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The rebirth of Archeage



  • TEKK3NTEKK3N Member RarePosts: 1,115
    Celcius said:
    Just let people enjoy what they want to enjoy. If they change the model to be P2W after launch, so what? They are down 26$. They will easily get that value out of it before it goes P2W (If it does)
    The reason MMORPGs died is because this mentality that 1 month worth of play is good value for money.
    Publishers adjusted to this mentality pretty soon and introduced Cash Shops to make as much money as possible in the shortest time as possible.

    So instead of aiming to the long term with subscriptions, they aimed for the short term with Cash Shops.

    That’s why we have all these crap MMOs.
    So it does bother me, because it also affects me.

    This in not about how people spend their money, but the fact that because of it publishers make all those Cash Shop centric MMOs which lost all the charm of the first generation games.
  • CelciusCelcius Member RarePosts: 1,879
    TEKK3N said:
    Celcius said:
    Just let people enjoy what they want to enjoy. If they change the model to be P2W after launch, so what? They are down 26$. They will easily get that value out of it before it goes P2W (If it does)
    The reason MMORPGs died is because this mentality that 1 month worth of play is good value for money.
    Publishers adjusted to this mentality pretty soon and introduced Cash Shops to make as much money as possible in the shortest time as possible.

    So instead of aiming to the long term with subscriptions, they aimed for the short term with Cash Shops.

    That’s why we have all these crap MMOs.
    So it does bother me, because it also affects me.

    This in not about how people spend their money, but the fact that because of it publishers make all those Cash Shop centric MMOs which lost all the charm of the first generation games.
    Huh? MMORPGs died? Man, I need to go check the server status of GW2, ESO, FFXIV, and WoW Classic because they were alive last I checked!
  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,128
    edited October 2019
    TEKK3N said:

    So instead of aiming to the long term with subscriptions, they aimed for the short term with Cash Shops.

    Except that populations in most mmorpg's fall off drastically after a bit. So how is a game supposed to stay aloft if they continually lose population?

    The real problem is that world of warcraft blew expectations out of the water so now every game had to be "that big."

    So a company invests in a game that must be "that big" and can't stay afloat.

    I suspect that mmorpg's were always going to appeal to a smaller crowd and therefore games should have been made with that in mind. So maybe 45k to 90 k players as opposed to millions. 
    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • CelciusCelcius Member RarePosts: 1,879
    edited October 2019
    Sovrath said:
    TEKK3N said:

    So instead of aiming to the long term with subscriptions, they aimed for the short term with Cash Shops.

    Except that populations is most mmorpg's fell off drastically after a bit. So how is a game supposed to stay aloft if they continually lose population?

    The real problem is that world of warcraft blew expectations out of the water so now every game had to be "that big."

    So a company invests in a game that must be "that big" and can't stay afloat.

    I suspect that mmorpg's were always going to appeal to a smaller crowd and therefore games should have been made with that in mind. So maybe 45k to 90 k players as opposed to millions. 
    Yup. In the end as long as you have people to play with and the game is getting content updates its all good. MMOs peaked at like 300k or something (Maybe it was 500k i don't remember) before WoW. That is really what most MMOs should aim for. The reality is that most modern day MMOs that people would consider "dead" have more people playing then Everquest did back in the day.
  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,128
    Celcius said:
    Sovrath said:
    TEKK3N said:

    So instead of aiming to the long term with subscriptions, they aimed for the short term with Cash Shops.

    Except that populations is most mmorpg's fell off drastically after a bit. So how is a game supposed to stay aloft if they continually lose population?

    The real problem is that world of warcraft blew expectations out of the water so now every game had to be "that big."

    So a company invests in a game that must be "that big" and can't stay afloat.

    I suspect that mmorpg's were always going to appeal to a smaller crowd and therefore games should have been made with that in mind. So maybe 45k to 90 k players as opposed to millions. 
    Yup. In the end as long as you have people to play with and the game is getting content updates its all good. MMOs peaked at like 300k or something (Maybe it was 500k i don't remember) before WoW. That is really what most MMOs should aim for. The reality is that most modern day MMOs that people would consider "dead" have more people playing then Everquest did back in the day.
    exactly. Old games are still going. They might not have the populations that they started with but they have their players. 

    These games should probably have small teams and cater to smaller amounts of players. 
    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • FlyByKnightFlyByKnight Member EpicPosts: 3,967
    "Listen guuuuys. There's nothing wrong with cash shops. There's nothing wrong with P2W! As long as you have a group of friends and a positive attitude... everything will be just fi..."

    "As far as the forum code of conduct, I would think it's a bit outdated and in need of a refre *CLOSED*" 

  • CelciusCelcius Member RarePosts: 1,879
    edited October 2019
    "Listen guuuuys. There's nothing wrong with cash shops. There's nothing wrong with P2W! As long as you have a group of friends and a positive attitude... everything will be just fi..."

    Being a cynic is also a sign of a deeper personal problem, especially one with an agenda. Not to mention one who puts words in other people's mouths.
  • HorusraHorusra Member EpicPosts: 4,411
    Sovrath said:
    TEKK3N said:

    So instead of aiming to the long term with subscriptions, they aimed for the short term with Cash Shops.

    Except that populations in most mmorpg's fall off drastically after a bit. So how is a game supposed to stay aloft if they continually lose population?

    The real problem is that world of warcraft blew expectations out of the water so now every game had to be "that big."

    So a company invests in a game that must be "that big" and can't stay afloat.

    I suspect that mmorpg's were always going to appeal to a smaller crowd and therefore games should have been made with that in mind. So maybe 45k to 90 k players as opposed to millions. 
    It is funny you think MMO Players will manage their expectations for what a game with 45K to 90K gets you in reality.  As to graphics and such as opposed to a million player game investment.
  • Arkangel32Arkangel32 Member UncommonPosts: 83
    Emotionally jazzed I purchased AAU for $26. I played on the Test server (mindlessly grinding out story quests) and that is about it.  
    The summary of AAU if... opening day rush/grind story quests to 30, get your first 8x8 farm, find a place to put it.  Grind your way to 50 to get your free 16x16 home.  The entire time the questing is mindless and boring.  Once you get that home, you claim a spot of land... and build it, then you have the same functioning home as every other person.  After 50, you grind to 55, then grind another 55 levels to max.

    All the while dealing with a toxic community, all with individual goals so everyone is super busy, its more of a solo game.

    There are non-pvp zones but the high level stuff is in the zones with pvp in them. Sure you can play it safe and only enter them when they are not at war, but then your controlled by the system.

    If you try to go to zones that are at war there will always be the group of max players ready to try to ruin your day, they camp and kill you because its just fun.

    Summary: If you want to grind the levels out, grind to get better gear, grind on farming, to no end because  (How much is enough money) how much is enough cosmetic modifications?  How much is enough when the gameplay is boring, pvp is your typical gank fest and toxic community.

    No thanks, I asked for a refund and they gave it to me.  I was in however, after thinking about all the hours and days to be put in and for what.... putting paint on a pig, its still a pig, the PVP ruins this game.

    Devs need to learn to make a PVP server and a PVE server, seperate the toxic players from the PVE players and you got a winner.

    I was in, now I am out and I feel so good now!
  • JensynJensyn Member UncommonPosts: 158
    As a reviewer, I'm a little overwhelmed by what folks want out of it when it comes to the final review. From my perspective, I'm trying to give you an honest opinion of how I feel the game plays right now and some insight into whether or not you should waste your money on it. If I leave a positive review, I'm screwed because I can't see into the future to them possibly re-implementing P2W. We don't know that for a fact, and there's no way I can accurately report on it because it hasn't happened and it isn't there. But if it does happen, it'll be crucified. If I leave a negative review, there's still going to be backlash depending on what I disliked about it. Yeah, I know. Welcome to reviewing games.

    Right now, the Discord is in absolute chaos because name reservations were pushed back an hour today. I mentioned that I had played AA originally during launch and that some of the things that I was seeing on the PTS, though YES a PTS, was giving me the vibe that we were going to have a repeat of an unstable launch. Here we are, a few days into name reservations, and people are losing their minds about how unstable everything is. Tomorrow is more than likely going to be a nightmare, like how it was initially. 

    Despite all of the folks frothing at the mouth in Discord, I really hope that it has found its right audience and that people will give them constructive criticism about how to improve the game as it goes along. Right now at least, they seem pretty receptive to criticism and like they're actively listening to the community. Maybe it's to cover their asses during the initial cash grab to keep you interested, I don't know. No one can know that for sure-it's all speculation. What I've played-I've enjoyed, and I'm looking forward to playing the game without P2W elements at launch.
    Bookmarks are for quitters. 
  • CelciusCelcius Member RarePosts: 1,879
    Emotionally jazzed I purchased AAU for $26. I played on the Test server (mindlessly grinding out story quests) and that is about it.  
    The summary of AAU if... opening day rush/grind story quests to 30, get your first 8x8 farm, find a place to put it.  Grind your way to 50 to get your free 16x16 home.  The entire time the questing is mindless and boring.  Once you get that home, you claim a spot of land... and build it, then you have the same functioning home as every other person.  After 50, you grind to 55, then grind another 55 levels to max.

    All the while dealing with a toxic community, all with individual goals so everyone is super busy, its more of a solo game.

    There are non-pvp zones but the high level stuff is in the zones with pvp in them. Sure you can play it safe and only enter them when they are not at war, but then your controlled by the system.

    If you try to go to zones that are at war there will always be the group of max players ready to try to ruin your day, they camp and kill you because its just fun.

    Summary: If you want to grind the levels out, grind to get better gear, grind on farming, to no end because  (How much is enough money) how much is enough cosmetic modifications?  How much is enough when the gameplay is boring, pvp is your typical gank fest and toxic community.

    No thanks, I asked for a refund and they gave it to me.  I was in however, after thinking about all the hours and days to be put in and for what.... putting paint on a pig, its still a pig, the PVP ruins this game.

    Devs need to learn to make a PVP server and a PVE server, seperate the toxic players from the PVE players and you got a winner.

    I was in, now I am out and I feel so good now!
    If you think that AA is a solo game you probably only played at launch. It has raids, dungeons, and territory control. All these things require other players. I am not saying you can't play the game solo, because you certainly can, but it is not a solo game. The toxic community is more a symptom of F2P, which it won't be, so HOPEFULLY that means it will be better. I won't hold my breath though. It is ironic how you claim it is a solo game right before saying that "there will always be a group of max players ready to ruin your day". Pretty sure those guys aren't playing solo...because....yeah. ;P It seems like you are just not interested in a sandbox PVP MMO. That is what this game is. What you are asking for is not Archeage. If you don't like the PvP atmosphere; you should not play it.

    All the other stuff you said is your opinion though and you are entitled to it.
  • alkarionlogalkarionlog Member EpicPosts: 3,584
    Jensyn said:
    As a reviewer, I'm a little overwhelmed by what folks want out of it when it comes to the final review. From my perspective, I'm trying to give you an honest opinion of how I feel the game plays right now and some insight into whether or not you should waste your money on it. If I leave a positive review, I'm screwed because I can't see into the future to them possibly re-implementing P2W. We don't know that for a fact, and there's no way I can accurately report on it because it hasn't happened and it isn't there. But if it does happen, it'll be crucified. If I leave a negative review, there's still going to be backlash depending on what I disliked about it. Yeah, I know. Welcome to reviewing games.

    Right now, the Discord is in absolute chaos because name reservations were pushed back an hour today. I mentioned that I had played AA originally during launch and that some of the things that I was seeing on the PTS, though YES a PTS, was giving me the vibe that we were going to have a repeat of an unstable launch. Here we are, a few days into name reservations, and people are losing their minds about how unstable everything is. Tomorrow is more than likely going to be a nightmare, like how it was initially. 

    Despite all of the folks frothing at the mouth in Discord, I really hope that it has found its right audience and that people will give them constructive criticism about how to improve the game as it goes along. Right now at least, they seem pretty receptive to criticism and like they're actively listening to the community. Maybe it's to cover their asses during the initial cash grab to keep you interested, I don't know. No one can know that for sure-it's all speculation. What I've played-I've enjoyed, and I'm looking forward to playing the game without P2W elements at launch.
    worry less about your opnions and work to state facts, I could care less about people opnions wht I want in reviews mostly is what there is in the game, not how you feel or like about it.

    and serious the right audience was the ones who are F**** before, and trying to do a 2nd comming of said game, are not helping then, they will sell some because most are fools, and don't give they money value, but don't consider the game will survive long
    FOR HONOR, FOR FREEDOM.... and for some money.
  • shinkanshinkan Member UncommonPosts: 241
    I will try AAU, seems like it could be something better and more like ruin it once became. Unsure how many will return though, and i assume some will leave from the old servers not to return.
  • JensynJensyn Member UncommonPosts: 158
    edited October 2019
    Okay, I didn't really understand the second half of what you said. Objective opinions are important to reviews. They're kind of the foundation of it. To say "This game sucks, and I didn't have a good time playing it." doesn't benefit anyone. Saying "This game sucks, and I didn't enjoy playing it because there are tons of bugs that prohibit me from progressing through a main questline" gives you an idea of why this game doesn't work and helps inform a consumer about the cons of a game that they're considering purchasing.   

    And an edit in reference to the "right audience", that part I was responding to the OP of the thread.
    Bookmarks are for quitters. 
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