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A Journey Through Star Wars: The Old Republic

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599

imageA Journey Through Star Wars: The Old Republic

Join Falko in his first entry in our new Star Wars: The Old Republic column - A Journey Through Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Read the full story here


  • foppoteefoppotee Member RarePosts: 549
    It has, had since I no longer play it mostly, some of the best story arcs in the mmo genre. I enjoyed leveling all of the different classes& being immersed in their stories. After that, since PvP doesn't interest me, the raiding seemed to grindy & not worth the effort versus reward, & some of the changes in the game mechanics back when I played nullified much of my character(s) investment(s) led me to play less & less till pretty much played zilch. I applaud the returning effort though & wish the best of luck!
  • slowz2secretslowz2secret Member RarePosts: 458
    one of the best mmorpg we have, so fun
  • ApridiseApridise Member UncommonPosts: 88
    The lack of end game PVE content is what really bored me out with this game, I ended up leveling for more characters to end level before finally calling it quits and every attempt to try and pick the game up again has failed. I can't help but get a a sickening feeling of repetitiveness every time I try and replay it. I think part of it at least for me is the story lines just feel lack luster after playing ESO. I really like in ESO how you can change what zone your in and play through a different story line at any level including new content. Games like this and WoW could really benefit from a change like this and pushing their max levels back down.
  • LithuanianLithuanian Member UncommonPosts: 562
    Falko, may the dark side of the Force be with you and guide you to your destiny: a conqueror of known galaxy far, far away...

    I wish I could say same about SWTOR, yet I can't. Starting experience was - "oh my, that's great!". Sith warrior was not so great (for me), so Sith inquisitor came into being. Gosh, I liked story, I really enjoyed choices that matters.

    And for the greater glory of the eternal Empire, I chose light side Sith. The Empire is destined to rule all known Galaxy, its enemies are to be stomped to the ground - yet it is by perfect example that Empire wins. I flirted with my companion, we were to marry soon.

    Restriction, however, were really harsh. Unable to chat. Even to whisper. Grinding currency (always low on it, thanks to restrictions) to buy reputation stuff and use on my companions. Forced groupoing missions, unable to find any player that  could help.

    Finally, I gave up. Restrictions there and here, unable to go there, not able to participate over here... game uninstalled.

    Would my nice Sith inquisitor return to SWTOR? With current harsh restrictions - hardly.
  • IndaholeIndahole Member UncommonPosts: 21
    one of the best mmorpg we have, so fun
    Yep and you are not alone.  With a healthy population in game, a thriving cash shop and a very high sub rate, this game continues to be an investors dream.
  • AmatheAmathe Member LegendaryPosts: 7,630
    I enjoyed it when it launched. A year or two ago I went back, rolled a Sith, and fell victim to the crash as you try to leave the starter planet bug. Got irritated and quit. 

    EQ1, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, GW, GW2 CoH, CoV, FFXI, WoW, CO, War,TSW and a slew of free trials and beta tests

  • iminersiminers Member UncommonPosts: 5
    System said:
    imageA Journey Through Star Wars: The Old Republic

    Join Falko in his first entry in our new Star Wars: The Old Republic column - A Journey Through Star Wars: The Old Republic.

    Read the full story here

    Last time i was on Bioware lets gold seller spammers on the main channels? How do they not get rid of that?

  • HazenXIIIHazenXIII Member UncommonPosts: 163
    I played many of the closed beta and have been a subscriber since launch until a few months ago for the first time. The game just isn't supported the way it should be, especially for being a Star Wars game backed by EA... Content updates are becoming increasingly sparse, and even when we do get them, they're MAYBE 1-2 hours worth of content. Meanwhile, ESO and other MMOs are churning out content left and right like there's no tomorrow. I don't understand it.
  • psychosiz1psychosiz1 Member UncommonPosts: 200
    edited July 2020

    Indahole said:

    one of the best mmorpg we have, so fun

    Yep and you are not alone.  With a healthy population in game, a thriving cash shop and a very high sub rate, this game continues to be an investors dream.

    While I do like the game, I was genuinely surprised by the profit margin the games continuously makes.
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