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I've tried to access the web site for the past two days and I keep getting an error: "The Page Cannot Be Displayed"...anyone know what's going on; as this is getting really frustrating?!
Geewhiz 27 Rogue EQ
Gollywhiz FFXI HUM/SUM/NIN Carb
hihi SOON TO BE LOA!!!
Why the hell can I not access the site, there's nothing wrong on my end; I wanted to register but since I cannot access the site....
this is off topic, but i have to say it
don't you love how i have been shoplifting from the local 7-11 for years but once they caught me they asked me to stop in a very threatening manner?
FFO - beRRyPockY
RO - Strawberry Pocky (chaos)
LoA - CuTiePoCkY
My Brute - Dare to challenge?
I know who runs mgame for LoA, but have no idea if he know's what he's doing! I saw his name in a different website stating that he's the manager for running this open beta. His name is David Shin and I believe he has access to the webpage for LoA. As of now I'm sure many players are upset about the error on the site, but David Shin did mention about it being released on May 11th and it would be underconstruction before the release of open beta. =D Rest assure I still think he has some bugs to take care off. Contacting him will not be a easy task, from what I know of. Enjoy Open Beta soon!
LvL 41 Knight ( Alliance)
Yes i can concur that i am finding it impossible to get onto their sight and it sucks cus u cant play unless you log on onto their sight
"Without funk, is there hope for panda?" -Derivative of Ishmael
A site for pro and recreational gaming.
If your read the mmorpg alerts, Think its called new content. Anyway says they gona be updating the game/site so they will be down 8th till 11ths blah blah :x
"Even now our game and web dev-teams are updating their work to continually make the experience for our users better. And in an effort to do so, we will be bringing down our website from May 8th to 11th to modify our site. We ask our users for their patience and understanding during this time, and we look forward to seeing them during our Open Beta!"
Yeah they are probably updating the site for the open beta release. To bad im from Sweden the game will probably not be avaible in another 5 hours^^
I hope when they bring it back for open beta, it will be even more awesome!:P
Sites not working whatevers though time to go back to CSS
If it ain't broke, don't fix it...
i can't get in this site either.
BTW: cmon its beta opening! get it to work!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know I want to see if this game is good
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Just saw that it was Natuko from Myth of Soma, Don't know if you remember.
Good to see a somarian^^
Enjoy : )
I've tried to access the web site for the past two days and I keep getting an error: "The Page Cannot Be Displayed"...anyone know what's going on; as this is getting really frustrating?!
I just got back from the news room section and it does explain the time for open beta on LoA. But yet I am a little optimistic about it's actual release time considering its 10 mins till 5 pm PT.
Im sure the site well be changed immensely considering the lack off days it was closed off ( been closed off for 4 1/2 days till now). But I try to check often to see if its back on!
Senior MemberLoA
LvL 41 Knight (Alliance)
Hiya Dom, Myth of soma will always be my favorite MMORPG even with its hardcore 2D graphics
. Only game ive managed to spend 16hours in a day playing! sad or what!
Anyway LoA site is still down - whats going on
Legend of Ares change of OB
Open Beta Delay
OB beta will launch on
May 12th 5pm PST
Client will be available for download today
Events/Changes for open beta
Exp for monsters ( level 1-40) will be increased
to 130%
Spawn rates for monsters nearby towns will
Special items will be given to those players
that participated in closed beta
There will be an item reward for those players
that reach level 10
Inviting a friend will allow you to receive
special items
There will be a website bug finding
contest. Rewards will be the same as
in-game bug finding contest.
The world is changed ...
I can feel it in the water.
I can feel it in the earth.
I can smell it in the air.