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I guess Port has stopped censoring the SotA Steam page



  • Xee2018Xee2018 Member UncommonPosts: 169
    Kyleran said:
    Xee2018 said:
    Kyleran said:
    Xee2018 said:
    Kyleran said:
    Xee2018 said:
    TEKK3N said:
    Hluill said:
    I would love for this game to earn more of my money.  It's got some great stuff happening and a lot of kinks to straighten out.  I like the direction it's going.

    I cringe for it too.  I wonder if there is an economic model that can support a game like this.  News like this makes me think not, which is a shame.
    SotA monetization model is what let them down.
    It's a shame they never understood that.
    I was one of the first backers of the game, way before they started selling plots of lands and other stuff for real cash.
    That move totally took me by surprise and eventually alienated me.

    I refuse to play a game where rich people showcase their wealth, just like in real life.
    I play games to escape this bullshit.
    Port choose quality over quantity in terms of supporting their business model, but in MMORPGs you need quantity (lots of players) in order to make it a long term success, and the few hundreds whales playing SotA is not a good welcome card for new players.

    But even though in principle I am not inclined to play this game, from time to time I download it and I give it a go to check its progress, just in case it suddenly turned into something awesome.
    It didn't.
    It got better, sure, but it still feels like a collection of features rather than a live breathing world.
    Ultima Online, it ain't.

    So you play single player games ;)  all joking aside all MMO's people showcase wealth.   There are some games like SOTA with skin stores, and the rest are through grey/black markets where accounts, gold, and items are bought.  So there really is no mmo out there that does not have this problem.   

    If you named any mmo currently out there can googled the name of the game and buy gold you will see what I mean.  there is also playermarket for accounts etc.

    those that dont have it built in are just less transparent to others.
    Regarding showcasing wealth, I think the difference is whether one's real life wealth can be displayed in game from their cash shop purchases, which SotA qualifies.

    In EVE I'm sure some players have dropped big money, but for the most part one cannot easily discern them from others who amassed all of their ISK and assets from just playing the game.

    A subtle but important difference, at least for some.

    Hmm Eve, where you can buy massive ships, top weapons, stations, pay the most for resources,  who you kidding, Star citizen is the same money = best ships etc.  

    SOTA its houses instead of ships.
    People may buy PLEX to trade for ISK to purchase everything you say, but the difference as I said is there is no way to tell they did so, unlike housing in SotA.

    There is nothing anyone has purchased in EVE that I can't also have even though I earned all my ISK doing in game activities.

    Whats to stop anyone from buying the Backer items in game?  I have bought and tried every home using in game gold in game which was earned like you doing in game things.   So you can own anything the big backers got as everything is available one way or another.

    I can also tell you that there are people in the game that give away things to new players.   Myself I was Donated to one of the largest houses currently in the game.  mind you this person saw a request on the forums that I was looking to trade all I add to get this house and instead of having to pay they offered it to me with the understanding that I would never resell but give it up when I decide I dont want to use it anymore.
    Hey now, people often give away billions of ISK and assets in EVE.

    Of course CCP usually takes them back or locks the account if unavailable as the assets are often ill gotten.


    Glad to hear about your free house, but your example isn't typical I suspect and aren't you at least a Dolphin level backer considering the assets you offered up which I assume were considerable.
    I for sure was a Dolphin backer.  The game is not perfect, but has been the only game that grabbed years of my time which does not happen very often these days.  Played many mmo's for a life time.  most only end up being a year or two before I outpace the content.  this one i'm still motoring strong.   Building up a Name for my Magic shops and weapon shops.   Working with alot of people to build a community of like minds.  Log in , have a group ready or just solo as you like.  

    keeps my interest.  I dont pvp much and I know there are some deadly players that is for sure lol. but still play some of the pvp content from time to time.

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