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Chris Roberts: Star Citizen Won't Take '10 to 20 Years to Deliver'

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599
edited September 2020 in News & Features Discussion

imageChris Roberts: Star Citizen Won't Take '10 to 20 Years to Deliver'

In a reply to a forum post, Chris Roberts of Star Citizen fame addressed concerns around the release of the game, and more.

Read the full story here



  • mmoloummolou Member UncommonPosts: 256
    ok, so not 10 to 20 years, maybe 20 to 30 years?
    alkarionlogAeander[Deleted User]Mensurdragonlee66Drius75velimiriusmoroelAalamrxpsyncand 12 others.
    It is a funny world we live in.
    We had Empires run by Emperors, we had Kingdoms run by Kings, now we have Countries...
  • GeadinGeadin Member UncommonPosts: 17
    Naw maybe 9 years and 11 months with an extended road map.
  • BabuinixBabuinix Member EpicPosts: 4,502
    edited September 2020
    How do we go from:

    “I can promise you the gameplay I described is not a pipe dream, nor will it take 10 to 20 years to deliver.”

    To that title?  :D 

    Creative "Journalism" is a thing we get it but misrepresenting quotes for clickbait is kind low.
    GdemamifoxgirlbotrytisAkaradrinswarmdieKyleranUtinniGamePlay4Ujmlane223Branko2307and 3 others.
  • foxgirlfoxgirl Member RarePosts: 485
    No, it'll take 30 years!
  • alkarionlogalkarionlog Member EpicPosts: 3,584
    someone need to tell him ship skins don't count as game delivery
    foxgirlDrius75Viper482botrytisElvocGamePlay4Uoriya9Branko2307[Deleted User]Nyghthowlerand 2 others.
    FOR HONOR, FOR FREEDOM.... and for some money.
  • MensurMensur Member EpicPosts: 1,531
    Here we go again.

    You got to give the dude credit for replying on the post.

    However- It think he is doing "damage-control" - Because if you can be that greedy and sell ship after F-ing ship all the time - and keep editing and adding things to the road map- or as a forum dweller once said: They are making roadmaps for roadmaps. It is really hard to belvie anything that comes out of his mouth.

    I really hope that I am wrong- really do. But this is pure damage control and a try hard approach to be "transparent"

    mmorpg junkie since 1999

  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,111
    It won't take 10 to 20 years to deliver, because it won't be delivered.
    MensurMendelxpsyncfoxgirlFrodoFraginsDrius75botrytisLackingMMOnewbismxPhoenix_Hawkand 4 others.
  • GrintchGrintch Member UncommonPosts: 132
    Is this one game or 2? It's confusing as hell.
  • MendelMendel Member LegendaryPosts: 5,609
    Aeander said:
    It won't take 10 to 20 years to deliver, because it won't be delivered.

    As long as the development process is so financially successful, why bother to move to a stage where the game can be considered 'delivered'?  The incentive there is to stay in perpetual development mode.

    AeanderMensurGdemamimmolouDrius75botrytisKyleranPhoenix_Hawkoriya9Nephethand 2 others.

    Logic, my dear, merely enables one to be wrong with great authority.

  • xpsyncxpsync Member EpicPosts: 1,854
    edited September 2020

    I mean he said 5 years top's a decade ago, hell yeah, so maybe in our lifetime is on the table.
    My faith is my shield! - Turalyon 2022

    Your legend ends here and now! - (Battles Won Long Ago)

    Currently Playing; Dragonflight and SWG:L
  • xpsyncxpsync Member EpicPosts: 1,854

    foxgirl said:

    No, it'll take 30 years!

    I think you're being overly generous :)
    My faith is my shield! - Turalyon 2022

    Your legend ends here and now! - (Battles Won Long Ago)

    Currently Playing; Dragonflight and SWG:L
  • dinogndinogn Member UncommonPosts: 52
    Does he inclue or exclude the already 8 years of developement ?
    foxgirlghettoceleb[Deleted User]
  • lahnmirlahnmir Member LegendaryPosts: 5,060
    Interesting post by Roberts. It mostly comes down to “you just don’t understand game development” and “be nice to us.” They definitely work Agile though, they dodge a timeline here, jump over a roadmap there.

    Babuinix said:
    How do we go from:

    “I can promise you the gameplay I described is not a pipe dream, nor will it take 10 to 20 years to deliver.”

    To that title?  :D 

    Creative "Journalism" is a thing we get it but misrepresenting quotes for clickbait is kind low.
    I think the title perfectly covers what he said. Unless you think it will take longer. Do you Babs? Do you think it will take longer? Because I think it will be a foto finish.

    mmolouHatefullbotrytisMensurTacticalZombeh[Deleted User]
    'the only way he could nail it any better is if he used a cross.'

    Kyleran on yours sincerely 

    'But there are many. You can play them entirely solo, and even offline. Also, you are wrong by default.'

    Ikcin in response to yours sincerely debating whether or not single-player offline MMOs exist...

    'This does not apply just to ED but SC or any other game. What they will get is Rebirth/X4, likely prettier but equally underwhelming and pointless. 

    It is incredibly difficult to design some meaningfull leg content that would fit a space ship game - simply because it is not a leg game.

    It is just huge resource waste....'

    Gdemami absolutely not being an armchair developer

  • foxgirlfoxgirl Member RarePosts: 485
    I think he has dreamed his whole like making money off a game, so why stop dreaming when he is make money hand over fist just selling ship skins and pipedreams?
    xpsyncmoroelHatefull[Deleted User]
  • RelampagoRelampago Member UncommonPosts: 451
    First concepts of the game 2010, production and development 2011, kickstarter 2012.  It has already taken 10 years.
    xpsyncDrius75botrytis[Deleted User][Deleted User]
  • JoeBloberJoeBlober Member RarePosts: 587

    Mensur said:

    Here we go again.

    You got to give the dude credit for replying on the post.

    However- It think he is doing "damage-control" - Because if you can be that greedy and sell ship after F-ing ship all the time - and keep editing and adding things to the road map- or as a forum dweller once said: They are making roadmaps for roadmaps. It is really hard to belvie anything that comes out of his mouth.

    I really hope that I am wrong- really do. But this is pure damage control and a try hard approach to be "transparent"

    When being transparent because one single question is the most requested one by backers become 'damage control', we know why answering more than once every year is way enough. Whatever he say, will be turned against him by those who claim scam or ponzi even if those two words have zero meaning.
    The guys explain with details why things are done... not enough. Most naysayers don't care at all. They just want a date. Even 2016 with 1/5 rd of contents would have been okay for them. Date is everything.
    I totally understand why Publishers don't care about gamer community at large. Why make some effort to be creative while you can just re-skinned the same game over two decades...

    Fortunately, CIG support is not driven by 10's guys on internet comment section :)
    botrytismmoloumoroelSensaiKyleranMensurIselinRicardo5802TacticalZombehDakeruand 1 other.
  • HatefullHatefull Member EpicPosts: 2,503

    foxgirl said:

    I think he has dreamed his whole like making money off a game, so why stop dreaming when he is make money hand over fist just selling ship skins and pipedreams?

    His Wing Commander series made him quite a bit of money already, this project, obviously has made him much more, but he would have been a high paid dev at any studio he wanted.

    Mensur said:

    Here we go again.

    You got to give the dude credit for replying on the post.

    However- It think he is doing "damage-control" - Because if you can be that greedy and sell ship after F-ing ship all the time - and keep editing and adding things to the road map- or as a forum dweller once said: They are making roadmaps for roadmaps. It is really hard to belvie anything that comes out of his mouth.

    I really hope that I am wrong- really do. But this is pure damage control and a try hard approach to be "transparent"

    I might have been more receptive to your "damage control" statement, but right now SC is in a free fly event, and while it's not great advertisement for the servers I will say there are heaps more players checking it out. Not sure what damage he needs to control but the game (with people that actually game and not just moan on forums) is actually quite popular. Still very alpha so frustrating, but there is plenty to do at this point.

    I mean, just one guy that actually plays the games opinion of course, I am sure the forum warriors know more than I do though.

    If you want a new idea, go read an old book.

    In order to be insulted, I must first value your opinion.

  • VrikaVrika Member LegendaryPosts: 8,023
    dinogn said:
    Does he inclue or exclude the already 8 years of developement ?
    I suspect they are following agile exclusion method where everything that does not fit Chris Robert's speech is excluded.
    Drius75[Deleted User]
  • JoeBloberJoeBlober Member RarePosts: 587

    foxgirl said:

    I think he has dreamed his whole like making money off a game, so why stop dreaming when he is make money hand over fist just selling ship skins and pipedreams?

    Because it make no sense to believe they make more cash in Alpha rather than with a finish product?

    Make your own speculation based on facts: A game in development, gathering more new members at each patch over years, accumulating +300M$ with a fraction of all gameplay, while having to deal with bugs, crash and potential wipe.

    – Does a finished game (in fact two with SQ42 to be released before SC) can gather way more people never joining
    – Does a finished game will lift doubt from backers who stop pledging more until a specific ship or gameplay is added?

    – Does a finished game (SQ42) could be a good candidate to be ported to new consoles generation with minimum of effort because compatible and powerful enough hardware, hence doubling or tripling PC players base?

    The answer is genuinely a big yes. The cash you see now is a fraction of what will get in. If cash was the main reason to keep development longer, finishing game is by far the best incentive.
    mmolou[Deleted User]strawhat0981McSleazMensurAsheramPhoenix_HawkRicardo5802Hatefull[Deleted User]and 1 other.
  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    Development started sometime in 2017? And he's saying it won't take between 10 to 20 years, so even if it went past the 10 year mark, he'd still be within the confines of his statement.....I'll admit, he's a smart man when you think about it. He pretty much gave himself a legal out by making this a public statement since he can pretty much stall the process out another 16 years or so if he wanted without legal action. Sleezy, but smart.
  • JoeBloberJoeBlober Member RarePosts: 587

    lahnmir said:

    "It mostly comes down to “you just don’t understand game development” and “be nice to us.”

    As usual, let's put words in mouth of a guy that never said or intended to say so.

  • JoeBloberJoeBlober Member RarePosts: 587

    xpsync said:


    I mean he said 5 years top's a decade ago, hell yeah, so maybe in our lifetime is on the table.

    let's forget totally scope change for two triple-A back in mid-2014 because it have zero meaning in terms of development.
    Scope change that make join 1.000.000 individual backers versus the 40K backers at end of Nov. 2012
    botrytis[Deleted User]strawhat0981
  • Viper482Viper482 Member LegendaryPosts: 4,102
    This guy's face makes me want to kick a puppy.
    [Deleted User]xpsyncMensurnewbismxAeanderNeoyoshijmlane223Branko2307[Deleted User]gastovski1
    Make MMORPG's Great Again!
  • Viper482Viper482 Member LegendaryPosts: 4,102

    JoeBlober said:

    lahnmir said:

    "It mostly comes down to “you just don’t understand game development” and “be nice to us.”

    As usual, let's put words in mouth of a guy that never said or intended to say so.

    Your avatar is so fitting...
    botrytismmolou[Deleted User][Deleted User]MensurPhoenix_HawkRemyVorenderBranko2307[Deleted User]Dakeruand 1 other.
    Make MMORPG's Great Again!
  • botrytisbotrytis Member RarePosts: 3,363
    JoeBlober said:

    xpsync said:


    I mean he said 5 years top's a decade ago, hell yeah, so maybe in our lifetime is on the table.

    let's forget totally scope change for two triple-A back in mid-2014 because it have zero meaning in terms of development.
    Scope change that make join 1.000.000 individual backers versus the 40K backers at end of Nov. 2012
    Like Trump, he cares less for the backers, it is all about him and his ego....

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