SWG and LotRO. There isn't a good Star Wars sandbox anymore. Just a bunch of theme park attractions.
I would love to see the same LotRO world with graphics updated with an action combat system put in. Something like gw2 or Skyforge has.
I read Amazon is working on a Lord of the Rings game, but I can't say I'm optimistic about it. No one builds worlds anymore. Just theme parks with PvP battlegrounds.
Another game I would love to see get remastered is still active. That is DCUO. If they remade the game in UE4 or CE5 with a better character creator, more intuitive animations, and get rid of the damn P2W aspect, there is a large upside for this game.
The world is going to the dogs, which is just how I planned it!
I'm back. Once again. action combat is what destroys MMOs. People who want action combat have a TON of shyte to play, like Fortnite, CS:GO, or Overwatch. The should STFU and leave MMOs to MMO Gamers, that they are not.
I second remaking MxO, SWG, and CoX. And that is why I am doing it.
Pardon any spelling errors
Konfess your cyns and some maybe forgiven Boy: Why can't I talk to Him? Mom: We don't talk to Priests. As if it could exist, without being payed for. F2P means you get what you paid for. Pay nothing, get nothing. Even telemarketers wouldn't think that. It costs money to play. Therefore P2W.
If you loved E&B, and weren't aware someone did make an emulator and last time I checked it out (albeit a year or two ago at least now), it did have an actual community playing it:
I'm back. Once again. action combat is what destroys MMOs. People who want action combat have a TON of shyte to play, like Fortnite, CS:GO, or Overwatch. The should STFU and leave MMOs to MMO Gamers, that they are not.
I second remaking MxO, SWG, and CoX. And that is why I am doing it.
That makes no sense. "MMO gamers" does not exclusively mean "no action combat." Action combat, tab targeting, turn based is just about "the combat." Has nothing to do with how the game world is set up, how players find groups, trade, etc.
Feel free not to make things up just because you don't like something.
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
MMO is a curious term. It drops the "RPG," as if it is a massively multiplayer online something other than RPG. I guess then it refers to games like Fortnite and Overwatch. But more and more I see people use it for any game played online by more than one person. In that context it really should just be "MO" (multiplayer online).
EQ1, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, GW, GW2 CoH, CoV, FFXI, WoW, CO, War,TSW and a slew of free trials and beta tests
DAoC, SWG are the two main. Great games a little a head of their time in terms of the technology needed to run the effectively. There's a few games I never played that I hear were good that I'd love to try a new version of like Asherons Call or Anarchy Online
Honestly: Dungeons and Dragons Online. What an IP to have and to screw up so badly. If they were to give that license to a competent developer...can you IMAGINE the potential.
The real strength of D&D was always the imagination and competence of the Dungeon Master, something very few mmorpgs have ever attempted. Scripted quests are a poor substitute no matter how good the writing is, imo.
Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.
Honestly: Dungeons and Dragons Online. What an IP to have and to screw up so badly. If they were to give that license to a competent developer...can you IMAGINE the potential.
The real strength of D&D was always the imagination and competence of the Dungeon Master, something very few mmorpgs have ever attempted. Scripted quests are a poor substitute no matter how good the writing is, imo.
The Ryzom Ring was the best fun I had as a Dungeon Master. You created your mission, put it online, and then could watch as people played it. You could be invisible and follow them around, give them things, set flags, etc.
Ryzom would be a great game remade. Full sandbox, fantastic environment with seasons, weather, day night cycle. And the best harvesting/crafting in any game.
Age of Conan. I was a long time player and just couldn't get into the raid gear grind to progress the story. I love the Conan world and lore, and would love the mature rated world that they started with before becoming free to be revisited.
Your love of the halfling leaf has clearly slowed your mind...
1) Asheron's Call
2) Asheron's Call 2
3) Star Wars Galaxies Pre-CU
4) Tabula Rasa
"Possibly we humans can exist without actually having to fight. But many of us have chosen to fight. For what reason? To protect something? Protect what? Ourselves? The future? If we kill people to protect ourselves and this future, then what sort of future is it, and what will we have become? There is no future for those who have died. And what of those who did the killing? Is happiness to be found in a future that is grasped with blood stained hands? Is that the truth?"
2: Tabula Rasa
3: Earth & Beyond
4: Matrix Online
I would love to see the same LotRO world with graphics updated with an action combat system put in. Something like gw2 or Skyforge has.
I read Amazon is working on a Lord of the Rings game, but I can't say I'm optimistic about it. No one builds worlds anymore. Just theme parks with PvP battlegrounds.
The world is going to the dogs, which is just how I planned it!
2. Tabula Rasa
3. Cabal Online and Cabal Online 2
I second remaking MxO, SWG, and CoX. And that is why I am doing it.
Boy: Why can't I talk to Him?
Mom: We don't talk to Priests.
As if it could exist, without being payed for.
F2P means you get what you paid for. Pay nothing, get nothing.
Even telemarketers wouldn't think that.
It costs money to play. Therefore P2W.
If you loved E&B, and weren't aware someone did make an emulator and last time I checked it out (albeit a year or two ago at least now), it did have an actual community playing it:
Feel free not to make things up just because you don't like something.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer: https://youtu.be/-nsXGddj_4w
Original Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/109547
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. https://youtu.be/UIelCK-lldo
EQ1, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, GW, GW2 CoH, CoV, FFXI, WoW, CO, War,TSW and a slew of free trials and beta tests
-World War II Online Battleground Europe. It needs a rebuild after running continuously since 2001! (!)
Life is too short to play bad games.
Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.
2) Anarchy Online
3) Anarchy Online
Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.
2025: 48 years on the Net.
Your love of the halfling leaf has clearly slowed your mind...
2) Asheron's Call 2
3) Star Wars Galaxies Pre-CU
4) Tabula Rasa
"Possibly we humans can exist without actually having to fight. But many of us have chosen to fight. For what reason? To protect something? Protect what? Ourselves? The future? If we kill people to protect ourselves and this future, then what sort of future is it, and what will we have become? There is no future for those who have died. And what of those who did the killing? Is happiness to be found in a future that is grasped with blood stained hands? Is that the truth?"