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Cyberpunk 2077 is a real video game that is releasing this week, finally after multiple delays. You might have seen some reviews hit the web today - however, where is ours?
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Brenics ~ Just to point out I do believe Chris Roberts is going down as the man who cheated backers and took down crowdfunding for gaming.
I guess I get a nice surprise in a week
There is a reddit that comments badly on cyberpunk for the images of the woman with a large member as a poster that appears in the game and gives bad votes for reasons like that.
In general, most of the players who have been playing for years we only see a trailer to see if it catches our attention and if we have doubts we wait for a gameplay then we see on some pages that it does not have a bug or p2w and it is enough information to buy a game. If I don't like it, I just don't buy it and that's it.
Now people who have never played or played a few games and think that they may have an opinion formed by a game, only jump on the trending to give their opinion about their sexual orientation or something that offends them and gives a bad opinion or votes to the game.
good story, no bug, no p2w, good gameplay: good game. it does not represent my sexuality, there are photos of women, a transsexual appears and I take it as an insult, they kill someone of any color, there are not enough women: bad game.
If my English is not very good, sorry.Elite: Dangerous
As to reviews... take your time. I'm pre-loaded and ready to go. I'll look at reviews (after I've played it some myself) just out of interest but I won't be swayed one way or the other by them.
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
Seeing the myriad of issues and bugs plagueing this game, maybe they should have.
I am holding out into buying this game for while, until most of it has finally been patched.
I know for sure CDProjektRed can be trusted to fix most of the problems over time, but I am just tired buying a new retail game at full price and feel like I have to beta test for them (this is general, not just towards CDProjektRed)! It just ruins your whole experience as it often takes quite a long time before most of the bugs are ironed out and patched.
I have plenty of other games to play, so I am in no hurry buying this game.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
My guess is that it's a "your mileage may vary" thing. you know "you."
From what I'm reading, other than the bugs, I think the experience will be amazing. But part of how I'm put together responds to visuals, to sound, to "the experience."
I tend to be patient with bugs so as long as I don't run into any brick walls, I'll be fine.
But again, "you know 'you'."
Look on metacritic, ignore the score (though Iselin says it's good so "good!") and just read what people are saying and see what resonates with you, what you think is either complaining for the sake of complaining or praising for the same reasons. But like Iselin, I'm "loaded and ready to go!"
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
And again, the 30-40 hours playthrough is a single playthrough. This game is supposed to offer real significant choices (classes and decisions) that affect the entire storyline throughout and final outcome.
Did Gamespot and Venture beat just complain about the world feeling too alive? A single player game such as this would have to rely on this type of exaggerated filler to make the world seem like a living world in a sense to the one actual player in it. Just my opinion.
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Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
If I had to follow every review on every game, I wouldn't have played most of the games in my life - some really great. Even this site can be given as an example with many "wrong verdicts, for many games". I pity those that are driven by "reviews".
Not to mention sites like IGN and Gamespot... I'd rather listen to some random dude verdict, than trusting those 2. You live in 2020 where the ppl feels offended just by looking them. One wrong move in Cyberpunk (or something that isn't appealing to the person) and the game is already 7/10.
Don't trust anyone, unless you've seen/experienced with your own eyes. This game is not to be taken lightly, and most of the ppl will skip a lot of stuff in order to hurry up with the reviews so there's that.
A true review for this game will be at least a week long in order to be accurate, not playing for 2 days and yet somehow ppl believe in that.
Will see when metacritics actual user reviews start, none there yet.
mc gives 77, with 15-good, 7-mixed, 0- bad review, the user review for it there is 3.2, 56- good, 30- mixed, 194- bad
TLoU 2 metacritic gives 93 users give 5.7
0 bad mc review, 64k bad user reviews
A lot of them are still butt hurt about the trans "controversy". Kotaku's first 5 paragraphs or so talks nothing but the game not having enough trans and non binary options in the character creator.
"it is not a guarantee nor an expectation for media to always receive review code." You wouldn't know this by listening to some of your colleagues. The entitlement is real among "games journalists" AKA glorified bloggers. Also, there will apparently will be a large day one patch that is supposed to address some the technical issues reviewers had with their review copies.
Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp?
Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things.
Calm your tits.
Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp?
Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things.
That's pretty much what I'm getting from the reviews.. I canceled my pre order and will wait to see what people say about the big day 1 patch but this may have just fallen off my radar completely.
A lot of people say linear or even new Bioware(or whatever) are bad but in this day and age, for *** sake find me something anywhere in their realm and I'll play it. Yes I'll be mad at sub par, and sure they may need to pick their skills up but the 2015+ crowd in games is definately the B team, if not the C team. Gimme ANYTHING THAT I CAN PLAY.
I will rather wait for proper reviews days or weeks after the launch, where I know that the reviewer had time to pick the whole game apart and examine every element. I will give more attention to those reviewers who I know did a good job in the past and where I know my experience was similar.
Just looking at the following non-spoiler review I am getting the complete opposite of what you got from the reviews:
Btw, W3 was also totally riddled with bugs when it released (after several delays), you can still find entire videos made of nothing but bugs and glitches in the early W3 days. It took CDPR months to fix them. But they did fix them. And they did work for months on fixing them (unlike other companies, like Bioware or Bethesda). I expect no less for CP2077.
Also: how is not allowing playthrough videos and spoilers before the game actually releases a problem? Of course CDPR will not allow playthrough videos before the people actually have a chance to, you know, play through the game.