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next BIG mmorpg



  • AngelboundAngelbound Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 1,437

    What is Daoc I weas playing console and eq1 around then, and to me nothing is yet better then eq1 not even eq2.

  • YarosYaros Member Posts: 280

    Originally posted by Angelbound

    What is Daoc I weas playing console and eq1 around then, and to me nothing is yet better then eq1 not even eq2.

    DAoC = Dark Age of Camelot, good game with very good pvp (rvr) system, sieges and stuff like that. It's quite old (2001) but lately they updated most graphics.
  • Cpt.StubbingCpt.Stubbing Member Posts: 269
    YES STO will be GREAT! (see; Cpt.Stubbings post early 2000; YES SWG will be GREAT!)

  • Gamerchick11Gamerchick11 Member Posts: 21
    I like Legend of ARES!!!!!!! it suits myplaystyle:) and i can pvp too!!! i dono if it'll be the next BIG game, but it sure is fun:))).

    Geewhiz 27 Rogue EQ
    Gollywhiz FFXI HUM/SUM/NIN Carb
    hihi SOON TO BE LOA!!!

  • je7blackje7black Member Posts: 10
    my idea is so good its gonna make you wanna light your hair on fire and punch yourself in the face....


    Grand theft auto mmorpg

    there could be 2 factions, law and criminals
    different gangs for criminal side, fbi, police, dea for law side
    you could have professions like prostitution, drug making, bounty hunter etc etc

    rockstar send me my check

  • MontaronxMontaronx Member UncommonPosts: 273
    i think the next best mmorpg will be : Mass effect from bioware.

    those guys sure know how to make some good quality games ( altho i dont appeal to the sci-fi theme)

    i will try this one for real!

    other then that: vanguard, chronicles of spellborn and Gods and heroes make a good shot at the next best thing


  • silentstrikesilentstrike Member Posts: 7

    imho I think Startrek Online will be HUGE, either that or WarHammer online considering Blizzard stole a shitload of there stuff in the past it will be fun to see if games workshop can compete, I hope the master wins :)

    (there was indeed a courtcase settled between blizzard and gamesworkshop due to blizzard taking there ideas)

  • achesomaachesoma Member RarePosts: 1,773

    World of Starcraft

    Seriously, I dont see anything topping WoW in suscriber numbers especially with movie coming out.

    Preaching Pantheon to People at PAX  PAX East 2018 Day 4 - YouTube
  • joereed1joereed1 Member Posts: 140
    Possibly Warhammer, depending on the timing, hype, reviews etc If it comes out at the right time and everything looks good then people will swap over, and it's a growing market.
  • TomSteeleTomSteele Member Posts: 4
    It will probably be lineage 3, which will use the new quake engine i believe, making it one of the prettiest games out there.

  • Originally posted by Valant6

    Vanguard: SOH, absolutely.
    Indeed, they have the best developer team in the business due to
    their experience and individual talents. Alot of people comment on
    Vanguard (and a lot of other games for that matter) while being very
    UN-educated about the titles theyre slamming.
    I suggest to anyone that has doubts about Vanguard: Go read the
    F.A.Q. and their philosophies on MMO's. Then take a trip to the media
    section of their site and look at the screenshots. The read up on the
    world of Telon, the races, the classes, as well as the size of the
    gameworld and the different continents that all have varying themes
    (European, Arabian, Asian), then come back and tell us what you think.

    Yes! V:SoH ftw! 

    Originally posted by chaintm

    Huxley, Vanguard, Age of Conan, ST Online all have been
    mentioned multiple times on this thread. But to be honest, in the years
    of watching the industry, Each of these titles will get a following but
    I doubt any of them will hold a player base that is concidered to be
    Huxley- looks awsome, sounds great but in the end is a FFS online, while PS did well, it didn't break any records.

    Vanguard- biggest complaints in todays MMO's are finding themselves
    in this title, sure read the FAQ, it reaks of EQ being some of the devs
    are the founding members, People want new and inovative, not new and

    Age Of Conan - Concept awsome but theme? I think in the end the Theme will kill this game...


    Last, LOTR I think will bust, there are fans of the movies but there
    is no true historical fan base as you find in startrek , starwars etc.
    This game has nothing inovative and it's relying purly on the license
    to make it float. ...

    Bah, you hardly like anything   I think there are a lot of people who are looking forward to V:SoH.  Yeah, I can agree with you that it probably won't dethrone the wonder that is WoW. However, if you exclude WoW's unprecedented numbers, what is considered a large player base?  I think V:SoH can pull good numbers.

    As for the complaints you mentioned...I'm not sure specifically what you're referring to, but i suggest anyone who wants to really see what is going on go ahead and check it out for themselves
    omg! .  Silky has a great site up with lots of l33t infoz. 
    If you do, you can see that V:SoH isn't just a graphics update of EQ.  Yes, it is High Fantasy, and yes, big bad Brad is involved    But this is a diff world with diff lore and fun new ideas! 

    Of course, if you consider anything of the fantasy genre a rehash then...

    Originally posted by rmazin

    Vanguard: Saga of Heros for one reason.  It will be shipping with copies of Windows Vista.

    Hmm...I hadn't heard that. Was this idea based on Sigil's earlier arrangement with Microsoft?  If so, you might want to check out this:

    Originally posted by djpearce

    Vanguard will not be a huge hit, it is catering to a specific
    market not to the mass market. It will be too time intensive and too
    difficult to solo for your average player.

    Well, if by specific market you mean gamers who like a challenge...then I guess you're right.  If, however, you are referring to the misconception that V:SoH is appealing to only 'hardcore' gamers, then I  have to disagree with you. 

    Originally posted by Ammon777
    In my opinion, Vanguard will NOT be a big thing. It is catering to
    EQ-nostalgists, not to any other player sector. Corpse runs (again?),
    along with difficult gameplay and steep grinding... plus very limited
    soloing capability... will turn away most WoW players. Everquest fans
    will have a hay-day, though. Let me point out that soloing is a viable
    game style and to ignore it is a mistake; I sometimes group up with
    others, but usually with guildmates or when I happen to want to go into
    an instance. I predict that Vanguard beta will be extremely populated,
    and that about 200k players will buy the game, but it will not dethrone
    World of Warcraft, not even close, nor will it be the big next MMO.

    Making someone go on a CR is not hardcore imo    I played EQ (Its not a crime, really) on RZ server and did tons of
    CRs and I have never considered myself a 'hardcore' gamer.  Although, I
    can understand why some are hearing CR and getting this impression of
    V:SoH.  /poke WoW     /poke EQ2

    I'd also like to comment on soloing.  Where is this misinformation coming from There is solo content.  There is solo content!  I urge everyone to take a peek at the FAQ before making any final decisions.

    As for the other comments, see above responses

    /rant off   
    /equips l33t fire resist gear +999

  • paulkozpaulkoz Member Posts: 15
    lol yer i agree

    In california you can always find a party,
    In Soviet Russia the party can always find you

  • starkleystarkley Member Posts: 13

    Originally posted by ahard56
    The next big game will be dark and light. Easily

    Are you kidding? Hasn't that game already died?
  • AmaraoAmarao Member UncommonPosts: 650

    Originally posted by Tyzen
    Next huge hype game will be RFonline.  The game in Korea/Jp is super crazy hyped over there and when they hit the states in October...people will leave thier current mmorpgs.  Just my opinion and not a fact.

    I completely disagree with that, I dont even think the games that good.If any, Aion might be goood, but thats not for a while.If anything I say Warhammer.
  • ValiumSummerValiumSummer Member Posts: 1,008

    Originally posted by boognish75
    i have heard multiple rumors of earth and beyond2 , i am an ecstatic fan of the origonal and currently in swg, if anyone can confirm this i would love to hear.

    Why on earth would they make a sequal of a game that failed as an original?
  • theanimedudetheanimedude Member UncommonPosts: 1,610

    Originally posted by ValiumSummer

    Originally posted by boognish75 i have heard multiple rumors of earth and beyond2 , i am an ecstatic fan of the origonal and currently in swg, if anyone can confirm this i would love to hear.
    Why on earth would they make a sequal of a game that failed as an original?

    it didn't fail, they pulled the plug because they hit under 10k subscribers, which is rediculous.

    Frankly, ENB has a huge fanbase, and would make a great sequel (or even just a release with more worlds, etc).

    Lots of people liked it, the company was just moronic and thought 10k was a bad number... look at how flooded the market is and empty the smaller games are now. What a bad move on their part for pulling it ::::07::


  • OgrillonOgrillon Member Posts: 1

    I really hope something good comes out soon, I was sooo disappointed when SWG was ruined beyond the hope of ever fixing it again. I just can't stand WoW with it's cartoony cutie little gnomes (and the gnomes are by far the best dancers!) and I am to afraid to try DnL with all the bad feedback I have been hearing. I guess it's back to UO for me, for a little while I guess .... and so I wait and wait and wait for the next "big" thing to sweep me off my feet!

  • Iceman360Iceman360 Member Posts: 14

    JA, well the thing is im new to all the online RPG's just wanted to ask you Guys if you know any really good ones besides WoW. What do you think of the new up coming Warhammer RPG.

  • LemarLemar Member Posts: 9

    In the next 6 months - 2 years nothing will beat WoW just my suggestion. I'm not playing WoW. Bilzzard is also moving like the other companies so they are always one step ahead (thinking of their start in hispanic area, expansion ect.).

    A large crowd of people can only very slowly be motivised to move to some other games.

  • ishomishuishomishu Member Posts: 22
    My suggestion is Warhammer or Pirates MMO coming out in the fall. Thirdly would say conan has a good shot at it. Rf online is a tanking in the US.
  • ishomishuishomishu Member Posts: 22

    Ok I read some more on these other games and suggestions. RFonline will only do as good as FFXI did with american gamers. Remember WOW appeals to everyone from hardcore gamer to casual. Its hard to make that mesh work.

    The revolution is coming and the start of it is Huxley. MMORPG's will be left in the dust when things like QUAKE online or BF2 online become availible. The game will actually be about skill and it will have that PVP aspect as well as real time missions. Honestly MMOFPS is becoming a reality. Right now local phone companies are builidng out fiber connections to the premise. What does that mean to you. Well your internet connection will be alot faster and non dependent on distance form the CO (central office). I currently have it and pay 29.99 for 15 meg connection. This takes away from the lag issue in these massive worlds that prevent FPS from making it a reality. Huxley is startign this next gen off and replacing the planetside/wwII online games of the past. It is truly exciting to see where this industry is going. You know it going to happen because now in the current MMO's PVP is huge. That's what everyone wants. Unfortunately now that lvl 60 can crack my head open at level lv 10. Heed(sp) my words though, the tables are going to turn, and it will probably be in the next two years. Then that lvl 60 will get sniped from the hill over yonder with a one shot kill HEHEHE sweet revenge.

    For now though warhammer will take the cake since it is a real war enviroment with server vs server. It looks alot like wow and the only thing hurting WOW is that there hasn;t been an expansion in 2 years. I played wow for 2 years and just went to EQ2 because I wanted to explore somethign new. For now that's where I will stay till the fall releases of the new and exciting games. Maybe WOW will bring me back with something new I still have 3 lvl 60 toons there. 

  • tanminhtanminh Member Posts: 32
    im really lookin forward to priston tale 2 and Ragnarok online 2.  WAR looks good and all but the theme seem to hav been done already, human orc elf theme in a RvR already been done in DaOC. repitetion can only last for so long you know. well thatjust my opinion, im sure WAR would do fine in the US with all the die hard RvR fan out there.
  • tanminhtanminh Member Posts: 32

    double post*

  • xsr1000xsr1000 Member Posts: 11
    I would vote for The Chronicles of Spellborn or maybe lotro, TCoS looks very promising and 'casual' enough to have fun with it (no grinding and stuff). I hope they will fullfill their promises.

    But to think TCoS will kill WoW? Mwah... they don't got the money actually to have big advertisments.

    LoTRO though got the advertisment and the name... it could be possible for LotRO to kill WoW

    who knew

  • ganjhitsuganjhitsu Member Posts: 43
    Let see maybe Conan or Warhammer, will finally take a real swing at world of warcraft.

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