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ESO Live to Discuss Housing Today -

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599
edited February 2020 in News & Features Discussion

imageESO Live to Discuss Housing Today -

ESO Live, the weekly Elder Scrolls Online community live stream, goes live today at 5p ET and will discuss housing and more.

Read the full story here


  • marcjt20marcjt20 Member UncommonPosts: 115
    Nothing to discuss, housing is shit instance crap, perhaps they should work on making the combat more intuitive and less about combo cancelling. Maybe housing should be open world and server more of a purpose then just a place to decorate.
  • jj7009jj7009 Member UncommonPosts: 223
    Or maybe you should play the game instead of repeating arguments. People seem to think there is skill canceling in this game. There isn’t your only canceling the animation if your light attack. Also housing allows you to craft and show off your achievements as well as give you a set location to role play or easily meet friends. If you don’t like the implementation that’s fine but don’t deliberately leave out information to make it seem worse.
    BuschkatzeUntamedgunner[Deleted User]McSleazSlyLoKretiredmjAgent_JosephOctagon7711
  • IselinIselin Member LegendaryPosts: 18,719
    edited February 2020
    jj7009 said:
    People seem to think there is skill canceling in this game. There isn’t your only canceling the animation if your light attack. 
    Not that animation cancelling bothers me in the least but that's actually not true.

    The animation of light attacks (and non-channeled heavies too if you get the timing just right. You get a lower damage "medium" if yo cancel too soon) can be cancelled by using skills and the animation of skills can also be cancelled by either blocking, bashing or, what most people do with their rotations. bar swapping.

    That cancelling means both more light and heavy attacks and more skills in the same time frame compared to not cancelling - there's just no denying that.

    People do get carried away saying things like the game is balanced around having to cancel (it isn't - it's balanced around Champion point power creep) and seem to be oblivious to all the other games, some with competitive leader boards (e.g. Diablo 3,) where animation cancelling is also a thing an no one gets bent out of shape about it.

    But yeah both, weapon attack and skill animations can be cancelled in ESO.
    "Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”

    ― Umberto Eco

    “Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” 

  • jj7009jj7009 Member UncommonPosts: 223
    edited February 2020

    Iselin said:

    jj7009 said:

    People seem to think there is skill canceling in this game. There isn’t your only canceling the animation if your light attack. 

    Not that animation cancelling bothers me in the least but that's actually not true.

    The animation of light attacks (and non-channeled heavies too if you get the timing just right. You get a lower damage "medium" if yo cancel too soon) can be cancelled by using skills and the animation of skills can also be cancelled by either blocking, bashing or, what most people do with their rotations. bar swapping.

    That cancelling means both more light and heavy attacks and more skills in the same time frame compared to not cancelling - there's just no denying that.

    People do get carried away saying things like the game is balanced around having to cancel (it isn't - it's balanced around Champion point power creep) and seem to be oblivious to all the other games, some with competitive leader boards (e.g. Diablo 3,) where animation cancelling is also a thing an no one gets bent out of shape about it.

    But yeah both, weapon attack and skill animations can be cancelled in ESO.

    Animation canceling skills is only useful in certain situations. And even then the number of skills that can be canceled without losing most of their effects is fairly minuet.

    Deyirn said:

    jj7009 said:

    Or maybe you should play the game instead of repeating arguments. People seem to think there is skill canceling in this game. There isn’t your only canceling the animation if your light attack. Also housing allows you to craft and show off your achievements as well as give you a set location to role play or easily meet friends. If you don’t like the implementation that’s fine but don’t deliberately leave out information to make it seem worse.

    I've played this game close to 900 hours and I can confirm what @marcjt20 says - the housing in ESO is predominantly an useless gimmick to get some whales to drop some cash on it. Crafting is also pointless in the game as you can get your gear from Dungeons and Trials, it's not like in Vanilla WoW where a player who dedicated tons of hours into Engineering has some weird and cool contraption that the rest of the server is envying him for having it and they don't.

    For the most part, ESO is like Retail WoW in common trait that both games are artificially elongated with useless means of grinding to compensate for the lack of meaningful content. No wonder ESO keeps bleeding players, and has trouble with player retention - they keep doing free weeks and discounting the base game + old chapters.

    It's not a bad game, but damn I paid over $90 for content at full price at launch and later spent some on the Crown store and now the things I bought for $90-$100 cost e measly $20 and sometimes even less and the worst part is the game I bought no longer exists - there is no challenge in the game, everything is casual-friendly garbage. ZOS and Bethesda treat their customers like mentally retarded wallets and not like people, I can never get behind defending such a company that's treating its customers like trash.

    The crafting is useless statement kinda throws me off considering many stamina builds use hundings rage over dungeon and raid gear. Stamnightblades use pvp gear. New moon acolyte can only be obtained by crafting and is considered the best stamina dps set period. "treat people like trash" I mean I haven't lived your life so I dont know your personal experience, but zenimax has refunded multiple purchases by me including a portion of crowncrates I impulse bought. in addition they were willing to let me obtain a house that was no longer for sale on the condition I didn't disclose my account name to others. And casual friendly garbage? What do you mean vet content such as vMA, vCR(And its many modifiers), most of the hard modes for new dungeons, and other things. I've never had another game give me so much to do (Bar: ff14 which is great and for me was an overall more enjoyable experience, but aside from cosmetic grinds I find little reason to play outside of new savage patches)
  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    marcjt20 said:
    Nothing to discuss, housing is shit instance crap, perhaps they should work on making the combat more intuitive and less about combo cancelling. Maybe housing should be open world and server more of a purpose then just a place to decorate.
    It USED to be tough to pull off and pretty much had to be instance but after playing Atlas and what i know about game design,almost ANYTHING is possible now a days.

    The reason we are not seeing AAA game designs is because devs are just cheap,do not want to take any risk or spend anymore than they have to on their games.Everything inside of dev studios is about maximizing profits,same reason everything is cash shop gaming.

    Devs do NOT sit around the table and discuss ways to make their game really good,so good we can call it a AAA game,that is NOT within their mindset,AAA costs money and time and risks lower profits.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • mistmakermistmaker Member UncommonPosts: 321
    the only good housing was SWG. The only really good crafting was SWG. :-(
  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,061
    ESO is MMO lameness at its finest.
  • ChildoftheShadowsChildoftheShadows Member EpicPosts: 2,193
    Wizardry said:
    and what i know about game design,
  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004

    Wizardry said:

    marcjt20 said:

    Nothing to discuss, housing is shit instance crap, perhaps they should work on making the combat more intuitive and less about combo cancelling. Maybe housing should be open world and server more of a purpose then just a place to decorate.

    It USED to be tough to pull off and pretty much had to be instance but after playing Atlas and what i know about game design,almost ANYTHING is possible now a days.

    The reason we are not seeing AAA game designs is because devs are just cheap,do not want to take any risk or spend anymore than they have to on their games.Everything inside of dev studios is about maximizing profits,same reason everything is cash shop gaming.

    Devs do NOT sit around the table and discuss ways to make their game really good,so good we can call it a AAA game,that is NOT within their mindset,AAA costs money and time and risks lower profits.

    I thought the reason we aren't seeing AAA games doing better was because the CEO's are cutting out everything they can to save money and increase profits. Devs are told to do more with less.

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • Tiamat64Tiamat64 Member RarePosts: 1,545

    Wizardry said:

    marcjt20 said:

    Nothing to discuss, housing is shit instance crap, perhaps they should work on making the combat more intuitive and less about combo cancelling. Maybe housing should be open world and server more of a purpose then just a place to decorate.

    It USED to be tough to pull off and pretty much had to be instance but after playing Atlas and what i know about game design,almost ANYTHING is possible now a days.

    The reason we are not seeing AAA game designs is because devs are just cheap,do not want to take any risk or spend anymore than they have to on their games.Everything inside of dev studios is about maximizing profits,same reason everything is cash shop gaming.

    Devs do NOT sit around the table and discuss ways to make their game really good,so good we can call it a AAA game,that is NOT within their mindset,AAA costs money and time and risks lower profits.

    I thought the reason we aren't seeing AAA games doing better was because the CEO's are cutting out everything they can to save money and increase profits. Devs are told to do more with less.
    It's probably both? Devs having to spend most of their time discussing how to make money instead of how to make the game better AND CEOs cutting out everything they can.
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