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Jonathan has been playing FFXIV for years, but after taking a short break due to work and other circumstances, he's finding it hard to jump back into the world of Eorzea.
I'm a MUDder. I play MUDs.
Current: Dragonrealms
I mean, that's not at all what I wrote, but thanks for the click.
Heres reality:
And I'm a new player just been on two weeks. Level capped a class, making a new one:
You skip all open world quests. Just do the CLASS quest.
It has gaps. You know this. 5, 10, 15, etc. In between DO LEVE QUESTS. Pick one up around your level and you can Bois it +4 higher levels, making rewards and exp high. Instead of gri ding you only do 2-3 leve quests per level. So level 10 up it's about 60 Leve quests. Sounds like a lot but they are quick and easy, each under 5 min. 5 *60= 300/60=about six hours of game play, but don't worry, want to gain 2-3 levels under 20 min? Unlock and do dungeons. Mix that up and your capped under a week.
You'll be doing your class quest on side to get new skills, and of course your chocobo. Which I get at level 27 ish.
Bonus: every class quest is unique so never same repeated thing. Dungeons can be selected at random. And leves are a large mix.
The only people that don't get it are people not taking time to figure it out thinking they need to grind on mobs or do all quests presented. This game has a built in fast track system + enough solo content like the faction quests, solo dungeons, etc. Or playing the casino.
Not sure what your looking for. If life that busy, try a new game... Don't blame this.
That said, there are logic flaws in game like the exp thing you mentioned. There's also the class selection. For example: I wanted to be a machinest.... They force me to level to 50 ON ANY CLASS (not ranged damaged lol), then hit 30 on another like wtf... Then buy the expansion. Just to play a ranged class that's not an Archer, and only real difference besides look is a few skill set ups like spam aoe.
None of this makes sense. It's just selling box titles and padding content.
This game at it's core is pretty shallow, hell there's no skill tree, it all is preset no thinking.
I don't see myself subbing for long term. I just want to see a few maps, get a few fashions.
I feel the exact same way, I quit for a few months - logged back in and there's just this feeling of 'nothingness'. Can't quite explain it, in other mmo's I just revisited all the time and even if there was nothing to do it wouldn't feel this bland.
There's something deeper here, something bland and boring that the game has. Maybe its the way they make content that's not fun? Like Eureka or the failed initiatives before that. I'm really trying but I struggle to find it fun.
Atleast there's some good mmo's on the horizon.
I like how you conveniently leave out the PF routinely does this. If you say otherwise, you're probably doing the same thing. If you read that article, he says that PF is like this for most groups looking for people, leaving most players not able to complete end game raids.
FF14 has some of the WORST elitist MMO players I have EVER seen ( I'm looking at you, most Lala players ) - and some of the most toxic on top of that. If you don't know every aspect of a raid, expect a boot.
This article, on top of the previous one, also points out some flaws that FF14 has with the leveling system. I agree, it needs a revamp.
Props to the guy that made these pieces, I stand with you against these douchenuzzle fanboys that cry hate whenever something negative is posted about their favorite past-time.
When they faield out of the gate,it was NOT Yoshi who saved the day,that is total rubbish.The upper execs TOLD him and his team to no longer be creative and look around seeing what is making other games a success,most notable Wow.
So Square entire reasoning was nothing more than what can we do to make the most money rather than the BEST game.So they moved to instances and gear based and the worst idea,already done in ffxi they ever did which was item level gear.
Moving more to an instance type atmosphere was also again a terrible idea.
What drew me to FFXI and other previous FF games was the simplistic approach.I have NEVER cared for Raids,imo it is a childish form of gaming more designed for the elitist to say LOOK AT ME.SE btw also did similar in FFXI and eventually the elitist could walk around with a giant icon over their head that to me looked foolish.
SIMPLE 5/6 man groups,NON instancing with lot's of fun classes.NO hand holding ,a large world with CHOICE where to farm or group,that is all i ask from a game.Great combat to support the classes,great grouping and RARE means rare instead of just 500 groups all running the same instance at the same time.or in the same day.
They have lost their way to be creative,they have sold out to money and imo and seeing all the other games,they are likely gone for good.Last good game by SE...FFXI.FFXIV has some layers of great game design,definitely better than the rest but still not the SE i once knew.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
New Story (either new XPac/ARR release, or a few minor updates have cumulated). I love playing the story missions. I love doing new dungeons.
I hate the gear grind, I'm not much for leveling up alt classes, and I don't care for Extreme raiding. So once I get down to that being all that's really left, I take a break.
And I don't really come back until there's more content to chew through. I guess I qualify as a casual locust. I miss out on some content, and I hate that, but not enough to stick around and get into it when I know in another xpac or two I can probably go in and solo it.
Remind me how I went "the lazy way out" again? I had over 600 hours in this game in 2019 on PlayStation 4 alone. The armory bonus is fine, but it's cut in half when going from 70-80 (which is pointless except to increase the amount of grind needed), and the random side quest rewards are abysmally bad for the effort required to complete them. Leveling is primarily done via roulettes and highest level dungeon spamming. Why aren't the quest rewards better? Fates are good exp, but there's very little reason to do them once you've gotten your rank maxed in SHB, and that's obvious considering how often I can run to do a fate and be the only (or one of less than 5) attempting it. In the old world pre-Shadowbringers? Forget it. No one does fates.
The only thing I can agree with you on is that I did it to myself. I played a game I really enjoyed for way too many hours all by myself, and now I'm sick of the unnecessarily tedious grind knowing that the job you're on doesn't matter until you're max level. Gee, I'm sorry that I somehow upset you by hoping for better leveling options.
Side quests are pointless except in two instances: Blue side quests which unlocks more "Useful" content and side quests at the release of an expansion so you get decent levelling gear. They're very poor in terms of time vs xp.
If you want to level at the best pace, you want to do your daily roulettes (Always levelling roulette, if you can only do a few or one), You can grind PotD if you wish (but personally I'd rather eat my own face than do PotD ever again) and/or the other choice is FATEs, with the optimal choice being FATE groups.
Someone else here said it but the one problem I've had with FF14 is something feels like it's missing. I feel, so strongly, that something just isn't there and it can never hold me to the game for long. Something that WoW could keep me around for years with, but FF14 just can't and I honestly can't put my finger on it.