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Streamers Don't Seem To Be Welcome On WoW Classic's PvP Servers - News

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599
edited August 2019 in News & Features Discussion

imageStreamers Don't Seem To Be Welcome On WoW Classic's PvP Servers - News

As the days wind down leading up to the launch of World of Warcraft Classic, the PvP community has essentially given a clear warning to anyone thinking of streaming the game: you're not welcome.

Read the full story here



  • MooncubusMooncubus Member UncommonPosts: 22
    Well this is disgusting.
    dragonlee66[Deleted User]WhiskeydustinfomatzjimmywolfAriesTigerGregorMcgregor[Deleted User]CelciusrojoArcueidand 2 others.
  • stebo104stebo104 Member UncommonPosts: 31
    if this does go through, these so called "hardcore pvp guilds" will get banned by blizzard for braking tos.
    GregorMcgregor[Deleted User]CelciusrojoArcueidbarasawaArlee
  • LinifLinif Member UncommonPosts: 340
    "... down to the fact that players are worried about streaming communities driving up the server population or do something dramatic simply to bring attention to themselves in the server."

    Well they're not wrong. It does seem overly petty though, is it because they don't want streamers to pull away from the power of these "... 4 well-known hardcore Pserver guilds..." or is it because streamers genuinely disrupt the PvP scene with their bids for attention? I'm not a hardcore (Or even softcore) PvP'r so I honestly couldn't begin to say. Can anyone shed some light on that?
  • natpicknatpick Member UncommonPosts: 271
    goes both ways imo,streamers have no right to spoil the fun of everyone else on server,granted its mostly the rabid streamer fans that cause the problems but streamers have a responsibility to control sure with some common sense everything will be fine.
    WhiskeydustSignexzerokaionAlverantder_bayer36GregorMcgregor[Deleted User]Celcius
  • HarikenHariken Member EpicPosts: 2,680
    The hate toward streamers is a growing tread and streamer have themselves to blame.
    RexKushmanDrunkWolfHatefull[Deleted User]MatimusmaximusWhiskeydustinfomatzmoroelSignexHalibrandand 16 others.
  • SandmanjwSandmanjw Member RarePosts: 531
    Sounds like BS to me.

    Doubt something like this would be allowed by WOW.
  • CaffynatedCaffynated Member RarePosts: 753
    dragonlee66McOdeninfomatzScotrenstaAriesTigerThuplider_bayer36KalafaxGregorMcgregorand 4 others.
  • BonejokerBonejoker Member UncommonPosts: 67
    edited August 2019
    this drama began when they gave a beta to pokimane who never played wow and people who played for years did not have the opportunity to try the beta.
    apart from the raid for the streaming that in some cases give the items to him but that is what they decided on the same raid, if you join a streaming raid the safest thing that the loot for streaming have reserved. if you have problems with streaming, just don't join a guild that has one
    Star Wars: The Old Republic
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  • DrunkWolfDrunkWolf Member RarePosts: 1,701
    I never understood watching streamers. I grew up wanting to play the game not watch somebody else play.
    MowzerHatefulllaseritdragonlee66MatimusmaximusdinognWhiskeydustinfomatzmoroelnomadieand 29 others.
  • KrimzinKrimzin Member UncommonPosts: 687
    Cool Idea for Bounty System.

    Just because I'm a gamer doesn't mean I drive a Honda.
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  • AnnwynAnnwyn Member UncommonPosts: 2,854

    DrunkWolf said:

    I never understood watching streamers. I grew up wanting to play the game not watch somebody else play.

    It's something that I do mostly during some downtime in video games. Let's say that I'm queued up for 20 minutes as a DPS for a dungeon and I don't feel like grinding mobs, well I'm probably going to watch some videos on Youtube or some Twitch streamer while I wait. Or sometimes it's just some background noise to make things more interesting while I'm gathering/crafting.
  • HatefullHatefull Member EpicPosts: 2,503
    This is awesome. So sick of streamers and their BS. Great move IMO!
    BaalzharonWhiskeydustSignexblamo2000ScotDrius75gastovski1zerokaionGdemamiAlomarand 4 others.

    If you want a new idea, go read an old book.

    In order to be insulted, I must first value your opinion.

  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    Hariken said:
    The hate toward streamers is a growing tread and streamer have themselves to blame.
    Yep i have lost a ton of interest,pretty much all the interest of watching any streamer and yes they are to blame.They are often arrogant and i just can't stand the suck up attitude to get money.
    To streaming a long time ago done mostly on Justin TV was to share the love of a game,NOW lmao it is all 100% about money with ridiculous fancy chairs and microphones.
    Streamers are just people but they do not act like themselves,they try to be something better than themselves,tons of bragging,tons of sub sub sub yada yada.

    I have never given any streamer a single dime and never will,they should pay me and others for making their channel busy.People actually make streaming video games a living lol,how sad that people pay others to stream a video game,not like they have to pay for the streaming service.

    If a streamer wants to share the love of gaming,sure great but in this case,all it will be is some shit talking pvp Wow ,look how great i am ,how great my guild is,that guild is trash etc etc.

    Remember all that talk about a toxic community,well here you go,this is Blizzard,condemns it but creates the platform for it to exist which is pvp.I even laugh at people who THINK i want to know what they played in Wow...oh I was a Resto Druid,good for you IDC.I played FFXI i played EVERY class how about that and we HELPED each other instead of trying to one up each other.
    BaalzharonWhiskeydustSignexjimmywolfHashbrickBalianWolfieAlomarDrunkWolfCelciusAalamrand 1 other.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • VrikaVrika Member LegendaryPosts: 8,020

    Krimzin said:

    Cool Idea for Bounty System.

    It might be really cool if voluntary players could install addon that allows you to post bounty on them.

    But if the victim isn't voluntarily using the addon himself, it's likely banworthy harassment if you try to systematically inform members of opposite faction where a member of your own faction is so that he could be killed in PvP. WoW PvP servers are faction vs. faction PvP. You're not allowed to systematically harass members of your own faction.
  • AldersAlders Member RarePosts: 2,207
    Streamers tend to promote themselves and their own community ahead of the server community. They contribute to themselves and their followers. I understand why they do it but that's not what old school MMORPG's were about to me. I completely understand not wanting to play with them.
  • VrikaVrika Member LegendaryPosts: 8,020
    I think an addon which ignores know streamers would be ok.

    But if this addon really does stuff like ignores their whole guild, ask others to download the addon, gives raffled rewards for people who download the addon, etc. I don't think this is even a Blizzard matter any more. It's a police matter when someone tries to organize a large-scale cyber bullying campaign and goes as far as promising rewards to people who participate.
  • TillerTiller Member LegendaryPosts: 11,517
    I find it kinda funny that the same millennial types who pull out there phone every chance they get and record people without their knowledge for twitter and meme consumption would have a problem with privacy.  I'm no fan of streamers, but wtf would anyone infringe on someone else's right to play a game? IMHO playing an MMORPG is pretty much like being out in public, if you don't like people looking at you, then go someplace else less public. They created this, so deal with it.

    SWG Bloodfin vet
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  • MythlaMythla Member UncommonPosts: 25

    DrunkWolf said:

    I never understood watching streamers. I grew up wanting to play the game not watch somebody else play.

    Which is what some other old person said when the first baseball game was televised. And football. And any other activity you can play yourself. I don't watch streamers, but I get it. It's partly social with your friends in chat, and partly watching something being done at a skill level above your own (like watching random sports during the Olympics.) Not to mention how much easier it is for Kids These Days to stay on their phones while watching a stream of a game, rather than playing it themselves.
  • aRtFuLThinGaRtFuLThinG Member UncommonPosts: 1,387
    Robokapp said:
    DrunkWolf said:
    I never understood watching streamers. I grew up wanting to play the game not watch somebody else play.
    I've been reading this for over 10 years on this forum. I don't think you ever will understand it....but some people like to watch football without playing it themselves.
    Football is a bit different - at elite skill level those players can do things that you can't even dream of doing.

    Streamers are just some normal people playing games - it will be kinda like going to which an high school league football game. What's the point in that if you don't even have a stake in the team/players/league?
  • nomadienomadie Member UncommonPosts: 172
    Please like and subscribe! Please love me! I just had to. I really hate streamers.
  • SignexSignex Member UncommonPosts: 319

    Wizardry said:

    Hariken said:

    The hate toward streamers is a growing tread and streamer have themselves to blame.

    .I played FFXI i played EVERY class how about that and we HELPED each other instead of trying to one up each other.

    Exactly why i moved to FFXIV, the community is so nice there and helpful. First time in an MMO i'm able to tank or heal with confidence of not getting shat on like in WoW.
    [Deleted User]
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  • SpiiderSpiider Member RarePosts: 1,135
    Wow inquisition. Sad.

    No fate but what we make, so make me a ham sandwich please.

  • blamo2000blamo2000 Member RarePosts: 1,130
    The people comparing watching someone play a video game to watching professional athletes play ultra competitive sports is just ridiculous.

    The correct analogy to streamers and sports is like watching your neighbor's tubby son throw a ball in the air and catching it in his backyard.

    There is a video game equivalent to professional sports - those tournaments and/or the best professional players competing against each other outside of money tournaments. That makes up like 1% of less of all the people watching other people play video games.

    This streaming shit is creepy and weird. I fully understand why people want streamer-free servers.
  • Holst86Holst86 Member UncommonPosts: 57
    "I hate streamers" is a very cringe thing to say... No one is forcing anyone to watch a person stream. And their supposed negative impact on games are mildly put exaggerated.

    If it's true I hope that the people that done the addond and people using it will get permanently banned. As bullying should never be allowed anywhere.

    People seriously need to drop the redneck "we don't like your kind round here" mentality.
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