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The RPG Files: Final Fantasy VII REMAKE Review

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599
edited April 2020 in News & Features Discussion

imageThe RPG Files: Final Fantasy VII REMAKE Review

To say Final Fantasy VII REMAKE has been hotly anticipated is putting it mildly. Check out our review of the long-awaited remake of one of Square Enix's most beloved JRPGs of all time.

Read the full story here


  • crankkedcrankked Member UncommonPosts: 284
    I haven't played it, but I know how well loved this game is by most people.

    Not sure why this is even being reviewed and given a score. I can't imagine a scenario where this gets less than an 8 even if it was a butchered remake, because that's just how reviews are these days.

    tl;dr: This was a waste of time writing this piece.
  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,109
    crankked said:
    I haven't played it, but I know how well loved this game is by most people.

    Not sure why this is even being reviewed and given a score. I can't imagine a scenario where this gets less than an 8 even if it was a butchered remake, because that's just how reviews are these days.

    tl;dr: This was a waste of time writing this piece.
    Remakes of beloved games are far from guaranteed to be quality, and there are always going to be high expectations for a remake of this caliber.

    Anyone remember the Silent Hill 2 HD remaster? Yeahhhhhhh.
  • IlayaIlaya Member UncommonPosts: 661
    I haven't played the original, but i'm interested in this remake after reading so much about it. many ppl are in "love" with the old one. We'll see.
  • alkarionlogalkarionlog Member EpicPosts: 3,584
    Ilaya said:
    I haven't played the original, but i'm interested in this remake after reading so much about it. many ppl are in "love" with the old one. We'll see.

    wouldnt say in love more like very first Final fantasy if not the first rpg they played in the play one

    but serious for a game who will ahve at least 3 epsodes, all this fanfarre is annoying, they will launch a game who is not even complete, and everyone is having orgasm for teh promisses alone, not gonna even point out what happens later
    FOR HONOR, FOR FREEDOM.... and for some money.
  • KajidourdenKajidourden Member EpicPosts: 3,030
    Ok I only played the demo but I have to disagree about Barret on V/O

    Sazh from FFXIII was great, so I don't know why they went totally regressive with the Hyper-Mr T voice for Barret. It's grating and annoying.
  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    My original comment on this game was exactly as this author's,it seems more like a remake which i am cool with because i didn't really like FF7.FF3 and FFX were my faves and of course FFXI online.I actually liked FF 8/9 also better than 7,heck pretty much most of the series i liked better than 7.

    I think FF7 success was built around the same ordeal as Wow,the right timing.FFVII was to cater to the massive Playstation crowd,Wow to the massive influx of new online gamer's all ready to go with DSL.

    As to poster's thoughts on how the game is released,i agree 100% SE only did this because they saw an UNFAIR scummy cash grab.They did the exact same thing back in FFXI when they released a half assed trio of what was called mini episodes.

    So we have to wonder is the total price warranted,separating a game into mini parts to cash in 3x?I know the answer,YOU know the answer but let me tell you something,MOST of the big studios are doing this,they just don't tell you what they are up to.Game studios now a days are forever looking for ways to dupe us of our money,the world has changed a lot,not many peopel left with morals.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • qtaqqtaq Member UncommonPosts: 75
    I absolutely loved the original game one of my all times favorites everah!
  • MensurMensur Member EpicPosts: 1,531
    All time fav game! I got my hands on it trough a friend whom writes for Gamereactor! It pays homeage to FF7 in so many ways that in my eyes this is one of the best remakes! However the story is much deeper than the original- so the episodic approach does not bother me. Cant wait for it to be released so I can grind achievements for my PS4 account :D

    mmorpg junkie since 1999

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  • DEXA88DEXA88 Member UncommonPosts: 175
    This is stupid how can there be a review of a game that hasn't been released yet !
  • TiamatRoarTiamatRoar Member RarePosts: 1,696
    DEXA88 said:
    This is stupid how can there be a review of a game that hasn't been released yet !
    Reviewers are often given review copies by companies before the release date.
  • KajidourdenKajidourden Member EpicPosts: 3,030

    DEXA88 said:

    This is stupid how can there be a review of a game that hasn't been released yet !

    Found the 12 year old.
  • adam_noxadam_nox Member UncommonPosts: 2,148
    dude, stop trying to make "story beats" a thing.
  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,109
    adam_nox said:
    dude, stop trying to make "story beats" a thing.
  • ET3DET3D Member UncommonPosts: 330
    Real time combat turns me off.
  • vtravivtravi Member UncommonPosts: 401
    I just replayed the original a few months ago, one of the alltime great games. I have little interest in this due to the combat and the fact that they felt the need to take 5 hours of gameplay and stretch it into 40 hours... I will play it eventually but not at full price. I am still scarred by FF15 combat, the worst I have ever seen in a JRPG...
  • skeaserskeaser Member RarePosts: 4,228

    ET3D said:

    Real time combat turns me off.

    FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE has a Classic Mode for players who prefer turn-based combat
    Sig so that badges don't eat my posts.

  • Ali12345Ali12345 Newbie CommonPosts: 1
    edited April 2020
  • moosecatlolmoosecatlol Member RarePosts: 1,531
    Daily Reminder: FFXV has the same score.

    Upside at least FF7R hasn't been deemed a financial failure.
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