i played WoW 1 month and still didnt see everything.
i played GW 1 week and i was lvl20 alrdy, saw everything, nothing much to do then PvP, which i dont like in most games. + this is not a game u are going to repeat playing after a while imo.
but WoW has lot more to discover, much more to do, this always keeps fun cause if u start again u just take an other class, and ure starting on a totally different spot. annyway this game is still on 1 for me, even now im not playing it annymore..
i am VERY VERY shocked most people voted for GW, think ima hang up myself now..
Though I feel Guild Wars is a far superior game to WoW, it suffers from a lack of replayability. WoW can easily consume more time than GW and you can stay into playing it for longer....Therefore WoW gets my vote.
not playing/played guildwars but know WoW and can say its a great game it will keep you hooked up to you screen more then you wished. PvE wise is very nice and PvP wise its not perfect. PvP = mostly instanced battlegrounds. But blizzard is nonstop improving the game and PvP is now 1 of the first things they are gonna revamp. So PvE addict with little PvP go WoW (and keep in mind PvP will improve). Want PvP right away go GW
i am in a bad mood, and it gets worse while reading these posts. the eternal flame wars vs 'wow-fanboys' and 'GW-fanboys'. besides, this would be the like the 1000th post about the GW vs WOW war and it's starting to get incredibly old fashioned, so please, scroll the forums before you set off another flame topic where both these parties try to cut off eachothers heads for the sake of the 'best game', if you want some information, go to www.ign.com and read reviews, but don't base yourself on a love and hate topic like this.
I have a tree, a tree that's in my garde, but my garden's too small for the tree, so the tree is in my house, that means i don't have a house .... who am i anyway?
Please! Let this thread die!! Wow is a mmorpg GW is a mmog
its like compairing dungeon cats and mice -- both mammels..different species in my opinion, id rather play wow... GW is just a chatroom with a killer graphical interface... yay!
Never played GW here, but tried WOW, and WOW sux big time.
For those who thinks WOW can be played longer, you are so easily entertained...It doesn't have any replay value, nor even anything really interesting to start with if you have any MMORPG experience at all. And the worst part, it doesn't even have any endgame. I know the 1 million MMORPG out there more or less all have the same boring grinding, but at least many of them have interesting endgame...WOW has nothing but good advertisement on attracting easily entertained first-time MMORPG players.
I would say GW, although I only played the Beta, it was a fun game, not exactly my thing, but still fun if you like a game that has an emphasis on PvP.
I played WoW for a good long time, and although its a fun game, there where a few things that made me cancel my subscription. One, the community was saturated with 4 graders. Now I dont mind teaming up with someone thats 10 or 12 years younger than me, But when you got someone in public chat spouting off there favorite Eminem lyrics in there entirety, and you politely tell them that this is a fantasy mmo, and they tell you its your problem deal with it, well, its time to move on. Two, gold selling and item farming is rampant, if your at lv 32 and want to buy the fiery war axe, your going to need 150 to 250 gold, even though the items minimum lv is 30. Three, There isnt really all that much of a difference from dungeon to dungeon. At first its not that noticable, but after a while, you realise that your just running the defias botherhood mission over and over again, just with a different back drop and mobs. Four, server stability is terrible, and waiting in line to log in is not fun at all. Although this is due to high server traffic, and not blizzard specifically, still, last week my buddy was in the alterac valley PvP instance when he went link dead, when he went to log back on, he had to wait in que for 20 mins. All in all, I liked WoW better in the beta, and in the begining few months, but after a while, I just got tired of it.
My choices is GW. There are quite a few things I liked more in Guild Wars. Firstly, you can hardly experience any lag, no high latency or such thing. Leveling and gaining skills is also more exciting; there's no grinding all day long to gain the next level. Anyway, levels doesn't even matter that much. a lvl 16 who is using his skills well can kill a lvl 20. Lots of good co-operative quests and nice story, you probably won't get bored of it. I played GW for months. On the other hand, I get bored of wow in a week or two. The same grinding crap and doing silly quests repeatedly.
i played WoW 1 month and still didnt see everything.
i played GW 1 week and i was lvl20 alrdy, saw everything, nothing much to do then PvP, which i dont like in most games. + this is not a game u are going to repeat playing after a while imo.
but WoW has lot more to discover, much more to do, this always keeps fun cause if u start again u just take an other class, and ure starting on a totally different spot. annyway this game is still on 1 for me, even now im not playing it annymore..
i am VERY VERY shocked most people voted for GW, think ima hang up myself now..
Though I feel Guild Wars is a far superior game to WoW, it suffers from a lack of replayability. WoW can easily consume more time than GW and you can stay into playing it for longer....Therefore WoW gets my vote.
I have a tree, a tree that's in my garde, but my garden's too small for the tree, so the tree is in my house, that means i don't have a house .... who am i anyway?
Let this thread die!!
Wow is a mmorpg
GW is a mmog
its like compairing dungeon cats and mice -- both mammels..different species
in my opinion, id rather play wow... GW is just a chatroom with a killer graphical interface... yay!
Tantus Games
COO/Game Director
Never played GW here, but tried WOW, and WOW sux big time.
For those who thinks WOW can be played longer, you are so easily entertained...It doesn't have any replay value, nor even anything really interesting to start with if you have any MMORPG experience at all. And the worst part, it doesn't even have any endgame. I know the 1 million MMORPG out there more or less all have the same boring grinding, but at least many of them have interesting endgame...WOW has nothing but good advertisement on attracting easily entertained first-time MMORPG players.
WoW definately if your Looking for something where you can choose between PvP or PvE but if your looking for a main PvP oriented game...choose GW.
I would choose WoW myself (I ALREADY DID
I would say GW, although I only played the Beta, it was a fun game, not exactly my thing, but still fun if you like a game that has an emphasis on PvP.
I played WoW for a good long time, and although its a fun game, there where a few things that made me cancel my subscription. One, the community was saturated with 4 graders. Now I dont mind teaming up with someone thats 10 or 12 years younger than me, But when you got someone in public chat spouting off there favorite Eminem lyrics in there entirety, and you politely tell them that this is a fantasy mmo, and they tell you its your problem deal with it, well, its time to move on. Two, gold selling and item farming is rampant, if your at lv 32 and want to buy the fiery war axe, your going to need 150 to 250 gold, even though the items minimum lv is 30. Three, There isnt really all that much of a difference from dungeon to dungeon. At first its not that noticable, but after a while, you realise that your just running the defias botherhood mission over and over again, just with a different back drop and mobs. Four, server stability is terrible, and waiting in line to log in is not fun at all. Although this is due to high server traffic, and not blizzard specifically, still, last week my buddy was in the alterac valley PvP instance when he went link dead, when he went to log back on, he had to wait in que for 20 mins. All in all, I liked WoW better in the beta, and in the begining few months, but after a while, I just got tired of it.
Geewhiz 27 Rogue EQ
Gollywhiz FFXI HUM/SUM/NIN Carb
hihi SOON TO BE LOA!!!
My choices is GW. There are quite a few things I liked more in Guild Wars. Firstly, you can hardly experience any lag, no high latency or such thing. Leveling and gaining skills is also more exciting; there's no grinding all day long to gain the next level. Anyway, levels doesn't even matter that much. a lvl 16 who is using his skills well can kill a lvl 20. Lots of good co-operative quests and nice story, you probably won't get bored of it. I played GW for months. On the other hand, I get bored of wow in a week or two. The same grinding crap and doing silly quests repeatedly.