Trust me the gear score should be the least of your worries. With how brutal the rng is for perks and gem slots, that is the real grind. Be ready to craft hundreds or thousands to get what you want. Also Azoth is a very important crafting ingredient and they decided to make it an untradeable currency with a low cap of how much you can hold. We had always been able to trade/sell it in the past. This change really did a number on the company/community crafters and pushes players to craft everything themselves. They introduced legendary quest weapons that are far superior to anything crafted as well. Don’t worry about gear score locking you out of content... at least at launch cause that content does not exist yet. The only requirement for the pve invasions is being level 50+.
So you can't craft legendary quality equivalents?
"Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”
― Umberto Eco
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” ― CD PROJEKT RED
My biggest peeve in the genre right now and why i quit ffxi and detest Blizzard for ever creating the idea.
Your character should be by FAR the number 1 go to for combat skill and NOT your gear.Gear should be way way down the list to almost NOT important.Gear should be for fun and offer perks,like for example maybe deflects the odd attack or you get 2/3/4/5 hits the odd time instead of one. This would mean your gear is not reliable but that is ok because the combat should resolve around how and when yo use your skills,spells,team work in a group.There lies another fundamental part of combat design player>player combos instead of all the dumb ideas that cater to soloing in a MMO.
Your GROUP,the parts of that group,the buffs,debuffs your group use,the stuns,heals etc etc should play a part in combat.The way gear scores work is you either have it or you don't and if you don't you can't play.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Until someone figuresout a way to have the FINISHED crafted itembe worth more than the sum of the materials it takes to make it then all the crafting hype every new game tries is meaningless.
Short of making every ingredient NPC vendor sold that is unlikely.
I uggested quite awhile ago that making 'comon' items sort of scale like they are suggesting these weapons would might be a small answer to this. With more skill or more specialized (mastery I guess theyre caling it) salt or soem other common eqivelen has many more and much more powerful possibilities than someone who doesnt know those skills.
If a game wants crafting and specialization to actually mean something then make itmean something. Crafting in EVERY MMO is basically the single solitary biggest gold sink there is. The amount of time and money (in gameand even sometimes real world) is never ever recouped from actually selling any crafted items. Even in WOW or now classic WoW all those high end potions and stuff the lotus or plant they needed was alwys asmuch if notmore than the finished potions.
More ingreients, more steps, 'rarer' items. ALL of that has been tried and doesnt matter. Just have it so the highest level crafters actually make the hihest level items. Or better yet ( in this day and age I suggested this as well) give each high end crafter a SKIN coice that they get to choose in the order they reach highest level). As in the 'world first or at least server first if they have multiple servers' gets first choice of a list of skins. THEIR weapons or armor or whatever are the ONLY example of THAT skin. There could also be a monogram or a makers mark ability as well. That way it would e a personal choise because not every person is going to love every skin. Of course there will be some FoTM ones but it wont diminish the skins of other high end crafters who arent in the firstbatch to get to max level. Or even simplify it. Keep the same skins and make the difference COLOR or color combinations. What a fluorescent pink with polka dot skin? Then you have to buy from 'banana pants 2020'....
They have to figure out a way to have the FINISHED product have more value. No one has doen it yet ven though it could be helped with a few simple mechanical changes.
When you see stuff like "mastery" or any other idea that falls along the same scope,it is just a smokescreen,fancy terms for doing same old we have had in games for 25 years. Devs are trying to make ho hum ideas sound game breaking...JUST WAIT,soon you get those mastery you'll be a god!!!.
RARE..rarer. Well you will NEVER attain that through crafting unless you only allow 5-6 people to craft.You have to realise that if there are even only 100k players that is a good chance of having 50k players crafting,your not going to create rare with that setup.
There are ways to improve crafting but i feel there needs to be a RISK involved,crafting seldom has any risk at all.This is why typically...always in games the best drops are from raids "which imo is dumb".The gameplay should be left to FUN and not vee line targeting raids all the time 24/7.I would like to see raids only done for Guild perks and not for loot grinds.Remove as much instancing from games as possible.
I could design an entire crafting system that involves varied crafting professions that utilize different techniques to target different areas of the craft's success %.The goal of the system is to create unique add ons to items through various crafting professions but the risk of such elite crafts "better than any loot drop in game"is a failure in two ways,lose your item as well all the crafting mats and you lose 1 skill point/% in proficiency.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
We need to also realize THIS game is not going to break any ground,it was SIMPLE just lieke Crucible,Amazon is trying to do what the other big money games are doing,spend more on marketing than the game. I think gamer's MOST of them would be astonished at how little is actually spent on the games.
This game is not going to reinvent crafting or rarity or questing.This was simply going to be a pvp encounter,SIMPLE no effort game design.The effort of trying to create some pvp point like a defence wall or castle is still a VERY low effort.
I can name the amount of developers that COULD give us a robust deep mmorpg on one hand,that doesn't give us much hope.That is why i sort of gave up on mmorpg's for awhile until a developer gets serious with effort.
There is only one way i want to pvp and that is in a pro design arena map where all players are 100% equal,same weapon choices,NOTHING is unbalanced.In mmorpg's i just want pve only because i want the BEST PVE experience and not one that had to cater to keepign pvp balanced.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
If you want to know what game did resource gathering and crafting properly, look no further than Star Wars Galaxies. That is the ONLY MMO that made crafting fun and enjoyable and ultimately worth investing your time and money into.
Crafting in SWG is awesome, have not seen a better system in an MMO before or since.
It is a funny world we live in. We had Empires run by Emperors, we had Kingdoms run by Kings, now we have Countries...
same as how crafting works in all games.. collect iron, collect wood. click sword at forge. tada sword.
Imagine the uproar if making an item was a side game where your skill in the game decided how well you had made the item.
The same ones who hate pvp would hate a skill based crafting system i imagine...
They’ve held the genre back for years
What nonsensical reasoning is this that when I play and lobby for the game I want it is affecting your interest and holding back the genre. I want to play the games I like and if I am not interested in PvP or action oriented games I am somehow the villain in this.
Look to the people that enjoy the type of game you want to support the development of games you like. Don't come and whine about the decision developers make when the players that play it behave in a manner that affects the bottom line.
What I'm supposed to play the trash PvP games they put out with hardly any effort (the players are the content) and support what I don't like because not enough PvP games are out there. Tough shit get the developers to make the games you want. Don't blame the players for the decisions the developers make that ultimately line their pockets. It is their greed that is affecting the type of games they make.
same as how crafting works in all games.. collect iron, collect wood. click sword at forge. tada sword.
Imagine the uproar if making an item was a side game where your skill in the game decided how well you had made the item.
The same ones who hate pvp would hate a skill based crafting system i imagine...
They’ve held the genre back for years
What nonsensical reasoning is this that when I play and lobby for the game I want it is affecting your interest and holding back the genre. I want to play the games I like and if I am not interested in PvP or action oriented games I am somehow the villain in this.
Look to the people that enjoy the type of game you want to support the development of games you like. Don't come and whine about the decision developers make when the players that play it behave in a manner that affects the bottom line.
What I'm supposed to play the trash PvP games they put out with hardly any effort (the players are the content) and support what I don't like because not enough PvP games are out there. Tough shit get the developers to make the games you want. Don't blame the players for the decisions the developers make that ultimately line their pockets. It is their greed that is affecting the type of games they make.
Yeah, it's not the PVE players who poisoned the well in New World.
Though the clueless attitude of the developers (our pvp will be different!) did make you wonder....
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
same as how crafting works in all games.. collect iron, collect wood. click sword at forge. tada sword.
Imagine the uproar if making an item was a side game where your skill in the game decided how well you had made the item.
The same ones who hate pvp would hate a skill based crafting system i imagine...
They’ve held the genre back for years
What nonsensical reasoning is this that when I play and lobby for the game I want it is affecting your interest and holding back the genre. I want to play the games I like and if I am not interested in PvP or action oriented games I am somehow the villain in this.
Look to the people that enjoy the type of game you want to support the development of games you like. Don't come and whine about the decision developers make when the players that play it behave in a manner that affects the bottom line.
What I'm supposed to play the trash PvP games they put out with hardly any effort (the players are the content) and support what I don't like because not enough PvP games are out there. Tough shit get the developers to make the games you want. Don't blame the players for the decisions the developers make that ultimately line their pockets. It is their greed that is affecting the type of games they make.
I am not a die hard PvP fan, RvR is my ideal, but MMOs should have PvP. What I was getting at was the issue that any difficulty at all in any element of MMO gameplay has been removed, with the honourable exception of perhaps raiding in some MMOs. So the idea a level of skill or indeed complexity we have not seen before (like crafting based on 'arcade' skill) would be hard for players to accept.
I do feel MMOs have become games you can sleepwalk through and I don't see that as a good thing. Its not just the developers, it is the players as well, it takes two to tango. But we don't see you as the villain, BCbully does like to dramatize this issue.
If you want to know what game did resource gathering and crafting properly, look no further than Star Wars Galaxies. That is the ONLY MMO that made crafting fun and enjoyable and ultimately worth investing your time and money into.
Crafting in SWG is awesome, have not seen a better system in an MMO before or since.
Somewhat agree. Once you max leveled it was great. Leveling though you had to macro lots of useless junk for hours. The good thing was is that everything was a consumable at one point which kept crafters busy.
If you want to know what game did resource gathering and crafting properly, look no further than Star Wars Galaxies. That is the ONLY MMO that made crafting fun and enjoyable and ultimately worth investing your time and money into.
Crafting in SWG is awesome, have not seen a better system in an MMO before or since.
Somewhat agree. Once you max leveled it was great. Leveling though you had to macro lots of useless junk for hours. The good thing was is that everything was a consumable at one point which kept crafters busy.
Yeah people tend to only remember the end part of SWG systems. So much of the grinding of that game could be AFK macro’d. The experimentation feature was one of my favorite features of crafting.
I uninstalled the alpha and wont be buying it because of the oversized anime weapons like that big hammer, looked completely out of place with the frontier like setting.
If you want to know what game did resource gathering and crafting properly, look no further than Star Wars Galaxies. That is the ONLY MMO that made crafting fun and enjoyable and ultimately worth investing your time and money into.
For me crafting was done best in ESO. No doubt there is room for improvement, but it allows you to make some of the best sets in the game, allows for extensive customization (in terms of appearance and function), is not particularly grindy compared to other mmos, is useful all the way through the game, and has a reasonable balance between the depth/complexity of the systems and ease of use.
If you want to know what game did resource gathering and crafting properly, look no further than Star Wars Galaxies. That is the ONLY MMO that made crafting fun and enjoyable and ultimately worth investing your time and money into.
For me crafting was done best in ESO. No doubt there is room for improvement, but it allows you to make some of the best sets in the game, allows for extensive customization (in terms of appearance and function), is not particularly grindy compared to other mmos, is useful all the way through the game, and has a reasonable balance between the depth/complexity of the systems and ease of use.
Best thing about it which is pretty unique, in my experience anyway, is that it also allows you to re-craft quest, dungeon and trial drops to improve the quality. You can get a green drop and improve it to blue > purple > gold.
Even when the best items are not crafted, crafting still plays a role since very, very few items drop in gold quality.
"Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”
― Umberto Eco
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” ― CD PROJEKT RED
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
Your character should be by FAR the number 1 go to for combat skill and NOT your gear.Gear should be way way down the list to almost NOT important.Gear should be for fun and offer perks,like for example maybe deflects the odd attack or you get 2/3/4/5 hits the odd time instead of one.
This would mean your gear is not reliable but that is ok because the combat should resolve around how and when yo use your skills,spells,team work in a group.There lies another fundamental part of combat design player>player combos instead of all the dumb ideas that cater to soloing in a MMO.
Your GROUP,the parts of that group,the buffs,debuffs your group use,the stuns,heals etc etc should play a part in combat.The way gear scores work is you either have it or you don't and if you don't you can't play.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Imagine the uproar if making an item was a side game where your skill in the game decided how well you had made the item.
Short of making every ingredient NPC vendor sold that is unlikely.
I uggested quite awhile ago that making 'comon' items sort of scale like they are suggesting these weapons would might be a small answer to this. With more skill or more specialized (mastery I guess theyre caling it) salt or soem other common eqivelen has many more and much more powerful possibilities than someone who doesnt know those skills.
If a game wants crafting and specialization to actually mean something then make itmean something. Crafting in EVERY MMO is basically the single solitary biggest gold sink there is. The amount of time and money (in gameand even sometimes real world) is never ever recouped from actually selling any crafted items. Even in WOW or now classic WoW all those high end potions and stuff the lotus or plant they needed was alwys asmuch if notmore than the finished potions.
More ingreients, more steps, 'rarer' items. ALL of that has been tried and doesnt matter. Just have it so the highest level crafters actually make the hihest level items. Or better yet ( in this day and age I suggested this as well) give each high end crafter a SKIN coice that they get to choose in the order they reach highest level). As in the 'world first or at least server first if they have multiple servers' gets first choice of a list of skins. THEIR weapons or armor or whatever are the ONLY example of THAT skin. There could also be a monogram or a makers mark ability as well. That way it would e a personal choise because not every person is going to love every skin. Of course there will be some FoTM ones but it wont diminish the skins of other high end crafters who arent in the firstbatch to get to max level. Or even simplify it. Keep the same skins and make the difference COLOR or color combinations. What a fluorescent pink with polka dot skin? Then you have to buy from 'banana pants 2020'....
They have to figure out a way to have the FINISHED product have more value. No one has doen it yet ven though it could be helped with a few simple mechanical changes.
When you see stuff like "mastery" or any other idea that falls along the same scope,it is just a smokescreen,fancy terms for doing same old we have had in games for 25 years.
Devs are trying to make ho hum ideas sound game breaking...JUST WAIT,soon you get those mastery you'll be a god!!!.
Well you will NEVER attain that through crafting unless you only allow 5-6 people to craft.You have to realise that if there are even only 100k players that is a good chance of having 50k players crafting,your not going to create rare with that setup.
There are ways to improve crafting but i feel there needs to be a RISK involved,crafting seldom has any risk at all.This is why typically...always in games the best drops are from raids "which imo is dumb".The gameplay should be left to FUN and not vee line targeting raids all the time 24/7.I would like to see raids only done for Guild perks and not for loot grinds.Remove as much instancing from games as possible.
I could design an entire crafting system that involves varied crafting professions that utilize different techniques to target different areas of the craft's success %.The goal of the system is to create unique add ons to items through various crafting professions but the risk of such elite crafts "better than any loot drop in game"is a failure in two ways,lose your item as well all the crafting mats and you lose 1 skill point/% in proficiency.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
I think gamer's MOST of them would be astonished at how little is actually spent on the games.
This game is not going to reinvent crafting or rarity or questing.This was simply going to be a pvp encounter,SIMPLE no effort game design.The effort of trying to create some pvp point like a defence wall or castle is still a VERY low effort.
I can name the amount of developers that COULD give us a robust deep mmorpg on one hand,that doesn't give us much hope.That is why i sort of gave up on mmorpg's for awhile until a developer gets serious with effort.
There is only one way i want to pvp and that is in a pro design arena map where all players are 100% equal,same weapon choices,NOTHING is unbalanced.In mmorpg's i just want pve only because i want the BEST PVE experience and not one that had to cater to keepign pvp balanced.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
We had Empires run by Emperors, we had Kingdoms run by Kings, now we have Countries...
They’ve held the genre back for years
Look to the people that enjoy the type of game you want to support the development of games you like. Don't come and whine about the decision developers make when the players that play it behave in a manner that affects the bottom line.
What I'm supposed to play the trash PvP games they put out with hardly any effort (the players are the content) and support what I don't like because not enough PvP games are out there. Tough shit get the developers to make the games you want. Don't blame the players for the decisions the developers make that ultimately line their pockets. It is their greed that is affecting the type of games they make.
Though the clueless attitude of the developers (our pvp will be different!) did make you wonder....
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
I do feel MMOs have become games you can sleepwalk through and I don't see that as a good thing. Its not just the developers, it is the players as well, it takes two to tango. But we don't see you as the villain, BCbully does like to dramatize this issue.
Somewhat agree. Once you max leveled it was great. Leveling though you had to macro lots of useless junk for hours. The good thing was is that everything was a consumable at one point which kept crafters busy.
Even when the best items are not crafted, crafting still plays a role since very, very few items drop in gold quality.
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”