Since the game has only been out 12 days I think its pretty proactive/responsive by them to move so quickly on this. Good move. A few days to hear the outcry, a few days to analyze the problem before making any big changes and a few days to implement it.
Honestly, the Archepass doesn't even seem like XL's idea given that Rift got the 'battlepass' at least 6 months before this which honestly does the same thing. Just sounds like Gamigo's way of 'adding new content' without actually doing anything.
at least they are listening to their fans. That's good!
If they really listened - there would be no Archepass system in game period.
There would be no cash shop period.
So please let's not use this excuse - let's not praise companies for reacting to their own mess - Archepass was something they messed up to begin with.. and players didnt want it.
So yeah let's rethink the whole "listening to the fans"....archepass was so exploitable of course they had to disable it - they had no other choice period.
So listening to the fans? I dont think so
Oh stop it already. You are way over this.
I'm no fan of Gamigo or alike companies nor I ever played ArcheAge, but you are taking this way to ..personally.
I'm really on the same boat as you, when it comes to companies who pretty much milk every whale and their mother with their P2W monetization bullshit, but really, your posts are hard to ..digest and it shows a "dirty" face of you. Not one worth of .. Kano anyway!
Reporter: What's behind Blizzard success, and how do you make your gamers happy? Blizzard Boss: Making gamers happy is not my concern, making money.. yes!
I just want 1.0 to 3.0 AA again, but with the cosmetic only cashshop. I liked the way crafting used to be, loved the trading system when it was actually worth it. I still have fond memories of getting together with my guild and sailing into enemy territory to turn in trade packs, getting nearly annihilated, but being able to turn in a few for only a couple gold.
Also have very bad memories of when auroria first came out and nearly the entire continent got claimed by one guild due to constant D/C issues.
I dunno, i bought the cheapest pack and I really want to like this game, but I'm gonna step back for a bit and watch how the whole archpass thing goes.
Fucking hell, Kano. For someone that claims everything we say around here is pointless you sure are here saying the same thing over and over again a lot.
If you really want to try ruin the game's success or help people or whatever it is you think you're doing, why are you doing it here? Go to Reddit where the real audience is and try your luck there. I doubt the response you'll get will be great for your ego, which is probably why you don't do it, but at least you have a chance of achieving whatever it is you're trying to achieve.
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
13 comments on an Archeage news aaaand 6 of them are from a certain person and funny enough he got the first 2 comments with a wot bashing Gamigo again. I wonder why I'm not surprised...
Fucking hell, Kano. For someone that claims everything we say around here is pointless you sure are here saying the same thing over and over again a lot.
If you really want to try ruin the game's success or help people or whatever it is you think you're doing, why are you doing here? Go to Reddit where the real audience is and try your luck there. I doubt the response you'll get will be great for your ego, which is probably why you don't do it, but at least you have a chance of achieving whatever it is you're trying to achieve.
I am not trying to achieve anything - this is a small echo chamber forum that has zero effect on anything
Anything said here has zero effect on games.
Nobody has the power to ruin a game via forum posts.. anyone who thinks that is delusional
So instead of trying to discuss me and my motives why not actually address my points in this thread?
You do care. This matters to you. The fact you keep saying it doesn't is proof that, really, you think it matters.
No one cares what you're saying at this point, you know? You're just wittering all over the whole site like those crazy people you see in the street sometimes that you'd rather ignore or avoid.
and 6 others.
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
12 comments on an Archeage news aaaand 5 of them are from a certain person and funny enough he got the first 2 comments with a wot bashing Gamigo again. I wonder why I'm not surprised...
Can you not focus on me and instead focus on my points?
This is an ArcheAge thread - can we just talk about that instead of derailing?
Stop deflecting man. People have a problem with YOU and want to talk about it.
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
Gamigo is scum,i would not support them ever.Too bad because the first day i witnessed Archeage i thought it had great potential.However gaming out of KR just seems to NEVER change,cash shops in all the games,there is nothing there that interests me,especially seeing the same immersion ruining tropes like markers over npc heads,VERY lame easy quests,like go there... ok REWARD !!!.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
More depressing,all the fanbois that like in ANY other game ,all defended the Archepass and scoffed at my notion it is garbage but now even after it is going to be removed or reworked i still see White knights.
This has aside from some immersion ruining tropes always been about poor management,poor implementation,poor publishing.This is how you take a game with potential and turn it directly south on the compass,heading to ice cold servers and likely just loads more bots and cheating.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
12 comments on an Archeage news aaaand 5 of them are from a certain person and funny enough he got the first 2 comments with a wot bashing Gamigo again. I wonder why I'm not surprised...
Can you not focus on me and instead focus on my points?
This is an ArcheAge thread - can we just talk about that instead of derailing?
Pretty cute how your entire posting in this thread is about how AA is deflecting and adjusting after not looking so good and things not going in the direction they wanted, yet your posting is not going in the direction you wanted, so you resort to the same mechanism the company you oh so hate is using.
Yes, people will talk about you. That's what happens when a condescending, better than thou tone is constantly used by the same person. Their words lose their meaning.
You want people to discuss your points and not you ? Stop being you, and actually bring something to the table you haven't already brought to the party 2 873 433 times already. Your arguments, point of view and attitude are all fucking stale by now.
at least they are listening to their fans. That's good!
If they really listened - there would be no Archepass system in game period.
There would be no cash shop period.
So please let's not use this excuse - let's not praise companies for reacting to their own mess - Archepass was something they messed up to begin with.. and players didnt want it.
So yeah let's rethink the whole "listening to the fans"....archepass was so exploitable of course they had to disable it - they had no other choice period.
So listening to the fans? I dont think so
yea gotta agree here. wanna impress me sub only no cash shop!
Fucking hell, Kano. For someone that claims everything we say around here is pointless you sure are here saying the same thing over and over again a lot.
If you really want to try ruin the game's success or help people or whatever it is you think you're doing, why are you doing here? Go to Reddit where the real audience is and try your luck there. I doubt the response you'll get will be great for your ego, which is probably why you don't do it, but at least you have a chance of achieving whatever it is you're trying to achieve.
I am not trying to achieve anything - this is a small echo chamber forum that has zero effect on anything
Anything said here has zero effect on games.
Nobody has the power to ruin a game via forum posts.. anyone who thinks that is delusional
So instead of trying to discuss me and my motives why not actually address my points in this thread?
You do care. This matters to you. The fact you keep saying it doesn't is proof that, really, you think it matters.
No one cares what you're saying at this point, you know? You're just wittering all over the whole site like those crazy people you see in the street sometimes that you'd rather ignore or avoid.
Lol please
You sir are derailing this hard to avoid discussing actual points I brought up that are relevant to ArcheAge
You are instead turning this into a personal attack comparing me to a crazy person that should be avoided
That's weaksauce hehe
But nice try
You're so slimey lol
Look, I'd rather they add full on P2W to every MMO than have to see any more of your crazy rants on any game topic.
I, genuinely, dislike you more than I'll ever dislike a game company. You're a detriment to this site and you should be removed so people can actually talk properly around here.
and 4 others.
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
Fucking hell, Kano. For someone that claims everything we say around here is pointless you sure are here saying the same thing over and over again a lot.
If you really want to try ruin the game's success or help people or whatever it is you think you're doing, why are you doing here? Go to Reddit where the real audience is and try your luck there. I doubt the response you'll get will be great for your ego, which is probably why you don't do it, but at least you have a chance of achieving whatever it is you're trying to achieve.
I am not trying to achieve anything - this is a small echo chamber forum that has zero effect on anything
Anything said here has zero effect on games.
Nobody has the power to ruin a game via forum posts.. anyone who thinks that is delusional
So instead of trying to discuss me and my motives why not actually address my points in this thread?
You do care. This matters to you. The fact you keep saying it doesn't is proof that, really, you think it matters.
No one cares what you're saying at this point, you know? You're just wittering all over the whole site like those crazy people you see in the street sometimes that you'd rather ignore or avoid.
Lol please
You sir are derailing this hard to avoid discussing actual points I brought up that are relevant to ArcheAge
You are instead turning this into a personal attack comparing me to a crazy person that should be avoided
That's weaksauce hehe
But nice try
You're so slimey lol
Look, I'd rather they add full on P2W to every MMO than have to see any more of your crazy rants on any game topic.
I, genuinely, dislike you more than I'll ever dislike a game company. You're a detriment to this site and you should be removed so people can actually talk properly around here.
No instead look how both XL and Gamigo failed to catch this before launch - that is the real problem Future exploits will come up again and again - due to all 3 points above
if anyone has a chance to do an interview with XL or Gamigo - please ask them who came up with the Archepass system?
How could something so bad even make it into the live game?
Bro, you're totally right. It's a company were talking about here, they should've seen this coming. And anyone who disagrees doesn't quite grasp the situation as a whole. Ignorance is bliss, I guess.
at least they are listening to their fans. That's good!
If they really listened - there would be no Archepass system in game period.
There would be no cash shop period.
So please let's not use this excuse - let's not praise companies for reacting to their own mess - Archepass was something they messed up to begin with.. and players didnt want it.
So yeah let's rethink the whole "listening to the fans"....archepass was so exploitable of course they had to disable it - they had no other choice period.
So listening to the fans? I dont think so
Make us an mmo that updates continuously based on a single purchase. That's idealism my friend.
Since the game has only been out 12 days I think its pretty proactive/responsive by them to move so quickly on this. Good move. A few days to hear the outcry, a few days to analyze the problem before making any big changes and a few days to implement it.
Here we go praising companies for reacting quickly to something so broken that it should have never made it into the game.
Can we just take a step back here?
When something so broken as Archepass made it into the game... you are going to say good job for disabling it?
Like of course they had to disable it.... it was one of the most broken systems ever put into the game.
How have we gotten to the point so low where we are praising companies own failures?
If the water company put poison in the system that sickened millions and they caught it 12 days later would you praise them for catching it so fast?
Ot would you be outraged that it happened in the first place?
Kano your making too much sense for most of the peeps on these forums, too much info that needs to be processed, and all the points you make just confuse people who want to keep things simple. Most people I've learned live minute by minute and these days even more than ever, everyone is just in reaction mode not taking time to analyze and digest information. So all the analysis your doing is wasted mostly on the reactionists. And the last thing people have to react to is them disabling something "quickly" making them awesome dudes in everyone's book.
It may seem like I'm defending you but I'm not, I'm just using your post as an example to make my own selfish point, one of my pet peeves about people.
Since the game has only been out 12 days I think its pretty proactive/responsive by them to move so quickly on this. Good move. A few days to hear the outcry, a few days to analyze the problem before making any big changes and a few days to implement it.
Here we go praising companies for reacting quickly to something so broken that it should have never made it into the game.
Can we just take a step back here?
When something so broken as Archepass made it into the game... you are going to say good job for disabling it?
Like of course they had to disable it.... it was one of the most broken systems ever put into the game.
How have we gotten to the point so low where we are praising companies own failures?
If the water company put poison in the system that sickened millions and they caught it 12 days later would you praise them for catching it so fast?
Ot would you be outraged that it happened in the first place?
Kano your making too much sense for most of the peeps on these forums, too much info that needs to be processed, and all the points you make just confuse people who want to keep things simple. Most people I've learned live minute by minute and these days even more than ever, everyone is just in reaction mode not taking time to analyze and digest information. So all the analysis your doing is wasted mostly on the reactionists. And the last thing people have to react to is them disabling something "quickly" making them awesome dudes in everyone's book.
It may seem like I'm defending you but I'm not, I'm just using your post as an example to make my own selfish point, one of my pet peeves about people.
I think the issue about DMKano is more that he basically has said the same thing probably over 100 times in any archeage thread. I personally find it entertaining. You have good insight into many things, but you've beaten the dead horse, shot it in the head 20 times, dissected it piece by piece, threw it into a woodchipper, and then burned the ashes and then dunked it into acid . . . then buried it in dirt and shot it into space.
Catch me streaming at You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.
Since the game has only been out 12 days I think its pretty proactive/responsive by them to move so quickly on this. Good move. A few days to hear the outcry, a few days to analyze the problem before making any big changes and a few days to implement it.
Here we go praising companies for reacting quickly to something so broken that it should have never made it into the game.
Can we just take a step back here?
When something so broken as Archepass made it into the game... you are going to say good job for disabling it?
Like of course they had to disable it.... it was one of the most broken systems ever put into the game.
How have we gotten to the point so low where we are praising companies own failures?
If the water company put poison in the system that sickened millions and they caught it 12 days later would you praise them for catching it so fast?
Ot would you be outraged that it happened in the first place?
Kano your making too much sense for most of the peeps on these forums, too much info that needs to be processed, and all the points you make just confuse people who want to keep things simple. Most people I've learned live minute by minute and these days even more than ever, everyone is just in reaction mode not taking time to analyze and digest information. So all the analysis your doing is wasted mostly on the reactionists. And the last thing people have to react to is them disabling something "quickly" making them awesome dudes in everyone's book.
It may seem like I'm defending you but I'm not, I'm just using your post as an example to make my own selfish point, one of my pet peeves about people.
I think the issue about DMKano is more that he basically has said the same thing probably over 100 times in any archeage thread. I personally find it entertaining. You have good insight into many things, but you've beaten the dead horse, shot it in the head 20 times, dissected it piece by piece, threw it into a woodchipper, and then burned the ashes and then dunked it into acid . . . then buried it in dirt and shot it into space.
And I will not stop as long as I see blatant failures by game companies here that some players are praising as "hey look they disabled their own failed system - good job!"
I will obliterate this until I break it down to every atom and then atoms to protons neutrons and electrons down to quarks.
I won't stop at quarks either.
Keep being you bro. I am not bothered by you at all, you do have excellent insight into many things and I've learned a lot, but yeah, you obliterated the dead horse .
Catch me streaming at You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.
at least they are listening to their fans. That's good!
If they really listened - there would be no Archepass system in game period.
There would be no cash shop period.
So please let's not use this excuse - let's not praise companies for reacting to their own mess - Archepass was something they messed up to begin with.. and players didnt want it.
So yeah let's rethink the whole "listening to the fans"....archepass was so exploitable of course they had to disable it - they had no other choice period.
So listening to the fans? I dont think so
No cash shop, period? How do they make money? How do they pay for their electricity, employee salaries, server rental, their ISP?
Proud member since March 2004! Make PvE GREAT Again!
Oh stop it already. You are way over this.
I'm no fan of Gamigo or alike companies nor I ever played ArcheAge, but you are taking this way to ..personally.
I'm really on the same boat as you, when it comes to companies who pretty much milk every whale and their mother with their P2W monetization bullshit, but really, your posts are hard to ..digest and it shows a "dirty" face of you. Not one worth of .. Kano anyway!
Reporter: What's behind Blizzard success, and how do you make your gamers happy?
Blizzard Boss: Making gamers happy is not my concern, making money.. yes!
Also have very bad memories of when auroria first came out and nearly the entire continent got claimed by one guild due to constant D/C issues.
I dunno, i bought the cheapest pack and I really want to like this game, but I'm gonna step back for a bit and watch how the whole archpass thing goes.
If you really want to try ruin the game's success or help people or whatever it is you think you're doing, why are you doing it here? Go to Reddit where the real audience is and try your luck there. I doubt the response you'll get will be great for your ego, which is probably why you don't do it, but at least you have a chance of achieving whatever it is you're trying to achieve.
You do care. This matters to you. The fact you keep saying it doesn't is proof that, really, you think it matters.
No one cares what you're saying at this point, you know? You're just wittering all over the whole site like those crazy people you see in the street sometimes that you'd rather ignore or avoid.
Stop deflecting man. People have a problem with YOU and want to talk about it.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
This has aside from some immersion ruining tropes always been about poor management,poor implementation,poor publishing.This is how you take a game with potential and turn it directly south on the compass,heading to ice cold servers and likely just loads more bots and cheating.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
You're so slimey lol
Look, I'd rather they add full on P2W to every MMO than have to see any more of your crazy rants on any game topic.
I, genuinely, dislike you more than I'll ever dislike a game company. You're a detriment to this site and you should be removed so people can actually talk properly around here.
Bro, you're totally right. It's a company were talking about here, they should've seen this coming. And anyone who disagrees doesn't quite grasp the situation as a whole. Ignorance is bliss, I guess.
Make us an mmo that updates continuously based on a single purchase. That's idealism my friend.
It may seem like I'm defending you but I'm not, I'm just using your post as an example to make my own selfish point, one of my pet peeves about people.
You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.
Keep being you bro. I am not bothered by you at all, you do have excellent insight into many things and I've learned a lot, but yeah, you obliterated the dead horse
You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.
....Being Banned from MMORPG's forums since 2010, for Trolling the Trolls!!!