbye forever...
    They will never do that. Otherwise they would have delayed the game till 2021.

    Their main IP is still the Witcher. They are already working on Witcher 4 and also working on the next-gen update for Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

    You can be sure they will want to cash in in 2021 with Season two of The Witcher series on Netflix.
  • klash2defklash2def Member EpicPosts: 1,949
    edited December 2020
    RTX 2080 build here and minimal tech problems so far about 30 hours in. Ive mainly done the side quest stuff because Im in love with the world but there are some things that really bother me. Ive seen a few bugs but nothing as bad as others.

    1. Traffic/Ped code seems incomplete. Literally, cars stop if you stop and do not try to go around you. REALLY immersion breaking.

    2. No barbershop or in-game way to change appearance after character creation. Seems like a major oversight. The only way you see any change at all is if you get mantis blades installed and that changes your hands. I feel like your appearance should change based on how much chrome your V has. Also.. no barbershop is just silly in a game like this

    3. No way to customize vehicles. Now maybe I haven't found it yet but about 30 hours in and nothing discovered to change the way my car looks or performs. Again seems like a gross oversight for a game like this. 

    4. Here is the ONE major bug I did find, there is a bug that won't let you fire weapons or use consumables. I think it has something to do with the Panam/Saul mission, the first one.. without spoiling it here, once you finish that, the game suddenly won't let you use weapons or consumables.

    The way I fixed it was setting a waypoint to do one of the boxing side quests (which you get early on at V's Apartment) and dumping all my weapons in my Car Stash. Once you do that, head to the boxing ring and the game will force you to use your hands, freeing up your weapons again. I also heard crafting a new weapon fixes it but that didn't work for me.  There are other minor bugs I found too like the front wheels of a car not rolling but the car still moves. Looked like the car was sliding on ice lol

    I think CDPR was hiding the state of the game for obvious reasons but I also think people forget how Buggy The Witcher 3 was on the release date. Im sure they will fix it. Im not giving CDPR a pass, I think any game releasing in an unfinished state is bad biz, but I also understand that the Developers are the artists, and the Publishers are the actual decision-makers. 

    People are sending death threats to devs over this and it's just like... smh
    "Beliefs don't change facts. Facts, if you're reasonable, should change your beliefs."

    "The Society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools."

    Currently: Games Audio Engineer, you didn't hear what I heard, you heard what I wanted you to hear. 

  • niceguy3978niceguy3978 Member UncommonPosts: 2,052
    edited December 2020
    I don't suppose anybody knows how it runs on a Xbox One-X? This is the type of game i'm interested in but I'm mainly worried about performance.

    Edit:  Never mind, I found an interesting IGN review where they actually reviewed the xbox one and PS 4 version of the game seperately and advised to get a refund if you own either of those consoles.  They also said it runs much better on One-X and PS4-Pro.
    Post edited by niceguy3978 on
  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,139
    remsleep said:
    Gruug said:

    remsleep said:

    Sandmanjw said:

    remsleep said:

    They lost player trust - and that is priceless. 

    CDPR walked on water and were the chosen one in publics eye - not anymore, they are no better than any lowlife scam company now

    They have shown that they will lie and hide things just to make sales - they sacrificed game features and quality for a quick dollar

    I would have to see heads roll at the top level of CDPR as a result for me to ever trust this company again.

    CEO and top level execs gotta fuckin go - they should not be allowed to stay running the company after the shit they pulled.

    Show us by firing people in charge that you are serious - otherwise its all for show and you will never see a dollar from me on any of their products again

    Do people really expect any of that to happen? The company will look at the last line the total made from the game and decide from that.

    All the rest is just noise to the people that count the coins.

    And as to the "players" bah, sheep, everyone of them, running around bahhing and acting like the sky is falling.

    Each and everyone of them will be first in line on the next hype train to line up like good little sheep to hand out cash for preorders.

    You know it, I know it, the game companies know it, AND the people crying and overacting on boards everywhere know it, since they are the ones that always line up for hype trains and started and keep things like this happening.

    Go back just a couple weeks ago to all the "players" raising hell about the gets shit on if they delay and if they do not. Guess they rather get the shit with a ton of cash in their pockets eh?


    Once companies lose players trust they also lose out on pre-orders, and lose on sales.

    Why do you think companies try so hard to build their brand ?

    Because it directly translates to profits.

    This shitstorm will cost CDPR millions of lost sales in the future.

    Ever hear of a little game called No Man's Sky?

    No Mans Sky lost a TON of sales due to shit launch - yep heard of it. I refunded the game personally and never went back - and never will no matter how awesome they fixed it afterwards.

    That seems silly.

    Sure, it's your right to not want to play something but what is the real reason? Because if they've fixed everything, if they have added to the game, made it more robust (which I hear is what they did) then you have the game you were initially interested in. What's the problem?

    I mean, it's not personal, they didn't flub the launch to piss you off, they messed up. Now they have what was promised.

    Nothing was lost in the intervening time they took to fix it.

    This just sounds like you have some sort of litmus test and if they don't pass then you are done with them and move on.

    Seems a bit intense but perhaps I'm just missing something there.
    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

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    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • niceguy3978niceguy3978 Member UncommonPosts: 2,052
    The funny thing that I don't see discussed often is that this was originally suppose to launch before the new gen consoles launched.  So it was intended to launch on ps4 and xbox one.  Can you imagine if the only console version was on last gen hardware?  Holy crap the PR would be even worse than it is.
  • psychosiz1psychosiz1 Member UncommonPosts: 200
    I completely understand the criticisms that are made here by many people. However, the voices here are only a very small minority and there are many people enjoying the game.  If you look at a site like steam, the reviews are predominantly positive, of course these are only on the PC side.   As a rule  Steam  is also much more difficult to bot with positive or negative reviews unlike meta-critic in their user reviews.  Many of the really big issues with this game are coming from the console side of things. In all honesty my hope is that they find a way to appease the people that really have the bigger issues. I noticed many of the problems on the PC side from the first day launch and even after the first patch were largely addressed with the Nvidia driver update. I'm hoping trends like this continue to make the game more enjoyable for all involved. In all honesty though I am super glad I'm not playing this on a console. 
  • WrekktWrekkt Member UncommonPosts: 29
    The bigger issue now lies - people bought the bag of shit, the company and investors are going to make a shit ton of money and repercussions will be very little.
  • GroqstrongGroqstrong Member RarePosts: 828
    207K steam reviews with a mostly positive rating.  Reading the comments section there ppl are loving it.  Coming here its another story.  Some of my friends sharing clips of the game on their social media they are in awe.  Not sure what to think.
    [Deleted User]
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    거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,262
    Gruug said:

    Antarious said:

    Well I'm sorry that people are having issues. They claimed they would give refunds and should...

    That said I feel like the odd duck because I have over 100 hours into this game and absolutely love it.

    I agree. Those that have issues and are impatient should get their refunds. And like you, I too have a lot of hours in the game (on PC) and have loved it. That is not to say I have not had any issues or seen any bugs. Fortunately for me, I have not had any game breaking issues. One bug did force me to go back and reload a previous save but I only lost about 15 minutes of play. Otherwise, all is well.
    My guess is both of you guys didn't peruse articles of every promised feature so aren't really aware of what is missing, hence your more positive experience by having few expectations.

    You enjoyed what was delivered by not gnashing your teeth over what never made it in.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • rojoArcueidrojoArcueid Member EpicPosts: 10,722
    edited December 2020
    Vrika said:
    Kyleran said:

    xpsync said:

    This is what we call a full on shitstorm! Fallout 76 customers know this all too well.

    Naw, FO76 always ran better on consoles than the PC, so CDPR is actually making Bethesda look good, which is very hard to do
    FO76 doesn't look any better because of this.

    But this makes Rockstar and Ubisoft look a lot better for managing to launch open world games that work.

    Rockstar nailed their GTA formula back with GTA3, and just copy/paste it on every new GTA and RDR so they play it safe(like activision) and don't innovate... and Ubisoft is hit or miss on some releases, (AC Unity, one of the last Ghost Recon games, etc). Do I think CP2077's launch make those companies look good? No. They can all do better.

  • EldrachEldrach Member RarePosts: 469
    Pfft, game is good - it just runs like shit on ps4/xbox one atm. They’ll fix that, they’ll do
    bug fixes and add features for all the versions.

    But the game is actually pretty cool - bugs aside, i really like it.
    Sure it’s not a 10/10, but id say a solid 8/10 

    Not gonna run around being all entitled and shit for paying a measly 60 dollars on a 60 hour game
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