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Project Gorgon - Who's playing?

Binny45Binny45 Member UncommonPosts: 522
Been awhile since I posted here.  Been playing a lot of MMO's over the years, and I have to say the most fun I've had since original EQ has been Project Gorgon.

While I'll be the first to admit that the graphics are far from what other studios have put out, there are several features about this game that simply blows me away.

First is the game itself, completely skill based. All tradeskills, all combat skills, even dying is a skill. Everything is available. You could technically learn everything there is to know about this game.  Been at it about a year now and I have to say, there is still so much to learn and explore.  The flexibility is unreal!  Here's a link to the skills page on their wiki.

Secondly are the quests which frankly some simply blow my mind.  Not everything is served up on a platter. You have to develop your relationships with NPC's to get them to work with you.  Even being near an NPC and killing certain mobs can increase or decrease faction.  Heck, having certain items in your inventory is enough for a faction hit (I learned this having fairy wings in my backpack as I was talking to the fairy's in Sun Vale).

Third is the player economy. The only game I know that beats this game is EvE.  You don't simply start with access to the merchants for hire in the auction house, you have to level up industry and retail management.  Freaking unreal!  There are in game work orders to work on this however players can create work orders for certain items as well. They put up the request and the cash, you deliver the items and get paid immediately.

Gear is easy to get.  There's no "No Drop" in this game, though there are items that can be attuned only to you, but that is usually when you add certain features. No more having to destroy gear.  Not to mention through tradeskills you can make some of the best gear in the game.

Boss mobs.  Fighting a boss mob is wicked cool. Why? Because if you fail and die, you end up with a curse. The curse is permanent and sticks with you until you beat that boss, in which the curse is dropped. Each curse is unique to each boss so you can have more than one. The game gives you plenty of warning when near a boss mob (screen flashes red with text everywhere and sounds blare to get you to at least stop for a second).

Finally, the community. What an amazing group of people. Always helpful and some will even come running if you get in trouble.  I saw this when I got a little too adventurous and got one of those boss curses.  4 high level folks came over, helped me kill that boss and since they were there, offered to help me clear the entire dungeon. Wicked cool!

I'm honestly not doing this game justice as this is just a peek into it.

The starting island for newbies is kinda sparse and dull looking so it might scare off new players, especially those doing the trial (which has limited functionality), but trust me, the game is worth the case.  I only paid $45 Canadian for it.  Gotten more than my money's worth out of it.

Want to play solo? Go ahead! Want to play in a group? Sure! Want to take on raid level mobs? Loads of mob attacks going off. 

I believe the game is still technically in beta, so there's still more to come, but holy crap, best beta I've played since World of Warcraft.




  • AmatheAmathe Member LegendaryPosts: 7,630
    Great post. I hear good things about this game.

    EQ1, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, GW, GW2 CoH, CoV, FFXI, WoW, CO, War,TSW and a slew of free trials and beta tests

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,261
    It will always be in beta...
    [Deleted User]

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  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    What perhaps bothered me the most is the way Eric designs the game.People can say as i often do that game play trumps graphics but here is the way i look at it.Instead of moving forward with new zones ,new ideas,polish and finish the first zone and each zone afterwards.

    So when you are not doing this "polishing early designs",your game is NOT beta,it is no longer an excuse because every single mmorpg on the planet adds content over the years,they don't claim their game is still in Beta.

    What it is doing is giving new players hope,oh this is just beta it will get better.NO it does not get better ,he just keeps adding new zones.
    So how could i sum it up in an easier way,well i just posted a thread how one dude re did a LOT of FFXI with new lighting/shaders ,it looks real good.That guy has to have passion in his work to do that for FREE,his download pack is 100% free yet this Eric dude doesn't want to do that with his game.

    So as the other poster stated,this game is NOT in Beta just because he says it is doesn't mean it is.


    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • Binny45Binny45 Member UncommonPosts: 522
    Wizardry said:
    What perhaps bothered me the most is the way Eric designs the game.People can say as i often do that game play trumps graphics but here is the way i look at it.Instead of moving forward with new zones ,new ideas,polish and finish the first zone and each zone afterwards.

    So when you are not doing this "polishing early designs",your game is NOT beta,it is no longer an excuse because every single mmorpg on the planet adds content over the years,they don't claim their game is still in Beta.

    What it is doing is giving new players hope,oh this is just beta it will get better.NO it does not get better ,he just keeps adding new zones.
    So how could i sum it up in an easier way,well i just posted a thread how one dude re did a LOT of FFXI with new lighting/shaders ,it looks real good.That guy has to have passion in his work to do that for FREE,his download pack is 100% free yet this Eric dude doesn't want to do that with his game.

    So as the other poster stated,this game is NOT in Beta just because he says it is doesn't mean it is.

    But they are! Sun Vale just got a fresh new look and looks amazing! They're taking it one step at a time though right now they're primarily focused on game performance during Raid mobs.


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