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OPINION: Blizzard's Warcraft 3 Reforged Response is Unacceptable -



  • UtinniUtinni Member EpicPosts: 2,209
    I'm still waiting for wiz to pop in here and give wc3 reforged a 10/10
  • MargraveMargrave Member RarePosts: 1,371
    "What?! Don't you people have phones?!"

    remember that one? Classic Blizz.
  • UtinniUtinni Member EpicPosts: 2,209
    Blizz has been out of touch since the real money auction house in D3 launch. The last good game they made was SC2 a decade ago. 
    Gdemami[Deleted User]
  • bwwianakievbwwianakiev Member UncommonPosts: 119
    Mowzer said:
    The age of false hopes, idiotic self hype and unrealistic expectations is real!!!
    Its articles like this one that have me believe we need more coronavirus in the world... 
    All of that is false. THis is not a new IP and they advertised the game with a lot of features and old features. The original game was a masterpiece so one would expect a remaster to be a masterpiece+. Instead, they gutted features and messed up the graphics. Then their response was basically, "Welp, sorry we you expected different". What kind of response is that?!?
  • dekkion1dekkion1 Member UncommonPosts: 152
    well yoshi p....maybe you need to drop by blizzard and show them how to correct bad mistakes...
    cause somthing is going on an blizzard an nobody likes it.
    gammer 4 life
  • MowzerMowzer Member UncommonPosts: 78
    Mowzer said:
    The age of false hopes, idiotic self hype and unrealistic expectations is real!!!
    Its articles like this one that have me believe we need more coronavirus in the world... 
    The original game was a masterpiece so one would expect a remaster to be a masterpiece+. 
    So do you think your expectations were too high?

    Look through the bullet lists people have been holding up, most were not "promised" but expected, granted a few of the fundamental items were not in place at release, but this is a standard fare(well these days it is) pile-on by the idiotic outrage generation.
    Gdemami[Deleted User]
  • OzzY1988trOzzY1988tr Member UncommonPosts: 13
    And i just eat some popcorns and wait for discount season. Game will become playable due to patches and cheaper to buy. I learned my lessons from Anthem and F76. My teachers were cruel but effective... Never buy a game before it relased. Companies like that don't deserve that. You can back an indie company and accept risks but companies like that has no room for mistakes. Blizzard is financially stable company, they should act responsible and relase quality content or turn their supporters to discount hunters.
  • cheyanecheyane Member LegendaryPosts: 9,436
    There is a thread on the Blizzard forums guiding people how to get back their old Warcraft 3 games since the launcher goes and updates it without your permission even if you never bought the reforged version.
    [Deleted User]gervaise1
    Garrus Signature
  • ET3DET3D Member UncommonPosts: 330
    Blizzard issued a statement which – true to form for these companies – contained a bunch of words but said absolutely nothing

    Having read it now, I disagree. While the statement didn't help make things better in most ways, and didn't address everything, it did clearly describe things which Blizzard doesn't intend to fix (tournaments and the Reign of Chaos ruleset, new cutscenes) and things it does intend to fix (missing clans and leaderboards, various bugs).

    So I can't agree that it 'said absolutely nothing'. You might not like everything it said, or that some things weren't addressed, but there was quite a bit of meat to this statement.
  • LeCreauxLeCreaux Member UncommonPosts: 22
    "Craven", eh. Whenever I see the latest new word (cough "agency" cough) I just know a melodrama is about to unfold. I pre-ordered the game also. I played Warcraft III and was looking for a good reason to go back and do it again. Updated graphics was enough of a reason for me. I've been reading all the negative postings about it but I just can't get this upset, much less "mad as hell" about something that cost less that crap I forgot I bought. In fact, I did forget I bought I this game several times. For a few dollars less I bought cartoon skins for Starcraft. It's about the same thing.

    But you know what really makes me mad as hell? I pay twice as much as this game every month to my Homeowners Association and they don't always mow the grass and pick up litter. You get that? Twice as much as this game every single month. I pay twice as much as this game to fill up the gas tank in my truck every single week. I could go on, it's very difficult to see how anyone could get this upset about a reskin of an old game.
  • laseritlaserit Member LegendaryPosts: 7,591
    LeCreaux said:
    "Craven", eh. Whenever I see the latest new word (cough "agency" cough) I just know a melodrama is about to unfold. I pre-ordered the game also. I played Warcraft III and was looking for a good reason to go back and do it again. Updated graphics was enough of a reason for me. I've been reading all the negative postings about it but I just can't get this upset, much less "mad as hell" about something that cost less that crap I forgot I bought. In fact, I did forget I bought I this game several times. For a few dollars less I bought cartoon skins for Starcraft. It's about the same thing.

    But you know what really makes me mad as hell? I pay twice as much as this game every month to my Homeowners Association and they don't always mow the grass and pick up litter. You get that? Twice as much as this game every single month. I pay twice as much as this game to fill up the gas tank in my truck every single week. I could go on, it's very difficult to see how anyone could get this upset about a reskin of an old game.
    I believe what people wanted was a reskin of an old game, but that’s not what they got.

    "Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee

  • gervaise1gervaise1 Member EpicPosts: 6,919
    edited February 2020
    Gorwe said:
    Ok, it's official then: (old)Blizzard is DEAD.
    Oh absolutely. Certainly since A-B bought themselves out from Vivendi.

    Key question: what is Bobby Kotick's vision?

    As CEO for a long time (CEO of Activision in 1983; then of A-B after Vivendi purchased Activision and created A-B) - he is the one who has guided A-B to great things in the past.

    And in the present he is the one being paid $30M a year by the shareholders to guide the company. He also owns about 20% of the company. (Through direct purchases and stock options voted through by fellow share holders.) 

    Hence what is his vision for the company.

    Edit: To add Kotick's has pursued a "narrow and deep" strategy. In other words if it has worked before make sequels. And this particular bit of news is part of the "deep" bit. Deep meaning maximise revenue.
    Post edited by gervaise1 on
  • jwarlockjwarlock Member UncommonPosts: 4
    I remember when Blizzard was an awesome game developer, and then they came out with Diablo 3 and that stupid portal that must be logged in to play, last game I ever bought from blizzard or played.
  • UtinniUtinni Member EpicPosts: 2,209
    edited February 2020
    Nyctelios said:
    Utinni said:
    Blizz has been out of touch since the real money auction house in D3 launch. The last good game they made was SC2 a decade ago. 
    Blizzard has been out of touch even as far when Red Shirt Guy would call them on plot holes and inconsistences, erros, back in the day and they would act all arrogant.

    To be fair, they didn't act arrogant. They admitted he was right(on stage), added Falstad to the throne room and even added a red shirt guy NPC next to him called "Wildhammer Fact Checker". 

    Not sure how you got arrogant from that. This was the last year blizz was good for me (hence sc2 release).
    Post edited by Utinni on
  • LastlaughlolLastlaughlol Member UncommonPosts: 151
    Great article. Dont buy Shadowlands, or Overwatch 2. Fuck this company.
  • LeCreauxLeCreaux Member UncommonPosts: 22
    laserit said:
    LeCreaux said:
    "Craven", eh. Whenever I see the latest new word (cough "agency" cough) I just know a melodrama is about to unfold. I pre-ordered the game also. I played Warcraft III and was looking for a good reason to go back and do it again. Updated graphics was enough of a reason for me. I've been reading all the negative postings about it but I just can't get this upset, much less "mad as hell" about something that cost less that crap I forgot I bought. In fact, I did forget I bought I this game several times. For a few dollars less I bought cartoon skins for Starcraft. It's about the same thing.

    But you know what really makes me mad as hell? I pay twice as much as this game every month to my Homeowners Association and they don't always mow the grass and pick up litter. You get that? Twice as much as this game every single month. I pay twice as much as this game to fill up the gas tank in my truck every single week. I could go on, it's very difficult to see how anyone could get this upset about a reskin of an old game.
    I believe what people wanted was a reskin of an old game, but that’s not what they got.
    Oh I have no doubt some people are dissatisfied with their purchase.  I'm just amused at the absurd levels of outrage over it.  I mean I was very unsatisfied with the first case I bought for my new iPhone 11 and it cost almost $100.  It's now in the stack with 2 or 3 others I didn't like.  One of these days I need to write a melodramatic article on Amazon about it to explain how I was disenfranchised, denied agency, and no amount of craven words will sate my anguish.  It's just silly.
  • retiredmjretiredmj Member UncommonPosts: 160

    Utinni said:

    Albatroes said:

    Utinni said:

    You can get an instant refund for WC3:Reforged. I'd only call their response unacceptable if they didn't allow refunds. Do you want them to apologize to you personally for the product you don't have to buy?

    All the people raging over games these days. Vote with your wallet.

    Is it really that simple? As I posted in the other thread, this does more that affect the people that bought this garbage version. The people who had the classic version via b-net got affected too. They might be able to get a refund (I haven't followed) but they're still out a full game they had for at least a decade.

    I think the most important lesson out of all of this is that we don't OWN anything as long as its tied to requiring launchers etc since they can just change it or worse make it so we can't even get to it again whenever they want. Its not like this is the first time its happened (see the GTA games for pc and music getting removed due to expired licensing agreements on Rockstar's part).

    The article is saying blizzards response(which is linked) is unacceptable. That's what I'm commenting on. The game sucks and is causing issues with folks who don't own it (which are addressed in blizzards response) but "unacceptable" is a stretch.

    What would you have them say? What could they have posted on a forum that is acceptable?

    How about we're sorry we didn't present what we said we were going to, as opposed to "we're sorry our game didn't meet your expectations".

    As mentioned in the article the response deflects all blame onto the players and takes no ownership of their ineptitude
  • kilunkilun Member UncommonPosts: 829
    edited February 2020
    retiredmj said:

    How about we're sorry we didn't present what we said we were going to, as opposed to "we're sorry our game didn't meet your expectations".

    As mentioned in the article the response deflects all blame onto the players and takes no ownership of their ineptitude
    This.  So many people I deal with are unable to take ownership.  I deal with teenagers who dont understand the idea of "owning" their mistakes.  It is so much easier to deal with people who mess up, own it, and then try to remedy it. Instead we have these morons in all places now saying "well they made me" or in this case we are sorry it didn't live up to your expectations, its fine and is what we promised.

    Own your fuckups.  So much easier to deal with people who own it.
  • UtinniUtinni Member EpicPosts: 2,209
    retiredmj said:

    Utinni said:

    Albatroes said:

    Utinni said:

    You can get an instant refund for WC3:Reforged. I'd only call their response unacceptable if they didn't allow refunds. Do you want them to apologize to you personally for the product you don't have to buy?

    All the people raging over games these days. Vote with your wallet.

    Is it really that simple? As I posted in the other thread, this does more that affect the people that bought this garbage version. The people who had the classic version via b-net got affected too. They might be able to get a refund (I haven't followed) but they're still out a full game they had for at least a decade.

    I think the most important lesson out of all of this is that we don't OWN anything as long as its tied to requiring launchers etc since they can just change it or worse make it so we can't even get to it again whenever they want. Its not like this is the first time its happened (see the GTA games for pc and music getting removed due to expired licensing agreements on Rockstar's part).

    The article is saying blizzards response(which is linked) is unacceptable. That's what I'm commenting on. The game sucks and is causing issues with folks who don't own it (which are addressed in blizzards response) but "unacceptable" is a stretch.

    What would you have them say? What could they have posted on a forum that is acceptable?

    How about we're sorry we didn't present what we said we were going to, as opposed to "we're sorry our game didn't meet your expectations".

    As mentioned in the article the response deflects all blame onto the players and takes no ownership of their ineptitude
    So they said sorry but not how you wanted them to say sorry. That's a defining characteristic of entitlement. 

    What particular parts of their response "deflects all blame onto the players"? Please quote the response and not the editorial piece from this website.

    Also for those still emotionally impacted by this horrific event, please refer to the following link to refund the WC3:Reforged purchase you have made. End your suffering. Unless you're like most folks here who hate everything blizzard does, didn't buy this game, but came here to rage that the phrasing of a corporate apology wasn't sincere enough for you.
  • laseritlaserit Member LegendaryPosts: 7,591
    edited February 2020
    LeCreaux said:
    laserit said:
    LeCreaux said:
    "Craven", eh. Whenever I see the latest new word (cough "agency" cough) I just know a melodrama is about to unfold. I pre-ordered the game also. I played Warcraft III and was looking for a good reason to go back and do it again. Updated graphics was enough of a reason for me. I've been reading all the negative postings about it but I just can't get this upset, much less "mad as hell" about something that cost less that crap I forgot I bought. In fact, I did forget I bought I this game several times. For a few dollars less I bought cartoon skins for Starcraft. It's about the same thing.

    But you know what really makes me mad as hell? I pay twice as much as this game every month to my Homeowners Association and they don't always mow the grass and pick up litter. You get that? Twice as much as this game every single month. I pay twice as much as this game to fill up the gas tank in my truck every single week. I could go on, it's very difficult to see how anyone could get this upset about a reskin of an old game.
    I believe what people wanted was a reskin of an old game, but that’s not what they got.
    Oh I have no doubt some people are dissatisfied with their purchase.  I'm just amused at the absurd levels of outrage over it.  I mean I was very unsatisfied with the first case I bought for my new iPhone 11 and it cost almost $100.  It's now in the stack with 2 or 3 others I didn't like.  One of these days I need to write a melodramatic article on Amazon about it to explain how I was disenfranchised, denied agency, and no amount of craven words will sate my anguish.  It's just silly.
    I would have just returned it. No anger required.

    "Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee

  • zinger71zinger71 Member UncommonPosts: 68
    edited February 2020
    I didn't play the original WC3, but I have to admit, even amidst all the backlash for Reforged...I'm strangely compelled to give it a try.....
  • laseritlaserit Member LegendaryPosts: 7,591
    zinger71 said:
    I didn't play the original WC3, but I have to admit, even amidst all the backlash for Reforged...I'm strangely compelled to give it a try.....
    I’ve never played the original and I purchased Reforged on release day. I have no intention of refunding it. I Just want to experience the single player campaign. I was more into Command and Conquer back in those days.

    "Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee

  • lahnmirlahnmir Member LegendaryPosts: 5,060
    laserit said:
    zinger71 said:
    I didn't play the original WC3, but I have to admit, even amidst all the backlash for Reforged...I'm strangely compelled to give it a try.....
    I’ve never played the original and I purchased Reforged on release day. I have no intention of refunding it. I Just want to experience the single player campaign. I was more into Command and Conquer back in those days.
    Enjoy, it is an excellent campaign.

    'the only way he could nail it any better is if he used a cross.'

    Kyleran on yours sincerely 

    'But there are many. You can play them entirely solo, and even offline. Also, you are wrong by default.'

    Ikcin in response to yours sincerely debating whether or not single-player offline MMOs exist...

    'This does not apply just to ED but SC or any other game. What they will get is Rebirth/X4, likely prettier but equally underwhelming and pointless. 

    It is incredibly difficult to design some meaningfull leg content that would fit a space ship game - simply because it is not a leg game.

    It is just huge resource waste....'

    Gdemami absolutely not being an armchair developer

  • GdemamiGdemami Member EpicPosts: 12,342
    edited February 2020
    Zegaloth said:
    I for one have been enjoying the more critical articles that have been being published on here as of recently. 
    ....they are not more critical, they are just dumb but you don't care because that is what you want to hear. And that is fine.

    The site shifted their focus, gave up any standards, attempts at balanced, "quality" writing and went yellow yournalism route. And that is also fine.

    However, then you get those ridiculous, absurd moments when you read those site rants of lack of quality in games and buggy launches while lacking any quality themselves, having their own site riddled with bugs and failing to update their site(twice?)....

    And that is still fine...just funny...
  • cmacqcmacq Member UncommonPosts: 331
    edited February 2020
    Gdemami said:
    Zegaloth said:
    I for one have been enjoying the more critical articles that have been being published on here as of recently. 
    ....they are not more critical, they are just dumb but you don't care because that is what you want to hear. And that is fine.

    The site shifted their focus, gave up any standards, attempts at balanced, "quality" writing and went yellow yournalism route. And that is also fine.

    However, then you get those ridiculous, absurd moments when you read those site rants of lack of quality in games and buggy launches while lacking any quality themselves, having their own site riddled with bugs and failing to update their site(twice?)....

    And that is still fine...just funny...
    and you would consider "quality" writing the spew I've been reading from you?  Man you got issues........
    Post edited by cmacq on
    [Deleted User]
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