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MMOSide Chat - Which MMO Would You Love To See Get A Remake or Remaster? |



  • FoomerangFoomerang Member UncommonPosts: 5,628
    Star Wars Galaxies. While others might want the preCU SWG. I think it severely lacks content. So I rather see a hybrid of different era's.

    - PreCU skill system.
    - Jump to Lightspeed with late NGE multiplayer combatships added.
    - PostNGE expansion to crafting classes.
    - Bioengineering from late NGE.
    - City invasion system from late NGE.
    - Storytelling and questcreating system (these are not the same, second is from later NGE but forgot the exact name).

    I probably forgot things. But all this in an actual 3D engine with a real Z-axis (SWG didn't have that)
    There were a few things from nge that i would keep. Storyteller system was great (basically you could be a dm and setup your own scenarios in the open world)
    I liked the re system for breaking down worn out items and gear into skill tapes.
    I enjoyed the yin and yang of bounty hunters vs smugglers. Had some amazing battles and chases across the galaxy with other players.
    The crafting system was gutted. Id keep the original in a heartbeat. Combat went from queueing up moves to spamfest. Id actually like to borrow combat from tor for swg revamp.
    And throw in tor storymode for the kids. They like that stuff.

  • KovaiKovai Member UncommonPosts: 9
    SWG for me. I’d love to get a chance to play a Combat Medic and Squad Leader again. Oh gotta run a Teras Kasi too. Fencer was fun. Carbineer anyone? Heck it was fun hanging outside of starports buffing with my entertainer. I loved that game.
  • RaagnarzRaagnarz Member RarePosts: 647
    SWG would probably be the best candidate. I would say EQ but Daybreak controls that and fuck them. DAOC remake could be cool if they do it pre-TOA. But an open world Star Wars MMO would be beyond perfect now (Honorable mention please remake KOTR 1&2 with modern graphics).
  • lahnmirlahnmir Member LegendaryPosts: 5,060
    Dark Sun Online. I missed it when it was still around and hardly anyone played it. But an MMORPG in that universe? Come on people...

    'the only way he could nail it any better is if he used a cross.'

    Kyleran on yours sincerely 

    'But there are many. You can play them entirely solo, and even offline. Also, you are wrong by default.'

    Ikcin in response to yours sincerely debating whether or not single-player offline MMOs exist...

    'This does not apply just to ED but SC or any other game. What they will get is Rebirth/X4, likely prettier but equally underwhelming and pointless. 

    It is incredibly difficult to design some meaningfull leg content that would fit a space ship game - simply because it is not a leg game.

    It is just huge resource waste....'

    Gdemami absolutely not being an armchair developer

  • ElannarElannar Member UncommonPosts: 16
    edited October 2020
    Anarchy Online :-)

    Also SWG, loved crafting campsite kits...JustaTent 2000 [TM] ;D


  • ray12kray12k Member UncommonPosts: 487
    Asherons Call, best mmorpg ever made
  • WarWitchWarWitch Member UncommonPosts: 351
    SWG best mmo of all time, open world, ship fighting, 33 clases and u could be 2 and 1/2 of any. Housing ! all it needs is better graphics.
  • NevereverlandNevereverland Member UncommonPosts: 161
    Warhammer Age of Reckoning. One can only hope...
  • ray12kray12k Member UncommonPosts: 487

    Devon said:

    Asheron's Call.

    Why? Storyline and content mastery, horribly dated graphics and of course.. its gone now.

    Warner Bro's locking things up.. with I.P. rights.. and just their general garbage decision process makes me mad.

    City of Heroes.

    Why? Fun. But again.. pressures and rights and garbage got in the way from the start.

    Greed ends up getting in the way of all the good ones, as with most things in life. Idiots couldnt even keep Marvel Online going.. just ridiculous.

    Ive been coming to this site, since the beginning. So you can tell along with my choices first off Im not into what passes for an MMO nowadays. I ground my way up with Ultima Online through the red years and since. I despised EQ, and clones like it, WoW, the upcoming Ashes of Creation, I played an mmo where I was a dragon.. plagued by the worst name in the business, besides Lord British, enjoyed a long play with Anarchy Online. *shrug*

    But for me, it all comes down to some meaningful content tailoring to individuals, and the pressures now are all about none of that, as well as needing Hordes of people to accomplish things in a game. Just despicable. But.. whatever.

    Which MMO Would You Love To See Get A Remake or Remaster?

    Asherons Call had monthly story/content updates. It was a open world without hand holding. As far as graphics,,,,, Reread the question.
  • TimacekTimacek Member UncommonPosts: 183
    edited October 2020
    Star Wars Galaxies!
  • blackeyegoreblackeyegore Member UncommonPosts: 5
    EQOA that was on the ps1


  • FrodoFraginsFrodoFragins Member EpicPosts: 6,071
    edited October 2020
    Jamar870 said:
    Hey FrodoFragins I recommend reading Tolkiens prequel book. The elves did exist in the Second Age.  I believe the ending of the Second Age is marked  by the downfall of Sauron ie. he is banished.

    I said all but the elves, wizards ...

    I'm quite aware that elves existed in the SA.  I was explaining why the Amazon MMO would in no way resemble a LOTR MMO.
  • akiira69akiira69 Member UncommonPosts: 615

    Lineage 2.  You always want your first back.

    NCsoft has stated that they are upgrading the graphics for Lineage 2

    "Possibly we humans can exist without actually having to fight. But many of us have chosen to fight. For what reason? To protect something? Protect what? Ourselves? The future? If we kill people to protect ourselves and this future, then what sort of future is it, and what will we have become? There is no future for those who have died. And what of those who did the killing? Is happiness to be found in a future that is grasped with blood stained hands? Is that the truth?"

  • MorBladeMorBlade Member UncommonPosts: 49
    edited October 2020
    Pre-CU Star Wars Galaxies, Everquest and Dark Age of Camelot. Oh and Tabula Rasa
  • Superman0XSuperman0X Member RarePosts: 2,292
    There are lots of old games that would be great for revival. Here are some of my choices:

    Isle of Kesmai: This game was brutal in the day.  It would be great to re make it as 3-D for a dark souls type mmorpg.

    Gemstone (last version was 4?): This game had a lot of depth for its day.  This could be turned into a modern MMORPG with a lot of depth.

    There are some that are more modern, but sometimes these old games get forgotten.
  • UngoodUngood Member LegendaryPosts: 7,535
    edited October 2020
    There are lots of old games that would be great for revival. Here are some of my choices:

    Isle of Kesmai: This game was brutal in the day.  It would be great to re make it as 3-D for a dark souls type mmorpg.

    Gemstone (last version was 4?): This game had a lot of depth for its day.  This could be turned into a modern MMORPG with a lot of depth.

    There are some that are more modern, but sometimes these old games get forgotten.
    Ah, Gemstone 4, I see you too are a man of culture. I played their other game Dragonrealms. If they could have turned either of those games into an MMO, that would have changed the whole genre.

    The problem with those old text based MMO's in modern worlds however, is that it was also OWPVP Full Loot, and Perma-death (if you were not careful) and that might translate very poorly to modern MMO's and modern players.

    But, their depth could not be denied.
    Egotism is the anesthetic that dullens the pain of stupidity, this is why when I try to beat my head against the stupidity of other people, I only hurt myself.

  • bambarezubambarezu Member UncommonPosts: 3
    GuildWars 1
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.

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  • UngoodUngood Member LegendaryPosts: 7,535
    I mean, I would love to see some games that originally made bad, get a remake as well.

    Like Pathfinder, the MMO. It would be grand to give that IP a new chance at an MMO that could do it justice, as opposed to what was made.

    But I still stand by Dungeons and Dragons Online, as a game, that if given a second breath, could really do well.

    It proved it's staying power by surviving through the IP legal hell it stumbled into at lunch, it then boosted up in F2P, again, setting an example of what a come back tour of an MMO could look like, and finally, after stumbling and staggering along like a drunken former one hit wonder band, it survived the death of its original studio and publisher.

    This has been an epic saga for this game, and I think, if I was going to say "Yah, lets give this baby a make over" that would be the game I would do it for.

    Not a game that did it's best.. faded off to pasture, but a game that launched into hell, and fought and beat the odds to stay alive.

    Just my feelings.
    Egotism is the anesthetic that dullens the pain of stupidity, this is why when I try to beat my head against the stupidity of other people, I only hurt myself.

  • DeathtognomesDeathtognomes Member UncommonPosts: 155
    Remastering does not mean remastering game mechanics only graphics are reworked, that does not impress me one bit. The feel of the game should never be base on how it looks, there is so much more involved.

    MMOs are difficult to change and Lotro is proof of that when they "remastered" all the classes and their abilities. I quit Lotro because there was no class that wasnt button mashing ever single combat, it takes a toll on the fingers after a while. complicated combat can be fun but its not healthy.
  • JDexterJDexter Member UncommonPosts: 130
    Shoot me, but Horizons. It was a very interesting game that could have been so much more, but a remaster would be awesome!
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