Almost 1/2 the kids in the U.S. under 5 are minorities.
Of U.S. Children Under 5, Nearly Half Are MinoritiesSome people in the U.S. may not like this. I think it's great. So we finally are becoming the melting pot. Once we get out racial hatred out of the way we can be a great new nation to show the world that different people can live together.

I know some groups are going to be a little angry about this. We'll just have to see how they ride it out. I'm sure with love and compassion for fellow man. lol.
I agree, this is a great indicator of how the US doesn't adhere to draconian citizenship requirements like our European counterparts do...
It is truly ironic that the US is constantly bombarded by the more 'tolerant' and 'progessive' EU, yet countries like Germany, France and the UK deny citizenship to Muslims and Turks... Always remember, if you are born on US soil, you are automatically granted citizenship...
Also, if these immingration protests occurred anywhere in the EU, they wouldn't have been tolerated as they were here in the states...
The European governments have always been extremely clever in their approach to social issues, but always have a double standard cleverly hidden within their logic...
After WWII, Jews were persecuted by the Germans, so Europe creates the state of Israel and give them a place to call home, just don't come to our country though they said... Most people don't know this, but Romania had concentration camps of their own, and they did it completely separate to what the Nazis did!
Anti-semitism was running rampid all throughout Europe, and here even in the states too... Eugenics was the big idea back then, but was too Darwinian for the mainstream America... However several European countries developed "Progroms" of their own discriminatng against Jews. Germany simply took it farther than anyone else did...
France says that all within France's borders have citizenship, real loose interpretation... But when push comes to shove, employers aren't forced to hire any 'citizen' and will always pick a "light-skinned" citizen over the arab "citizen" because of the lack of a definitive answer of what it means to truly be a "French Citizen"...
This history lesson is brought to you by Dis_Ordur....
Anybody been to I got there by accident and its all a bunch of White Supremacists. Sadly they have a huge forum with a bunch of people. They are really afraid of their white race becoming exctinct and so they want to build a new nation full of only whites.
They have a forum for opposing views and so I tried telling them how stupid the whole idea of being racist and how there are things they should be more concerned about than race (I went into more detail). Sadly all n00bs to the forums have their post reviewed before posted and so they never put my post up. I think my argument was too much for them...and maybe I was teeny bit offensive but their offensive to me...and i'm white!
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
We already are the "melting pot", but our different ethnic backgrounds get lost under all the labels. For example, I'm of German descent. Of my four closest friends here at school, one is Scottish, two are Irish, and the other is German... but when it comes to race issues, we're all "White". I have friends from Malaysia, China, South Korea, and Japan, but they're all "Asian". My roommate's ancestors came from Nigeria and my boss was born and raised in Zimbabwe, but they're both "Black".
From the ethnic perspective, Mexicans are near the top. With the exception of maybe the Irish, Mexicans and their descendents are the largest ethnic group in the US.
It also depends on where you are - nationally white people are in the majority, but that doesn't make them the majority everywhere in the country. I grew up in Baltimore and went to public school. I was certainly not in the majority there. I'm sure the same goes for LA, Detroit, Miami, Atlanta, what have you.
It's all a matter of perspective.
Most European countries offer you citizenship if you are born on their soil, or you have lived legally in the country for 8-10 years. There are also several special laws. Marrying a European citizen gives you citizenship etc. Like me: I have a finnish mother, that grants me a automatical citizenship in Nordic countries. I live in Norway, but I'm born German, and I have german citizenship, but I have no problem with living here under the "Draconian citizenship requirements". Neither has the rest of my family.
But ofcourse it's not all nice and shiney. Recent riots in France. Germany may start with some rather hard questions for people that want to become citizens. But I don't really understand how you can call it "Draconian citizenship requirements" European countries offer less people citizenship, that is true. But you must also remember that it's small countries, small populations. We don't have the space and population to manage a high immigrant rate. But percent vice I don't think that european countries are that bad vs the US.
USA is the "melting pot" of the world. Noone here denies that. The reasons for us criticizing you, is based on entirely different issues.
After WW2? WW2 mostly marked the end of the jewish hate, for most of Europe that is. Before the war jews where threated bad everywhere. It was the Germans that took it to all new heights like you said. The entire world wasn't happy about the jews. The Church didn't like them. People didn't like them. A exellent people for Hitler to take his angers out on. And for the record. It was the UN that created Isreal. Not only European countries.
If you want to become a french citizen, and aren't married to one, you have to fullfill these requirements:
You are at least 18 years of age; and
You can prove that you have been legally resident in France for the five
years preceding your application; or
For two years, if you have successfully completed two years of tertiary
studies in a French higher education institution (university or Grande
Ecole), or if you can provide an important service to France through your
This was a correct reality lesson, brought to you by Phoenixs.
its going to be a very world we live in when everyone finally becomes one race....quoting a comedian everyone should know about
"What will happen when there is only one race?" "McDonalds will shut down"
Most European countries offer you citizenship if you are born on their soil, or you have lived legally in the country for 8-10 years. There are also several special laws. Marrying a European citizen gives you citizenship etc. Like me: I have a finnish mother, that grants me a automatical citizenship in Nordic countries. I live in Norway, but I'm born German, and I have german citizenship, but I have no problem with living here under the "Draconian citizenship requirements". Neither has the rest of my family.
But ofcourse it's not all nice and shiney. Recent riots in France. Germany may start with some rather hard questions for people that want to become citizens. But I don't really understand how you can call it "Draconian citizenship requirements" European countries offer less people citizenship, that is true. But you must also remember that it's small countries, small populations. We don't have the space and population to manage a high immigrant rate. But percent vice I don't think that european countries are that bad vs the US.
USA is the "melting pot" of the world. Noone here denies that. The reasons for us criticizing you, is based on entirely different issues.
After WW2? WW2 mostly marked the end of the jewish hate, for most of Europe that is. Before the war jews where threated bad everywhere. It was the Germans that took it to all new heights like you said. The entire world wasn't happy about the jews. The Church didn't like them. People didn't like them. A exellent people for Hitler to take his angers out on. And for the record. It was the UN that created Isreal. Not only European countries.
If you want to become a french citizen, and aren't married to one, you have to fullfill these requirements:
You are at least 18 years of age; and
You can prove that you have been legally resident in France for the five years preceding your application; or
For two years, if you have successfully completed two years of tertiary studies in a French higher education institution (university or Grande Ecole), or if you can provide an important service to France through your talents.
This was a correct reality lesson, brought to you by Phoenixs.
I visited Germany two years ago, and unless some recent radical change has ensued, no, Turks are not allowed citizenship... And Germany has progessively floated more towards the right since I left, so I am almost certain this is still in tact...
We stayed in a Turkish part of town in Munich, while it wasn't as nice as the whiter places in Munich, it had a rustic charm I loved... The Swarma sandwich is delicious! Granted, we were there to study WWII, we also learned quite a bit about Germany, and my professor specifically stated that everyone you see around you in this area are Turks, they have their own parts of the city and are not granted citizenship...
Sorry P, I didn't make that up...
They are just really proud of being white. They are really proud and loyal of their white ancestors and they want to keep the white race going in honor of them. They hold a very big grudge against anybody like blacks, mexicans, jews,...ect because statiscally speaking they are inferior whether its because of money, crime, IQ, and so on. This isn't me speaking, it's
I also saw some children in there too like a 15 year old girl. Apparently Her mother is a member and now made her child one. *sigh*
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
So you think white people should be discriminated against right? As uh Karma.
We deserve it right? Us evil white people.
I don't see blacks in Africa welcoming whites with open arms, when whites move in their have race riots and kill em.
Do you see Japan opening its doors to integration? How bout China?
What do you think about my chances for employment in Korea? Think I'd be able to get a job?
Everybody wants the white countries to open up and let the whole world in, but white people aint allowed anywhere except Europe.
Everybody protects their own cultures in Africa, Asia, in Arabia you can't even be a Christian, you gotta be Muslim to live in Mecca and Medina, but Muslims can come live in Italy and Germany. Arabs live in Israel, but no Jews are allowed in any Palestinian areas.
It's like it's a crime to be white, we're supposed to feel guilty for being so rich while everybody else is so poor.
People seem to think America and Europe have some kind of magic water that makes everybody rich and successful.
They think if you move into Europe, reproduce, kill off all the white people, that its somehow gonna become an Islamic paradise and Islam will become a superpower.
When white people took over South Africa, it became like Europe. When they left, it turned back into Africa.
When Europe becomes middle-eastern, it will turn into the middle east, complete with Sharia law.
That place sucks. You can't argue with anything, they have their own Nazi views and if you have another opinion they just squelch you.
They are a bunch of morons who are told what to think and believe.
well keep in mind, the great percentage of people born in poverty remain in poverty. so even when hispanics have greater numbers than anyone else(and they will in the not so distant future) they hardly will be running the country. that time may come too, but its a long way off.
as far as the 'evil white people' whatever. if i take any black comedians act and turn it 180 degrees into the same exact act in reverse, im shot, blackballed, and censured because imracist.
the most famous baseball player of this era has stated on record 'i don't sign autographs for white people'. i bet 9/10 of you never heard this. now immagine mark macgwire saying he wouldn't sign for black people. think you would have heard that about a million times on every news/radio program for a year?
its horshit hypocritical double standard all of that.
i gaurentee you even when whites are the 'minority' we won't see a white college, you wouldn't be able to go with all the picketers and vandals. you wont be able to turn on some WET(white entertainment television ftw) donate a little cash to the United Whiteboy College Fund, get a job you're not qualified for because you're white. white males are already the most discriminated against in the u.s. im not a fan of a 'clean race' having both black and middle eastern(serious weirdness at that wedding) in my immediate family but i dont care. i probalby be called racist for this post because im white person saying it.
Yes Germany has floated more to the right the last years. Maybe one of the reasons they might add the rather hard questions for new people. There are "Turkish" parts in Towns in Germany. But that is not a intended thing. It would be rather illegal if a goverment makes special parts in a town for a certain people, I believe. You see this all over the world. People of their own keeping together in a new country. Usually a sign of integration not working out too well.
"Fear not death; for the sooner we die, the longer shall we be immortal."
So you think white people should be discriminated against right? As uh Karma.
We deserve it right? Us evil white people.
I don't see blacks in Africa welcoming whites with open arms, when whites move in their have race riots and kill em.
Do you see Japan opening its doors to integration? How bout China?
What do you think about my chances for employment in Korea? Think I'd be able to get a job?
Everybody wants the white countries to open up and let the whole world in, but white people aint allowed anywhere except Europe.
Everybody protects their own cultures in Africa, Asia, in Arabia you can't even be a Christian, you gotta be Muslim to live in Mecca and Medina, but Muslims can come live in Italy and Germany. Arabs live in Israel, but no Jews are allowed in any Palestinian areas.
It's like it's a crime to be white, we're supposed to feel guilty for being so rich while everybody else is so poor.
People seem to think America and Europe have some kind of magic water that makes everybody rich and successful.
They think if you move into Europe, reproduce, kill off all the white people, that its somehow gonna become an Islamic paradise and Islam will become a superpower.
When white people took over South Africa, it became like Europe. When they left, it turned back into Africa.
When Europe becomes middle-eastern, it will turn into the middle east, complete with Sharia law.
Man, somebody sure does know how to read into stuff and come up with their own conclusion.
We were discussing white supremacists. Not non-racist white folks.
After seeing the conclusion you came up with from what I wrote, and reading the comments you just made, I'd kind of start wondering where I'm coming from. It's good to do a little personal reflection from time to time. I think your ripe for it.
I'm sorry but I'm a little confused here.
When did this become a new story?
Uhmm... The 2000 Census showed that whites account for 45% of the population, which means 55% of the population is a minority. So, hasn't that number gone down? The thing is though, not one single minority comes close to reaching whites on numbers.
A Work in Progress.
Add Me
Not to worry....
In a short time the percentage will be more than 50% then they wont be minorities any more

"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
Geewhiz 27 Rogue EQ
Gollywhiz FFXI HUM/SUM/NIN Carb
hihi SOON TO BE LOA!!!
Geewhiz 27 Rogue EQ
Gollywhiz FFXI HUM/SUM/NIN Carb
hihi SOON TO BE LOA!!!
Where is the fun in that ??
Damn hippies!

"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
Bringing Chaos to your locale.
=P im half minority and half majority? XD
FFO - beRRyPockY
RO - Strawberry Pocky (chaos)
LoA - CuTiePoCkY

"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
We deserve it right? Us evil white people.
I don't see blacks in Africa welcoming whites with open arms, when whites move in their have race riots and kill em.
Hell, If I was african, I wouldn't welcome whites either, slavery, pillaging of resources, lack of aid . . . the truth is, whites are welcome in the more modern areas of Africa
Do you see Japan opening its doors to integration? How bout China?
What do you think about my chances for employment in Korea? Think I'd be able to get a job?
Everybody wants the white countries to open up and let the whole world in, but white people aint allowed anywhere except Europe.
Everybody protects their own cultures in Africa, Asia, in Arabia you can't even be a Christian, you gotta be Muslim to live in Mecca and Medina, but Muslims can come live in Italy and Germany. Arabs live in Israel, but no Jews are allowed in any Palestinian areas.
The arabs living in Israel are essentially 2nd class citizens at best, and jews enter the palestinian areas at will with tanks, soldiers and what not.
It's like it's a crime to be white, we're supposed to feel guilty for being so rich while everybody else is so poor.
People seem to think America and Europe have some kind of magic water that makes everybody rich and successful.
They think if you move into Europe, reproduce, kill off all the white people, that its somehow gonna become an Islamic paradise and Islam will become a superpower.
I don't think this statement above is quite accurate.
When white people took over South Africa, it became like Europe. When they left, it turned back into Africa.
When Europe becomes middle-eastern, it will turn into the middle east, complete with Sharia law.
No middle eastern country has sharia law, if you think Saudi does, it's just a scam really. Saudi is a piece of crap in every facet of the word.
To the guy who called Jesus Arabic.
And to call Jesus Arabic would piss off so many people it's actually hilarious. He was aramaic, but i'm not 100% sure it's a race and not just a language. Either way, hebrew and arabic both stemmed from aramaic.
On to stormfront, I've seen that website before and I'm quite fascinated by it. I always like to try to see how people think especially sides i'm not so familiar with. In all honesty, their arguments aren't so bad, they are just looked down upon by everybody else.
I fully agree with being proud of being white, but for some reason, hatred and racism and oppression always have to come with it. What's wrong with being proud of who you are, your lineage, and your history? The problem is, there is always a side effect of hating everyone who isn't you. It's just something I've noticed that comes with being proud of being white.
Also, I truly think everyone in the world is racist to some degree, every group is racist to others, it's our nature to put who we are above other people, be it on an individual level, a class level, a racial level, or a religious level. We always want to be better than other people for whatever reason.
You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.