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Current thoughts on how and when SoTA will shut down



  • MightyUncleanMightyUnclean Member EpicPosts: 3,531
    My guess:  The game will never be successful at attracting a significant number of new players, but will continue to make enough money off of the dedicated core players to limp along in maintenance mode for years.  The developers will make a half-hearted attempt at very limited content that they will call Episode 2, and no further episodic development will occur beyond that.
  • urinal_gooseurinal_goose Member UncommonPosts: 89
    This whole thing is a troll post. Opening a discussion about when a game you don't play will stop being available to those who do play is the epitome of a troll post.

    Asking the "troll" that you keep replying to "why do they keep replying to you" (another troll) is, yet again, being a troll.

    I liked a lot about SotA. The reality was, I just didn't have the mental capacity to delve into a fairly sandboxy new MMO at the time that I played it, and now I'm in to other things that are taking up my time. It's a bummer it's not doing well.

    I stopped playing and I periodically try again. That's really not the same as saying I "don't play." Did you even read what I wrote?

    Asking a troll why they respond is not trolling: it's responding to and pointing out blatant hypocrisy--someone telling others they should behave a certain way while behaving in a contradictory way themselves.

    That my original post incurs the ire of people who like this game isn't necessarily indicative of my intentions. To think otherwise is, well, a lot like blaming other people for how you feel.

  • ultimateduckultimateduck Member EpicPosts: 1,317
    edited January 2020
    Kyleran said:
    Good reply, but let me demonstrate an advanced technique.  

    The OP asked anyone who read it for their opinion on when SotA would shut down.

    He did not limit it to or in fact even direct it to gamers who are currently playing SotA.

    Had he done so just to get a rise from said audience I might agree with your assessment, but otherwise, no, not a troll.

    I appreciated you sharing your experience with and reasons for not doing so, but have to thank you for joining the off topic "club"

    Plenty of room for everyone here under the bridge, we'll leave the light on.


    Maybe not trolling in the legal/RoC sense, but a troll none the less. Not sure what you meant by "advanced technique"... advanced trolling technique?

    I stopped playing and I periodically try again. That's really not the same as saying I "don't play." Did you even read what I wrote?

    Asking a troll why they respond is not trolling: it's responding to and pointing out blatant hypocrisy--someone telling others they should behave a certain way while behaving in a contradictory way themselves.

    That my original post incurs the ire of people who like this game isn't necessarily indicative of my intentions. To think otherwise is, well, a lot like blaming other people for how you feel.

    urinal_goose said: "What I'd like to see more than anything is the scammy liars (RG, CS, SL) who brought this monstrosity to life get what's coming to them--bankruptcy and litigation. I'd love to see every single player and backer get every dime of their money back."

    These aren't the words of someone who claims they periodically play the game. They sound like the words of someone who is mad at the developers and wants a game that they no longer play to go down in flames.

    Some people like the game and they will play it until it closes, and it will close when it closes. The fact that you made the above statement in conjunction with the fact that you asked about the longevity of this specific game proves this whole post is you venting and trolling to get out your anger.

  • urinal_gooseurinal_goose Member UncommonPosts: 89
    Kyleran said:
    Good reply, but let me demonstrate an advanced technique.  

    The OP asked anyone who read it for their opinion on when SotA would shut down.

    He did not limit it to or in fact even direct it to gamers who are currently playing SotA.

    Had he done so just to get a rise from said audience I might agree with your assessment, but otherwise, no, not a troll.

    I appreciated you sharing your experience with and reasons for not doing so, but have to thank you for joining the off topic "club"

    Plenty of room for everyone here under the bridge, we'll leave the light on.


    Maybe not trolling in the legal/RoC sense, but a troll none the less. Not sure what you meant by "advanced technique"... advanced trolling technique?

    I stopped playing and I periodically try again. That's really not the same as saying I "don't play." Did you even read what I wrote?

    Asking a troll why they respond is not trolling: it's responding to and pointing out blatant hypocrisy--someone telling others they should behave a certain way while behaving in a contradictory way themselves.

    That my original post incurs the ire of people who like this game isn't necessarily indicative of my intentions. To think otherwise is, well, a lot like blaming other people for how you feel.

    urinal_goose said: "What I'd like to see more than anything is the scammy liars (RG, CS, SL) who brought this monstrosity to life get what's coming to them--bankruptcy and litigation. I'd love to see every single player and backer get every dime of their money back."

    These aren't the words of someone who claims they periodically play the game. They sound like the words of someone who is mad at the developers and wants a game that they no longer play to go down in flames.

    Some people like the game and they will play it until it closes, and it will close when it closes. The fact that you made the above statement in conjunction with the fact that you asked about the longevity of this specific game proves this whole post is you venting and trolling to get out your anger.

    The devs are scammy liars and I still play from time to time aren't mutually exclusive. Both statements can be uttered by the same person and not be in conflict. You are implying a false dichotomy.
  • MightyUncleanMightyUnclean Member EpicPosts: 3,531
    Wow, this thread has been seriously derailed.
  • ultimateduckultimateduck Member EpicPosts: 1,317

    The devs are scammy liars and I still play from time to time aren't mutually exclusive. Both statements can be uttered by the same person and not be in conflict. You are implying a false dichotomy.

    You didn't stop at "the devs are scammy liars". You went on to call the game a "monstrosity" and hoped they "get what's coming to them" via "bankruptcy and litigation" so that "every single player and backer get every dime of their money back."

    This is above and beyond you being a little upset about a game that you still play on occasion. This clearly outlines your hate for the "monstosity" of a game and its "scammy liar" developers that you hope "gets what's coming to them". Stop pretending it's anything short of that.

    If I had more bandwidth or friends egging me on to drop more time into the game, I probably would. The game is decent enough and is a bit of a throwback, which I kinda like. I also completely understand why other's may not agree with me. It's just one of those types of games. Either there's something about it that you like that makes you want to play or you think it's on par with one of the worst things ever released. Life goes on.
  • urinal_gooseurinal_goose Member UncommonPosts: 89

    The devs are scammy liars and I still play from time to time aren't mutually exclusive. Both statements can be uttered by the same person and not be in conflict. You are implying a false dichotomy.

    You didn't stop at "the devs are scammy liars". You went on to call the game a "monstrosity" and hoped they "get what's coming to them" via "bankruptcy and litigation" so that "every single player and backer get every dime of their money back."

    This is above and beyond you being a little upset about a game that you still play on occasion. This clearly outlines your hate for the "monstosity" of a game and its "scammy liar" developers that you hope "gets what's coming to them". Stop pretending it's anything short of that.

    If I had more bandwidth or friends egging me on to drop more time into the game, I probably would. The game is decent enough and is a bit of a throwback, which I kinda like. I also completely understand why other's may not agree with me. It's just one of those types of games. Either there's something about it that you like that makes you want to play or you think it's on par with one of the worst things ever released. Life goes on.
    Yep, I sure did say a lot of things about the broken, buggy game and its shady developers, didn't I? You regurgitated many things I said as if they were damning proof of a kind, but I'm confused why you would include the quote about players getting their money back. Wouldn't that be a good thing? More than 22,000 people backed a project that Richard Garriott and his merry band of clowns failed to deliver as promised.  
  • HilltHillt Member UncommonPosts: 72
     urinal_goose said:
    More than 22,000 people backed a project that Richard Garriott and his merry band of clowns failed to deliver as promised.  

    Well all that money did go to a decent version of Doll House Simulator. 
  • ultimateduckultimateduck Member EpicPosts: 1,317
    Yep, I sure did say a lot of things about the broken, buggy game and its shady developers, didn't I? You regurgitated many things I said as if they were damning proof of a kind, but I'm confused why you would include the quote about players getting their money back. Wouldn't that be a good thing? More than 22,000 people backed a project that Richard Garriott and his merry band of clowns failed to deliver as promised.  

    Because you are trying to come off as someone who is merely curious about a game that you "periodically try again" when, according to your own words, you are anything but. I don't want to get caught up in some you said I said argument. I was just replying to the troll comment on a post made by someone regarding a game that I did have some interest in at one point.

    Have a nice day... and cool story to any replies made in regards to this talk. I'm out.
  • urinal_gooseurinal_goose Member UncommonPosts: 89
    Yep, I sure did say a lot of things about the broken, buggy game and its shady developers, didn't I? You regurgitated many things I said as if they were damning proof of a kind, but I'm confused why you would include the quote about players getting their money back. Wouldn't that be a good thing? More than 22,000 people backed a project that Richard Garriott and his merry band of clowns failed to deliver as promised.  

    Because you are trying to come off as someone who is merely curious about a game that you "periodically try again" when, according to your own words, you are anything but. I don't want to get caught up in some you said I said argument. I was just replying to the troll comment on a post made by someone regarding a game that I did have some interest in at one point.

    Have a nice day... and cool story to any replies made in regards to this talk. I'm out.
    Have a good day, friend! 
  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    How can it shut down,what will Lord British use for money?How will he fund an attempt to board the next ship to the moon?

    As long as he has some rich friends wanting to play ,it may stick around a long time.
    This guy has turned into Smedley,he thinks he can live on his past laurels,his name,well that doesn't fly anymore.

    There is imo only ONE developer capable of and possibly wanting to make a great mmorpg and that is Square Enix.Amazon COULD be that company but as you can see they rather something fast,quick to market than a HQ game.No way in hell could Blizzard deliver,they have been aiming for low cost builds for quite some time now,nope the only one left is SE.

    Problem is that Square already has a large game to tend to,so it will be a very long time before we see any attempt at a HQ mmorpg,maybe 10+ years.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,253
    Wow, this thread has been seriously derailed.
    Yes, a resounding success and so many eagerly jumped in to help. You did give it a good try to turn it back around, but hey, here on the Dark Side, we have cookies.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,253
    Kyleran said:
    Good reply, but let me demonstrate an advanced technique.  

    The OP asked anyone who read it for their opinion on when SotA would shut down.

    He did not limit it to or in fact even direct it to gamers who are currently playing SotA.

    Had he done so just to get a rise from said audience I might agree with your assessment, but otherwise, no, not a troll.

    I appreciated you sharing your experience with and reasons for not doing so, but have to thank you for joining the off topic "club"

    Plenty of room for everyone here under the bridge, we'll leave the light on.


    Maybe not trolling in the legal/RoC sense, but a troll none the less. Not sure what you meant by "advanced technique"... advanced trolling technique?

    Yeppers, you missed it but if you read through link I shared on the 130 plus types of internet trolls you'll see what I did here.

    We Online Provacateurs actually employ multiple techniques from several different types to achieve our goals. 


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • NildenNilden Member EpicPosts: 3,916
    Honestly I think the entire this is an embarrassing joke.

    However if I'm are being real about a shutdown I don't see it happening any time soon. The main reason being they have almost no overhead or costs. This is being run by a skeleton crew with no offices. It's at the point where it's probably one guy who has a server in his closet and basically as long as he pays his power bill and internet fees it will stay up.

    "You CAN'T buy ships for RL money." - MaxBacon

    "classification of games into MMOs is not by rational reasoning" - nariusseldon

    Love Minecraft. And check out my Youtube channel OhCanadaGamer

    Try a MUD today at 

  • HilltHillt Member UncommonPosts: 72
    Let's look at the FACTS:

    1. 4 years of development.
    2. After official release Portalarium laid off 3/4 of their staff.
    3. Portalarium moved to a smaller office.
    4. Portalarium couldn't afford the smaller office so broke the lease and devs work from home.
    5. Portalarium stopped filing their required SEC documents for SeedInvest
    5. Portalarium sold the game's IP to one of the only devs left. 
    6. Catnip Games hired two players to help with the game.
    7. The millions of dollars from Kickstarter are gone. 
    8. The SeedInvest shares are NOT worth the paper they are printed on. 
    9. 7 years of development and one of the last scenes was uncloned.
    10. After millions of dollars collected, developers couldn't honor their kickstarter commitments of providing a signed copy of a book and unique avatar heads.    

    I can say for a fact that this game was ruined from the start. 
  • AriesTigerAriesTiger Member UncommonPosts: 444
    edited January 2020
    You will always have the lazy poor. It's how we deal with them as f2p gamers that sets gaming companies and gamers apart. Apparently the freeloaders fealt they didn't get enough junk. (So far.)

    Basically what I've noticed on MMORPG is the f2p kind of people trash any game that doesn't have a f2p option and they all yell from the trailer park saying "trash game! trash game! I wouldn't buy this or put any money on it!"

    As if they could afford a fast food meal right here right now lol.
  • urinal_gooseurinal_goose Member UncommonPosts: 89
    You will always have the lazy poor. It's how we deal with them as f2p gamers that sets gaming companies and gamers apart. Apparently the freeloaders fealt they didn't get enough junk. (So far.)

    Basically what I've noticed on MMORPG is the f2p kind of people trash any game that doesn't have a f2p option and they all yell from the trailer park saying "trash game! trash game! I wouldn't buy this or put any money on it!"

    As if they could afford a fast food meal right here right now lol.
    SotA has a F2P option, so how is your comment relevant?
  • AriesTigerAriesTiger Member UncommonPosts: 444
    edited January 2020
    urinal_goose said:
    You will always have the lazy poor. It's how we deal with them as f2p gamers that sets gaming companies and gamers apart. Apparently the freeloaders fealt they didn't get enough junk. (So far.)

    Basically what I've noticed on MMORPG is the f2p kind of people trash any game that doesn't have a f2p option and they all yell from the trailer park saying "trash game! trash game! I wouldn't buy this or put any money on it!"

    As if they could afford a fast food meal right here right now lol.
    SotA has a F2P option, so how is your comment relevant?

    Thanks for the confirmation.
  • urinal_gooseurinal_goose Member UncommonPosts: 89
    urinal_goose said:
    You will always have the lazy poor. It's how we deal with them as f2p gamers that sets gaming companies and gamers apart. Apparently the freeloaders fealt they didn't get enough junk. (So far.)

    Basically what I've noticed on MMORPG is the f2p kind of people trash any game that doesn't have a f2p option and they all yell from the trailer park saying "trash game! trash game! I wouldn't buy this or put any money on it!"

    As if they could afford a fast food meal right here right now lol.
    SotA has a F2P option, so how is your comment relevant?

    Thanks for the confirmation.
    Confirmation of what? I asked why your statement is relevant. Care to answer?
  • newbismxnewbismx Member UncommonPosts: 276
    urinal_goose said:
    You will always have the lazy poor. It's how we deal with them as f2p gamers that sets gaming companies and gamers apart. Apparently the freeloaders fealt they didn't get enough junk. (So far.)

    Basically what I've noticed on MMORPG is the f2p kind of people trash any game that doesn't have a f2p option and they all yell from the trailer park saying "trash game! trash game! I wouldn't buy this or put any money on it!"

    As if they could afford a fast food meal right here right now lol.
    SotA has a F2P option, so how is your comment relevant?

    Thanks for the confirmation.
    Confirmation of what? I asked why your statement is relevant. Care to answer?
    I certainly dont speak for him but I believe he's saying that the industry move towards F2p is what brought about much of the ridiculousness in the industry- If thats his point I agree.

    I used to get an entire game for a box price and $15/month sub- I could earn anything in the game by playing the game...Now that everything is going F2p (or freemium/whatever) the cost has risen drastically and the Ca$h $hop has become the focal point of many developers.
  • AriesTigerAriesTiger Member UncommonPosts: 444
    edited January 2020
    newbismx said:
    urinal_goose said:
    You will always have the lazy poor. It's how we deal with them as f2p gamers that sets gaming companies and gamers apart. Apparently the freeloaders fealt they didn't get enough junk. (So far.)

    Basically what I've noticed on MMORPG is the f2p kind of people trash any game that doesn't have a f2p option and they all yell from the trailer park saying "trash game! trash game! I wouldn't buy this or put any money on it!"

    As if they could afford a fast food meal right here right now lol.
    SotA has a F2P option, so how is your comment relevant?

    Thanks for the confirmation.
    Confirmation of what? I asked why your statement is relevant. Care to answer?
    I certainly dont speak for him but I believe he's saying that the industry move towards F2p is what brought about much of the ridiculousness in the industry- If thats his point I agree.

    I used to get an entire game for a box price and $15/month sub- I could earn anything in the game by playing the game...Now that everything is going F2p (or freemium/whatever) the cost has risen drastically and the Ca$h $hop has become the focal point of many developers.

    And these f2p gamers will want no DEMAND a f2p option for them in all gaming...and more free stuff and if not enough they will flood forums saying "don't buy this game...don't spend money on this game" trying to force game devs to give them f2p or more f2p freeloading stuff.

    It's a vicious circle and lifestyle.
  • HilltHillt Member UncommonPosts: 72
    You will always have the lazy poor. It's how we deal with them as f2p gamers that sets gaming companies and gamers apart. Apparently the freeloaders fealt they didn't get enough junk. (So far.)

    Basically what I've noticed on MMORPG is the f2p kind of people trash any game that doesn't have a f2p option and they all yell from the trailer park saying "trash game! trash game! I wouldn't buy this or put any money on it!"

    As if they could afford a fast food meal right here right now lol.
    SotA was pay to play, yet not enough people bought the game so they switched to f2p in hopes more people would try it and the cash shop would flourish. 

    Neither model worked for them. When a game is bad it doesn't matter if you have to pay for it or if it's free, it's just BAD. 
  • AriesTigerAriesTiger Member UncommonPosts: 444
    edited January 2020
    Hillt said:
    You will always have the lazy poor. It's how we deal with them as f2p gamers that sets gaming companies and gamers apart. Apparently the freeloaders fealt they didn't get enough junk. (So far.)

    Basically what I've noticed on MMORPG is the f2p kind of people trash any game that doesn't have a f2p option and they all yell from the trailer park saying "trash game! trash game! I wouldn't buy this or put any money on it!"

    As if they could afford a fast food meal right here right now lol.
    SotA was pay to play, yet not enough people bought the game so they switched to f2p in hopes more people would try it and the cash shop would flourish. 

    Neither model worked for them. When a game is bad it doesn't matter if you have to pay for it or if it's free, it's just BAD. 

    Totally agree. I will admit mano a mano...I only read the first page of comments before I made mine. Don't know if I have the heart to read more lmao.

    EDIT: I have certain mental walls/barriers to shield myself from ever really doing fanboy-ism type stuff but this was one of them marketed to something that just ticked really close to my core and I had propped it up far too high and wide with hype. It's just...y'know.
  • urinal_gooseurinal_goose Member UncommonPosts: 89
    newbismx said:
    urinal_goose said:
    You will always have the lazy poor. It's how we deal with them as f2p gamers that sets gaming companies and gamers apart. Apparently the freeloaders fealt they didn't get enough junk. (So far.)

    Basically what I've noticed on MMORPG is the f2p kind of people trash any game that doesn't have a f2p option and they all yell from the trailer park saying "trash game! trash game! I wouldn't buy this or put any money on it!"

    As if they could afford a fast food meal right here right now lol.
    SotA has a F2P option, so how is your comment relevant?

    Thanks for the confirmation.
    Confirmation of what? I asked why your statement is relevant. Care to answer?
    I certainly dont speak for him but I believe he's saying that the industry move towards F2p is what brought about much of the ridiculousness in the industry- If thats his point I agree.

    I used to get an entire game for a box price and $15/month sub- I could earn anything in the game by playing the game...Now that everything is going F2p (or freemium/whatever) the cost has risen drastically and the Ca$h $hop has become the focal point of many developers.
    Okay, that makes more sense. Shroud's problems started looooong before it went F2P though.
  • ManestreamManestream Member UncommonPosts: 941
    newbismx said:
    urinal_goose said:
    You will always have the lazy poor. It's how we deal with them as f2p gamers that sets gaming companies and gamers apart. Apparently the freeloaders fealt they didn't get enough junk. (So far.)

    Basically what I've noticed on MMORPG is the f2p kind of people trash any game that doesn't have a f2p option and they all yell from the trailer park saying "trash game! trash game! I wouldn't buy this or put any money on it!"

    As if they could afford a fast food meal right here right now lol.
    SotA has a F2P option, so how is your comment relevant?

    Thanks for the confirmation.
    Confirmation of what? I asked why your statement is relevant. Care to answer?
    I certainly dont speak for him but I believe he's saying that the industry move towards F2p is what brought about much of the ridiculousness in the industry- If thats his point I agree.

    I used to get an entire game for a box price and $15/month sub- I could earn anything in the game by playing the game...Now that everything is going F2p (or freemium/whatever) the cost has risen drastically and the Ca$h $hop has become the focal point of many developers.
    I actually agree. I prefered the Buy and subscription and everything else comes with a questline or drops in game. now those things are buy from the shop. At least buying loot box/chests and hoping you got what you wanted (gamble) glad those are being removed but only time will tell if they just changed the way it works but same.
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