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Bungie 'Be Heard Collectible Pin & Emblem' Hitting Pre-Order Tomorrow

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599

imageBungie 'Be Heard Collectible Pin & Emblem' Hitting Pre-Order Tomorrow

Bungie has announced, as part of their celebration of Juneteenth, a new pin and emblem commemorating the date called the Be Heard Collectible Pin & Emblem.

Read the full story here



  • TxChiefTxChief Member UncommonPosts: 23
    Will their be an option to get this in white or any other race since we all want to be inclusive and not just a political affiliation supremacy.
    ZenJellySeelinnikoiNitro-1[Deleted User]Folmenklash2def


  • boris20boris20 Member RarePosts: 404
    Same, wont be reinstalling Destiny 2 for the upcoming expansion.
    Already deleted a few games off my console/PC.

    I play game to get away from the world and wind down. Not have this stuff shoved in my face.
    Game companies need to just make games, no need in getting political.
  • WhiteLanternWhiteLantern Member RarePosts: 3,319
    This thread should be as exciting as the last few.

    I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil

  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,103
    edited June 2020
    Get Awoken, go Abroken?

    I'll see myself out.

    I'm not actually one of the "keep politics out of games" crowd. I just had to make the joke.

  • VrikaVrika Member LegendaryPosts: 8,020
    edited June 2020
    And another company to add to the boycott bin. You make video games stay out of politics, we play games to escape from the world.
    Also Rockstar, Blizzard, Activision, Bethesda, Square Enix, CD Projekt Red and EA have all publicly supported black lives matter.

    Have fun trying to find games that you aren't boycotting in the future.
    Aeander[Deleted User]ZenJellySeelinnikoiIselinRelampagoTenohiraFolmenRoinklash2defand 1 other.
  • GroqstrongGroqstrong Member RarePosts: 827
    TY!!! Game developers for invading the one space I had left that doesnt remind me of how shitty the world is.
  • CaffynatedCaffynated Member RarePosts: 753
    Racist black guy screaming about evil white people in 3... 2... 1...

    [Deleted User][Deleted User]
  • CaffynatedCaffynated Member RarePosts: 753
    edited June 2020
    Vrika said:
    And another company to add to the boycott bin. You make video games stay out of politics, we play games to escape from the world.
    Also Rockstar, Blizzard, Activision, Bethesda, Square Enix, CD Projekt Red and EA have all publicly supported black lives matter.

    Have fun trying to find games that you aren't boycotting in the future.

    10 years ago I might have cared about the games these companies produced. Disappointed to miss out on CDPR, but otherwise nothing of value was lost.
  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,103
    edited June 2020
    This thread should be as exciting as the last few.
    Our new mods are hilarious. They seem to enjoy baiting the flames with explicitly political threads, then closing threads and mass banning this site's disappointingly high racist population (and their less than 50 post alt accounts) when they take the bait.

    I'm running out of popcorn.
  • CaffynatedCaffynated Member RarePosts: 753
    Zegaloth said:

    TxChief said:

    Will their be an option to get this in white or any other race since we all want to be inclusive and not just a political affiliation supremacy.

    Since you apparently only get your information from Fox News, Black Lives Matter does not mean their lives matter MORE, it means that their lives should matter as much as everyone else's.

    By saying garbage like "All lives matter" completely misses the point of the Black Lives matter movement, and just goes to show your ignorance in not even bothering to look into what their movement means.

    The amount of racists on this site is too damn high.

    I agree, there are too many racist people like you on this site.
  • TillerTiller Member LegendaryPosts: 11,520
    edited June 2020
    I find it interesting how allowing black folks to live a normal life without worry of wrongful death by police is a political argument. It should be a humanitarian argument. People who make humanitarian issues political either don't care, or are purely racist, or both.
    SWG Bloodfin vet
    Elder Jedi/Elder Bounty Hunter
  • CaffynatedCaffynated Member RarePosts: 753
    Tiller said:
    I find it interesting how allowing black folks to live a normal life without worry of wrongful death by police is a political argument. It should be a humanitarian argument. In stating that all lives mater you are proving the point in question.

    Because it's based on a lie and promoted by a group that openly calls themselves Marxists.

    >More white people are killed by police than black people.
    >Whites are more likely to be killed by police per arrest.
    >Police ares 19 times more likely to die at the hands of a black person than an unarmed black person is to die at the hands of police.

    BLM is an anti-white racist hate group.

  • TillerTiller Member LegendaryPosts: 11,520
    edited June 2020
    Tiller said:
    I find it interesting how allowing black folks to live a normal life without worry of wrongful death by police is a political argument. It should be a humanitarian argument. In stating that all lives mater you are proving the point in question.

    Because it's based on a lie and promoted by a group that openly calls themselves Marxists.

    >More white people are killed by police than black people.
    >Whites are more likely to be killed by police per arrest.
    >Police ares 19 times more likely to die at the hands of a black person than an unarmed black person is to die at the hands of police.

    BLM is an anti-white racist hate group.

    Same argument racists have used for years. You are a racist, plain and simple. Thanks for making yourself known, blocked.

    I imagine in your reply you will never deny the fact that you are a racist.
    Post edited by Tiller on
    SWG Bloodfin vet
    Elder Jedi/Elder Bounty Hunter
  • CaffynatedCaffynated Member RarePosts: 753
    Tiller said:
    Tiller said:
    I find it interesting how allowing black folks to live a normal life without worry of wrongful death by police is a political argument. It should be a humanitarian argument. In stating that all lives mater you are proving the point in question.

    Because it's based on a lie and promoted by a group that openly calls themselves Marxists.

    >More white people are killed by police than black people.
    >Whites are more likely to be killed by police per arrest.
    >Police ares 19 times more likely to die at the hands of a black person than an unarmed black person is to die at the hands of police.

    BLM is an anti-white racist hate group.

    Same argument racists have used for years. You are a racist, plain and simple. Thanks for making yourself known, blocked.

    You are an illogical child who throws a temper tantrum when proven wrong.

    "Facts are racist" - useful idiot
  • mmoloummolou Member UncommonPosts: 256
    edited June 2020
    Tiller said:
    I find it interesting how allowing black folks to live a normal life without worry of wrongful death by police is a political argument. It should be a humanitarian argument. People who make humanitarian issues political either don't care, or are purely racist, or both.
    Should be humanitarian, but it is political, which is why "protests" only take place when police, or a "white" person, kills a black person.
    Where is BLM when a black person is killed by another black person?
    Look for information on black people that have been killed since George Floyd, and the only one really getting any coverage is Rayshard Brooks.
    If BLM is really humanitarian, and really about black lives, why are they silent about the majority of black people that are killed?
    It is a funny world we live in.
    We had Empires run by Emperors, we had Kingdoms run by Kings, now we have Countries...
  • CaffynatedCaffynated Member RarePosts: 753
    edited June 2020
    Tiller said:

    I imagine in your reply you will never deny the fact that you are a racist.

    This brainlet doesn't even understand the statistics he's quoting in his video or what terms mean.

    He doesn't consider that different populations commit crime at different rates.

                   Population    Violent Crime    Representation
    White       60.7%                33.7%                 -44.5%
    Black        12.7                   37.4%                 +194.5%
    Hispanic   17.6                   25.0%                 +42.1%

    You can't look at data without context and expect it to make sense.

    "223 million drivers were stopped 9.8% were black 8.6% were white."

    Who were the other 81.6 of the people being stopped?

    He calls 44.8% a majority.

    He fails to consider context for police interactions.

    I don't even know where he was going with his last point on resident initiated contact vs police initiated contact. That's just statistics on whether police answered a call or witnessed a crime themselves.

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited June 2020
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • lahnmirlahnmir Member LegendaryPosts: 5,060
    Ohh man, this thread is going to get so, rightfully btw, locked. Come on, don’t bring out the inner retard of your members with stuff like this...

    'the only way he could nail it any better is if he used a cross.'

    Kyleran on yours sincerely 

    'But there are many. You can play them entirely solo, and even offline. Also, you are wrong by default.'

    Ikcin in response to yours sincerely debating whether or not single-player offline MMOs exist...

    'This does not apply just to ED but SC or any other game. What they will get is Rebirth/X4, likely prettier but equally underwhelming and pointless. 

    It is incredibly difficult to design some meaningfull leg content that would fit a space ship game - simply because it is not a leg game.

    It is just huge resource waste....'

    Gdemami absolutely not being an armchair developer

  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,103
    edited June 2020
    Who are the real ignorant racist?  

    How about what these kids are being taught by the media and college?  

    At least your political opponents wait until they are old enough to make their own minds up.

    You want to talk about brainwashing? The disgusting far right has been indoctrinating their children in religious private schools for how long? Fuck that nonsense.
  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,103
    edited June 2020
    Aeander said:
    Who are the real ignorant racist?  

    How about what these kids are being taught by the media and college?  

    At least your political opponents wait until they are old enough to make their own minds up.

    You want to talk about brainwashing? The disgusting far right has been indoctrinating their children in religious private schools for how long? Fuck that nonsense.
    Hey at least this site shows its equality and allows those on the left to be full fledge racist and now bigots.  You are so cool, I assume you are all for BLM member Shaun King calling for BLM to start burning down churches.  So tolerant of you. 
    Good job making assumptions. Shows tolerance and doesn't make you look like an ignorant fucking toolbag at all.

    While the world could use more schools and fewer churches, I do NOT advocate for the burning down of anyone else's property by anyone for any reason.
  • IselinIselin Member LegendaryPosts: 18,719
    Once again proof that this site's crowd can't handle any kind of discussion about gaming companies reactions to current social issues, self serving PR horseshit though it may be, without going into full, frothing at the mouth, extremist mode.

    What a sad bunch of human beings you are.

    "Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”

    ― Umberto Eco

    “Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” 

  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,103
    Aeander said:
    Aeander said:
    Who are the real ignorant racist?  

    How about what these kids are being taught by the media and college?  

    At least your political opponents wait until they are old enough to make their own minds up.

    You want to talk about brainwashing? The disgusting far right has been indoctrinating their children in religious private schools for how long? Fuck that nonsense.
    Hey at least this site shows its equality and allows those on the left to be full fledge racist and now bigots.  You are so cool, I assume you are all for BLM member Shaun King calling for BLM to start burning down churches.  So tolerant of you. 
    Good job making assumptions. Shows tolerance and doesn't make you look like an ignorant fucking toolbag at all.

    While the world could use more schools and future churches, I do NOT advocate for the burning down of anyone else's property by anyone for any reason.
    Oh such an angry tough internet guy you are.  Not only are you allowed to be a racist and a bigot you are also allowed to run around this site saying super fancy swear words that show how smart you are.

    The world doesn't need more schools it needs more teachers and less liberal cesspool indoctrination camps, which is exactly what is going on in the U.S as my video showed.  

    Hey don't be mad at the fact that it is the left who are the racist and holding community of colors back oh no you keep preaching burning down churches and hate towards those on the right.  
    Fuck is the most versatile word in the english language. It and its variants can be a noun, verb, adjective, and even almost every word in a complete sentence. Use it loudly and use it proudly. 

    And until you get rid of the actual religious indoctrination camps, you have no right to complain about your imagined liberal indoctrination camps.
  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,103
    Iselin said:
    Once again proof that this site's crowd can't handle any kind of discussion about gaming companies reactions to current social issues, self serving PR horseshit though it may be, without going into full, frothing at the mouth, extremist mode.

    What a sad bunch of human beings you are.

    It's not even regular forum posters doing it. Notice that almost every bigoted piece of shit here has a sub-50 post count. Most of these are likely alt accounts of one another patting themselves on the back.
    Iselin[Deleted User]
  • TillerTiller Member LegendaryPosts: 11,520
    edited June 2020
    Aeander said:
    Iselin said:
    Once again proof that this site's crowd can't handle any kind of discussion about gaming companies reactions to current social issues, self serving PR horseshit though it may be, without going into full, frothing at the mouth, extremist mode.

    What a sad bunch of human beings you are.

    It's not even regular forum posters doing it. Notice that almost every bigoted piece of shit here has a sub-50 post count. Most of these are likely alt accounts of one another patting themselves on the back.

    Troll alt accounts
    SWG Bloodfin vet
    Elder Jedi/Elder Bounty Hunter
  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,103
    edited June 2020
    Aeander said:
    Iselin said:
    Once again proof that this site's crowd can't handle any kind of discussion about gaming companies reactions to current social issues, self serving PR horseshit though it may be, without going into full, frothing at the mouth, extremist mode.

    What a sad bunch of human beings you are.

    It's not even regular forum posters doing it. Notice that almost every bigoted piece of shit here has a sub-50 post count. Most of these are likely alt accounts of one another patting themselves on the back.
    You are by far one of the most racist, bigoted people here.  Post count obviously has nothing to do with it. You are just a horrible person.  
    Mmm. Keep telling yourself that.

    What race do I hate exactly? Is it the white man, of which I am one? Do I hate my family and friends? 

    No. I don't like you. I have no idea what color you are. You could be white. You could be a self-loathing black man. You could be a Martian or a Smurf for all I care. The reason I don't like you is because of your ideas. You disgust me. You, and whoever your main account is, are just a horrible person. 
This discussion has been closed.