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ArenaNet Hiring for Unannounced 3rd Person Fantasy Action Console Game - News

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599
edited December 2019 in News & Features Discussion

imageArenaNet Hiring for Unannounced 3rd Person Fantasy Action Console Game - News

It looks like ArenaNet, developers of Guild Wars 2, is hiring for an unannounced 3rd person fantasy action game for console, according to a recent job listing.

Read the full story here


  • ValentinaValentina Member RarePosts: 2,111
    Probably not GW2 port because they use an in-house engine for those games.
  • APThugAPThug Member RarePosts: 544
    Makes sense. ArenaNet has been around since the 2000's and they've only got 2 games under their belt where as much larger companies and some mid tier companies either already have several titles out or are working on several titles.

    From a business standpoint, if they wanna grow/ retain talent; having multiple sources of income is a good thing. My only concern being; the last time they tried working on other projects, they ended up pulling devs from the main gw2 game to work on them.
    UngoodrojoArcueid[Deleted User]

  • Whiteshade92Whiteshade92 Member UncommonPosts: 95
    edited December 2019
    Looking for someone with 10+ years experience. Don't give chance to younger generation and wonder why your game is failed.
  • asfaraslarryasfaraslarry Member UncommonPosts: 31
  • MensurMensur Member EpicPosts: 1,531

    Looking for someone with 10+ years experience.
    Don't give chance to younger generation and wonder why your game is failed.

    Oh what aspects did GW2 fail? Please do elaborate.

    mmorpg junkie since 1999

  • UngoodUngood Member LegendaryPosts: 7,535

    Looking for someone with 10+ years experience.
    Don't give chance to younger generation and wonder why your game is failed.

    Right.. because hiring people with no idea what they are doing and have no experience in the field is the key to success.
    Egotism is the anesthetic that dullens the pain of stupidity, this is why when I try to beat my head against the stupidity of other people, I only hurt myself.

  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671

    Looking for someone with 10+ years experience.
    Don't give chance to younger generation and wonder why your game is failed.

    Dumb comments like these always make me laugh. Its a director position and a director usually means leadership role. Leaders usually have to have experience...go figure.
  • jj7009jj7009 Member UncommonPosts: 223

    Mensur said:

    Looking for someone with 10+ years experience.

    Don't give chance to younger generation and wonder why your game is failed.

    Oh what aspects did GW2 fail? Please do elaborate.

    Player retention. Long term appeal. Impactful/broadly appealing endgame. Visual progression outside of legendaries. Now his mainpoint wasn't a good one but gw2 did and has failed.
  • rojoArcueidrojoArcueid Member EpicPosts: 10,722
    Looking for someone with 10+ years experience. Don't give chance to younger generation and wonder why your game is failed.

    that isn't the reason why a game fails, and GW2 didn't fail if that's what you are implying.  It's going towards it's 8th year, with 2 expansions and lots of Living Story content updates. If that is synonym with failure then the gaming industry is doomed.

    Other than that, i fully agree they and other companies as well should give less experienced devs the chance to grow and avoid the infamous job vs experience catch 22.

  • UtinniUtinni Member EpicPosts: 2,209
    I assume they think they've got something up their sleeve with whatever title this is. All the big players from PC development are pushing more console games and ArenaNet is ill-equipped to compete with any of them.
  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    On a more serious note, WHO'S READY FOR GUILD WARS: UNLEASHED?!?!
  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,111
    I'd be up for it. I'm more of a console gamer these days anyway. 

    Also, a single player or co op game with the Guild Wars 2 art style would be right at home on the Switch.
  • rojoArcueidrojoArcueid Member EpicPosts: 10,722
    edited December 2019
    Aeander said:
    I'd be up for it. I'm more of a console gamer these days anyway. 

    Also, a single player or co op game with the Guild Wars 2 art style would be right at home on the Switch.

    They could even make a single player or co op spin off in the GW universe. I'd be down for that too. Maybe taking place within the 250 years between the 2 mmos.

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    거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다

  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,111
    Aeander said:
    I'd be up for it. I'm more of a console gamer these days anyway. 

    Also, a single player or co op game with the Guild Wars 2 art style would be right at home on the Switch.

    They could even make a single player or co op spin off in the GW universe. I'd be down for that too. Maybe taking place within the 250 years between the 2 mmos.
    I would love a Ghosts of Ascalon game based on the novel. Dougal is one of my favorite GW characters, and GW2 did him dirty. 
  • ValentinaValentina Member RarePosts: 2,111
    edited December 2019

    jj7009 said:

    Mensur said:

    Looking for someone with 10+ years experience.

    Don't give chance to younger generation and wonder why your game is failed.

    Oh what aspects did GW2 fail? Please do elaborate.

    Player retention. Long term appeal. Impactful/broadly appealing endgame. Visual progression outside of legendaries. Now his mainpoint wasn't a good one but gw2 did and has failed.

    GW2 was at one point the 2nd most popular online game under WoW and enjoyed very high player retention for years. It's an 8 year old game, they never aimed for progression in the same way other MMO's have done it, this was intentional by design so they did not fail, perhaps none of these things appealed to you, but they appealed to millions of players over the majority of it's lifespan. GW2 has managed to turn a significant profit with very little need for investment from their umbrella company year after year until now, so it has been a financially self sufficient product, and that game has one of the most dedicated fan bases I have ever seen in this genre. Things may be going poorly for GW2 as of very recently, but this is by no means even remotely close to a failed title at all.
    Post edited by Valentina on
  • dllddlld Member UncommonPosts: 615
    To my knowledge the only IP Arenanet has is Guildwars, so it makes sense to assume the game will be related, but it could also be a new IP..

    However given that NCsoft recently raided Arenanets offices and booted out like over half the staff while seemingly shutting down all their goingnowhere projects, I think it might be possible NCsoft has tasked Anet with making a game on their terms, whether it's a already established NCsoft IP or not.
  • TillerTiller Member LegendaryPosts: 11,521

    Some of us were here to witness real MMO fails and flops. Maybe newer MMO players don't know what fail really looks like if they think GW2 failed. It might not have had the wide appeal that WoW has, but it has done well enough. I don't play much anymore because I've done all I want to do in the game for now, but that goes for almost any MMO I play. When I do log in it seems active and there are many instances of each map IP full of people playing so.
    SWG Bloodfin vet
    Elder Jedi/Elder Bounty Hunter
  • timeraidertimeraider Member UncommonPosts: 865
    edited December 2019

    jj7009 said:

    Mensur said:

    Looking for someone with 10+ years experience.

    Don't give chance to younger generation and wonder why your game is failed.

    Oh what aspects did GW2 fail? Please do elaborate.

    Player retention. Long term appeal. Impactful/broadly appealing endgame. Visual progression outside of legendaries. Now his mainpoint wasn't a good one but gw2 did and has failed.

    And yet .. it's one of the few MMO's that has had a stable (read ANY) player base at all. WoW, FFXIV, Elder Scrolls online and GW2. The only 4 MMOs that have had any action in the last 5-10 years in my eyes...
    Everything else died.. either after additions or, most of the cases, right after release.
    So Guild Wars 2 did fine.
    Ashes of Creation Referral link - Help me to help you!
  • DakeruDakeru Member EpicPosts: 3,803
    I still have this icon on my desktop which I kept out of respect for a moba which was shut down way too soon:


    The game also featured Rytlock as playable character.

    Could be the direction they are taking.
    I wish them luck.
    Harbinger of Fools
  • WarlyxWarlyx Member EpicPosts: 3,376
    console.................big MEEEEEEEEEEEEEH
  • SplitStream13SplitStream13 Member UncommonPosts: 253
    edited December 2019

    Ungood said:

    Looking for someone with 10+ years experience.

    Don't give chance to younger generation and wonder why your game is failed.

    Right.. because hiring people with no idea what they are doing and have no experience in the field is the key to success.

    You aren't wrong. However, someone needs to teach younger generation how shit is done. And sadly, college/university ain't it. Like ... I studied all the computer science there is and there's like 0 texts on how to build a 3D game engine. Nobody is going to tell you the pitfalls of an engine, you'll have to smack your head against the wall on your own. Or attend bunch of GDCs, which allow only game developers and journos. Yeah...

    Honestly now that I run a team, I too sometimes exclude people for being too inexperienced. But I go home and I ask myself whether or not I didn't make a mistake. Feelsbadman.
  • UngoodUngood Member LegendaryPosts: 7,535
    Valentina said:

    jj7009 said:

    Mensur said:

    Looking for someone with 10+ years experience.

    Don't give chance to younger generation and wonder why your game is failed.

    Oh what aspects did GW2 fail? Please do elaborate.

    Player retention. Long term appeal. Impactful/broadly appealing endgame. Visual progression outside of legendaries. Now his mainpoint wasn't a good one but gw2 did and has failed.

    GW2 was at one point the 2nd most popular online game under WoW and enjoyed very high player retention for years. It's an 8 year old game, they never aimed for progression in the same way other MMO's have done it, this was intentional by design so they did not fail, perhaps none of these things appealed to you, but they appealed to millions of players over the majority of it's lifespan. GW2 has managed to turn a significant profit with very little need for investment from their umbrella company year after year until now, so it has been a financially self sufficient product, and that game has one of the most dedicated fan bases I have ever seen in this genre. Things may be going poorly for GW2 as of very recently, but this is by no means even remotely close to a failed title at all.
    GW2 was a beautiful rising star that managed to shoot itself down mid accent, due largely in part of having no real long term goal or direction for their game.

    Might be why they are looking for people with some experience under their belt this time around.
    Egotism is the anesthetic that dullens the pain of stupidity, this is why when I try to beat my head against the stupidity of other people, I only hurt myself.

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