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The news is finally here! Blizzard has announced the new Alliance race for their Burning Crusade Expansion... The Draenei. will continue to follow this story as it develops.
Jon Wood
Managing Editor
On the WoW main page there is a link to an article in the Times which shows the new race.
Please be smarter.
That's what would've really appealed to you.
I left 3 months ago due to boredum and a new class would have 0 effect on my interests in playing again. 10 more levels though, yeah, I might come back just to level to 70, check out the new continent, get bored again and quit... But a new class? meh...
I wonder what classes they can be, I'm looking forward to roleplay my ugly little Draenei hunter/warrior/rogue.
Don't Knock the Jock
New York Times Covers The Burning Crusade - Frost on 5/10/06
The New York Times' website features some new information and a brand-new gameplay trailer of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Head over to their site and check out the new material now!
But of course! How could I have not known reading the above that the new race was included in that article?! Silly me! Sorry!
Geewhiz 27 Rogue EQ
Gollywhiz FFXI HUM/SUM/NIN Carb
hihi SOON TO BE LOA!!!
The Burning Crusade faq notes that the drenai crash on azeroth off the coast of kalmindor in a dimensional ship. Somehow I think that this means their starter zone is going to look more like starcraft than old school warcraft. The idea reminds me of expedition to barrier peaks (gah, talk about nostalgia, double points for anyone who remembers what I am talking about).
Personally I think that the race looks quite cool, and as blizz stated in interviews players wanted to play a demonic race and this is as close as we are going to get. I would have liked a furry race for the alliance but I like the look of the drenai now, they're big, as big as tauren I assume and that will make for a nice ballance in pvp visually.
However Im not overwhelmed with their being paladins, so I will not roll a paladin drenai; but a priest might be interesting.
could there really be a first bad release by Blizzard? Sadly it might just be... ahh the old days of the old team, that was good dev'n. Sadly Blizzard has finally seen the $$$ and that has taken more priority over the quality they use to produce. Hmmm "greed kills" has more meaning here now then it use too.
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
I have to admit that I'm a little disappointed... The Draenei don't look like they're going to be all that interesting to play, its just another "pretty" race. Already there are guys talking about how hot the Draenei females are and comparing their figures to the Night Elf females...
The longer I play, the more and more sickened my inner feminist is.
Does anyone possibly know what the race is?
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
never heard of them in earlier games tho
Every game has a tale, only one has a legend, [color=green] The legend of zelda !!!
Do the names Kil'jaeden and Archimonde sound familiar? They come from the same race as the Draenei, except that the former allied themselves with evil and became demons.
Also, are you familiar with Draenor? Its the orc homeworld, and the Draenei lived there for a long time...and indirectly caused the Orcs' alliance with the burning legion.
So yeah, they've been mentioned before, but only indirectly.
I agree, by the looks of it you're right. I really did want a UGLY race to play and it seems we have the pretty versions of the Draenei.
I agree to.I hope this expansion give new style of this game.