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What World of Warcraft Classic Has That Retail Doesn't -



  • tarbaschtarbasch Member UncommonPosts: 4
    BFA babies trying to defend that hot garbage is pathetic.
    Classic is what an MMO is supposed to be, not the login instant gratification of retail, and no just because you pay the same as me or anyone else does NOT entitle you to the same rewards.
  • SirAgravaineSirAgravaine Member RarePosts: 520
    That's probably because Blizzard over-developed retail WoW into hot garbage.
  • TheDarkrayneTheDarkrayne Member EpicPosts: 5,297
    edited September 2019
    This article doesn't really say anything except the writer found out they don't really like raiding due to them not taking Classic seriously. Might like parts of raiding, but because of everything that comes with it? You don't like raiding.
    I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
  • mbrodiembrodie Member RarePosts: 1,504
    tarbasch said:
    BFA babies trying to defend that hot garbage is pathetic.
    Classic is what an MMO is supposed to be, not the login instant gratification of retail, and no just because you pay the same as me or anyone else does NOT entitle you to the same rewards.
    yeah mythic raiding is instant gratification...

    what a ridiculous statement about Battle for Azeroth.
  • lahnmirlahnmir Member LegendaryPosts: 5,060
    edited September 2019
    tarbasch said:
    BFA babies trying to defend that hot garbage is pathetic.
    Classic is what an MMO is supposed to be, not the login instant gratification of retail, and no just because you pay the same as me or anyone else does NOT entitle you to the same rewards.
    Those same words were spoken when the original WoW released and was compared to other MMORPGs, a dumbed down, stupidification of the genre etc. etc. The irony.

    cheyane[Deleted User]BeansnBreadArlee
    'the only way he could nail it any better is if he used a cross.'

    Kyleran on yours sincerely 

    'But there are many. You can play them entirely solo, and even offline. Also, you are wrong by default.'

    Ikcin in response to yours sincerely debating whether or not single-player offline MMOs exist...

    'This does not apply just to ED but SC or any other game. What they will get is Rebirth/X4, likely prettier but equally underwhelming and pointless. 

    It is incredibly difficult to design some meaningfull leg content that would fit a space ship game - simply because it is not a leg game.

    It is just huge resource waste....'

    Gdemami absolutely not being an armchair developer

  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    What Classic has that Retail WoW doesn't have, in a word, Players.
    BfA is just the most recent failure in WoW, it literally was destroying the game. So far have heard how when it comes to end game raiding then both games are the same, they aren't but it misses the point, end game raiding doesn't matter because its not the yardstick to measure the games by. Classic WoW the fun is in the journey as Classic WoW emphasises the 'world' gameplay, and Retail WoW does not have that, doesn't matter if its PVP or PVE servers when it comes to Classic WoW its a thing, when it comes to retail WoW its dungeons and raiding and virtually nothing else, it is BORING, Classic WoW puts the fun back into playing in the 'World' of Warcraft. ;)
  • OzmodanOzmodan Member EpicPosts: 9,726
    Suggestion, go play one of the other MMO's. I was a huge classic fan and gradually lost interest as Wow progressed until I can't even be bothered by the latest iteration. I have no interest in going back and playing classic one bit. Many of the other MMOs are so much better. There is nothing magical about Wow anymore.
  • someforumguysomeforumguy Member RarePosts: 4,088
    edited September 2019
    The writer is confusing the game with player he surrounds himself with. The 'pressure' is coming from other players, not from the game.
    Actually, many mechanics in a MMO (and especially vanilla WoW), try to slow your progression down on purpose. It is the other players that pressure you into progressing faster.
  • Binny45Binny45 Member UncommonPosts: 522
    When MMOs become a raid grind, they stop being fun and more like a job. Raiding is ok on occasion but damn, see the forest for the trees. What made many older MMOs successful was the community and how you interacted. Every mmo I've quit is because it started to feel like a job. I didn't log in because I wanted to but because I had to. Eventually I began to resent the game and eventually stop logging in. I love groups that just get together and pick a direction and just go! Great times and good friends to be made along with awesome memories.


  • JeffSpicoliJeffSpicoli Member EpicPosts: 2,849
    • Aloha Mr Hand ! 

  • Viper482Viper482 Member LegendaryPosts: 4,102
    edited September 2019
    Quizzical said:
    Look at how you're describing Battle for Azeroth. I need to grind this stupid thing, and that stupid thing, and some other stupid thing. I need to make more time in the game to do a bunch of things that I hate, because if I don't, I won't keep up with the Joneses.

    Well of course that makes you miserable. What you say that you like about Vanilla WoW is that you can just go do whatever, play a game, and have fun. You could do that in Battle for Azeroth, too. You might say that that wouldn't let you do the top endgame stuff. Well, it didn't in Vanilla, either.

    The difference that you describe isn't a difference between versions of WoW. The difference is you. When I play computer games, I play for fun. How about you? Why do you play?

    I disagree. BFA is designed to make you have to grind certain things in order to play the game to its fullest potential. Most everything is locked behind some kind of virtual gate. The entire point of the game is fully laid out for you in a designed path. Sure, you can go off the path if you are just roleplaying or dicking around. If you want to just play the game the way it was designed you will grind your ass off, and you can only grind with the tools they give you or take 20x as long. Did I mention zero challenge? In classic doing the most basic kill quest can be a challenge. 

    Your bottom line was playing for fun, which is 100% relative. What is fun for you is not fun for me. That is the only difference here. To have fun doing what I want to do in BFA I feel like I am forced to grind things I do not want to do first. I do not feel that way in Classic. You cannot argue that someone has more fun in BFA than classic or vice versa, because some people are having fun playing ArcheAge right now. Some people had fun playing Bless Online. 
    Make MMORPG's Great Again!
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,653
    veegeedee said:
    I've played WoW from launch up to its current patch (with two breaks around 5 and 3 months each). I've also raided as high as US/NA 12th (World 40th) and as low as US/NA 900 (World who the hell knows at that point). The first thing I want to point out is that Heroic raiding is tuned to have been completed at ~415 item level, azerite neck level 53-55, and essences rank 2 or lower. Essentially meaning Heroic level raids are intended to be done with either close to mythic level gear from the previous raid or normal level gear from the current raid.

    The disconnect that happens in modern retail WoW was created from all of the various difficulty levels for each form of content. In vanilla/classic, burning crusade, and the first half of wrath of the lich king you either had the ability to complete all bosses or not. If you couldn't complete a fight you simply never got the chance to see what came next, at least not until perhaps a new set of content came out that allowed you to overpower the old content to catch up to the current stuff. Everyone seemed to understand a skill hierarchy and settled into the spots that suited them. However, WoW eventually moved to multiple difficulty settings complete with achievements for finishing content before new content is released. The end result has been a large amount of the community attempting to push content that they cannot actually complete. As well as the failure to understand that the final boss of heroic is going to take as much effort at their level of play as the mythic version will for another more skilled group.

    All of that is before anyone even points out that modern WoW raiding and 5man content is around 3x-5x harder than vanilla/classic and the first two expansions. Do not let anyone attempt to tell you otherwise. The Jaina encounter alone likely has more mechanics than all of the Molten Core bosses combined and most of the mechanics are also harder. Two or three combined bosses from WoW's latest raid likely have more mechanics than all of the Blackwing Lair bosses combined.

    Anyways, Classic does have some really great advantages. The most important of which is the clear ability to fail in every single aspect of the game which makes every victory that much sweeter. Quests are designed to cause you to fail if you attempt to push them too quickly, your specialization trees are large enough that the game allows you to pick sub-optimal talents, doing small group content can fail if you have attitude problems due to the lack of random dungeon queues, I could even point out failure to mountain climb up the side of Ironforge to get to the airport for the first time because you cant fly. In modern WoW the true ability to fail is only really seen at the absolute highest level of each form of content.
    Insightful post, but just one in seven years...come on. :)
  • kitaradkitarad Member LegendaryPosts: 8,190
    Scot said:
    I've played WoW from launch up to its current patch (with two breaks around 5 and 3 months each). I've also raided as high as US/NA 12th (World 40th) and as low as US/NA 900 (World who the hell knows at that point). The first thing I want to point out is that Heroic raiding is tuned to have been completed at ~415 item level, azerite neck level 53-55, and essences rank 2 or lower. Essentially meaning Heroic level raids are intended to be done with either close to mythic level gear from the previous raid or normal level gear from the current raid.

    The disconnect that happens in modern retail WoW was created from all of the various difficulty levels for each form of content. In vanilla/classic, burning crusade, and the first half of wrath of the lich king you either had the ability to complete all bosses or not. If you couldn't complete a fight you simply never got the chance to see what came next, at least not until perhaps a new set of content came out that allowed you to overpower the old content to catch up to the current stuff. Everyone seemed to understand a skill hierarchy and settled into the spots that suited them. However, WoW eventually moved to multiple difficulty settings complete with achievements for finishing content before new content is released. The end result has been a large amount of the community attempting to push content that they cannot actually complete. As well as the failure to understand that the final boss of heroic is going to take as much effort at their level of play as the mythic version will for another more skilled group.

    All of that is before anyone even points out that modern WoW raiding and 5man content is around 3x-5x harder than vanilla/classic and the first two expansions. Do not let anyone attempt to tell you otherwise. The Jaina encounter alone likely has more mechanics than all of the Molten Core bosses combined and most of the mechanics are also harder. Two or three combined bosses from WoW's latest raid likely have more mechanics than all of the Blackwing Lair bosses combined.

    Anyways, Classic does have some really great advantages. The most important of which is the clear ability to fail in every single aspect of the game which makes every victory that much sweeter. Quests are designed to cause you to fail if you attempt to push them too quickly, your specialization trees are large enough that the game allows you to pick sub-optimal talents, doing small group content can fail if you have attitude problems due to the lack of random dungeon queues, I could even point out failure to mountain climb up the side of Ironforge to get to the airport for the first time because you cant fly. In modern WoW the true ability to fail is only really seen at the absolute highest level of each form of content.
    Insightful post, but just one in seven years...come on. :)
     agree veegeedee you should post more

  • OzmodanOzmodan Member EpicPosts: 9,726
    veegeedee said:
    I've played WoW from launch up to its current patch (with two breaks around 5 and 3 months each). I've also raided as high as US/NA 12th (World 40th) and as low as US/NA 900 (World who the hell knows at that point). The first thing I want to point out is that Heroic raiding is tuned to have been completed at ~415 item level, azerite neck level 53-55, and essences rank 2 or lower. Essentially meaning Heroic level raids are intended to be done with either close to mythic level gear from the previous raid or normal level gear from the current raid.

    The disconnect that happens in modern retail WoW was created from all of the various difficulty levels for each form of content. In vanilla/classic, burning crusade, and the first half of wrath of the lich king you either had the ability to complete all bosses or not. If you couldn't complete a fight you simply never got the chance to see what came next, at least not until perhaps a new set of content came out that allowed you to overpower the old content to catch up to the current stuff. Everyone seemed to understand a skill hierarchy and settled into the spots that suited them. However, WoW eventually moved to multiple difficulty settings complete with achievements for finishing content before new content is released. The end result has been a large amount of the community attempting to push content that they cannot actually complete. As well as the failure to understand that the final boss of heroic is going to take as much effort at their level of play as the mythic version will for another more skilled group.

    All of that is before anyone even points out that modern WoW raiding and 5man content is around 3x-5x harder than vanilla/classic and the first two expansions. Do not let anyone attempt to tell you otherwise. The Jaina encounter alone likely has more mechanics than all of the Molten Core bosses combined and most of the mechanics are also harder. Two or three combined bosses from WoW's latest raid likely have more mechanics than all of the Blackwing Lair bosses combined.

    Anyways, Classic does have some really great advantages. The most important of which is the clear ability to fail in every single aspect of the game which makes every victory that much sweeter. Quests are designed to cause you to fail if you attempt to push them too quickly, your specialization trees are large enough that the game allows you to pick sub-optimal talents, doing small group content can fail if you have attitude problems due to the lack of random dungeon queues, I could even point out failure to mountain climb up the side of Ironforge to get to the airport for the first time because you cant fly. In modern WoW the true ability to fail is only really seen at the absolute highest level of each form of content.
    Nonsense.  For the major reason that getting 40 people all on the same page is far more difficult than any of your silly mechanics.  The number of wipes due to one or two people doing the wrong thing is infinitesimal.  You have just forgotten or were raiding with an incredibly gifted 40 people which is quite rare.
  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843
    I still remember the day the “achievement” system was added. All the silly non important things people did for fun became should do’s (I didn’t do), or even MUST do’s for some.

    In my opinion the achievement system is right up there with LFG with regards to things that irreparably damage WoW.
  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843

    Quizzical said:

    Look at how you're describing Battle for Azeroth. I need to grind this stupid thing, and that stupid thing, and some other stupid thing. I need to make more time in the game to do a bunch of things that I hate, because if I don't, I won't keep up with the Joneses.

    Well of course that makes you miserable. What you say that you like about Vanilla WoW is that you can just go do whatever, play a game, and have fun. You could do that in Battle for Azeroth, too. You might say that that wouldn't let you do the top endgame stuff. Well, it didn't in Vanilla, either.

    The difference that you describe isn't a difference between versions of WoW. The difference is you. When I play computer games, I play for fun. How about you? Why do you play?

    It’s all the dangling carrots man... That’s the difference...

  • OGDeathRowOGDeathRow Member UncommonPosts: 129
    Viper482 said:

    Hmm tbh. i do not see that much of a difference with a few exceptions. The endgame in classic and in retail is gear gated so you need to have certain things to progress, that´s like in every mmorpg the case. The leveling process in classic is one of the most boring i have ever seen, mostly you kill 10 rats and then carry the 10 rats asses to somebody. In retail they at least try to deliver some story in a bigger context. And regarding community, i have met nice people in retail and complete douchebags in classic and the other way around of course. I did not notice much difference either. What i like about classic is that feeling of danger in the open world, that you really have to be careful and can´t pull half the map easy like in retail. So i guess for me classic is too much time for the fun i get of it.

    Because MMORPG's like Classic were more about the journey than the destination. Not that leveling wasn't a big part of it, as every time you leveled and get new skills it was exciting. Getting high enough level to go to another area was exciting. Newer MMO's are just about rushing to endgame and grinding the same instances over and over to inflate some number on your gear. There is no time commitment in classic. You play, you log off. It is only a commitment if you make it one. I wonder if you are trying to play this like you do retail? Solo.
    I laugh at posts like this because it is pure BS. The person is the one who rushes to end game. You can take your time and enjoy the journey in BFA, you didnt have to burn thru it all to get max level. Thats your choice as a player, BFA doesnt force that on you.  The questing is the exact same as classic. You dont need groups to quest in BFA, and? Does it stop you from grouping up? No. Is it pointless? No, cause you clear quests quicker. New skills every level up? You mean every 2 levels you get upgraded versions right? Minus a few new ones here and there, not to mention half of them never get used. Theres a reason they get cut xpac after xpac. Just like in classic, when you level, guess what, onto the next map which is diffrent then the previous one. Can you still join a guild and do instances as a group, yep, just like classic.........when your max level, what do you do in classic, oh thats right, do the same raids/dungeons over and over again to inflate some number on your gear so you can tackle the next step up.......

    All the "enjoy the ride" clowns need to come up with a better arguement. You are not forced to rush to max level in any shape or form in BFA. Sorry the "classic" base crowd cant understand that. The grind in BFA is = to the grind in classic. Its just diffrent types of grinds. Can we talk class balance too then? How warriors were the only real tank? Or that enhancement shamans were a joke? Or the oomkins? Or how about manaless spriest after 1 rotation? Maybe the druid that gets regulated to healing as they were sub par tanks and feral was laughable outside pvp? 

    My question is why do you feel time committed in BFA and not classic? Just like classic you play, you log off. Its only a commitment in BFA if you make it one. 

  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    Viper482 said:

    Hmm tbh. i do not see that much of a difference with a few exceptions. The endgame in classic and in retail is gear gated so you need to have certain things to progress, that´s like in every mmorpg the case. The leveling process in classic is one of the most boring i have ever seen, mostly you kill 10 rats and then carry the 10 rats asses to somebody. In retail they at least try to deliver some story in a bigger context. And regarding community, i have met nice people in retail and complete douchebags in classic and the other way around of course. I did not notice much difference either. What i like about classic is that feeling of danger in the open world, that you really have to be careful and can´t pull half the map easy like in retail. So i guess for me classic is too much time for the fun i get of it.

    Because MMORPG's like Classic were more about the journey than the destination. Not that leveling wasn't a big part of it, as every time you leveled and get new skills it was exciting. Getting high enough level to go to another area was exciting. Newer MMO's are just about rushing to endgame and grinding the same instances over and over to inflate some number on your gear. There is no time commitment in classic. You play, you log off. It is only a commitment if you make it one. I wonder if you are trying to play this like you do retail? Solo.
    I laugh at posts like this because it is pure BS. The person is the one who rushes to end game. You can take your time and enjoy the journey in BFA, you didnt have to burn thru it all to get max level. Thats your choice as a player, BFA doesnt force that on you.  The questing is the exact same as classic. You dont need groups to quest in BFA, and? Does it stop you from grouping up? No. Is it pointless? No, cause you clear quests quicker. New skills every level up? You mean every 2 levels you get upgraded versions right? Minus a few new ones here and there, not to mention half of them never get used. Theres a reason they get cut xpac after xpac. Just like in classic, when you level, guess what, onto the next map which is diffrent then the previous one. Can you still join a guild and do instances as a group, yep, just like classic.........when your max level, what do you do in classic, oh thats right, do the same raids/dungeons over and over again to inflate some number on your gear so you can tackle the next step up.......

    All the "enjoy the ride" clowns need to come up with a better arguement. You are not forced to rush to max level in any shape or form in BFA. Sorry the "classic" base crowd cant understand that. The grind in BFA is = to the grind in classic. Its just diffrent types of grinds. Can we talk class balance too then? How warriors were the only real tank? Or that enhancement shamans were a joke? Or the oomkins? Or how about manaless spriest after 1 rotation? Maybe the druid that gets regulated to healing as they were sub par tanks and feral was laughable outside pvp? 

    My question is why do you feel time committed in BFA and not classic? Just like classic you play, you log off. Its only a commitment in BFA if you make it one. 

    You might regard it as being a bad argument, if so then you probably don't understand why its a real thing, playing the game rather than rushing to 'end game' really is a big thing, Classic epitomised the Journey, sure you can solo, a bit, but its a game that was meant to be a shared experience, and it does it really well. I am surprised you didn't mention paladins being healers or something equally dumb, sadly, like the other arguments you made about classes, its disingenous, but to return to the point of the whole thing.
    BfA is boring, its been boring for so long now that its even a meme. Classic is putting the fun back into WoW again, and it was sorely needed.  ;)
  • OGDeathRowOGDeathRow Member UncommonPosts: 129
    Phry said:

    You might regard it as being a bad argument, if so then you probably don't understand why its a real thing, playing the game rather than rushing to 'end game' really is a big thing, Classic epitomised the Journey, sure you can solo, a bit, but its a game that was meant to be a shared experience, and it does it really well. I am surprised you didn't mention paladins being healers or something equally dumb, sadly, like the other arguments you made about classes, its disingenous, but to return to the point of the whole thing.
    BfA is boring, its been boring for so long now that its even a meme. Classic is putting the fun back into WoW again, and it was sorely needed.  ;)
    If people turned off there blinders and hate, they would see BFA could be done in the same manner. The only real thing here is people dont like change. Again, your first line says it all again. If people were not rushing to end game BFA they might actually enjoy it. Sorry you cannot do that for w/e reason. 

    People also need to rem that BFA is a xpac, not a new game. When you buy DLC for your favorite RPG, do you rush it to get to the final boss? Or do you play it with the intent to enjoy the expierence? BFA is suppose to continue your tale and should be played as such. People who feel its a rush obviously are the ones who dont get it.

    Same thing every WoW xpac, burn threw content for end game then talk smack about no substance. Shame. I can say, with a real good idea, 99 pct of the posters here dont read the quest log as they obtain quests like they would in a console rpg. Maybe try that next time WoW drops a xpac, and dont rush to end game and you might have a diffrent view. Thats how I play WoW, and it never lets me down.
  • ShinyFlygonShinyFlygon Member RarePosts: 636
    I've always assumed the hardcore raiding scene in any MMO was a sort of way people with no jobs could pretend they had a job. A job they get paid for in pixels instead of money.
  • ShinyFlygonShinyFlygon Member RarePosts: 636

    Quizzical said:

    Look at how you're describing Battle for Azeroth. I need to grind this stupid thing, and that stupid thing, and some other stupid thing. I need to make more time in the game to do a bunch of things that I hate, because if I don't, I won't keep up with the Joneses.

    Well of course that makes you miserable. What you say that you like about Vanilla WoW is that you can just go do whatever, play a game, and have fun. You could do that in Battle for Azeroth, too. You might say that that wouldn't let you do the top endgame stuff. Well, it didn't in Vanilla, either.

    The difference that you describe isn't a difference between versions of WoW. The difference is you. When I play computer games, I play for fun. How about you? Why do you play?

    That's not entirely true though. You can do whatever you want in Modern WoW, but it's not fun because there is literally no challenge in any part of it. There are many differences between the versions, and this lies at the very heart of all of them. The only thing harder in Modern is raiding, and it's only hard if you don't do a bunch of tedious "work" to prepare for it.
  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,064
    What does classic have that retail doesn't? Players
  • blamo2000blamo2000 Member RarePosts: 1,130
    What World of Warcraft Classic Has That Retail Doesn't?

    Meaty RPG systems and mechanics aimed at people above the mental age of six.
  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,564
    Viper482 said:
    Quizzical said:
    Look at how you're describing Battle for Azeroth. I need to grind this stupid thing, and that stupid thing, and some other stupid thing. I need to make more time in the game to do a bunch of things that I hate, because if I don't, I won't keep up with the Joneses.

    Well of course that makes you miserable. What you say that you like about Vanilla WoW is that you can just go do whatever, play a game, and have fun. You could do that in Battle for Azeroth, too. You might say that that wouldn't let you do the top endgame stuff. Well, it didn't in Vanilla, either.

    The difference that you describe isn't a difference between versions of WoW. The difference is you. When I play computer games, I play for fun. How about you? Why do you play?

    I disagree. BFA is designed to make you have to grind certain things in order to play the game to its fullest potential. Most everything is locked behind some kind of virtual gate. The entire point of the game is fully laid out for you in a designed path. Sure, you can go off the path if you are just roleplaying or dicking around. If you want to just play the game the way it was designed you will grind your ass off, and you can only grind with the tools they give you or take 20x as long. Did I mention zero challenge? In classic doing the most basic kill quest can be a challenge. 

    Your bottom line was playing for fun, which is 100% relative. What is fun for you is not fun for me. That is the only difference here. To have fun doing what I want to do in BFA I feel like I am forced to grind things I do not want to do first. I do not feel that way in Classic. You cannot argue that someone has more fun in BFA than classic or vice versa, because some people are having fun playing ArcheAge right now. Some people had fun playing Bless Online. 
    You say that as though it's a new innovation of Battle for Azeroth.  Vanilla was that way, too.  My argument is that treating Vanilla that way will make you miserable, too, and for the same reasons.

    I'll concede that they've nerfed the difficulty considerably since Vanilla.  But virtually nothing in Vanilla was challenging, either, unless you went out of your way to make it hard.
  • AkulasAkulas Member RarePosts: 3,029
    Everyone knows everyone or atleast remember them from somewhere previously

    This isn't a signature, you just think it is.

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