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DCUO Introduces Tax To Fix Money Exploit -

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599
edited December 2019 in News & Features Discussion

imageDCUO Introduces Tax To Fix Money Exploit -

A new tax has been introduced to DC Universe Online in an attempt to fix the money exploit currently in the MMO.

Read the full story here


  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,653
    Apparently they are calling this a "progressive tax", so presumably being wealthy in RL can only be done by criminal means as that's what happened in game. Err OK.

    I think the lesson here is you can't wait until the horse has bolted etc. Your security setup has to be top notch as it is often impossible to rollback a cheat.
  • Po_ggPo_gg Member EpicPosts: 5,749
    Scot said:
    Apparently they are calling this a "progressive tax", so presumably being wealthy in RL can only be done by criminal means as that's what happened in game. Err OK.
    I fail to see that connection... they call it a progressive tax because they implement the methods of that taxing system. How would it indicate anything to the RL? It's just a fairly incompetent studio in an attempt of getting their shit together. :)

    Also, there's wealthy and "wealthy". In the game, not RL.
    Come on, they are speaking about billions... even more so, about that after this removal the top will still have 22 billions in the pocket.

    In perspective, this game has a money cap for free players, at - wait for it - 1500.
    For former subscribers, a whopping increase to....  2000.

    Honestly, I didn't know the game can even handle more than a million, since most games have an engine-defined cap (like 9999 gold in LotRO). And now they have players out there, with billions?

    I'm out of the loop in DCUO, last time I was in at the Atlantis update a year ago I think, but this sounds like a fuck-up of epic proportions.
  • TrumpelstiltzkinTrumpelstiltzkin Member CommonPosts: 7
    there needs to ......has to be one more part to their plan and that has to be either someone in house who will play the game or at least be active in the chat or hire gamers who are already daily players to keep an eye on chat and presenting a strong and active deterrent for cheating or gold selling or selling illegal psn cards all of which happen and continued to the second broker was back up and have a zero tolerance approach to harmful practices online and ban those who don't listen I garaunteed you it would cut most cheating out of the game and once the first few that test the zero tolerance and get banned the rest will get the message and give up trying . take it from someone with first hand knowledge who plays next to these ppl daily and actively try shaming them but with little other power to act I can't do much but screen shot those I think are acting outside the bounds of the dcuo but the follow up and monitoring of the game chat is the most important and key to fixing this issue .
  • PalebanePalebane Member RarePosts: 4,011
    edited December 2019
    So instead of taking the ill gained money back and punishing the offender, they are punishing everyone else? Sounds about right. Who steals a bunch of money and then “scatters it throughout the community”? Peter Pan? Santa Claus? Action was taken n the account, so why the tax? Sounds like some bullshit to me. Is this Cryptic studios? Ohh Daybreak.
    [Deleted User]lotrloreGdemami

    Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.

  • Po_ggPo_gg Member EpicPosts: 5,749
    Torval said:
    I was just reading the thread about CO charging $30 - $40 to unlock free form legacy characters. It's nearly impossible to tell Perfect World from Daybreak.
    $20-30, but who's counting... :) I agree, removing the sub option was a dumb move from Cryptic.

    In their defense, when a similar duping, though with much smaller scale (billions, Daybreak? really?) happened in Neverwinter, the (in)famous Caturday, they were acting quickly, and weren't shy away from a full rollback.

    I wasn't in DCUO recently, but can't even imagine how sloppy and ignorant a team should be to overlook when billions appear in the game, and only react so belatedly they can't even remove the illicit currency/items, so they have to use lawnmowers and wipe from everyone.
    Probably just a first step, since the move starts with "anything below 500 million will be untouched", and based on my -admittedly outdated- experiences even that sum is overly high.
    [Deleted User]Gdemami
  • retiredmjretiredmj Member UncommonPosts: 160
    So there is legitimately a single currency number different between being taxed 25% and being completely wiped out at 100%.

    Who thought this up, a 3rd grader?
  • residentxresidentx Member UncommonPosts: 123
    edited December 2019
    Fractured Future "Fracture...GET UP...We need to move...NOW!!"
  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,564
    A "progressive" tax usually means that people with higher income pay a higher rate.  But this isn't an income tax at all.  It's a wealth tax.  Real-life wealth taxes tend to result in a lot of the people that the tax targets fleeing the jurisdiction, so that not only does the wealth tax itself not bring in nearly as much money as projected, but tax revenue for other taxes goes down, as well.

    In an online game, you typically can't flee one in-game country to another to avoid a tax in one country.  But you can quit the game and go elsewhere--and not give the company more revenue in the future.  I'm curious to what degree that will happen, or if the threshold is high enough that only exploiters will care.
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,653
    Po_gg said:
    Scot said:
    Apparently they are calling this a "progressive tax", so presumably being wealthy in RL can only be done by criminal means as that's what happened in game. Err OK.
    I fail to see that connection... they call it a progressive tax because they implement the methods of that taxing system. How would it indicate anything to the RL? It's just a fairly incompetent studio in an attempt of getting their shit together. :)

    Also, there's wealthy and "wealthy". In the game, not RL.
    Come on, they are speaking about billions... even more so, about that after this removal the top will still have 22 billions in the pocket.

    In perspective, this game has a money cap for free players, at - wait for it - 1500.
    For former subscribers, a whopping increase to....  2000.

    Honestly, I didn't know the game can even handle more than a million, since most games have an engine-defined cap (like 9999 gold in LotRO). And now they have players out there, with billions?

    I'm out of the loop in DCUO, last time I was in at the Atlantis update a year ago I think, but this sounds like a fuck-up of epic proportions.
    I just found trying to pass this draconian but understandable measure of as if it were akin to a real world tax rather surreal. :)
  • sayuusayuu Member RarePosts: 766
    edited December 2019
    Say tax in the title and everyone comes out spewing their politicized social economic drivel. . .

    . . .i guess it gets clicks though.
  • TillerTiller Member LegendaryPosts: 11,521
    sayuu said:
    Say tax in the title and everyone comes out spewing their politicized social economic drivel. . .

    . . .i guess it gets clicks though.

    SWG Bloodfin vet
    Elder Jedi/Elder Bounty Hunter
  • sayuusayuu Member RarePosts: 766

    Tiller said:

    sayuu said:

    Say tax in the title and everyone comes out spewing their politicized social economic drivel. . .

    . . .i guess it gets clicks though.

    what part of "EVERYONE" didn't you understand??
  • AmatheAmathe Member LegendaryPosts: 7,630
    Nothing beats getting taxed for some good old fashioned video game fun.

    EQ1, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, GW, GW2 CoH, CoV, FFXI, WoW, CO, War,TSW and a slew of free trials and beta tests

  • Po_ggPo_gg Member EpicPosts: 5,749
    edited January 2020
    Po_gg said:
    Come on, they are speaking about billions... even more so, about that after this removal the top will still have 22 billions in the pocket.

    In perspective, this game has a money cap for free players, at - wait for it - 1500.
    For former subscribers, a whopping increase to....  2000.
    Just bump this for some additional perspective (and nope, not because of the whole "LotRO is too expensive" topic in the other thread :D ) about the money cap:

    with the anniversary there's a CR255 boost now, which is a good offer btw. and definitely worth grabbing it.
    I usually speak against such "boost to the cap" mechanics, but DCUO is an exception since in it there's no such thing as leveling/story content in the sense of other MMORPGs have.
    In DCUO, after you hit the levelcap of 30, it's just a long and tedious CR grind, so any mechanics help avoiding that is a good thing.

    I've made a new character to boost it up, and before that I did a little experiment in the money cap topic, played the new character with a new player's eyes. Did the tutorial, followed the story afterwards (no sidemissions, exploration, races, etc.) and by the time I've reached level 10, I bumped the head into the $2000 cap.
    Level 10 in DCUO, for the record, is about an hour. 2 hours tops, for the player who smells the roses on the road and chats with NPCs, etc.

    It's mindboggling from an MMORPG, which is a genre about long-term involvement, to say for new players after an hour of play: "wow, you're too wealthy, all the money you earn from now on will go to the escrow right away".
    One hour.
    That's barely out of the tutorial...

    (And of course at the cap those 2000 aren't enough for anything)
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