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All the Warframe Trailers From TennoCon 2019 -

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129

imageAll the Warframe Trailers From TennoCon 2019 -

TennoCon 2019 is in the bag. Digital Extremes pulled out all the stops when it comes to trailers with a whopping five videos shown during the evening's events. We've collected them all into a single post for your viewing pleasure: The New War, The Duviri Paradox, Nightwave Series 2, Wukong Prime and Space Contest.

Read the full story here




  • gunklackergunklacker Member UncommonPosts: 247
    WarframeMMORPG the new web site...
  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,101
    WarframeMMORPG the new web site...
    It's not this site's fault that Warframe is one of the few online games that still gets meaningful content.
    SBFordFolmenVexiusxSovrathIlaya[Deleted User]
  • SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129
    edited July 2019
    WarframeMMORPG the new web site...
    It's the type of coverage that we provide when we have someone at the convention. 

    FFS...people are never happy. LOL!

    You have the right of it @Aeander


  • AvarixAvarix Member RarePosts: 665
    Such a good game. I think I now have more hours in Warframe than any MMO I have ever played. Even the old school ones like Everquest and Ultima Online. 

    It doesn't hurt that I like supporting DE. I think they're a fantastic team and I have no issues giving them my money.
  • foppoteefoppotee Member RarePosts: 547
    I've yet to try this game, but have always heard good things about it. Why do I punish myself? I think initially I just saw those helmets, or whatever they are, & that turned me off of trying it a couple of years ago. I'll have to research it & try it after seeing this recent presentation. I'd like to support a good F2P game, team, & company.
  • UtinniUtinni Member EpicPosts: 2,209

    foppotee said:

    I've yet to try this game, but have always heard good things about it. Why do I punish myself? I think initially I just saw those helmets, or whatever they are, & that turned me off of trying it a couple of years ago. I'll have to research it & try it after seeing this recent presentation. I'd like to support a good F2P game, team, & company.

    DE is one of the, if not the best dev team around when it comes to communication.
  • UtinniUtinni Member EpicPosts: 2,209

    SBFord said:

    WarframeMMORPG the new web site...

    It's the type of coverage that we provide when we have someone at the convention. 

    FFS...people are never happy. LOL!

    You have the right of it @Aeander

    that guy is gonna be really pissed when blizzcon comes around!
  • Asch126Asch126 Member RarePosts: 543

    WarframeMMORPG the new web site...

    Almost like Tennocon just happened and they're reporting on what they revealed.
  • gunklackergunklacker Member UncommonPosts: 247
    what they pay people to attend this event?
  • gunklackergunklacker Member UncommonPosts: 247
    Utinni said:

    SBFord said:

    WarframeMMORPG the new web site...

    It's the type of coverage that we provide when we have someone at the convention. 

    FFS...people are never happy. LOL!

    You have the right of it @Aeander

    that guy is gonna be really pissed when blizzcon comes around!

    Your not trying to compare Digital Extremes Ltd to Blizzard ?
  • VexiusxVexiusx Member UncommonPosts: 212

    what they pay people to attend this event?

    Get help.
  • GroqstrongGroqstrong Member RarePosts: 827
    What is Warframe like? Destiny or an actual MMORPG?
  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,101
    Utinni said:

    SBFord said:

    WarframeMMORPG the new web site...

    It's the type of coverage that we provide when we have someone at the convention. 

    FFS...people are never happy. LOL!

    You have the right of it @Aeander

    that guy is gonna be really pissed when blizzcon comes around!

    Your not trying to compare Digital Extremes Ltd to Blizzard ?
    That would be no contest. Digital Extremes gives the fans what they want and Blizzard gives them Diablo Immortal.
  • gunklackergunklacker Member UncommonPosts: 247
    edited July 2019
    Aeander said:
    Utinni said:

    SBFord said:

    WarframeMMORPG the new web site...

    It's the type of coverage that we provide when we have someone at the convention. 

    FFS...people are never happy. LOL!

    You have the right of it @Aeander

    that guy is gonna be really pissed when blizzcon comes around!

    Your not trying to compare Digital Extremes Ltd to Blizzard ?
    That would be no contest. Digital Extremes gives the fans what they want and Blizzard gives them Diablo Immortal.
    Didnt you Push Anthem down our gut? enough said
  • gunklackergunklacker Member UncommonPosts: 247
    edited July 2019
    Vexiusx said:

    what they pay people to attend this event?

    Get help.
    TennoCom  wtf is it and why?   Of never mind its held held in London, Ontario, Canada on July 7th , as South park would say 

    "Blame Canada"

  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    I tried this game twice and both times it was the UI that had me exiting very quickly.
    Now to be honest,i wasn't all gung ho to play,so my patience level was lower than normal,so maybe not so fair to the game but UI is a very important thing to me,i need to feel relaxed when gaming,especially in a shooter.
    I might give it a third try in the coming days.DE is a Canadian business so likely why they chose London.My fondest memories ever in a shooter are with the Unreal series which DE had a part in developing.


    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • gunklackergunklacker Member UncommonPosts: 247
    Guess i just turned into one of those old bitter poster,s my bad, Injoy your game, i am out.
  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,059
    I was just always so weak compared to everyone in this game...I don't know if I always got paired with P2W people or what....I'd say 3/4 of the dungeons I did the OPs would clear it in less than 5 minutes, and usually faster than that....I didn't feel needed so I left.
  • cmacqcmacq Member UncommonPosts: 331

    Aeander said:

    Utinni said:

    SBFord said:

    WarframeMMORPG the new web site...

    It's the type of coverage that we provide when we have someone at the convention. 

    FFS...people are never happy. LOL!

    You have the right of it @Aeander

    that guy is gonna be really pissed when blizzcon comes around!

    Your not trying to compare Digital Extremes Ltd to Blizzard ?

    That would be no contest. Digital Extremes gives the fans what they want and Blizzard gives them Diablo Immortal.

    Didnt you Push Anthem down our gut? enough said

    It was the failure of Anthem that got me to finally try Warframe for longer than 10 minutes. Needless to say I'm glad I did. @Theocritus: You do feel not needed when you first start but fear not you level very fast and much of it is quite playable solo if you want to do everything yourself. There is a reason 50 million accounts have been created world-wide for this game.
  • LackingMMOLackingMMO Member RarePosts: 664
    Warframe, very good and very underrated. I need to get back into this game.
  • ZoeMcCloskeyZoeMcCloskey Member UncommonPosts: 1,372
    Love Warframe, I need to get back to it.  Last go I was playing lots of Mirage Prime.

  • mystik13mystik13 Member UncommonPosts: 145
    edited July 2019

    I was just always so weak compared to everyone in this game...I don't know if I always got paired with P2W people or what....I'd say 3/4 of the dungeons I did the OPs would clear it in less than 5 minutes, and usually faster than that....I didn't feel needed so I left.

    When high rank players run low level content they tend to do so as quickly as possible. It is often more like a race.

    For the most part high rank players will be doing content that offers them rewards that are useful. The overwhelming majority of the starmap will be avoided. You could join a clan for new players and group with them.
  • BrotherMaynardBrotherMaynard Member RarePosts: 647
    I was just always so weak compared to everyone in this game...I don't know if I always got paired with P2W people or what....I'd say 3/4 of the dungeons I did the OPs would clear it in less than 5 minutes, and usually faster than that....I didn't feel needed so I left.
    There is no P2W in WF. You can buy cosmetics and convenience (additional gear slots and such) and that's about it. You have to grind stuff that impacts your gameplay, real cash is not used for that. Unless you count trading with other players, but there are easy ways to get premium currency by playing the game and then you can trade in-game for anything you want.

    WF is a very fast-paced game with tons of special moves and mods and especially at high player levels, when their gear is upgraded several times over and they know exactly where to go and what to do, it will seem too fast and overwhelming if you're new.

    Basically, you need a bit of patience to get over the first days - it's easier to learn the ropes while playing solo, you won't feel the pressure to keep up with your high geared team. Just switch to the solo mode, practice the missions, gear up and then switch to public again.

    This is probably the most accurate summary of a typical WF career.

  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    edited July 2019
    To me, railjack is whatever, but I feel they do a really good job with their story and it'll be interesting the approach they take the the adult tenno. Maybe tenno specific missions or something since the 'new open area' seems to be tenno only or something.
  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,101
    Ultimately, Tennocon is one of those things that has organically risen out of a passionate community built over years of live development and communication.

    Unlike say... Citizen Con, which is just there to fuel a perpetual hype and money orgy for a game which doesn't exist and likely never will.
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