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The RPG Files: Ghost of Tsushima Review

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599

imageThe RPG Files: Ghost of Tsushima Review

Ghost of Tsushima is the latest exclusive for the PlayStation 4. Heavily inspired by samurai epics such as those from Akira Kurosawa, how does the latest game from Sucker Punch stack up?

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  • psychosiz1psychosiz1 Member UncommonPosts: 200
    Looking forward to this game.  It looked great and reviews give me hope.
  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    edited July 2020
    I watched several review videos and i got a very clear picture something sketchy is going on.

    There is a very clear and present accent on the "looks great" the "atmosphere" is great.There are times when you can just tell someone is exaggerating to be a shill and i got that feeling often
    from all reviewers.

    It is tough in an internet chat box to fully explain the why and why not's in deciphering chit chat and the game.

    So before i try and explain why i think the game is an absolute sham,i truly got the feeling either Sony or Sucker Punch really got some shills on board to hype their half assed game.

    The world:predominantly empty,boring.
    hand holding/immersion breaker:The obvious reason for them to guide you directly to where you need to go,the world is boring.
    When your world is mostly empty it is a heck of a lot easier to exaggerate the flowing grass animations and blowing leaves,a LOT easier.All that sea of white flowers or red flowers is actually easier on the rendering.Point is that even the constant theme of promoting the "world looks great"is exaggerated.

    Combat:can't hide bodies to avoid detection.We can do this in Dishonored but not in this game,more corner cutting.Combat is more like your Souls games,all about timing,either an easy stealth kill or counter your foes attacks with timing.

    Character building,world life is very lackluster.Overall personally this game offers me nothing at all,nothing is well done.My take on the game's early hype,well Sucker Punch began marketing this 3 years ago,so they have spent a lot of money to make sure this half assed game gets more hype than it deserves.
    3/10 =not worth playing,not worth buying.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • jmlane223jmlane223 Member UncommonPosts: 197

    Wizardry said:

    I watched several review videos and i got a very clear picture something sketchy is going on.

    There is a very clear and present accent on the "looks great" the "atmosphere" is great.There are times when you can just tell someone is exaggerating to be a shill and i got that feeling often

    from all reviewers.

    It is tough in an internet chat box to fully explain the why and why not's in deciphering chit chat and the game.

    So before i try and explain why i think the game is an absolute sham,i truly got the feeling either Sony or Sucker Punch really got some shills on board to hype their half assed game.

    The world:predominantly empty,boring.

    hand holding/immersion breaker:The obvious reason for them to guide you directly to where you need to go,the world is boring.

    When your world is mostly empty it is a heck of a lot easier to exaggerate the flowing grass animations and blowing leaves,a LOT easier.All that sea of white flowers or red flowers is actually easier on the rendering.Point is that even the constant theme of promoting the "world looks great"is exaggerated.

    Combat:can't hide bodies to avoid detection.We can do this in Dishonored but not in this game,more corner cutting.Combat is more like your Souls games,all about timing,either an easy stealth kill or counter your foes attacks with timing.

    Character building,world life is very lackluster.Overall personally this game offers me nothing at all,nothing is well done.My take on the game's early hype,well Sucker Punch began marketing this 3 years ago,so they have spent a lot of money to make sure this half assed game gets more hype than it deserves.

    3/10 =not worth playing,not worth buying.

    A review of a game you have yet to play (and is hard to read)... yea ill take your advice...
  • alkarionlogalkarionlog Member EpicPosts: 3,584

    jmlane223 said:

    Wizardry said:

    I watched several review videos and i got a very clear picture something sketchy is going on.

    There is a very clear and present accent on the "looks great" the "atmosphere" is great.There are times when you can just tell someone is exaggerating to be a shill and i got that feeling often

    from all reviewers.

    It is tough in an internet chat box to fully explain the why and why not's in deciphering chit chat and the game.

    So before i try and explain why i think the game is an absolute sham,i truly got the feeling either Sony or Sucker Punch really got some shills on board to hype their half assed game.

    The world:predominantly empty,boring.

    hand holding/immersion breaker:The obvious reason for them to guide you directly to where you need to go,the world is boring.

    When your world is mostly empty it is a heck of a lot easier to exaggerate the flowing grass animations and blowing leaves,a LOT easier.All that sea of white flowers or red flowers is actually easier on the rendering.Point is that even the constant theme of promoting the "world looks great"is exaggerated.

    Combat:can't hide bodies to avoid detection.We can do this in Dishonored but not in this game,more corner cutting.Combat is more like your Souls games,all about timing,either an easy stealth kill or counter your foes attacks with timing.

    Character building,world life is very lackluster.Overall personally this game offers me nothing at all,nothing is well done.My take on the game's early hype,well Sucker Punch began marketing this 3 years ago,so they have spent a lot of money to make sure this half assed game gets more hype than it deserves.

    3/10 =not worth playing,not worth buying.

    A review of a game you have yet to play (and is hard to read)... yea ill take your advice...

    not really hard to guess how the game will be, by looking on pics, vids and the general story

    also take note pro reviewer are not to be trusted, so my frame of wait for a sale of said game still stand, that not only save me money, but can save me from crap and annoying bugs.

    plus is a playsttation exclusive, its really like not even showing on my radar
    FOR HONOR, FOR FREEDOM.... and for some money.
  • PsYcHoGBRPsYcHoGBR Member UncommonPosts: 482
    edited July 2020
    Skill Up is a reviewer that I trust and is definitely no shill.
  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,111
    Arterius said:
    C'mon friday... Technically I can play Thursday at 11pm... C'mon
    I ordered through Amazon, and they decided that next Tuesday works better for them.  :/
  • AsheramAsheram Member EpicPosts: 5,078
    edited July 2020
    Looking forward to it.  :)

    Post edited by Asheram on
  • WhiteLanternWhiteLantern Member RarePosts: 3,319
    Totally bummed that
    There are not more haikus here

    I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil

  • IselinIselin Member LegendaryPosts: 18,719
    Looks great and good to hear it runs fine on the PS4 original, locked 30 FPS and all, since I never bothered upgrading to the pro.


    Hey Wiz you need new meds, man.
    "Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”

    ― Umberto Eco

    “Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” 

  • AbimorAbimor Member RarePosts: 924
    edited July 2020
    Iselin said:
    Looks great and good to hear it runs fine on the PS4 original, locked 30 FPS and all, since I never bothered upgrading to the pro.


    Hey Wiz you need new meds, man.

  • AbimorAbimor Member RarePosts: 924
    Dam I laughed at this . He does not like any game that is not that pirate game atlas I have never seen him say a nice thing about another game. I gues it is possible he has but ya. 
  • moshramoshra Member RarePosts: 400

    Wizardry said:

    I watched several review videos and i got a very clear picture something sketchy is going on.

    There is a very clear and present accent on the "looks great" the "atmosphere" is great.There are times when you can just tell someone is exaggerating to be a shill and i got that feeling often

    from all reviewers.

    It is tough in an internet chat box to fully explain the why and why not's in deciphering chit chat and the game.

    So before i try and explain why i think the game is an absolute sham,i truly got the feeling either Sony or Sucker Punch really got some shills on board to hype their half assed game.

    The world:predominantly empty,boring.

    hand holding/immersion breaker:The obvious reason for them to guide you directly to where you need to go,the world is boring.

    When your world is mostly empty it is a heck of a lot easier to exaggerate the flowing grass animations and blowing leaves,a LOT easier.All that sea of white flowers or red flowers is actually easier on the rendering.Point is that even the constant theme of promoting the "world looks great"is exaggerated.

    Combat:can't hide bodies to avoid detection.We can do this in Dishonored but not in this game,more corner cutting.Combat is more like your Souls games,all about timing,either an easy stealth kill or counter your foes attacks with timing.

    Character building,world life is very lackluster.Overall personally this game offers me nothing at all,nothing is well done.My take on the game's early hype,well Sucker Punch began marketing this 3 years ago,so they have spent a lot of money to make sure this half assed game gets more hype than it deserves.

    3/10 =not worth playing,not worth buying.

    Time to get a new hobby. Gaming seems to bring you no joy.
  • IndaholeIndahole Member UncommonPosts: 21
    Can't wait to play this game, looks like a lot of fun
  • ValdheimValdheim Member RarePosts: 731

    Abimor said:

    Dam I laughed at this . He does not like any game that is not that pirate game atlas I have never seen him say a nice thing about another game. I gues it is possible he has but ya. 

    Nah, actually it was Final Fantasy XI and Atlas but meanwhile he also moans a lot about Atlas so there's only FF XI left for him. Somehow a sad story but on the other hand always entertaining.
  • whoywhoy Member UncommonPosts: 53
    I wish it will be a good game, never played any game developed by Sucker Punch.
  • AbimorAbimor Member RarePosts: 924
    edited July 2020
    I have one question when you are fighting these boss fights is it like fighting a bullet sponge or do they take damage that can kill them if it is in the right place?
  • lotrlorelotrlore Managing EditorAdministrator, MMORPG.COM Staff, Member RarePosts: 689

    Abimor said:


    I have one question when you are fighting these boss fights is it like fighting a bullet sponge or do they take damage that can kill them if it is in the right place?

    It is very video gamey, so they have a health bar. But staggering them and using special skills you acquire along the way will do more damage. They don't feel like sponges, but they do get harder and require more to take down (just like it'll take more hits to bring you down along the way) as the game goes on.
  • AbimorAbimor Member RarePosts: 924

    lotrlore said:

    Abimor said:


    I have one question when you are fighting these boss fights is it like fighting a bullet sponge or do they take damage that can kill them if it is in the right place?

    It is very video gamey, so they have a health bar. But staggering them and using special skills you acquire along the way will do more damage. They don't feel like sponges, but they do get harder and require more to take down (just like it'll take more hits to bring you down along the way) as the game goes on.

    thanks for the response.
  • LackingMMOLackingMMO Member RarePosts: 664
    This seems to be one of those games i don't need a review for. If you see the videos and some of the story you kind of know what to expect. Im ready for this one!
  • BloodaxesBloodaxes Member EpicPosts: 4,662
    I'm sorry if this is answered, however my main gripe with this company is they tend to make amazing games that turn boring quite fast due to repetition (ex: Far Cry). So how does this fair? Do you go from area to area doing the same thing to capture them, or is there some variety?


  • ShelvinarrShelvinarr Member UncommonPosts: 90

    Bloodaxes said:

    I'm sorry if this is answered, however my main gripe with this company is they tend to make amazing games that turn boring quite fast due to repetition (ex: Far Cry). So how does this fair? Do you go from area to area doing the same thing to capture them, or is there some variety?


    What? Sucker Punch didn't make Far Cry, that's a Ubisoft game. Sucker Punch is behind Infamous series and Sly Cooper series. The world is open, as far as I can tell. Granted, I'm only a couple hours in doesn't feel like it's going to be boring as the story is pretty good so far. But, my opinion is biased as I'm a huge fan of Japanese history/culture.
  • OzmodanOzmodan Member EpicPosts: 9,726
    If you gave me a playstation I would toss it out the door.  
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 12,262
    edited July 2020
    The user and all related content has been deleted.

    거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다

  • BloodaxesBloodaxes Member EpicPosts: 4,662

    Bloodaxes said:

    I'm sorry if this is answered, however my main gripe with this company is they tend to make amazing games that turn boring quite fast due to repetition (ex: Far Cry). So how does this fair? Do you go from area to area doing the same thing to capture them, or is there some variety?


    What? Sucker Punch didn't make Far Cry, that's a Ubisoft game. Sucker Punch is behind Infamous series and Sly Cooper series. The world is open, as far as I can tell. Granted, I'm only a couple hours in doesn't feel like it's going to be boring as the story is pretty good so far. But, my opinion is biased as I'm a huge fan of Japanese history/culture.
    My bad then. Thought it was from the same publisher.

  • AsheramAsheram Member EpicPosts: 5,078
    edited July 2020
    Game is really good so far. I'm enjoying myself.(only about 4 hours in so far)
    The world and setting is good. Graphics are really great. Gameplay is like most third person open world games.
    Not as good as Shadow of Mordor to me. 
    I would give it a 7.5 out of 10
    I would rate it a bit higher but it plays very similar to many other games I have already played.
    Yet good fun.
    I agree, the world feels alive like RDR2.
    But there are also alot of annoying mechanics too and some story parts I have issue with dont want to spoil though.
    You are on a quest which they call a tale and take a few to many steps from area get get a 5-15 second timer says leaving tale area and miss getting back in time have to start the whole sequence over.
    Enemies seem very unintelligent seems they cant hear much or see very far so easy backstabs.
    Jin cant ride horses, only can ride the forever horse you get (guess he cant die like in RDR2) plus he cant swim either so there are invisible walls like horse cant cross river til he gets past that IW to an area that has land spots.
    Also foliage areas that you would think you can go through but nope invisible wall.

    Not that far into it hope that though maybe it gets better as you go along.

    edit: some horses can be rode it seems maybe I was in a tale/quest mode why the little circle indicator for mounting them didnt show.
    Post edited by Asheram on
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