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The Legend of Ares: E3 2006 Preview

DanaDana Member Posts: 2,415

David Shin and Noah Chang of The Legend of Ares spoke to us on the eve of E3. Jon Wood penned this look forward.

Today, I had the opportunity to sit down with David Shin and Noah Chan of Mgame USA, the company responsible for the new MMORPG, The Legend of Ares. David is the game’s Senior Manager, while Noah is the company’s Marketing Director.

The Legend of Ares, which reader may remember has recently completed its two phases of closed beta, is gearing up for their open beta phase, which will begin this Thursday, May 11th.

The premise of this game pits two nations against each other in a realm vs. realm style of gameplay as the realm known as Empire Nation goes up against its counterpart, the Alliance Nation. When asked which of the sides was good and which side was evil, we were told that neither side should be considered to be evil. The warring between the two sides is instead based upon the individual beliefs of each nation rather than the more traditional good vs. evil scenario. The game concentrates on this conflict (so much so that it is named for the Greek God of War), and we are told that the gameplay reflects this by focusing on Guilds and on their Warfare (PvP) system where players gather to fight the opposing side.

You can read the preview here.

Dana Massey
Formerly of
Currently Lead Designer for Bit Trap Studios


  • kraftwerk53kraftwerk53 Member Posts: 25
    be a part of the legend of ares community

    I am currently looking for moderators. There is a place to sign up on the forums, or you could contact me personally

    aim - weezer91101
    email - [email protected]

  • Gamerchick11Gamerchick11 Member Posts: 21
      I can't wait!!! the graphics look neat, and the pvp i hear is alot of fun :o).

    Geewhiz 27 Rogue EQ
    Gollywhiz FFXI HUM/SUM/NIN Carb
    hihi SOON TO BE LOA!!!

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