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A Journey Through SWTOR: A New Challenge |

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599
edited October 2020 in News & Features Discussion

imageA Journey Through SWTOR: A New Challenge |

Join Falko as he discusses the challenges - or lack thereof - in SWTOR.

Read the full story here


  • AlomarAlomar Member RarePosts: 1,299
    I mean the game failed, for a variety of reasons (looking at you engine), at launch and soon after at any attempt to be a successful mmo. They semi-turned it around with this becoming more common "solo online" content development direction. I left the game after a month at launch after being disgusted, and yet I've returned for a month each expansion just for the solo story. So, if done right and if it's a popular IP easy-mode incremental story additions/directions does have a niche.
    Haxus Council Member
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  • kreakrea Member UncommonPosts: 239
    edited October 2020

    Alomar said:

    I mean the game failed, for a variety of reasons (looking at you engine), at launch and soon after at any attempt to be a successful mmo. They semi-turned it around with this becoming more common "solo online" content development direction. I left the game after a month at launch after being disgusted, and yet I've returned for a month each expansion just for the solo story. So, if done right and if it's a popular IP easy-mode incremental story additions/directions does have a niche.

    like you stated in your post the game engine its just not good for a mmorpg with big zones . Nowadays the engine is better since well most game computers got alot faster so the performance is fine now fps wise , their is still heavy loading stutter stuff and its all bit floaty . Content wise etc i thought it was great game at release also since it was one of the few mmorpg after wow that did have multiple starting areas etc , pre wow that was also normal but after that most games did feel rushed . Other than that i still think the game has some very good things and pretty impressed that it still feels kinda modern after all those years . Think this was also one of the last realy big tripple a big budget mmorpg after wow .
  • HazenXIIIHazenXIII Member UncommonPosts: 163
    I just unsubbed earlier this year for the first time since the game launched. It was always mediocre to me (coming from SWG) probably because of the extreme amounts of hype in the years and months leading up to launch, but I supported it nonetheless because it was the only Star Wars MMO since SWG was shut down. At this point though, and largely due to COVID, new content has nearly slowed to a full stand-still. Even before COVID, the content updates were MAYBE once or twice a year... Just less and less over the years. I check the forums still multiple times per week (which are very inactive) to see if there is any big news, but nope. Crickets.
  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,563
    While I've never played SWTOR, that seems to have happened to a lot of older MMORPGs. Vindictus in particular felt like it had everything in place to possibly be a pretty good game, except that the developers basically turned mob damage off so that you don't actually have to use any of the mechanics in the game other than spamming attacks. In that case, long-time players will actually say, it's this particular patch where they made that change, not just many years of accumulated power creep.

    It strikes me as bizarre that games will basically have the developers burn nearly all of the content to the ground so that there's effectively no game left to play outside of some sliver of content at the endgame, but then still run ads as if they want new players to join. By mechanics, they're basically saying that if you're not already at the endgame, you can't join, because you'll have to slog through many hours of something awful in order to get to the endgame content that you probably also won't like, but have no way of knowing until you get there.

    For some games, it might be because the game only tries to monetize the endgame. It's free to play, but we'll sell you these boosts. In order to try to get you hooked on the game, you don't actually need them until the endgame. And then they realize that a lot of people aren't at the endgame and thus aren't buying anything, so they try to make everything outside of the endgame awful so that people will rush to the endgame and need to buy stuff. And then the most rational response by players is to quit.
  • etlaretlar Member UncommonPosts: 864
    Quote : "Many people, myself included, treat SW:TOR as a single player RPG first, and as a multiplayer experience second. end quote...

    *One of the reasons it failed imho.

    Quote : "Almost everything in this game is catering to solo-players. Your NPC companions can tank for you, DPS for you, and heal you too. They can do so better than many players, even.

    i began wanting to say something, then read this:

    "And here we are. You can quite literally go afk when fighting a group of mobs, and you won’t die."

    "All criticism aside, Bioware’s concept worked. It worked thanks to the foundations they built with their class stories when the game released. After you’ve played two or so of these (I always advise to go for smuggler and sith warrior first), you’re not really that interested in repeating the mob grind anymore. You want to know how your character’s main story progresses. That’s what keeps most people hooked, and that is why there’s only few complaints about the road the devs chose for themselves and their playerbase."

    there is alot wrong and some right there:

    the concept did not work, masses bought the mmorpg at launch, mass exodus within 30 days also..i cannot say how much our guild was dissapointed, by exactly the points you said are good.
    with todays standard, it is indeed considered a decent mmorpg (or, insert random co-op meme) now thats not saying the game is bad, the game itself, is what i would have dreamed of when i played KOTOR.

    Imho its the genre that has stagnated for so many years that we have come to calling a 4 player game a mmorpg, and buying spaceships and early access, all just because we crave a great game. a true MMOrpg. and also: i am sorry for the rant, had a few beers! wish you all a good one. also the author :)

  • PsynyPsyny Member UncommonPosts: 6
    It's depends on the player type... I dont really like the type of "skill" that an wow-like MMORPG demands. I'm more into Nioh / Souls kind of challange.

    So the SW:TOR has been, for many years, a great source of Star Wars material that I can enjoy a story in multiplayer.

    I really don't care for competitive endgame or flashpoint grinding. I find it boring and not only on this game... I find no joy in doing the same action over and over just to see some numbers go up.

    So the clain "After all, we are playing a game; we’re not watching a movie or play a book. If there’s nothing that challenges us, why even engage in an interactive medium?" have many answers but my personal preference is:

    1) Explore a world where a story is unfolding.

    2) Take on a story that needs some input to keep on going. You fill the gap between conversations with discussions of it with your friends. You detour to do something else and that becomes the part of your story.

    3) Roleplay

    Anyway, I agree that pre endgame the game have no challange at all and many times the enemies are just part of the scenery. But, again, I by far prefer this to pattern repetition or grind based challenge.

    "On the wings of a dream, so far beyond reality"

  • TwistedSister77TwistedSister77 Member EpicPosts: 1,144
    edited October 2020
    -Zones were crazy how railed they were... and low pop instanced.

    -PVE was very easy

    - PVP I enjoyed the matches, even though they were really unbalanced.  The engine was terrible and the planet for PVP died a horrible lagfest death at launch. :(

    -A starwars fan, so grateful for the attempt and my time with the game.  
  • MMO_HermitMMO_Hermit Newbie CommonPosts: 1
    Some of us really are just here for the storyline. Personally, I don't know the first thing about team play, nor do I have any interest in learning. My schedule is too random to form a steady group, and I'm not the most social person anyway.
    So, I come at this from the opposite viewpoint. There are still some things that you're not even allowed to do, except as part of a group, and it's extremely frustrating.
    The Dread Fortress on Oricon being one major example. You literally aren't allowed to complete the chapter as a solo player.
    Some of us don't play MMOs for the other players. We're here simply because the MMO format allows for a much broader, more detailed environment.
    Compare the Star Trek Online MMO to the old Bridge Commander cd-rom game. In one, you can point your ship in a random direction, and you'll probably find something to do. In the other, you don't even have a map. You just click on the "dialogue" option and are instantly transported to the next specific mission destination. You finish the game in a few hours, and it's over.
    MMOs can have wide open maps and random encounters possibly around any corner.
    psychosiz1[Deleted User]Indahole
  • MagikarpsGhostMagikarpsGhost Member RarePosts: 689

    xD_Gaming said:

    this article so fucking wrong on so many levels that it should be removed for trolling. I'm getting sick and tired of these half assed bullshit pieces. That's my opinion.

    I've done over 500 Veteran flash points and not one time was anyone made to feel they didn't belong. Players help new players through the dungeons and explain things when question arise. I've seen countless times when a player gets lost, the group will go back and help them make through sections the content.

    thesearticles needs to end. It is bullshit and I'm calling it out, right here, right now.

    Fucking thank you! Saved me a lot of typing.

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  • MardukkMardukk Member RarePosts: 2,222
    I agree with the article. I don't think the article had anything to do with people being unhelpful in game.

  • DEXA88DEXA88 Member UncommonPosts: 175
    Pull the plug already that game should have died a long time ago !
  • sumdumguy1sumdumguy1 Member RarePosts: 1,373

    DEXA88 said:

    Pull the plug already that game should have died a long time ago !

    Lol - Its in the top 10 mmo games for money made. Investors love it according to the report to investors due its low cost to maintain and high returns. Its top 5 in overall active subscriptions. It also recently received a huge new audience with its release on steam where players were experiencing wait lines to get in to the game, and on the third planet last month, I was in the 11th instance on the 3rd planet on the imp side. This game is flourishing and has been for awhile now. But yeah they should close it.
  • psychosiz1psychosiz1 Member UncommonPosts: 200

    DEXA88 said:

    Pull the plug already that game should have died a long time ago !

    Lol - Its in the top 10 mmo games for money made. Investors love it according to the report to investors due its low cost to maintain and high returns. Its top 5 in overall active subscriptions. It also recently received a huge new audience with its release on steam where players were experiencing wait lines to get in to the game, and on the third planet last month, I was in the 11th instance on the 3rd planet on the imp side. This game is flourishing and has been for awhile now. But yeah they should close it.

    The sound of the proverbial hammer perfectly hitting the nail on the head.
  • FrodoFraginsFrodoFragins Member EpicPosts: 6,069

    - PVP I enjoyed the matches, even though they were really unbalanced.  The engine was terrible and the planet for PVP died a horrible lagfest death at launch. :(

    I actually quit in the first month due to how they let all of the PVP planet exploiters off without punishment.  I don't even remember the exact exploit, all I remember was that it involved those giant turrets in the bases.
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