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Pagan Online: Strikes Again -

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129

imagePagan Online: Strikes Again - adds Pagan Online to their growing list of published titles. Red Thomas dives into the game to see if it looks likely to live up to some of their other high-revenue games and explores what players might expect from the hack-and-slash RPG.

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  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,101
    edited May 2019
    While it is interesting and appreciated to get the perspective of a non-ARPG fan, please consider getting a Diablo fan to do the final review. A review colored by inherent dislike of a genre isn't helpful to the typical potential customer.

    It's similar to how the industry typically gets Musuo haters to review Musuo games. They all end up with low scores and there isn't really a helpful scale as to whether a game is good or bad by Musuo standards.
  • Red_ThomasRed_Thomas Member RarePosts: 666
    I'm not surprised people enjoy it.  Wargaming is really good at simplifying games and making them more approachable.  I've found that games like World of Tanks and World of Warships are good for those times where I have 30 minutes and want to have a little fun.   They definitely make fun games, or publish them in this case.

    PO just didn't get there for me.  Felt like it was just bashing a bunch of stuff, which feels more monotonous to me.   I can see how it's the sort of thing others would enjoy, though.  Take a genre that you like and add Wargaming magic to it, and you'll probably dig the result.
  • Cyber_wastelandCyber_wasteland Member UncommonPosts: 192
    The gameplay from closed beta was decent but lost interest due to the skins you could buy with real money, and seeing it has a 29.99 price tag going to pass on this one. It will be free in the later months if they are doing a skyforge thing and making it out to be an “mmo”

  • AmatheAmathe Member LegendaryPosts: 7,630
    Can you play it from the viewpoint of behind your avatar (classic point of view) as opposed to looking down from above?

    EQ1, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, GW, GW2 CoH, CoV, FFXI, WoW, CO, War,TSW and a slew of free trials and beta tests

  • berlightberlight Member UncommonPosts: 345
    edited May 2019
    Grim dawn still better in every single way :'(

    Beta tester maniac

  • Spriggen1337Spriggen1337 Member UncommonPosts: 276
    ive played diablo series for many years and an all round lover of that genre (not PoE i hate this game) and Pagan is a breath of fresh air to the scene it does alot of things right (especially movement) and i hope newer Arpg that are coming out take note of it. My only true gripe with the game is that legendaries are level locked to the white item u use to make it so it kinda makes them SUPER situational after u max ur level (ideally only equipping 1 legendary to get its benefits the rest would be purple items)
  • momintimmomintim Member UncommonPosts: 108

    Amathe said:

    Can you play it from the viewpoint of behind your avatar (classic point of view) as opposed to looking down from above?

    its an aRPG along the lines of PoE or Diablo., so no you cannot.
  • RobbgobbRobbgobb Member UncommonPosts: 674
    Movement was enough for me to say no to. I dislike WASD movement for this type of game. Just let me have a button that has my character follow my cursor. People want options for controlling their actions in games yet there seems to be a few games like this in past couple of years that don't want to offer different ways to move about the world.
  • AmatheAmathe Member LegendaryPosts: 7,630
    momintim said:

    Amathe said:

    Can you play it from the viewpoint of behind your avatar (classic point of view) as opposed to looking down from above?

    its an aRPG along the lines of PoE or Diablo., so no you cannot.
    Thanks for the info. Much appreciated.

    EQ1, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, GW, GW2 CoH, CoV, FFXI, WoW, CO, War,TSW and a slew of free trials and beta tests

  • supx2supx2 Member UncommonPosts: 26
    "Your unkillable avatar is explained away due to your divine nature and it’s said that this somehow limits your time on the mortal plane, but there’s no reinforcement of that in the gameplay. I think it’d be a little more interesting if they’d implemented some sort of escalating debuff over time. That’d match the story as it was presented to you by the old man who serves as your guide to the mystical."

    I haven't played the game but I can say with a lot of confidence that "the limit of your time on the mortal plane" is referring to when you logout from the game.
  • Germaximus_SGermaximus_S Member UncommonPosts: 1,061
    All the complaints are kind of stupid considering it's an Early Access game. If you're going to review an Early Access game you should treat it as one and not the final version.

    Jeremiah 8:21 I weep for the hurt of my people; I stand amazed, silent, dumb with grief.
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  • SpiiderSpiider Member RarePosts: 1,135
    Yawn. That's my review of the game.

    No fate but what we make, so make me a ham sandwich please.

  • epoqepoq Member UncommonPosts: 394
    I think a lot of people are just concerned about dropping $29.99 on the game now in EA when it'll likely end up being a F2P game with microtransactions. Being that it's, many Steam reviewers are "warning" that it is going to end up being completely P2W.
  • Germaximus_SGermaximus_S Member UncommonPosts: 1,061

    epoq said:

    I think a lot of people are just concerned about dropping $29.99 on the game now in EA when it'll likely end up being a F2P game with microtransactions. Being that it's, many Steam reviewers are "warning" that it is going to end up being completely P2W.

    It was originally supposed to be F2P and then the developers decided to switch it to a pay to own model.

    Jeremiah 8:21 I weep for the hurt of my people; I stand amazed, silent, dumb with grief.
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  • SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129
    All the complaints are kind of stupid considering it's an Early Access game. If you're going to review an Early Access game you should treat it as one and not the final version.
    It wasn't a review. It was one person's opinion of the EA version according to what he likes. If it's a review, it will say so and have a numerical score.


  • momintimmomintim Member UncommonPosts: 108

    epoq said:

    I think a lot of people are just concerned about dropping $29.99 on the game now in EA when it'll likely end up being a F2P game with microtransactions. Being that it's, many Steam reviewers are "warning" that it is going to end up being completely P2W.

    Its not longer going to be a F2P title which is why now they have a $29 price tag so a lot of thing have chance since the time i have played from the Alpha.
  • TheDarkrayneTheDarkrayne Member EpicPosts: 5,297
    edited May 2019
    This game is like a middle ground between an aRPG and a Gauntlet-style arcade game. It's like.. a hero aRPG... a mix between a MOBA and an aRPG leaning more towards the aRPG side.

     Saying it's like Diablo or PoE doesn't explain what it is properly.

    The main thing they have absolutely nailed is infinite, random content. As you progress you unlock more randomness to your randomness. The gear grind is solid and the randomness makes endgame way more fun. That's why an aRPG fan might really want to consider playing this; the random/dynamic endgame that will get even better over time.
    I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,101
    This game is like a middle ground between an aRPG and a Gauntlet-style arcade game. It's like.. a hero aRPG... a mix between a MOBA and an aRPG leaning more towards the aRPG side.

     Saying it's like Diablo or PoE doesn't explain what it is properly.

    The main thing they have absolutely nailed is infinite, random content. As you progress you unlock more randomness to your randomness. The gear grind is solid and the randomness makes endgame way more fun. That's why an aRPG fan might really want to consider playing this; the random/dynamic endgame that will get even better over time.
    Is the whole MOBA thing really a valid label? We associate MOBAs with set characters and small skill bars, and that is probably where this comparison is coming from, but there are a lot of things that define a MOBA, with the first and foremost being competitive arena PvP, which isn't really the case here.

    Anyway, you might have sold me on this because of the random/dynamic endgame.
  • TheDarkrayneTheDarkrayne Member EpicPosts: 5,297
    edited May 2019

    Aeander said:

    This game is like a middle ground between an aRPG and a Gauntlet-style arcade game. It's like.. a hero aRPG... a mix between a MOBA and an aRPG leaning more towards the aRPG side.

     Saying it's like Diablo or PoE doesn't explain what it is properly.

    The main thing they have absolutely nailed is infinite, random content. As you progress you unlock more randomness to your randomness. The gear grind is solid and the randomness makes endgame way more fun. That's why an aRPG fan might really want to consider playing this; the random/dynamic endgame that will get even better over time.

    Is the whole MOBA thing really a valid label? We associate MOBAs with set characters and small skill bars, and that is probably where this comparison is coming from, but there are a lot of things that define a MOBA, with the first and foremost being competitive arena PvP, which isn't really the case here.

    Anyway, you might have sold me on this because of the random/dynamic endgame.

    I mean the roster of characters you collect and the flow of combat is like a MOBA (it's got a more steady pace and you need to react properly instead of just spamming a rotation). Even your character progression and skill point choices are like your heroes in a MOBA. The content and itemization is not like a MOBA.. that's the aRPG side of things.

    It's like if you took the heroes from a MOBA and put them in an aRPG.
    I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
  • SolancerSolancer Member UncommonPosts: 121
    edited May 2019
    2 cents, grind for unlock char is the lowest form of Arpg content wall, I guess they will eventually slap that buy char for cash route. The worst aspect is fixed character design meaning lowest effort allocation. The classes char fix design is ok at best imo, if they went with char creation then it might have better appeals, so again char design will be the break it of love affair.

    Again I feel any RPG weather its Arpg or MMORPG character/hero/avatar is of highest priority, imo. If it don't look good/cool/awesome/badass, is there much reason to grind/play any game? At the minimum need good char design(prolly the TnA route). Most of the time is what can break it or love it for the genera, its arguable to some for gameplay but even then I feel "the looks" is more of primary driver to play said game. Reason why BDO is so well love, ( . )( . ) wise what else o_O no rocket science here.

    Off topic; BDO would do far better if they didn't have pvp and PAY lots for looks or else a hobo clothes to the end game for you, another reason its not "The Top" due to greediness I guess, this will always ruin all nice things in life. BDO intentionally have no visual gears element so they can SELL it to you for obviously reason which held it back to a great degree, after all the looks is what sell BDO to me and that is expensive as hell. SO without "the looks" what else am I grinding within BDO, not much else.

    Lastly, for RPG char customization is a must, gears/loots, skills(customization), and levels/monsters design in that order of importance, if you ask me. So I guess most of the time game dev will decide resource on Looks or Plays, even though, its really requires both like any other game, of course, limited budget is where the break or make the game.

    edited: Additionally, the looks is very important after all a rock is only impressive if the rock would shape like a diamond and that will be 100 times better, but if the rock shape like a diamond and glows and can shoot laser, oh my that's a 1,000 time more awesome. So basically, visual progression is key importance of the cool factor, however, the second its on the pay wall then it just lost the whole reason to play said game.

    To me personally, without the looks what else I have to look forward to in said game. Well of course, not everyone use "looks" as the core reason to play a game, but I believe that ultimately what we grind towards, well having lots of fun while doing it HELP lots for games anyway.
    Post edited by Solancer on
  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,101
    So, is the grind per character unlock as bad as say... Marvel Heroes?
  • TheDarkrayneTheDarkrayne Member EpicPosts: 5,297
    Aeander said:
    So, is the grind per character unlock as bad as say... Marvel Heroes?
    No, it's easy when you figure out the best way to do it or just search how to do it and focus only on that. If you focus on other things though it happens kind of slowly in the background. I wouldn't call it a grind, personally. It's just part of the progression system.
    I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
  • 44Magnum44Magnum Member UncommonPosts: 8

    Aeander said:

    So, is the grind per character unlock as bad as say... Marvel Heroes?

    No, it takes one or two runs for keys and then three assassination runs for char unlock once you have the assassination unlocked, Go through the story, I-V with a char learn the game and then do char unlocks with high level gear you can throw on your freshly unlocked chars and you don't have that D3 grind for each one. the read made this sound unbearable to do this, but for an arpg that what they are a grind. I have 25 hours in the EA and have all but 3 of the 8 unlocked. with no more than a 2 hour session at a time.
  • KajidourdenKajidourden Member EpicPosts: 3,030

    44Magnum said:

    Aeander said:

    So, is the grind per character unlock as bad as say... Marvel Heroes?

    No, it takes one or two runs for keys and then three assassination runs for char unlock once you have the assassination unlocked, Go through the story, I-V with a char learn the game and then do char unlocks with high level gear you can throw on your freshly unlocked chars and you don't have that D3 grind for each one. the read made this sound unbearable to do this, but for an arpg that what they are a grind. I have 25 hours in the EA and have all but 3 of the 8 unlocked. with no more than a 2 hour session at a time.

    It's not bad for the first few, but it gets awful later. Im 45 hours in and still haven't unlocked Valeria.

    The combat in this game is amazing, and I think that comes in large part from the WASD control. Trying to control movement and aim attacks with a mouse and the same time you will never achieve the same level of control/precision that you get with WASD. Same reason why I will never play a competitive shooter on console.

    I will say that it is early access and there's a lot yet to come but my complaints would be:
    - Very basic skill upgrade system, it's literally a line with a couple choices along the way, devs have stated there's a huge overhaul of that on the way though

    - The character unlock system is awful. The order in which you unlock characters is totally arbitrary, and if you like Morokh or Valeria well then fuck you because you're going to have to play 40-50ish hours to unlock them. This needs to change ASAP and they need to utilize a generic hero shard, either that or let you pick from the full roster up front. Lots of complaints about this to the devs though so I have a feeling it's going to change.

    - "Endgame" at this point is basically just farming gear which will get repetitive/boring eventually. I think this is just aRPGs though.....eventually you get sick of running the same things. At that point though, you just play something else and come back to it.

    Lastly, I don't know where anyone is getting the idea that there is any paying of any kind except to buy the game because that's it.
    [Deleted User]Red_Thomas
  • evolgrinzevolgrinz Member UncommonPosts: 151
    The game is indeed a breath of fresh air, just too bad it's blowing in the wrong direction.
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