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All alone here.

delete5230delete5230 Member EpicPosts: 7,081
I must apologize if I'm stepping out of line by making a topic about me.  But in reality it's more about you as an end result.  

I do have to say my topics are true not for picking a fight.  I fix situations, even when the majority are wrong.  Been that way all along even at work.... Difference between work and here is my points ALWAYS comes out on top because I'm right.  It's not that I think I'm great, its because most people don't care about details and go with the flow, even if it cost the tax payers millions.... They don't care, but after I win, EVERYONE tells me good job.

Here on this site,
3rd generation games killed off what mmorpg's are, even the classics changed to 3rd generation OR have not been modernized..... mmorpgs are almost gone, soon to be forgotten......... Sure nothing WE CAN DO ABOUT IT, but still most everyone here don't understand what happened, but some do and like this FREE CRAP, because they like FREE stuff..... I'm more alone on this because most REAL MMOPRG PLAYERS excepted this and moved on. 

So in reality I'm in the majority category, but left here all alone to fight. I fight the good fight like the "Lone Gunmen" in the X-files.... When I die, and that may be soon (or maybe longer), I'll feel good about my self by fighting the good fight to the end.

I'm an extremely humble person that fight wrong doings.   Let's just hope we get a REAL mmorpg in the future, so millions or real mmorpg players can come back and talk about their adventures.

My estimate:
10 people agree what an mmorpg is
50 people like both
2,000 like free stuff

Gdemamimaskedweaselstrawhat0981[Deleted User]mmolouSensaiAsheramUngoodbcbullyMMOExposed


  • NeanderthalNeanderthal Member RarePosts: 1,861
    Good job Delete5230.  I also have suffered from the ignorance of others who often fail to see that I am always right.  It's difficult to contain my frustration when people refuse to admit that I'm smarter, more informed, and generally just better than they are.

    I guess that's the burden people like us have to carry.  
    [Deleted User]LynxJSA[Deleted User]delete5230moshrastrawhat0981dragonlee66[Deleted User]GdemamiAsheramand 4 others.
  • iixviiiixiixviiiix Member RarePosts: 2,256
    How much do you think people have to pay to get access to the "free stuff" ? There are no "free stuff" in internet.
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,656
    edited August 2020
    Delete I am not sure we could do without you, I have never seen anyone else on here spark so much debate from such narrow content. All of us seem to like to hear ourselves speak for some reason. :)
    delete5230maskedweaselGorweSovrath[Deleted User]NeanderthalbcbullyTokken
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,262
    edited August 2020
    I dunno why, but this great Beatles song just came to memory.

    The Fool on the Hill

    Enjoy  B)

    [Deleted User]Asheram[Deleted User]Ungood

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • GorweGorwe Member Posts: 1,642
    Why'd being all alone be bad? Would you rather be alongside nosy, rude, moronic people?

    Also, I bow my head to you, I'll proceed to CANCEL, hell even DELETE(0000) myself!
  • delete5230delete5230 Member EpicPosts: 7,081
    edited August 2020
    All your threads are about you and how superior you are compared to us poor mortals.
    So it's definitely not a surprise that you do one more...

    Please, keep the jokes flowing, we all need a laugh ;)
    Well not superior at all,
    But if I'm looking at a bicycle that clearly a bike with peddles driving a chain that is connected to a sprocket that is connected to the rear wheel.  With only two tires, handle bars and no engine...... I can safely say it's a bike. Their could be different styles, but this one is a bicycle. 

    Now if I'm with several other people standing along side the bike and they are saying it's a gasoline powered Automobile, and I tell them that it's a bike and they argue with me.... does this make me feel superior ?..... no, not at all.

    That's whats going on here, no superiority what so ever.  

    Just another kid on the block.
  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,139
    I don't think you are. This site is crawling with people who want "a real MMORPG."

    But here's a thought, which also ties in with the Death Stranding Review discussion ...

    Most people go through life liking things that have some semblance of popularity. However, there are whole hosts of things that have extremely small followings.

    I used to go to what was called "new music" concerts that were lucky to get above 10 people. I remember counting 17 people in a concert and thought wow, they really outdid themselves. Of course, a good many of those people were just supportive friends and unfortunate girlfriends.

    The point is that at some point you might find yourself being in the group that is a minority, maybe even an extreme minority. And you just have to come to terms with your interest being something that not a lot of others like. That's ok. There's no reason people "have to" like a thing.

    Just revel in your interest and don't get bogged down in the idea that most don't like it.

    Otherwise you will be wasting your time on the negative and that's not a good use of one's time.
    delete5230[Deleted User]
    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,139
    Kyleran said:
    I dunno why, but this great Beatles song just came to memory.

    The Fool on the Hill

    Enjoy  B)

    Love this song!
    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,262
    Rhoklaw said:
    All your threads are about you and how superior you are compared to us poor mortals.
    So it's definitely not a surprise that you do one more...

    Please, keep the jokes flowing, we all need a laugh ;)
    Well not superior at all,
    But if I'm looking at a bicycle that clearly a bike with peddles driving a chain that is connected to a sprocket that is connected to the rear wheel.  With only two tires, handle bars and no engine...... I can safely say it's a bike. Their could be different styles, but this one is a bicycle. 

    Now if I'm with several other people standing along side the bike and they are saying it's a gasoline powered Automobile, and I tell them that it's a bike and they argue with me.... does this make me feel superior ?..... no, not at all.

    That's whats going on here, no superiority what so ever.  

    Just another kid on the block.
    I think you are seriously confused and in an extreme state of denial. I've been called a Narcissist on multiple occasions when I argue, thinking I'm right when I was wrong. What you just posted above is proof that you're suffering from Narcissism. You claim people are arguing with you that a bike is not just a bicycle but also a motorcycle. Guess what, they are correct and YOU would be wrong.

    You also hate everything having a specific meaning or term to represent something that is in fact unique to itself. Bike can mean Bicycle OR Motorcycle. If you can't wrap your head around that simple concept of definitions, than I don't know what to tell you.

    If this is about the Casual vs. Hardcore definitions, it's not as black and white as the whole Bike thing, but that's because gaming terms have always been more loosely represent within the community. Especially defining exactly what an MMO is, not to be confused with MMORPG, which is a specific genre of MMO. There are in fact, MMOFPS, MMORPG, MMOBR, MOBA, and lite MMOs such as Sandbox Survival Games or CO-OP / HUB games like Borderlands or Destiny 1 & 2.

    Maybe everyone here won't agree with what I just wrote, but in the gaming genre, we don't really have specific terms to define every little variation of gaming. I can assure you though, I will never consider an FPS to be the same as an RPG, yet both can be considered MMOs.
    Riddle me this Batman, is FO 76 a FPS? RPG? Survival game? Trick question, the answer is Yes to all three.

    OK caped crusader, another one, is FO 76 a MMO?  Online multiplayer game? Buggy POS?

    Another trick question, IMO it is all of the above.

    I promise I can argue for and against it being any or none of them, it's just what we who live under the bridge do.  >:)

    [Deleted User]

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • AmatheAmathe Member LegendaryPosts: 7,630
    Heavy is the head that wears the crown. 
    [Deleted User]AlBQuirkyUngood

    EQ1, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, GW, GW2 CoH, CoV, FFXI, WoW, CO, War,TSW and a slew of free trials and beta tests

  • cameltosiscameltosis Member LegendaryPosts: 3,875
    First up @delete5230 never stop posting, you stir up a lot of discussion and I value that, even if I usually disagree with you. Having discussions on these boards has really helped me explore my own thoughts on gaming and mmos, hearing other peoples opinions and trying to understand them has expanded my thinking greatly.

    Second, if you want to get more people "on your side" so that you stop being so alone, here are a few pointers:

    1) Learn to spell and use proper grammer.
    I know english may not be your first language and you also had some recent problems that may have had an effect on this, but being able to articulate your own point of view is essential in winning people over. If the other person cannot understand what you mean, it's highly unlikely they'll agree with you.

    2) Come up with better arguements.
    Nearly every single thread you start seems to boil down to "I loved the early themeparks, therefore I think only that style can be called an mmorpg and only that style should be developed from now on". I have absolutely no problem with you stating your preferences and wishing for more, we all do that. But, when you try to project your preference onto the entire genre, you don't come off well.

    3) Try to use data
    This is harder to do in the modern era as fewer companies release data compared to the early years of the genre. But there is still some data out there, often in investor reports and the like. For example, you keep complaining about games you used to like being warped into something you dont like (2nd gen being turned into 3rd gen, from your OP). Well, what does the data say? See if you can find out population data over time for those games. Did the updates from 2nd to 3rd gen hurt of help the game? Was the game already struggling before the change?

    I'll use SWG and the NGE as an example. The population was in decline before the NGE. The NGE itself drove off a lot of existing players. However, within a year, the population had increased beyond what it had pre-NGE. So, whilst many of us hated the NGE, the data shows that we were in the minority and that the NGE actually saved the game from being shut down or put into maintenence mode. Additionally, the NGE was actually only 2nd place for losing customers. A change to group XP resulted in the most players lost from the game. The NGE was also very closely followed in 3rd place by the way the auction house worked. According to Raph Koster, about 40% of the community owned their own shop, but with the AH change, all those shops became obsolete and many of those players quit.

    Now, whilst data doesn't have any effect on your own enjoyment, it can help to illuminate the decision making of the devs, and give you more insight into the community at large.

    4) Understand your own desires better
    I may be wrong about this one, and if so I apologise, but I get the impression that you don't actually understand what it is and isn't you enjoy in MMORPGs. You list off features that you say you enjoy and are required for your own enjoyment, yet then you come back the next week saying you hate a game even though it has everything you want in it (im thinking specifically of P1999, but i know you've done this with a quite a few games).

    So, if you don't understand your own desires, there is no chance that we will.

    5) Go deeper
    I consider most of your arguments to be "surface level" arguments. You make a statement and hope for the best, maybe sharing a personal annecdote or two. Well, thats enough to start a conversation, it's not enough to convince anyone that you know what you're talking about.

    Examine the issue deeper. Why do you think that way? Do you really understand a feature as well as you think? Do you understand how that feature relates to the overall design philosophy? Do you understand it's strengths and weaknesses compared to the alternatives? Do you understand how human psychology relates to the design?

    It's also totally OK to not understand things, and to instead start threads looking for help in understanding. we've seen just how clueless some game devs are, and they're the professionals! For example, it took me years to understand the appeal of action combat games, I just couldn't wrap my head around it at all. 5-10 hours into a game with action combat and I'm bored as hell, so how the hell could anyone play for 500+ hours?! Madness! It was only when I was introduced to the theory of multiple intelligences that I finally understood (because action combat targets physical intelligence, whilst I prefer tab-target systems that target logical / mathematical intelligence).

    Similarly, it took me ages to figure out why I loved LotRO's combat mechanics but hated SWTOR's. They're basically the same: both tab target, loads of skill, same sort of GCD, ranges etc. I had to learn about interdependence, player agency, the weaknesses of the trinity, group psychology, problems with vertical progression and the whole concept of depth before I was finally able to understand my own preference and explain it to others.

    Finally, YOU ARE ALONE! No-one else in the world is going to have the exact same preferences as you, we are all unique in that way. That's OK too, the world would be a much more boring place if we all thought the same way.

    This is also part of the reason why I advocate MMORPGs that aim for a wide audience: diversity results in stronger communities, which is something I value in my online worlds. A community full of clones sucks.
    Gdemamidelete5230[Deleted User]AlBQuirkyGorweLaazRockitUngood[Deleted User]BabuinixHawkaya399
    Currently Playing: WAR RoR - Spitt rr82 Black Orc | Scrotling rr6X Squig Herder | Scabrous rr6X Shaman

  • AsheramAsheram Member EpicPosts: 5,078
    Amathe[Deleted User]AlBQuirkySovrath
  • KnightFalzKnightFalz Member EpicPosts: 4,654
    I must apologize if I'm stepping out of line by making a topic about me.  But in reality it's more about you as an end result.  

    I do have to say my topics are true not for picking a fight.  I fix situations, even when the majority are wrong.  Been that way all along even at work.... Difference between work and here is my points ALWAYS comes out on top because I'm right.  It's not that I think I'm great, its because most people don't care about details and go with the flow, even if it cost the tax payers millions.... They don't care, but after I win, EVERYONE tells me good job.

    Here on this site,
    3rd generation games killed off what mmorpg's are, even the classics changed to 3rd generation OR have not been modernized..... mmorpgs are almost gone, soon to be forgotten......... Sure nothing WE CAN DO ABOUT IT, but still most everyone here don't understand what happened, but some do and like this FREE CRAP, because they like FREE stuff..... I'm more alone on this because most REAL MMOPRG PLAYERS excepted this and moved on. 

    So in reality I'm in the majority category, but left here all alone to fight. I fight the good fight like the "Lone Gunmen" in the X-files.... When I die, and that may be soon (or maybe longer), I'll feel good about my self by fighting the good fight to the end.

    I'm an extremely humble person that fight wrong doings.   Let's just hope we get a REAL mmorpg in the future, so millions or real mmorpg players can come back and talk about their adventures.

    My estimate:
    10 people agree what an mmorpg is
    50 people like both
    2,000 like free stuff

    Extremely humble people don't speak about how they are always right and always come out on top, or sing their own praises at all really, nevermind with regularity.

    Such is the conduct of a blow-hard.

    You were offered a lot of good advice by cameltosis you would do well to consider.
  • delete5230delete5230 Member EpicPosts: 7,081
    I must apologize if I'm stepping out of line by making a topic about me.  But in reality it's more about you as an end result.  

    I do have to say my topics are true not for picking a fight.  I fix situations, even when the majority are wrong.  Been that way all along even at work.... Difference between work and here is my points ALWAYS comes out on top because I'm right.  It's not that I think I'm great, its because most people don't care about details and go with the flow, even if it cost the tax payers millions.... They don't care, but after I win, EVERYONE tells me good job.

    Here on this site,
    3rd generation games killed off what mmorpg's are, even the classics changed to 3rd generation OR have not been modernized..... mmorpgs are almost gone, soon to be forgotten......... Sure nothing WE CAN DO ABOUT IT, but still most everyone here don't understand what happened, but some do and like this FREE CRAP, because they like FREE stuff..... I'm more alone on this because most REAL MMOPRG PLAYERS excepted this and moved on. 

    So in reality I'm in the majority category, but left here all alone to fight. I fight the good fight like the "Lone Gunmen" in the X-files.... When I die, and that may be soon (or maybe longer), I'll feel good about my self by fighting the good fight to the end.

    I'm an extremely humble person that fight wrong doings.   Let's just hope we get a REAL mmorpg in the future, so millions or real mmorpg players can come back and talk about their adventures.

    My estimate:
    10 people agree what an mmorpg is
    50 people like both
    2,000 like free stuff

    Extremely humble people don't speak about how they are always right and always come out on top, or sing their own praises at all really, nevermind with regularity.

    Such is the conduct of a blow-hard.

    You were offered a lot of good advice by cameltosis you would do well to consider.
    You couldn't be more wrong,
    Humble people are to be door mats waiting to be walked all over ?

    Bull crap..... I and many other humble people could care deeply about people and all human race and not let WRONG DOING take over !!!!

    Gaming companies for mmorpg's killed the industry for MILLIONS of mmorpg players to replace it with cheap 30 day on-line games..... They even went deeper by publicly saying people want this stuff. 

    I've seen many of your post.... Your an on-line-gamer, not an mmorpg player anyway.
  • lahnmirlahnmir Member LegendaryPosts: 5,060
    I must apologize if I'm stepping out of line by making a topic about me.  But in reality it's more about you as an end result.  

    I do have to say my topics are true not for picking a fight.  I fix situations, even when the majority are wrong.  Been that way all along even at work.... Difference between work and here is my points ALWAYS comes out on top because I'm right.  It's not that I think I'm great, its because most people don't care about details and go with the flow, even if it cost the tax payers millions.... They don't care, but after I win, EVERYONE tells me good job.

    Here on this site,
    3rd generation games killed off what mmorpg's are, even the classics changed to 3rd generation OR have not been modernized..... mmorpgs are almost gone, soon to be forgotten......... Sure nothing WE CAN DO ABOUT IT, but still most everyone here don't understand what happened, but some do and like this FREE CRAP, because they like FREE stuff..... I'm more alone on this because most REAL MMOPRG PLAYERS excepted this and moved on. 

    So in reality I'm in the majority category, but left here all alone to fight. I fight the good fight like the "Lone Gunmen" in the X-files.... When I die, and that may be soon (or maybe longer), I'll feel good about my self by fighting the good fight to the end.

    I'm an extremely humble person that fight wrong doings.   Let's just hope we get a REAL mmorpg in the future, so millions or real mmorpg players can come back and talk about their adventures.

    My estimate:
    10 people agree what an mmorpg is
    50 people like both
    2,000 like free stuff

    Extremely humble people don't speak about how they are always right and always come out on top, or sing their own praises at all really, nevermind with regularity.

    Such is the conduct of a blow-hard.

    You were offered a lot of good advice by cameltosis you would do well to consider.
    You couldn't be more wrong,
    Humble people are to be door mats waiting to be walked all over ?

    Bull crap..... I and many other humble people could care deeply about people and all human race and not let WRONG DOING take over !!!!

    Gaming companies for mmorpg's killed the industry for MILLIONS of mmorpg players to replace it with cheap 30 day on-line games..... They even went deeper by publicly saying people want this stuff. 

    I've seen many of your post.... Your an on-line-gamer, not an mmorpg player anyway.
    What you describe isn't a humble type of person, its a righteous defender type of person. And although those always stand up for what is good (good being completely defined by them) they are quite the opposite of humble.

    [Deleted User]BrainymmolouAlBQuirkyKyleran
    'the only way he could nail it any better is if he used a cross.'

    Kyleran on yours sincerely 

    'But there are many. You can play them entirely solo, and even offline. Also, you are wrong by default.'

    Ikcin in response to yours sincerely debating whether or not single-player offline MMOs exist...

    'This does not apply just to ED but SC or any other game. What they will get is Rebirth/X4, likely prettier but equally underwhelming and pointless. 

    It is incredibly difficult to design some meaningfull leg content that would fit a space ship game - simply because it is not a leg game.

    It is just huge resource waste....'

    Gdemami absolutely not being an armchair developer

  • DibdabsDibdabs Member RarePosts: 3,241
    All your threads are about you and how superior you are compared to us poor mortals.
    So it's definitely not a surprise that you do one more...

    Please, keep the jokes flowing, we all need a laugh ;)
    Well not superior at all,
    But if I'm looking at a bicycle that clearly a bike with peddles driving a chain that is connected to a sprocket that is connected to the rear wheel.  With only two tires, handle bars and no engine...... I can safely say it's a bike. Their could be different styles, but this one is a bicycle. 

    Now if I'm with several other people standing along side the bike and they are saying it's a gasoline powered Automobile, and I tell them that it's a bike and they argue with me.... does this make me feel superior ?..... no, not at all.

    That's whats going on here, no superiority what so ever.  

    Just another kid on the block.
    Clearly it isn't a bicycle, because bicycles have pedals, not "peddles".  You're and the people who think it's an automobile are both wrong.  :D
  • SandmanjwSandmanjw Member RarePosts: 531


    Is a made up term that can describe....anything.

    Arguing about something that means different things to different people is plain foolish.

    Expecting people to like the same thing forever is also plain foolish. That is why companies are always changing and trying different ways to part people from their money.

    Ask someone from 100 years ago what MMORPG is and they would have no clue what you are talking about. Most likely ask the same 100 years from now and get the same response.

    Thinking things are being ruined, or that everything was better in the past is not really ever the real truth of anything.

    Can not change the fact that everything changes.... 

  • kitaradkitarad Member LegendaryPosts: 8,190
    This is sad.

  • UngoodUngood Member LegendaryPosts: 7,535
    First up @delete5230 never stop posting, you stir up a lot of discussion and I value that, even if I usually disagree with you. Having discussions on these boards has really helped me explore my own thoughts on gaming and mmos, hearing other peoples opinions and trying to understand them has expanded my thinking greatly.

    Second, if you want to get more people "on your side" so that you stop being so alone, here are a few pointers:

    If he did all this, it just would not be a Delete thread.
    Egotism is the anesthetic that dullens the pain of stupidity, this is why when I try to beat my head against the stupidity of other people, I only hurt myself.

  • delete5230delete5230 Member EpicPosts: 7,081
    Sandmanjw said:


    Is a made up term that can describe....anything.

    Arguing about something that means different things to different people is plain foolish.

    Expecting people to like the same thing forever is also plain foolish. That is why companies are always changing and trying different ways to part people from their money.

    Ask someone from 100 years ago what MMORPG is and they would have no clue what you are talking about. Most likely ask the same 100 years from now and get the same response.

    Thinking things are being ruined, or that everything was better in the past is not really ever the real truth of anything.

    Can not change the fact that everything changes.... 

    First lets talk about foolish,
    To waist a portion of our day on this site is foolish for all of us. New people could gain knowledge here on what games are available but even that should be short lived because within a few hours max they can gather any information they need. 

    For the rest of us it's a time sink, look at most any topic here, the information or opinions are minuscule and really unimportant. 

    For the rest of your post, I see what your trying to do.  Your rephrasing what every one here is trying to do..... hoping you hit the "key" so I would finally understand.... I already understand.

    mmorpg's are not mmorpg's anymore but games-online with people on the screen.  For the thousand people here, their are millions waiting for mmorpg.  Their done with all the butchered classics and are gone.   
  • KnightFalzKnightFalz Member EpicPosts: 4,654
    edited August 2020
    I must apologize if I'm stepping out of line by making a topic about me.  But in reality it's more about you as an end result.  

    I do have to say my topics are true not for picking a fight.  I fix situations, even when the majority are wrong.  Been that way all along even at work.... Difference between work and here is my points ALWAYS comes out on top because I'm right.  It's not that I think I'm great, its because most people don't care about details and go with the flow, even if it cost the tax payers millions.... They don't care, but after I win, EVERYONE tells me good job.

    Here on this site,
    3rd generation games killed off what mmorpg's are, even the classics changed to 3rd generation OR have not been modernized..... mmorpgs are almost gone, soon to be forgotten......... Sure nothing WE CAN DO ABOUT IT, but still most everyone here don't understand what happened, but some do and like this FREE CRAP, because they like FREE stuff..... I'm more alone on this because most REAL MMOPRG PLAYERS excepted this and moved on. 

    So in reality I'm in the majority category, but left here all alone to fight. I fight the good fight like the "Lone Gunmen" in the X-files.... When I die, and that may be soon (or maybe longer), I'll feel good about my self by fighting the good fight to the end.

    I'm an extremely humble person that fight wrong doings.   Let's just hope we get a REAL mmorpg in the future, so millions or real mmorpg players can come back and talk about their adventures.

    My estimate:
    10 people agree what an mmorpg is
    50 people like both
    2,000 like free stuff

    Extremely humble people don't speak about how they are always right and always come out on top, or sing their own praises at all really, nevermind with regularity.

    Such is the conduct of a blow-hard.

    You were offered a lot of good advice by cameltosis you would do well to consider.
    You couldn't be more wrong,
    Humble people are to be door mats waiting to be walked all over ?

    Bull crap..... I and many other humble people could care deeply about people and all human race and not let WRONG DOING take over !!!!

    Gaming companies for mmorpg's killed the industry for MILLIONS of mmorpg players to replace it with cheap 30 day on-line games..... They even went deeper by publicly saying people want this stuff. 

    I've seen many of your post.... Your an on-line-gamer, not an mmorpg player anyway.

    Humble people are modest rather than boastful and prideful. They do much but you won't hear about it from their own lips. Praise for their efforts will come from others rather than through an indulgent litany of self-absorption.

    They are quietly strong in their meritoriousness, as in not a blow-hard.
  • lahnmirlahnmir Member LegendaryPosts: 5,060
    tzervo said:
    “Social media gives legions of <censored> the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the <censored>”
    ― Umberto Eco
    You can easily find the uncensored quote on the net ;)
    “Who is more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him?”

    Obi Wan Kenobi

    “Common sense is not so common.” - Voltaire

    [Deleted User]AlBQuirky
    'the only way he could nail it any better is if he used a cross.'

    Kyleran on yours sincerely 

    'But there are many. You can play them entirely solo, and even offline. Also, you are wrong by default.'

    Ikcin in response to yours sincerely debating whether or not single-player offline MMOs exist...

    'This does not apply just to ED but SC or any other game. What they will get is Rebirth/X4, likely prettier but equally underwhelming and pointless. 

    It is incredibly difficult to design some meaningfull leg content that would fit a space ship game - simply because it is not a leg game.

    It is just huge resource waste....'

    Gdemami absolutely not being an armchair developer

  • delete5230delete5230 Member EpicPosts: 7,081
    edited August 2020
    I must apologize if I'm stepping out of line by making a topic about me.  But in reality it's more about you as an end result.  

    I do have to say my topics are true not for picking a fight.  I fix situations, even when the majority are wrong.  Been that way all along even at work.... Difference between work and here is my points ALWAYS comes out on top because I'm right.  It's not that I think I'm great, its because most people don't care about details and go with the flow, even if it cost the tax payers millions.... They don't care, but after I win, EVERYONE tells me good job.

    Here on this site,
    3rd generation games killed off what mmorpg's are, even the classics changed to 3rd generation OR have not been modernized..... mmorpgs are almost gone, soon to be forgotten......... Sure nothing WE CAN DO ABOUT IT, but still most everyone here don't understand what happened, but some do and like this FREE CRAP, because they like FREE stuff..... I'm more alone on this because most REAL MMOPRG PLAYERS excepted this and moved on. 

    So in reality I'm in the majority category, but left here all alone to fight. I fight the good fight like the "Lone Gunmen" in the X-files.... When I die, and that may be soon (or maybe longer), I'll feel good about my self by fighting the good fight to the end.

    I'm an extremely humble person that fight wrong doings.   Let's just hope we get a REAL mmorpg in the future, so millions or real mmorpg players can come back and talk about their adventures.

    My estimate:
    10 people agree what an mmorpg is
    50 people like both
    2,000 like free stuff

    Extremely humble people don't speak about how they are always right and always come out on top, or sing their own praises at all really, nevermind with regularity.

    Such is the conduct of a blow-hard.

    You were offered a lot of good advice by cameltosis you would do well to consider.
    You couldn't be more wrong,
    Humble people are to be door mats waiting to be walked all over ?

    Bull crap..... I and many other humble people could care deeply about people and all human race and not let WRONG DOING take over !!!!

    Gaming companies for mmorpg's killed the industry for MILLIONS of mmorpg players to replace it with cheap 30 day on-line games..... They even went deeper by publicly saying people want this stuff. 

    I've seen many of your post.... Your an on-line-gamer, not an mmorpg player anyway.

    Humble people are modest rather than boastful and prideful. They do much but you won't hear about it from their own lips. Praise for their efforts will come from others rather than through an indulgent litany of self-absorption.

    They are quietly strong in their meritoriousness, as in not a blow-hard.
    OK because of your ignorance I'll have to break my Anonymity.

    I'm a member of AA, been sober just over 30 years. My first two I needed help but then I spent the last 28 years helping others..... I've taken HUGE risk in some cases.  Even been in very dangerous places to do so...... What have you done ?

    I have a government job, I'm sure your aware of some laziness in doing so.  Things not being done, things being neglected, cost being exploited.  This cost the tax payer millions, I don't stand for it EVER, I force people to be accountable..... What have you done ?

    I'm dying, I'll not go into detail.  I unselfishly don't care about myself.  I'll be fairly healthy until the end. I WILL be in good spirits until the end and show strength to my new wife and disabled grand daughter AND EVERYONE AROUND ME until the end.... I'm very spiritual, the last thing I care about is me !!!!....... What have you done?   

    I I've spent over 25 years teaching Martial Arts for FREE..... What have you done.

    I'll bet if everyone was led into a concentration camp, you would go willingly, I would be on the outside planning on how to break you out.

    So don't talk to me about what humble is, I'm in this world for man kind !!!!

    Best advice I can give you is to shut up !!
  • mmoloummolou Member UncommonPosts: 256
    Best advice I can give you is to shut up !!
    Take your own advice maybe?
    AlBQuirkySensai[Deleted User]
    It is a funny world we live in.
    We had Empires run by Emperors, we had Kingdoms run by Kings, now we have Countries...
  • kitaradkitarad Member LegendaryPosts: 8,190
    edited August 2020
    I must apologize if I'm stepping out of line by making a topic about me.  But in reality it's more about you as an end result.  

    I do have to say my topics are true not for picking a fight.  I fix situations, even when the majority are wrong.  Been that way all along even at work.... Difference between work and here is my points ALWAYS comes out on top because I'm right.  It's not that I think I'm great, its because most people don't care about details and go with the flow, even if it cost the tax payers millions.... They don't care, but after I win, EVERYONE tells me good job.

    Here on this site,
    3rd generation games killed off what mmorpg's are, even the classics changed to 3rd generation OR have not been modernized..... mmorpgs are almost gone, soon to be forgotten......... Sure nothing WE CAN DO ABOUT IT, but still most everyone here don't understand what happened, but some do and like this FREE CRAP, because they like FREE stuff..... I'm more alone on this because most REAL MMOPRG PLAYERS excepted this and moved on. 

    So in reality I'm in the majority category, but left here all alone to fight. I fight the good fight like the "Lone Gunmen" in the X-files.... When I die, and that may be soon (or maybe longer), I'll feel good about my self by fighting the good fight to the end.

    I'm an extremely humble person that fight wrong doings.   Let's just hope we get a REAL mmorpg in the future, so millions or real mmorpg players can come back and talk about their adventures.

    My estimate:
    10 people agree what an mmorpg is
    50 people like both
    2,000 like free stuff

    Extremely humble people don't speak about how they are always right and always come out on top, or sing their own praises at all really, nevermind with regularity.

    Such is the conduct of a blow-hard.

    You were offered a lot of good advice by cameltosis you would do well to consider.
    You couldn't be more wrong,
    Humble people are to be door mats waiting to be walked all over ?

    Bull crap..... I and many other humble people could care deeply about people and all human race and not let WRONG DOING take over !!!!

    Gaming companies for mmorpg's killed the industry for MILLIONS of mmorpg players to replace it with cheap 30 day on-line games..... They even went deeper by publicly saying people want this stuff. 

    I've seen many of your post.... Your an on-line-gamer, not an mmorpg player anyway.

    Humble people are modest rather than boastful and prideful. They do much but you won't hear about it from their own lips. Praise for their efforts will come from others rather than through an indulgent litany of self-absorption.

    They are quietly strong in their meritoriousness, as in not a blow-hard.
    OK because of your ignorance I'll have to break my Anonymity.

    I'm a member of AA, been sober just over 30 years. My first two I needed help but then I spent the last 28 years helping others..... I've taken HUGE risk in some cases.  Even been in very dangerous places to do so...... What have you done ?

    I have a government job, I'm sure your aware of some laziness in doing so.  Things not being done, things being neglected, cost being exploited.  This cost the tax payer millions, I don't stand for it EVER, I force people to be accountable..... What have you done ?

    I'm dying, I'll not go into detail.  I unselfishly don't care about myself.  I'll be fairly healthy until the end. I WILL be in good spirits until the end and show strength to my new wife and disabled grand daughter AND EVERYONE AROUND ME until the end.... I'm very spiritual, the last thing I care about is me !!!!....... What have you done?   

    I I've spent over 25 years teaching Martial Arts for FREE..... What have you done.

    I'll bet if everyone was led into a concentration camp, you would go willingly, I would be on the outside planning on how to break you out.

    So don't talk to me about what humble is, I'm in this world for man kind !!!!

    Best advice I can give you is to shut up !!
    What are you trying to prove by posting all this stuff?

    This is the internet and we wear our anonymity like a cloak to hide what we are but you have revealed a lot over time that has nothing to do with what you posted above.

    Cannot say I believe anything you have written because it is so easy to lie. Are you seriously trying to milk some sympathy here after starting this thread and getting the responses you got as a result. Do you expect to be treated with kid gloves now that you cannot take the heat.

    mmolouAmathecheyaneAlBQuirky[Deleted User]

This discussion has been closed.