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ArcheAge: Unchained Announces Access Fee for Large Patches, Cites 'Increasing Challenge' of Deliveri



  • Allwynd_01Allwynd_01 Member UncommonPosts: 193
    Gamigo are the biggest scammers, con artists and most corrupt publisher of Online games in the West. They are even worse than Nexon.

    Whenever I read somewhere about Gamigo, it's either bad news or something massively insignificant that they actually believe to be a big deal.

    All their games are mediocre and Ironsight hasn't even received content updates since 2019. I know SWG and WoW private servers with custom content that are receiving content updates more often.
  • DarkpigeonDarkpigeon Member UncommonPosts: 55
    I wondered how long it would take before the gouging began.
  • alkarionlogalkarionlog Member EpicPosts: 3,584

    Love ppl who think consumer protection laws mean shit in the video game field. That stems from ppl not reading ToS and EULA. What they are doing is crappy, but it's not much different then wow.

    actually it does, only you need to sue then yourself, no hope for state do it for you like a nice sheep
    FOR HONOR, FOR FREEDOM.... and for some money.
  • zacho56zacho56 Member UncommonPosts: 53

    Emeraq said:

    I have no intention of trying this as I hated the original iteration, but I had to check this post out because the wording confuses me. Is it a patch, is it a DLC, or is it an expansion? If I were someone playing this, then paying for a patch I would call unacceptable, IE fixes etc. If it's DLC or expansion, I would totally see having to pay for additional content, unless of course it's 95% fixes and 5% content, then I would raise a stink as fixes should be included with what people originally paid for. And for people upset about the pay once wording, you don't have to pay again to keep playing the original content, right? Guild Wars 2, as an example, B2P to begin with, with paid expansions, but you don't have to buy those expansions to play the original content you already paid for.

    Agreed. This article title is very misleading. I came in here expecting to hear they won't give owners of the game patches unless they pay, but it's about the expansion, not patches in general.
  • Haki88Haki88 Member UncommonPosts: 239
    Lets see.... last time they tried to revive game, about month ago, they had around 1200 players online, with "revive", player base jumped to almost 2000, and atm is 828 ^^according to steamcharts, and this is only steam...  so....lets give them another 6 months until they say "we run out of money, game is closing".
  • AlexanderVendiAlexanderVendi Member UncommonPosts: 378
    Everyone's hating on them but sellout streamers *professional reviewers* who gladly promoted their garbage share an equal amount of blame to this.
  • MazenealMazeneal Member UncommonPosts: 170
    LMFAO......oh man! I wasn't sure how Gamigo would fuck this up, but this is rich! The game is probably one of the best MMO's of the last 10 years (minus the RNG aspects and the progression being tied into the revenue generation) , SO much potential, and I put way too much money into it. So, to me it was a slap in the face when they wanted me to buy the GD game again, so glad I didn't as I would be LIVID right now.......
  • donzin08donzin08 Member UncommonPosts: 40
    There's no monthly sub, there's no real mtx or cosmetics... do you want to continue playing this game? I have no problem with them having a b2p model, especially since there isnt a sub.
  • CelciusCelcius Member RarePosts: 1,879

    Iselin said:

    Well at least they're not calling them "chapters" :)

    This is so perfect, haha, ty for this
  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    edited May 2020
    Remali said:
    This industry is turning to be absolute shit I miss the old days of pure gaming from devs that were
    passionate gamers instead of greedy mothrF***
    I second this very statement and raise you three guacamole's.

    The industry is in full mental mode,they all want their INSTANT profits right up front right away,no risk involved.

    This is also the reason we see soooooooo many low budget crappy studios coming out of every nook and cranny,there is NO RISK.

    Also the typical platforms to deliver these thousands,millions of games are all in this for $$$$,every last one of them.The Facebooks,Twitters,Reddit's,Twitch,websites,YouTubers,all of them are trying to make money off of gaming.So NOBODY anywhere except the common gamer is complaining or telling it like it really is.

    So the industry just keeps churning along,crap game after crap studio,they just keep coming and to make matters worse is we get these asshats who just like to argue with anyone and try and make it about the "hater" "complainer"instead of just waking up and smelling the coffee.

    There are a LOT of dumb people out there helping to feed the problem which is money and greed.Even after they witness firsthand the COE debacle ,witness how much money SC is making w/o ever releasing a finished product and they will still try and ARGUE.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    Celcius said:

    Iselin said:

    Well at least they're not calling them "chapters" :)

    This is so perfect, haha, ty for this
    "SEASONS" is the new era go to term to making more money.I see the word seasons and i think two things...scum and somebody been watching too much TV.

    Seriously the gaming industry seems to be full of VERY simple minds,we see a LOT of copy cat game designs,ideas stolen off of tv/movies,the only time i see creativity is how these peripheral money makers are going to advertise these products.However even that is getting stale....
    BEST 5 reasons
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    There is a lot of bullshit going on in the industry right now,i just HOPE the average Joe is paying attention and sees it.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • alkarionlogalkarionlog Member EpicPosts: 3,584
    Wizardry said:
    Remali said:
    This industry is turning to be absolute shit I miss the old days of pure gaming from devs that were
    passionate gamers instead of greedy mothrF***
    I second this very statement and raise you three guacamole's.

    The industry is in full mental mode,they all want their INSTANT profits right up front right away,no risk involved.

    This is also the reason we see soooooooo many low budget crappy studios coming out of every nook and cranny,there is NO RISK.

    Also the typical platforms to deliver these thousands,millions of games are all in this for $$$$,every last one of them.The Facebooks,Twitters,Reddit's,Twitch,websites,YouTubers,all of them are trying to make money off of gaming.So NOBODY anywhere except the common gamer is complaining or telling it like it really is.

    So the industry just keeps churning along,crap game after crap studio,they just keep coming and to make matters worse is we get these asshats who just like to argue with anyone and try and make it about the "hater" "complainer"instead of just waking up and smelling the coffee.

    There are a LOT of dumb people out there helping to feed the problem which is money and greed.Even after they witness firsthand the COE debacle ,witness how much money SC is making w/o ever releasing a finished product and they will still try and ARGUE.

    didn't need to go that far the very game handling was abysmal to say the least.

    also note, when people who was patron and played since alpha, says the best time on the game WAS during alpha, you know how sh!t we are dealing with
    FOR HONOR, FOR FREEDOM.... and for some money.
  • CelciusCelcius Member RarePosts: 1,879
    Love ppl who think consumer protection laws mean shit in the video game field. That stems from ppl not reading ToS and EULA. What they are doing is crappy, but it's not much different then wow.

    Oh really? Heres an example of consumer protection laws in action:

    Funnily enough, this is also an ArcheAge lawsuit. I guess they already forgot.

  • alkarionlogalkarionlog Member EpicPosts: 3,584
    Celcius said:
    Love ppl who think consumer protection laws mean shit in the video game field. That stems from ppl not reading ToS and EULA. What they are doing is crappy, but it's not much different then wow.

    Oh really? Heres an example of consumer protection laws in action:

    Funnily enough, this is also an ArcheAge lawsuit. I guess they already forgot.

    not only the company forgot, players too, since tehy still play it
    FOR HONOR, FOR FREEDOM.... and for some money.
  • lucyluffy101lucyluffy101 Member UncommonPosts: 152
    Archeage South East Asia Server is going to launch in June 11. It is the first self-published by XLgames internationally.
  • DarkEvilHatredDarkEvilHatred Member UncommonPosts: 229
    What they should have said was that they needed to charge for large patches because they have to hire real programmers to do the work their company can't do.
  • lindenmeyerlindenmeyer Member UncommonPosts: 55
    lazy dev's & greedy company xD
  • ultimateduckultimateduck Member EpicPosts: 1,317
    I don't have a problem paying for expansions, as long as the expansions are worth it for me to pay for. I've played a lot of games that has paid expansions. I didn't log on to and cry about it.

    I don't recall anyone from the AAU team saying the players will never have to buy an expansion if they came out with one, so what's with all the tears?
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,262
    edited May 2020
    I don't have a problem paying for expansions, as long as the expansions are worth it for me to pay for. I've played a lot of games that has paid expansions. I didn't log on to and cry about it.

    I don't recall anyone from the AAU team saying the players will never have to buy an expansion if they came out with one, so what's with all the tears?
    Except that....

    In this interview last year AAUs Merv Lee Kwai stated players would never have to. Props to MOP who recently shared this link in their news story, and actually have a link where they too were told this would never happen.

    "Ragachak: On the topic of payments, will players who purchase ArcheAge: Unchained on September 30th have additional expansion purchases at a later date (such as WoW/Final Fantasy expansions)?

    [mleekwai]: Nope. Future ArcheAge content updates/expansions will be provided free of purchase, as they always have been, on both the Legacy and the Unchained version. We have some exciting stuff coming up toward the end of this year and an amazing content roadmap planned for 2020 and beyond."


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

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  • ultimateduckultimateduck Member EpicPosts: 1,317
    Kyleran said:

    Well there you have it. I suppose the players have a choice to make. Either suck it up and buy the expansion or forego the content that comes with it hoping the game doesn't need to money to keep servers going due to bad in game shop sales.
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