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Astellia's Headstart Access Begins Today At 5PM PDT -

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599
edited September 2019 in News & Features Discussion

imageAstellia's Headstart Access Begins Today At 5PM PDT -

Astellia Online is launching officially on September 27, but those who have pre-ordered the game can start to filter into the game world as early as this afternoon.

Read the full story here



  • hyllyhhyllyh Member UncommonPosts: 477
    disapointment in 24h or so

    preparing popcorn and tears vase
    [Deleted User]gastovski1bcbully
  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,139
    DMKano said:
    hyllyh said:
    disapointment in 24h or so

    preparing popcorn and tears vase

    The disappointment will be minimal- because the number of people who will even try this will be minimal

    You could literally throw a dart at any number of games out there and you'd find something better to play
    There really hasn't been much discussion about this game so I think you are right. 

    Short of the review the site will give I don't expect much more once it's launched.
    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

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    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • gunklackergunklacker Member UncommonPosts: 247
    is this B2P?
  • LupulDeiLupulDei Member UncommonPosts: 6
    bless 2.0, goes b2p later f2p and then shuts down LUL
  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    edited September 2019
  • jj7009jj7009 Member UncommonPosts: 223
    Bless' failure stabbed this game. Classic Wow's launch put it through a meat grinder. It never stood a chance with this release window.
  • achmedeachmede Member UncommonPosts: 215
    Buy Borderlands 3 instead of this.
    Worth every cent so far.
  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    I don't think much of Astellia but i definitely would play Astellia over B3,a game i feel is very shallow and doesn't look good either.To me shooters are as dead as mmorpg's,nothing new same old different skin.
    If was going to play any shooter it would be the most skilled,toughest challenge and that is Unreal Tournament,an actual free game to play and basically designed by the gamer's.Only reason i am not playing it right now is because i am simply out of the loop for so long my skills lag far behind so would be more frustrating than fun.UT is such a tough game,it would take me likely 4 months minimum to be competitive.

    I like rpg's or similar because they offer me more variance on game play and a must is NO hand holding markers of any kind,not over npc heads,not showing me where to go,any game that still uses those immersion ruining ideas is off m y radar.
    Guess what Astellia does...yep markers over npc heads,good riddance to games like these.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • TheDarkrayneTheDarkrayne Member EpicPosts: 5,297
    edited September 2019

    Wizardry said:

    I don't think much of Astellia but i definitely would play Astellia over B3,a game i feel is very shallow and doesn't look good either.To me shooters are as dead as mmorpg's,nothing new same old different skin.
    If was going to play any shooter it would be the most skilled,toughest challenge and that is Unreal Tournament,an actual free game to play and basically designed by the gamer's.Only reason i am not playing it right now is because i am simply out of the loop for so long my skills lag far behind so would be more frustrating than fun.UT is such a tough game,it would take me likely 4 months minimum to be competitive.

    I like rpg's or similar because they offer me more variance on game play and a must is NO hand holding markers of any kind,not over npc heads,not showing me where to go,any game that still uses those immersion ruining ideas is off m y radar.
    Guess what Astellia does...yep markers over npc heads,good riddance to games like these.

    You wouldn't play this over BL3 mate. I know you probably won't like BL3 either cos you're just that way out, but you'd enjoy it more than this.
    I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
  • alkarionlogalkarionlog Member EpicPosts: 3,584

    Wizardry said:

    I don't think much of Astellia but i definitely would play Astellia over B3,a game i feel is very shallow and doesn't look good either.To me shooters are as dead as mmorpg's,nothing new same old different skin.
    If was going to play any shooter it would be the most skilled,toughest challenge and that is Unreal Tournament,an actual free game to play and basically designed by the gamer's.Only reason i am not playing it right now is because i am simply out of the loop for so long my skills lag far behind so would be more frustrating than fun.UT is such a tough game,it would take me likely 4 months minimum to be competitive.

    I like rpg's or similar because they offer me more variance on game play and a must is NO hand holding markers of any kind,not over npc heads,not showing me where to go,any game that still uses those immersion ruining ideas is off m y radar.
    Guess what Astellia does...yep markers over npc heads,good riddance to games like these.

    You wouldn't play this over BL3 mate. I know you probably won't like BL3 either cos you're just that way out, but you'd enjoy it more than this.
    just so you know, not everyone likes arcade shooters with a lot of useless loot so you can keep grinding after you finish the content.

    plus most will not touch b3 till its over other plataforms, astellia is as generic as they can be it was already done ad infinitum with pets, course most would complain because these games have a anime graphics
    FOR HONOR, FOR FREEDOM.... and for some money.
  • TheDarkrayneTheDarkrayne Member EpicPosts: 5,297
    edited September 2019

    You wouldn't play this over BL3 mate. I know you probably won't like BL3 either cos you're just that way out, but you'd enjoy it more than this.
    just so you know, not everyone likes arcade shooters with a lot of useless loot so you can keep grinding after you finish the content.

    plus most will not touch b3 till its over other plataforms, astellia is as generic as they can be it was already done ad infinitum with pets, course most would complain because these games have a anime graphics
    My point is that Astellia is especially bad. I know some people don't like most shooters. You don't seem understand that some people do, though.. which is why you're lol bombing your way through any positive comment about it.

    Hypocritical or what?
    [Deleted User]
    I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
  • Asch126Asch126 Member RarePosts: 543
    Imagine being so desperate that you pay for a headstart on a game like this.
  • UtinniUtinni Member EpicPosts: 2,209
  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,564
    The amount of negativity about this game on this forum is remarkable.  You'd think that DMKano is a short seller on the game's stock, if that were a thing.

    Apparently the game is bad because it's bad because... well, there aren't a lot of reasons given.  It just is.  Or something.

    Some of the design decisions look interesting on paper.  People aren't complaining about the sort of crashing and severe bugginess that could wreck even a very well designed game.

    There have, of course, been plenty of games that looked interesting on paper and ended up terrible as implemented.  But the sort of mockery this game is drawing is consistent with the game actually being good.  There have certainly been other games that were unpopular around here that I liked.
  • Asm0deusAsm0deus Member EpicPosts: 4,646
    I actually tried the game, during beta, and tbh it deserves the mockery it gets.
    [Deleted User]

    Brenics ~ Just to point out I do believe Chris Roberts is going down as the man who cheated backers and took down crowdfunding for gaming.

  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,564
    DMKano said:
    Quizzical said:
    The amount of negativity about this game on this forum is remarkable.  You'd think that DMKano is a short seller on the game's stock, if that were a thing.

    Apparently the game is bad because it's bad because... well, there aren't a lot of reasons given.  It just is.  Or something.

    Some of the design decisions look interesting on paper.  People aren't complaining about the sort of crashing and severe bugginess that could wreck even a very well designed game.

    There have, of course, been plenty of games that looked interesting on paper and ended up terrible as implemented.  But the sort of mockery this game is drawing is consistent with the game actually being good.  There have certainly been other games that were unpopular around here that I liked.

    1. Worst questing system period
    2. Crap dungeon design 
    3. Astels (pet companions) are the main focus and yet the system is completely underdeveloped and underwhelming 
    3. Combat is sub par
    4. End game consists of running the same small number of dungeons over and over again- zero interesting fight mechanics- you can single pull everything even in toughnest end game dungeons 
    5. End game bosses - HP sponges - zero to no tactics required just dodge cheap one shot attacks and whacka a mole for 20min on dumb boss
    6. The card system is a complete afterthought that was obviously tacked on after the game was done already - crap execution 

    Not going to go into performance at all because the core gameplay problems are enough to keep this game from being anywhere near ok

    This is what happens when you lack experienced game designers to put gameplay systems that mesh well together - go try it yourself and see what conclusion you reach after running end game dungeons a few times (if you make it that long)

    Finally the pace of the game feels forcibly slow.

    Imo the game is a strong 4/10
    So you're saying feature A is terrible, feature B is terrible, feature C is terrible.  Well, why are they terrible?  You could easily assert that about pretty much any game ever.  And the Internet being what it is, people probably have, even about games that are really good.

    I'm not going to argue about the endgame.  It probably is terrible, but then, so is the endgame for just about every theme park MMO ever.  Guild Wars 1 is the only notable outlier that comes to mind.

    I'm not against blasting games that really are terrible.  Here's what I said about Closers, for example:

    But I made a lot of very specific claims that would be wildly false of nearly all other games, not just something vague like "combat is sub par".  That's what I want to see, not just a claim that a bunch of features are generally awful.
    Mikehagunklacker[Deleted User]Groqstrong
  • bobbymcswansonbobbymcswanson Member UncommonPosts: 204

    Wizardry said:

    I don't think much of Astellia but i definitely would play Astellia over B3,a game i feel is very shallow and doesn't look good either.To me shooters are as dead as mmorpg's,nothing new same old different skin.
    If was going to play any shooter it would be the most skilled,toughest challenge and that is Unreal Tournament,an actual free game to play and basically designed by the gamer's.Only reason i am not playing it right now is because i am simply out of the loop for so long my skills lag far behind so would be more frustrating than fun.UT is such a tough game,it would take me likely 4 months minimum to be competitive.

    I like rpg's or similar because they offer me more variance on game play and a must is NO hand holding markers of any kind,not over npc heads,not showing me where to go,any game that still uses those immersion ruining ideas is off m y radar.
    Guess what Astellia does...yep markers over npc heads,good riddance to games like these.

    1. Borderlands 3 is amazing...the art style is great and the characters are wonderful...and how is it shallow compared to every shitty cookie cutter medieval crappy theme park we keep getting? You trippin

    2. Unreal tournament is not the "most skilled, toughest shooter" not even close to the mechanics required to be a top tier fortnite player....
  • cheebacheeba Member UncommonPosts: 196

    Wizardry said:

    I don't think much of Astellia but i definitely would play Astellia over B3,a game i feel is very shallow and doesn't look good either.To me shooters are as dead as mmorpg's,nothing new same old different skin.
    If was going to play any shooter it would be the most skilled,toughest challenge and that is Unreal Tournament,an actual free game to play and basically designed by the gamer's.Only reason i am not playing it right now is because i am simply out of the loop for so long my skills lag far behind so would be more frustrating than fun.UT is such a tough game,it would take me likely 4 months minimum to be competitive.

    I like rpg's or similar because they offer me more variance on game play and a must is NO hand holding markers of any kind,not over npc heads,not showing me where to go,any game that still uses those immersion ruining ideas is off m y radar.
    Guess what Astellia does...yep markers over npc heads,good riddance to games like these.

    1. Borderlands 3 is amazing...the art style is great and the characters are wonderful...and how is it shallow compared to every shitty cookie cutter medieval crappy theme park we keep getting? You trippin

    2. Unreal tournament is not the "most skilled, toughest shooter" not even close to the mechanics required to be a top tier fortnite player....

    I was with you until your brought up Fornite.  No skill wanna be shooter..  Hahah

    Tested over a 115+ games since 1997.

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  • CynehildCynehild Member UncommonPosts: 102
    Not hearing too many good opinions about this game from YouTubers. But am still hoping for a miracle.
  • GroqstrongGroqstrong Member RarePosts: 828
    edited September 2019

    Cynehild said:

    Not hearing too many good opinions about this game from YouTubers. But am still hoping for a miracle.

    I played both cbts i enjoyed it. It has some things that i wish were different but i will say it was a positive experience. The thing that will keep me in game is how Avalon pans out which is it pvp instanced zone like in GW2.

    Graphically its a 7/10, for me edges out Wow Classic.

    Questing is the exact same concept as in classic wow travel point a to b, kill object c, collect object d and return. Time to travel is alot quicker in this game.

    You can macro you skills and develop different kits for your char.

    You can min/max through gear rolls or directly on your attribute screen with special gems that roll a certain percentage increass. This mechanic tho i can see it being used to become P2W.

    Nothing grounding breaking just your tried and true "vanilla" mmorpg.
    Post edited by Groqstrong on
    bcbully[Deleted User]
  • FatGamerFatGamer Member UncommonPosts: 122
    I was a sucker who bought into headstart - yes I am that desperate. The streamers partnered are swearing it's better than black desert, this game, that game - I've never seen such fanboy streamers. I lasted 22 hrs, got to level 44 and will never play again. I wish I could get a refund. FTP in 90 days for sure.

    The Adventures of Fat Gamer -

  • CryomatrixCryomatrix Member EpicPosts: 3,223
    FatGamer said:
    I was a sucker who bought into headstart - yes I am that desperate. The streamers partnered are swearing it's better than black desert, this game, that game - I've never seen such fanboy streamers. I lasted 22 hrs, got to level 44 and will never play again. I wish I could get a refund. FTP in 90 days for sure.
    22 hours for whatever tou paid not bad. You go see a movie it is like 7$ per hour if you are lucky
    Catch me streaming at
    You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations. 
  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,564
    FatGamer said:
    I was a sucker who bought into headstart - yes I am that desperate. The streamers partnered are swearing it's better than black desert, this game, that game - I've never seen such fanboy streamers. I lasted 22 hrs, got to level 44 and will never play again. I wish I could get a refund. FTP in 90 days for sure.
    You bought access to a game where early access started yesterday, and have already played for 22 hours?  I think I see a problem here, and it's not a problem with Astellia.
  • FatGamerFatGamer Member UncommonPosts: 122
    edited September 2019
    Quizzical said:
    FatGamer said:
    I was a sucker who bought into headstart - yes I am that desperate. The streamers partnered are swearing it's better than black desert, this game, that game - I've never seen such fanboy streamers. I lasted 22 hrs, got to level 44 and will never play again. I wish I could get a refund. FTP in 90 days for sure.
    You bought access to a game where early access started yesterday, and have already played for 22 hours?  I think I see a problem here, and it's not a problem with Astellia.

    Well I appreciate your dedication to trashing the hardcore gamer demographic. That said, that's not me anymore. It was in the EQ days but that was almost 2 decades ago.  I meant I was 22 hours into the headstart, slick. Surely you have better things to do than troll other mmoers. 
    Post edited by FatGamer on

    The Adventures of Fat Gamer -

  • mussolinimussolini Member UncommonPosts: 200
    Here is the same haters from Bless? Blaming something what didnt even try? Yeah baby.
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