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The death of a unique and enjoyable game

MMOman101MMOman101 Member UncommonPosts: 1,787
Last night at midnight PT Atlas Reactor shut down it's servers.  I stayed up till the close, only game I have done that for, and so did many others.  The queue times were as short as I have seen them in years.  The community was somber and even a casual observer of the game would have noticed that many people enjoyed the game. 

I don't want to bog this down with reasons the game shut down, poor monetization strategy, but I want to make a point of recognizing the the people that made Atlas Reactor fun and the great time everyone had last night.  Without a doubt the shutting of the game down was literally silent, but the people who were there made a great deal of noise in appreciation for title they really liked. 

Thanks to anyone who was on last night for giving the game the send off it deserves.  Now we, people who like turn based strategy/tactics pvp games,  just have to hope for a private server. 

“It's unwise to pay too much, but it's worse to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money - that's all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do. The common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a lot - it can't be done. If you deal with the lowest bidder, it is well to add something for the risk you run, and if you do that you will have enough to pay for something better.”

--John Ruskin



  • lahnmirlahnmir Member LegendaryPosts: 5,060
    Thanks for sharing. No anger, no drama, just a nice goodbye. Its much appreciated.

    'the only way he could nail it any better is if he used a cross.'

    Kyleran on yours sincerely 

    'But there are many. You can play them entirely solo, and even offline. Also, you are wrong by default.'

    Ikcin in response to yours sincerely debating whether or not single-player offline MMOs exist...

    'This does not apply just to ED but SC or any other game. What they will get is Rebirth/X4, likely prettier but equally underwhelming and pointless. 

    It is incredibly difficult to design some meaningfull leg content that would fit a space ship game - simply because it is not a leg game.

    It is just huge resource waste....'

    Gdemami absolutely not being an armchair developer

  • pollard5pollard5 Newbie CommonPosts: 5
    Thanks and goodbye.
  • ColonizerJColonizerJ Newbie CommonPosts: 14
    This is the saddest post I've seen all day. May all the players who saw the game as their second (or third) home cherish the experiences they've had.  <3
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