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Genshin Impact Makes Back Entire Dev Budget In Two Weeks |

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599
edited October 2020 in News & Features Discussion

imageGenshin Impact Makes Back Entire Dev Budget In Two Weeks |

Genshin Impact has taken the gaming community by storm these last two weeks, and as a result of that massive popularity, the team at miHoYo has reportedly earned back its development budget, per a report by PC Gamer.

Read the full story here



  • MargraveMargrave Member RarePosts: 1,371
    Until this Asian spy knockoff of Breath of the Wild no longer requires kernal access it doesn't exist to me.

    Shame on them and their piss-poor copy-paste dev team.
  • sschruppsschrupp Member UncommonPosts: 696
    Definitely way more fun that I expected. Just wish co-op was better. I haven't gotten to that point yet, but sounds like it's a bit lackluster.
  • aslan132aslan132 Member UncommonPosts: 630
    Been enjoying it myself. Its nice to be able to play on my phone, then come home and just pick up right where I was on my PC. Cant honestly comment on co-op since I havent tried it, but you can easily finish most of the game content solo, and with just the free characters. I am enjoying it, but I doubt I would ever put a penny into it. Of course, it looks like they dont need my money, so no harm, no foul hahah.
  • LackingMMOLackingMMO Member RarePosts: 664
    This game has been way better than i expected. Of course when you go in with no expectations at all it is easy to impress. So far enjoying, could change next week but ill ride the waves while it lasts.
  • enesisxlr8enesisxlr8 Member UncommonPosts: 203
    Yup for a free game its amazing, shows how poor other games are that you have to pay for! eg Marvel Avengers...
  • Allwynd_01Allwynd_01 Member UncommonPosts: 193

    Margrave said:

    Until this Asian spy knockoff of Breath of the Wild no longer requires kernal access it doesn't exist to me.

    Shame on them and their piss-poor copy-paste dev team.

    What if its was an American spy knockoff of CS:GO like Valorant? Would that exist to you? xD
  • doomexdoomex Member UncommonPosts: 150
    A worse gatcha game that the only good thing is that it's open world. Your honeymoon to the game will fade after a week or soo.
    hoenens1[Deleted User]Xeliph
  • hoenens1hoenens1 Member UncommonPosts: 322
    Its fun for a week or 2.. after that it starts to bore.
  • sayuusayuu Member RarePosts: 766

    Margrave said:

    Until this Asian spy knockoff of Breath of the Wild no longer requires kernal access it doesn't exist to me.

    Shame on them and their piss-poor copy-paste dev team.

    What if its was an American spy knockoff of CS:GO like Valorant? Would that exist to you? xD

    Riot games is owned by the Chinese government though. . . well through a poorly veiled proxy in Tencent.
  • Allwynd_01Allwynd_01 Member UncommonPosts: 193
    edited October 2020

    sayuu said:

    Margrave said:

    Until this Asian spy knockoff of Breath of the Wild no longer requires kernal access it doesn't exist to me.

    Shame on them and their piss-poor copy-paste dev team.

    What if its was an American spy knockoff of CS:GO like Valorant? Would that exist to you? xD

    Riot games is owned by the Chinese government though. . . well through a poorly veiled proxy in Tencent.

    Doesn't matter. If in the future other companies and games adopt that, like CS:GO, Overwatch, CoD, Battlefield, etc. some of them are not owned by Chinese companies, so doesn't matter.

    I'm sick and tired of this stupid tin hat wearing conspiracy theory preachings about China and spying. Everyone is spying on you. Even your phone and laptop's camera and microphone are spying on you. If you don't want to get spied on, sell or destroy all your technology and go live in a cave in the wilderness... sheesh.. I'm sick of all those nutjobs thinking if they install AdBlock or use VPN they are automatically safe or only China are the bad guys... everyone is the bad guys.
    China are professional league assholes, Europe lets all the immigrants from the Middle East in like it's no problem and they destroy it with their backward views and refusal to integrate, get cultured and get a job, but instead live on social benefits and commit crimes, also Europeans are taught to be pussies who should be accepting of all the poor immigrants, America has the worst education system in the planet that breeds brainwashed tools that can't think for themselves, many Americans can't even tell what Jakarta or Bratislava are capitals of and think Paris and London are countries or can't even realize there are more than one country in North America...
    I don't want to turn this into something political because this is a discussion for games and I won't respond to any further comments that will escalate the political bull crap... We all play games to escape that, but I wanted to express how sick and tired I am of just one side being portrayed as the bad guys and the others being regarded as the good guys when they all are the same trash.
  • lahnmirlahnmir Member LegendaryPosts: 5,060

    sayuu said:

    Margrave said:

    Until this Asian spy knockoff of Breath of the Wild no longer requires kernal access it doesn't exist to me.

    Shame on them and their piss-poor copy-paste dev team.

    What if its was an American spy knockoff of CS:GO like Valorant? Would that exist to you? xD

    Riot games is owned by the Chinese government though. . . well through a poorly veiled proxy in Tencent.

    Doesn't matter. If in the future other companies and games adopt that, like CS:GO, Overwatch, CoD, Battlefield, etc. some of them are not owned by Chinese companies, so doesn't matter.

    I'm sick and tired of this stupid tin hat wearing conspiracy theory preachings about China and spying. Everyone is spying on you. Even your phone and laptop's camera and microphone are spying on you. If you don't want to get spied on, sell or destroy all your technology and go live in a cave in the wilderness... sheesh.. I'm sick of all those nutjobs thinking if they install AdBlock or use VPN they are automatically safe or only China are the bad guys... everyone is the bad guys.
    China are professional league assholes, Europe lets all the immigrants from the Middle East in like it's no problem and they destroy it with their backward views and refusal to integrate, get cultured and get a job, but instead live on social benefits and commit crimes, also Europeans are taught to be pussies who should be accepting of all the poor immigrants, America has the worst education system in the planet that breeds brainwashed tools that can't think for themselves, many Americans can't even tell what Jakarta or Bratislava are capitals of and think Paris and London are countries or can't even realize there are more than one country in North America...
    I don't want to turn this into something political because this is a discussion for games and I won't respond to any further comments that will escalate the political bull crap... We all play games to escape that, but I wanted to express how sick and tired I am of just one side being portrayed as the bad guys and the others being regarded as the good guys when they all are the same trash.
    Its always easier being scared of, and pointing at, “them” instead of “us.” Doesn’t matter who is pointing at who btw.

    'the only way he could nail it any better is if he used a cross.'

    Kyleran on yours sincerely 

    'But there are many. You can play them entirely solo, and even offline. Also, you are wrong by default.'

    Ikcin in response to yours sincerely debating whether or not single-player offline MMOs exist...

    'This does not apply just to ED but SC or any other game. What they will get is Rebirth/X4, likely prettier but equally underwhelming and pointless. 

    It is incredibly difficult to design some meaningfull leg content that would fit a space ship game - simply because it is not a leg game.

    It is just huge resource waste....'

    Gdemami absolutely not being an armchair developer

  • kitaradkitarad Member LegendaryPosts: 8,190
    No wonder everyone is developing mobile games. You have to be a fool not to.
    WhiteLantern[Deleted User]strawhat0981PortzSovrathxpsync[Deleted User]

  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,653
    lahnmir said:

    sayuu said:

    Margrave said:

    Until this Asian spy knockoff of Breath of the Wild no longer requires kernal access it doesn't exist to me.

    Shame on them and their piss-poor copy-paste dev team.

    What if its was an American spy knockoff of CS:GO like Valorant? Would that exist to you? xD

    Riot games is owned by the Chinese government though. . . well through a poorly veiled proxy in Tencent.

    Doesn't matter. If in the future other companies and games adopt that, like CS:GO, Overwatch, CoD, Battlefield, etc. some of them are not owned by Chinese companies, so doesn't matter.

    I'm sick and tired of this stupid tin hat wearing conspiracy theory preachings about China and spying. Everyone is spying on you. Even your phone and laptop's camera and microphone are spying on you. If you don't want to get spied on, sell or destroy all your technology and go live in a cave in the wilderness... sheesh.. I'm sick of all those nutjobs thinking if they install AdBlock or use VPN they are automatically safe or only China are the bad guys... everyone is the bad guys.
    China are professional league assholes, Europe lets all the immigrants from the Middle East in like it's no problem and they destroy it with their backward views and refusal to integrate, get cultured and get a job, but instead live on social benefits and commit crimes, also Europeans are taught to be pussies who should be accepting of all the poor immigrants, America has the worst education system in the planet that breeds brainwashed tools that can't think for themselves, many Americans can't even tell what Jakarta or Bratislava are capitals of and think Paris and London are countries or can't even realize there are more than one country in North America...
    I don't want to turn this into something political because this is a discussion for games and I won't respond to any further comments that will escalate the political bull crap... We all play games to escape that, but I wanted to express how sick and tired I am of just one side being portrayed as the bad guys and the others being regarded as the good guys when they all are the same trash.
    Its always easier being scared of, and pointing at, “them” instead of “us.” Doesn’t matter who is pointing at who btw.

    So true, but that does not mean "them" are always fault free just because people jump the gun to point. Nor does it mean we are fault free either, pointing works both ways.
    lahnmir[Deleted User]Valdheim
  • WhiteLanternWhiteLantern Member RarePosts: 3,319

    kitarad said:

    No wonder everyone is developing mobile games. You have to be a fool not to.

    This is so very true. Once upon a time on these very boards, we'd have regular discussions about how if a game was "this", or if it was "that" we'd have no problem paying more than the standard 15$ montly sub. Well guess what, now you can pay as much or as little as you want. The games may not be "this" or "that", but we claimed we were willing to pay more and they picked that gauntlet up.
    I've dabbled in mobile gaming long enough to realize that there are people willing to throw tons of money at pixels, and a whole generation it seems doesn't know any different.
    I was part one gaming community where a prominent player and guide disappeared. He resurfaced to let everyone know he'd been out playing Monster Hunter World, and was amazed at how he was able to play a complete game for what he'd been paying weekly on that particular mobile game. He called it a "breath of fresh air". I found it surreal.

    I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,138

    kitarad said:

    No wonder everyone is developing mobile games. You have to be a fool not to.

    This is so very true. Once upon a time on these very boards, we'd have regular discussions about how if a game was "this", or if it was "that" we'd have no problem paying more than the standard 15$ montly sub. Well guess what, now you can pay as much or as little as you want. The games may not be "this" or "that", but we claimed we were willing to pay more and they picked that gauntlet up.
    I've dabbled in mobile gaming long enough to realize that there are people willing to throw tons of money at pixels, and a whole generation it seems doesn't know any different.
    I was part one gaming community where a prominent player and guide disappeared. He resurfaced to let everyone know he'd been out playing Monster Hunter World, and was amazed at how he was able to play a complete game for what he'd been paying weekly on that particular mobile game. He called it a "breath of fresh air". I found it surreal.

    Someone's bitter about "pixels."

    I am willing to pay more for "a good game" just as others would. Just because we would pay more for what we consider "a good game" doesn't mean that the developers have given us that good game. 

    But other people are just willing to pay for whatever is considered entertainment (those pixels) and on mobile no less.

    Mobile gaming is aside from what we were talking about. I don't play mobile games other than a chess app on my phone so I'm not their target audience.

    But people are always willing to pay for entertainment. Is what it is. 

    And Mobile gaming is its own thing. I feel that it's sort of like gambling and giving the player that "rush." 
    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,138
    remsleep said:
    The game is actually pretty lame - but give everyone a couple of weeks to realize this.

    Way overhyped for what it is
    Why is it lame?
    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • WellspringWellspring Member EpicPosts: 1,464
    edited October 2020

    I always love to see how much people can complain about something that is completely *free.*

    Game is not bad considering. Don't forget about all the poor kids who might not have ever been able to experience BotW without this game.

    Let's not fool ourselves. F2P is not "completely" free.

    It's predatory business model, which entices people to spend more money over time than they would normally spend on a buy to play model.

    If the game had no monetization model (cash shop, ads, propaganda, licensing deals, or anything of direct or indirect benefit to the dev company or their agenda), then and only then could say it it was completely free...
    [Deleted User]AlomarScot
  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,109
    edited October 2020
    It's fun until about AR30. After that, it becomes a very typical gacha game with nothing to do outside of dailies. 

    Well, very typical is being generous. 0.6% 5 star rate, 5% 4 star rate is unacceptably terrible even by gacha standards, and the rate at which you earn rolls is also embarassingly low. The rates are so bad that the pity rate is actually better than the base rate, and that's with this game using an all or nothing 90 summon 5 star pity system, rather than the more generous and normal incremental increasing one.

    You'll probably get about 50 hours of free open world goodness out of it, then quit. I expect to see a player and revenue dropoff unless they hit the ground running with new content.
  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,109
    remsleep said:
    Sovrath said:
    remsleep said:
    The game is actually pretty lame - but give everyone a couple of weeks to realize this.

    Way overhyped for what it is
    Why is it lame?

    Any game that ends up being nothing but running dailies = lame in my book 

    End game is total dogshit
    This is true. Also, this may be the only game ever where you are encouraged not to take rewards, which is the most inane, paradoxical state of affairs ever.

    The Resin system is such a heavy-handed resource that the best way to complete the battle pass is to do activities while not spending Resin to obtain the rewards from said activities. And if that state of affairs remains unchanged, the game will die on every platform but mobile.
  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,109
    I'm not sure who these people spending lots of money even are because the game offers such a poor value proposition in its cash shop.

    The $5/month Welkin pass is justifiable enough, but the actual kneejerk microtransactions are so overpriced as to be farcical. 

    A mere 10 summons would cost you approximately $25-30. And with a rate of 0.6% per summon, there is a very real chance that half the price of a video game just got you 9 garbage weapons and a 4 star character. There's nothing micro about those transactions.
  • xpsyncxpsync Member EpicPosts: 1,854
    Torval said:
    They certainly didn't make back their dev budget in 2 weeks by people playing "completely free". They did it through predatory monetization and milking that sweet addictive revenue stream.

    I'd agree, but i don't know for fact. I don't play any mobile games outside 2048 and will be on very rare occasions.

    What i do know is anyone who plays mobile will always tell you they are dropping "a little" money, just a little, one time? daily? weekly? monthly? i'm sure if they ever took the time to add it up, it's a lot more than just a little.

    They simply don't get that they are not playing games on their phone, their wallet is doing all the playing, and they are paying the price.
    [Deleted User]
    My faith is my shield! - Turalyon 2022

    Your legend ends here and now! - (Battles Won Long Ago)

    Currently Playing; Dragonflight and SWG:L
  • DragnelusDragnelus Member EpicPosts: 3,503
    Just playing it really casual. Love it so far, I really like the art style!!!!!

    Got wolf boy and electric young emo bow girl.

  • KnightFalzKnightFalz Member EpicPosts: 4,654

    I always love to see how much people can complain about something that is completely *free.*

    Game is not bad considering. Don't forget about all the poor kids who might not have ever been able to experience BotW without this game.

    Let's not fool ourselves. F2P is not "completely" free.

    It's predatory business model, which entices people to spend more money over time than they would normally spend on a buy to play model.

    If the game had no monetization model (cash shop, ads, propaganda, licensing deals, or anything of direct or indirect benefit to the dev company or their agenda), then and only then could say it it was completely free...

    At the level of the individual f2p games can be completely free, monetarily, and that is the extent to which f2p is claimed.

    Every monetization model ever entices people to spend more money on something than they would. Buy to play games aren't exactly shy about encouraging spending above and beyond their purchase price. Some subscription games don't mind trying to get more through cash shops either. With the muddying of monetization overall this isn't as differentiating a factor as it once was.

    The only games with no monetization model that could exist are those provided by non-profit organizations which are in short supply, and I expect will remain so indefinitely.
    [Deleted User]
  • CryomatrixCryomatrix Member EpicPosts: 3,223
    I honestly dont play mobile games due to their shallowness, i also usually dislike games made in the far east due to their mechanics and greed. I also refuse to monetarily support governments that do things i do not ethically agree with.

    About the game, i dont like art style, i am bored of the genres that i play, solo adventute is boring, ARPG is fun only because i can play it hardcore. 
    Catch me streaming at
    You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations. 
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,653
    edited October 2020
    Torval said:
    Scot said:
    lahnmir said:

    Doesn't matter. If in the future other companies and games adopt that, like CS:GO, Overwatch, CoD, Battlefield, etc. some of them are not owned by Chinese companies, so doesn't matter.

    I'm sick and tired of this stupid tin hat wearing conspiracy theory preachings about China and spying. Everyone is spying on you. Even your phone and laptop's camera and microphone are spying on you. If you don't want to get spied on, sell or destroy all your technology and go live in a cave in the wilderness... sheesh.. I'm sick of all those nutjobs thinking if they install AdBlock or use VPN they are automatically safe or only China are the bad guys... everyone is the bad guys.
    China are professional league assholes, Europe lets all the immigrants from the Middle East in like it's no problem and they destroy it with their backward views and refusal to integrate, get cultured and get a job, but instead live on social benefits and commit crimes, also Europeans are taught to be pussies who should be accepting of all the poor immigrants, America has the worst education system in the planet that breeds brainwashed tools that can't think for themselves, many Americans can't even tell what Jakarta or Bratislava are capitals of and think Paris and London are countries or can't even realize there are more than one country in North America...
    I don't want to turn this into something political because this is a discussion for games and I won't respond to any further comments that will escalate the political bull crap... We all play games to escape that, but I wanted to express how sick and tired I am of just one side being portrayed as the bad guys and the others being regarded as the good guys when they all are the same trash.
    Its always easier being scared of, and pointing at, “them” instead of “us.” Doesn’t matter who is pointing at who btw.

    So true, but that does not mean "them" are always fault free just because people jump the gun to point. Nor does it mean we are fault free either, pointing works both ways.
    Both sides of the fence could be doing wicked things at the same time. This game and their government could be doing nasty things all while "our team" is doing them too. We like to think in terms of good guy/bad guy, when really they're all pretty bad. Maybe too much war, espionage, and cold war history has jaded me, but there are not real good guys.
    Yes and no. Claiming you are the good guy is a bit rich, but some regimes are on a tier of dubious behaviour that is their own. I would put China in that category. But from there to blame them for everything going, including here without any evidence that this game has stolen code from Breathe of the Wild. They are not the bogey man.

    And of course our own countries are not without fault, being aware that there are some really big offenders out there does not mean we give our own a pass for whatever they do.
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