Beacons Perch in GW1. I remember years ago as a kid it was full of Christmas decorations, and it was snowing outside in real life too. It was so relaxing listening to the music in game. Unfortunately this video doesn't quite do it justice as it's not got the Christmas vibe, but the music's still the same at least.
EQ1 had many great, memorable locations. Kelethin -- the place for drunken duels . Unrest -- a great haunted house. Kedge Keep -- an underwater zone, where staying alive was the responsibility of the druid with a fishing addiction. Even Surefall Glade was a picturesque place for an in-game wedding -- until the bears got involved.
Speaking of "haunted house" there was an awesome "haunted mansion" in Vanguard. Loved that place.
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
Rolling green hills, a lake, some caves, some castles, plus the ability to PvP. Wouldn't have minded something slightly higher fantasy, but honestly, the ettenmoors is probably the zone I spent the most time in of any game. There are plenty of locations that *look* better than the ettens, but for me, the content is an essential part of making a location great and nearly all zones in all mmos are just full of generic, boring quests and not much else.
Gates of Ekrund - WAR
Just a tiny little bridge and not much else, for some reason I just loved this scenario. I love orcs and dwarves in general, i love the warhammer versions more specifically, so a dwarf bridge / gate looked really good to me and the ability to pvp in relatively balanced matches was great. The sheer pleasure I used to get playing this scenario far outstrips the pleasure of a normal questing zone.
Anchorhead - SWG
For it's time, it looked great and let me feel like I was actually living in the star wars universe. More importantly, Anchorhead was a rebel stronghold on my server so it had a very active canteen and 100s of players would go there to form leveling groups or join in the pvp. It was such a lively place to hang out, but also way more friendly and accessible than coronet.
Currently Playing: WAR RoR - Spitt rr82 Black Orc | Scrotling rr6X Squig Herder | Scabrous rr6X Shaman
Probably can't go past Verdant Brink, the first zone in GW2's Heart of Thorns expansion. The wow factor of that place when first entering and being able to glide around in the massive vertical scope it provided, plus the new and challenging content/mechanics it brought has hardly been matched by entering any other zone for me.
Admittedly there are a couple of EVE Online solar systems, like some of the views in Worm-hole space, which are so eerily beautiful, and absolutely make you feel you're alone in the universe, as well as getting your adrenaline pumping for other reasons...
The best general ambiance I've experienced is still Secret World. That place scared the hell out of me. It really managed to capture the creep factor in every location.
Best location is Darkness Falls, Dark Age of Camelot. There was creepy ambient noise and stealthers could pop out of nowhere.
Honorable mentions for Coldharbour - Elder Scrolls Online, The Ocean - Archeage, Rivendale - Lord of The Rings Online (Most screenshots I've ever taken).
Age of Conan had so many awesome areas. Graphics still are decent 12 years later, mindblowing at launch.
I played on a roleplaying pvp server... if you wanted to get your "erotica" role play on (wasn't a fan personally, but some of my guildies were), there was definitely one place to go anytime... Serpant's Head Inn.
I wish I had a good pic of the inside for you. Basically a very slight step down from a harlem between the decor, NPCs, and Roleplayers (in costumes) in there... upstairs were private rooms you could use. (And it had it's very own soundtrack).
AoC also had a lot of character physical emotes that you could... you know... Lol.
The year was 1999 and I had started playing my first online game in a fabulous 3d world, called Everquest. I was a half-elf druid who began his adventure in Surefall Glade and wanted to join the bustling zone of Kelethin, so off I ran across the vast and dangerous Karanas and beheld the giant stone figures carved into the moutainside of high hold pass. It was the first time I had ever experienced such scale and immersion in a computer game.
Exploring a vast open world, full of sights and sounds and filled with discovery is what I love best about the MMORPG genre.
The entire JTL Expansion Pack for Star Wars Galaxies.
"Possibly we humans can exist without actually having to fight. But many of us have chosen to fight. For what reason? To protect something? Protect what? Ourselves? The future? If we kill people to protect ourselves and this future, then what sort of future is it, and what will we have become? There is no future for those who have died. And what of those who did the killing? Is happiness to be found in a future that is grasped with blood stained hands? Is that the truth?"
Kelethin in EQ1. Not just for the majestic trees, the far spanning tree pathways and the wizard spire, but for the people. Back when there was actually socializing in MMO's. People chatting, asking for and giving help, joking around. I spent a lot of time there and no matter where my characters started, I'd end up there as soon as possible.
In FFXIV the Glittering Basin in Yanxia. I would be in my flying mount hovering looking SW. The vista would stir feelings of wonderlust in me. I would wish I could cross the One river to the other side and explore.
Currently Playing:
Town of Lin, I just love the town at the bottom of a hillside, and I spent a lot of time there when younger for the Lugians.
Holtburg, Was the first city I ever ventured into when playing back in 2000
Green Mire Grave, Hands down my favorite quest and I love this city of Shoushi the lore was just so damn good.
Bandit Keep, running through the Mountain Pass in Arwic to get to the portal there was so damn epic.
Old school "Subway" - This was "the spot" before the trade hub and portal network was created.
So many fond memories of Asheron's Call. I could make a list that goes on forever with all the fun that game brought.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil
Admittedly there are a couple of EVE Online solar systems, like some of the views in Worm-hole space, which are so eerily beautiful, and absolutely make you feel you're alone in the universe, as well as getting your adrenaline pumping for other reasons...
Best location is Darkness Falls, Dark Age of Camelot. There was creepy ambient noise and stealthers could pop out of nowhere.
Honorable mentions for Coldharbour - Elder Scrolls Online, The Ocean - Archeage, Rivendale - Lord of The Rings Online (Most screenshots I've ever taken).
I played on a roleplaying pvp server... if you wanted to get your "erotica" role play on (wasn't a fan personally, but some of my guildies were), there was definitely one place to go anytime... Serpant's Head Inn.
I wish I had a good pic of the inside for you. Basically a very slight step down from a harlem between the decor, NPCs, and Roleplayers (in costumes) in there... upstairs were private rooms you could use. (And it had it's very own soundtrack).
AoC also had a lot of character physical emotes that you could... you know... Lol.
"Possibly we humans can exist without actually having to fight. But many of us have chosen to fight. For what reason? To protect something? Protect what? Ourselves? The future? If we kill people to protect ourselves and this future, then what sort of future is it, and what will we have become? There is no future for those who have died. And what of those who did the killing? Is happiness to be found in a future that is grasped with blood stained hands? Is that the truth?"
EQ1, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, GW, GW2 CoH, CoV, FFXI, WoW, CO, War,TSW and a slew of free trials and beta tests
Camping out the wilderness of Talus in Star Wars Galaxies .
Jaggedpine Forest in Everquest
When it was still up, Wildstar has a nice zone called Celestion with this slow river that you could just float down.
Also, i remember the first time I went to Fenway park and saw the field and the green monster was memorable.
You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.