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World of Warcraft Datamine Reveals New Vampire Models for Shadowlands

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599
edited April 2020 in News & Features Discussion

imageWorld of Warcraft Datamine Reveals New Vampire Models for Shadowlands

A new World of Warcraft datamine reveals new vampire models in the upcoming Shadowlands alpha.

Read the full story here


  • TruvidiennTruvidienn Member UncommonPosts: 348
    That face is hideous!
  • ValentinaValentina Member RarePosts: 2,111

    That face is hideous!

    i know it's awful
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  • koldmiserkoldmiser Member RarePosts: 353
    Well it gives them that Nosferatu look I guess.
  • AmatheAmathe Member LegendaryPosts: 7,630
    Dibs on character name Count Chocula.

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  • Riqqy82Riqqy82 Member UncommonPosts: 91
    nees evi gniht tseyag eht eb ot sah siht

  • Hawkeye666Hawkeye666 Member UncommonPosts: 44
    Hideous. They look like males with boobs. Now That's fine for those who are into such, but it is not an aesthetic in which I have any interest what-so-ever.
  • IselinIselin Member LegendaryPosts: 18,719
    Well they're definitely not going for glamorous or cute lol.
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  • NecromaNecroma Member UncommonPosts: 45

    Hideous. They look like males with boobs. Now That's fine for those who are into such, but it is not an aesthetic in which I have any interest what-so-ever.

    And that's supposed to be bad? It's clearly going for "dark" theme look, don't worry tho, you still can transmog your pink capes and maid outfits on it anyway so it won't be that bad.
  • alkarionlogalkarionlog Member EpicPosts: 3,584
    now if they sparkle it will be on par on what wow become
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  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    So this is what it looks like when a night elf mates with a gnome.....interesting.
  • AriesTigerAriesTiger Member UncommonPosts: 444
    Finally some content that isn't all bright colors and rainbows. I may just come back to this game.
  • AriesTigerAriesTiger Member UncommonPosts: 444

    Zenislav said:

    There are hundreds of things datamined about Shadowlands almost daily and this guy takes single npc nodel and makes article about it. Almost like articles are posted randomly about anything just to get more clicks. How feking low did this site drop.

    Sounds like someone's mad their fetish is out in the open.
  • xpsyncxpsync Member EpicPosts: 1,854
    Reminds me of the The Bloodline Chronicles from EQ2, yes i'm playing wow but it seems like they are still to this day milking ideas from EQ2. Party sync was mentoring from EQ2, only difference it was available at launch in EQ2, wow took 15 years? I guess housing will be inevitable. Pretty sure that's the ace up the sleeve for them, subs drop too much, HOUSING MOFO's!!!

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