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The Good and Bad of Anthem So Far -

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129
edited February 2019 in News & Features Discussion

imageThe Good and Bad of Anthem So Far -

I’ve been playing Anthem this weekend, despite some frustration I’ve had with its design choices. The moment to moment action of Anthem is top-notch. They’ve nailed the combat, and the verticality of the world is as interesting as they posit. I love what I’ve seen of the characters and learned of the world, but there are fundamental issues I have with the UI and some design choices. Here are a few high level good and the bad bits of Anthem so far, as I see it.

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  • alkarionlogalkarionlog Member EpicPosts: 3,584
    so the good is not the gameplay but the bad is part of gameplay? looks to me they still didn't learn anything from they mistakes, they still do the same thing over and over

    that for me is a insta skip on this game, if I was hoping bioware could deliver that is
    FOR HONOR, FOR FREEDOM.... and for some money.
  • JakeSimJakeSim Member RarePosts: 884
    I'm personally throughly enjoying this game. The graphics are amazing, the gameplay is insanely fluid and the customization is awesome. I typically don't like pve only games but this game has definitely grasped me a bit. Yes, it does have its issues, which I am sure will get sorted out.
    Sovrath[Deleted User]jdnewellThahartweedledumb99Maddog666HatefullinfomatzbcbullyVexiusxand 2 others.
    Please come check out my stream. All the love is appreciated! 

    TWITCH: @JakeSimTV
  • HashbrickHashbrick Member RarePosts: 1,851

    JakeSim said:

    I'm personally throughly enjoying this game. The graphics are amazing, the gameplay is insanely fluid and the customization is awesome. I typically don't like pve only games but this game has definitely grasped me a bit. Yes, it does have its issues, which I am sure will get sorted out.

    Tell us about the load times, because everything I heard is they are ridiculous.
    [[ DEAD ]] - Funny - I deleted my account on the site using the cancel account button.  Forum user is separate and still exists with no way of deleting it. Delete it admins. Do it, this ends now.
  • bartoni33bartoni33 Member RarePosts: 2,044

    Hashbrick said:

    JakeSim said:

    I'm personally throughly enjoying this game. The graphics are amazing, the gameplay is insanely fluid and the customization is awesome. I typically don't like pve only games but this game has definitely grasped me a bit. Yes, it does have its issues, which I am sure will get sorted out.

    Tell us about the load times, because everything I heard is they are ridiculous.

    I have the game installed on a 850 EVO (not the fastest SSD out there but not slow either) and average loading times between areas like, for instance, Tarsis and Forge is about 5 seconds maybe. Little longer going from Tarsis to a mission though, no more than 10 seconds.

    Not bad but the real issue is the fact that their is that many loading screens to sit through to begin with.

    Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.

  • MadFrenchieMadFrenchie Member LegendaryPosts: 8,505
    edited February 2019
    The voice acting and animations are great, but the characters behind them are fairly stereotypical and hollow.

    I read a (I think it was PC Gamer) critic that put it best: Anthem feels like Bioware got so butthurt about the facial animation memes in Andromeda that they went full-tilt the other way and removed almost all branching dialogue and player narrative agency just so they could pinpoint the facial animation to make damn sure this title didn't get gif-teased.  

    The flight and combat, once you get to it, is incredible.  Lots of fun playing the Colossus and running over enemies or raining down mortars.  Not so fun is the load screen into the Forge, then into Tarsis, then into the mission, then into a small area in the mission you need to go just to hold F then (one more load screen) as you immediately leave that area.  Bioware should've taken some cues from Div on that one; a smaller game world can feel bigger when you can run across the length of it, including functional NPC camps, without loading each piece along the way.

    Tarsis feels completely unnecessary.  The weapons are fairly bland in that there's about three different models of each type, each only essentially different on the bland "This one fires slower, but hits harder and is more accurate!  On the other end, this one's hits softest and is least accurate, but has the highest rate of fire!" kind of way.  The weapon types could've used a lot more imagination.  The gear and Javelin abilities are much better in this regard, though we still get a lot of largely identical abilities that merely swap out the type of damage done (fire/shock/physical/etc.).

  • 3dom3dom Member RarePosts: 889
    3 factions works fine in Warframe and it's not that bad. However there is a great diversity of missions in Warframe as well (defense, mobile defense, endless excavations, endless survival, hostage saves, stealth cache, etc) - without this variety Anthem doesn't look like it's worth $60 simply because it has like 30-40 hours gameplay total and zero replayability / end-game.

    Also it's lacking mini-map, text chat, map markers - as if it was released six months too early. Best buy candidate for August or maybe Halloween sales.

    Thank you for your time!

  • GendarkGendark Member UncommonPosts: 100

    The weapons are fairly bland in that there's about three different models of each type, each only essentially different on the bland "This one fires slower, but hits harder and is more accurate! On the other end, this one's hits softest and is least accurate, but has the highest rate of fire!" kind of way. The weapon types could've used a lot more imagination.

    Every Weapon gets a new skin at lvl 30 with masterworks, and also a new functionality that makes them more "varied", in addition the inscriptions in the game are really powerfull the same weapon can feel a little diferent based on the inscriptions alone.
    As an example I crafted 2 Siege Breakers (Whirlwind upgrade, the weapon new perk is that it freezes on 3 consecutive hits), one of them had +75% weapon dmg and -15% recoil, it hits like a truck, the second weapon on the other hand had +125% mag size +100 ammo and +10 fire rate, well it was like having another weapon.

    I think they are reserving the weapon and skill variation for the masterwork/legendary versions, a the moment there is only one Masterwork for each weapon but with updates we will get more with more crazy effects.

  • TheHiveLeaderTheHiveLeader Video MaestroMember RarePosts: 234
    edited February 2019
    Other than the loading times being a bit long, I've had no issues. Guess I'm lucky.

    Overall, I'm enjoying it and having a lot of fun.

    It has room for improvement, but I got pretty much exactly what I expected.

    I don't get/understand the hate, but to each their own. I'm going to go back to having fun now.
    Post edited by TheHiveLeader on
    Aeandermmoloublastermasterblack9iceDeadrites87[Deleted User]bartoni33cmacqThaharUngoodand 10 others.
  • JakeSimJakeSim Member RarePosts: 884
    Hashbrick said:

    JakeSim said:

    I'm personally throughly enjoying this game. The graphics are amazing, the gameplay is insanely fluid and the customization is awesome. I typically don't like pve only games but this game has definitely grasped me a bit. Yes, it does have its issues, which I am sure will get sorted out.

    Tell us about the load times, because everything I heard is they are ridiculous.
    They are. 
    Please come check out my stream. All the love is appreciated! 

    TWITCH: @JakeSimTV
  • Panther2103Panther2103 Member EpicPosts: 5,779
    I played almost all day yesterday again just to see if it could grow on me anymore, and I do have to say doing freeplay with a couple of friends was quite enjoyable (I usually do it solo).

    The story didn't get any better, and the characters still feel generic as hell and boring, but I was having more fun.

    I really really really really wish that they would improve upon time it takes to do things like opening menus, equipping gear, having conversations, and getting around the hub. That part takes away from the fluidity of the gameplay so much that it makes me want to just log out. Oh you want to change gear? Well go back to the hub, wait for that long loading screen, go to the forge, wait for another loading screen, go through 3 different menus for each piece you want to change out, and then load again getting back into the hub, and load again after selecting a mission. It's insane how long everything takes. I thought Destiny took a while for things, but this is Destiny times 10.
  • Pher0ciousPher0cious Member RarePosts: 535

    bartoni33 said:

    Hashbrick said:

    JakeSim said:

    I'm personally throughly enjoying this game. The graphics are amazing, the gameplay is insanely fluid and the customization is awesome. I typically don't like pve only games but this game has definitely grasped me a bit. Yes, it does have its issues, which I am sure will get sorted out.

    Tell us about the load times, because everything I heard is they are ridiculous.

    I have the game installed on a 850 EVO (not the fastest SSD out there but not slow either) and average loading times between areas like, for instance, Tarsis and Forge is about 5 seconds maybe. Little longer going from Tarsis to a mission though, no more than 10 seconds.

    Not bad but the real issue is the fact that their is that many loading screens to sit through to begin with.

    The real problem is that there are still people playing on HDDs. Fix your computer people.
    bartoni33GdemamiblastermasterKajidourdenMr.GutsyGobstopper3DBakgrindThaharMaddog666M1K313K0CKand 2 others.
    ('''\( ',.:.,' )/''')
  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,109
    I'm quite concerned about my PS4 version of the game. The loading times could be a real problem there. 
  • TheDarkrayneTheDarkrayne Member EpicPosts: 5,297
    edited February 2019
    My issues have been minimal. Mostly hate the loading screens, want forge stations in freeplay and wish the weapon selection screen was better instead of making you adjust the filter every time. Even though they made you a little faster in Tarsis it's still not fast enough.. and the high FOV there doesn't help the issue; makes it feel even slower.

    There's more enemy factions/types coming with the live service... you'll know later in the story.

    Sorry if that was a bit of a spoiler but sometimes you just have to correct these early first impressions.

    The loot gets waaay better once you start getting masterwork and legendary items. It really gives you that awesome drop feeling.

    The masterwork and legendary hunt is actually really good and satisfying. It changes everything when you realise just how powerful they can be. It is enough to keep people playing until the next bit of content comes along. You 'will' want to try get that awesome legendary with the perfect modifier roll. I was expecting to cancel premier and not bother buying the game properly until more is added but after getting a few top tier items.. I think I might just keep playing.

    Also, they have alliances/guilds planned. The alliance menu shows a pool for 'Alliance' that does not tally the extra coins you get from friends. The system is clearly in place, they just haven't activated yet it for some reason.
    Post edited by TheDarkrayne on
    I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
  • moshramoshra Member RarePosts: 400
    My issues have been minimal. Mostly hate the loading screens, want forge stations in freeplay and wish the weapon selection screen was better instead of making you adjust the filter every time. Even though they made you a little faster in Tarsis it's still not fast enough.. and the high FOV there doesn't help the issue; makes it feel even slower.

    There's more enemy factions/types coming with the live service... you'll know when you finish story.

    The loot gets waaay better once you start getting masterwork items. It really gives you that awesome drop feeling.

    The masterwork hunt is actually really good and satisfying. It changes everything when you realise just how powerful they can be. It is enough to keep people playing until the next bit of content comes along. I was expecting to cancel premier and not bother buying the game properly until more is added but after getting a few Masterworks.. I think I might just keep playing.
    Adding forges at the striders would be a great addition.
  • TheDarkrayneTheDarkrayne Member EpicPosts: 5,297

    The gear and Javelin abilities are much better in this regard, though we still get a lot of largely identical abilities that merely swap out the type of damage done (fire/shock/physical/etc.).

    The random modifiers become more important than the default ability on gear and weapon type when you're at endgame. When you're levelling it's really just use the one with the highest power. That ends when you start doing Grandmaster.. or it should, if you want to live.
    I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
  • black9iceblack9ice Member UncommonPosts: 154
    Also for the crowd that wants to spew hate, etc...

    980ti Water cooled
    8350K (4Ghz Quad core)
    16gig DDR4
    WD 500gig Blue SSD (game drive)
    4K settings on medium

    Not many performance issues except a low frame rate for most people. But to be honest here I paid little to no attention to this as it is barely seen (at least by me, I am not FPS sensitive and have a hard time seeing any difference above 45-50fps). Load times between zones and scenes could be improved a bit, but its not like OMFG its ruining my enjoyment in the game. If anything I noticed from running missions is the fact that people need to really slow down. I have ran quite a few and people are missing that chest over there, or crafting mats. Its like everyone is on a race to get to and kill the mobs first.
  • jdnewelljdnewell Member UncommonPosts: 2,237
    I have enjoyed it so far. Overall its solid and fun to play despite a few issues that need work.
  • MadFrenchieMadFrenchie Member LegendaryPosts: 8,505
    edited February 2019

    The gear and Javelin abilities are much better in this regard, though we still get a lot of largely identical abilities that merely swap out the type of damage done (fire/shock/physical/etc.).

    The random modifiers become more important than the default ability on gear and weapon type when you're at endgame. When you're levelling it's really just use the one with the highest power. That ends when you start doing Grandmaster.. or it should, if you want to live.
    That's good to hear.  I haven't gotten to 30 yet.

    If they focus on getting rid of as much of Tarsis and loading screens as possible, then provide a steady stream of new weapons/inscriptions/Javelins to go with some fresh new content periodically, they'll pull up back into line with games like Destiny and Division, who each went through this same kind of hit and miss at release.

    I've hinted at that elsewhere: I'm not sure if it makes this worse or better that it seems to suffer the same pitfalls it's precursor franchises did.  On one hand: it's isn't like this is any worse than Destiny or Division when they released, but on the other hand: it's got the same sort of pitfalls Destiny/Division did when they released years ago.

    While understandable, I think many of us hoped they could learn from the endeavors of their competition for our sake.

  • Panther2103Panther2103 Member EpicPosts: 5,779
    black9ice said:
    Also for the crowd that wants to spew hate, etc...

    980ti Water cooled
    8350K (4Ghz Quad core)
    16gig DDR4
    WD 500gig Blue SSD (game drive)
    4K settings on medium

    Not many performance issues except a low frame rate for most people. But to be honest here I paid little to no attention to this as it is barely seen (at least by me, I am not FPS sensitive and have a hard time seeing any difference above 45-50fps). Load times between zones and scenes could be improved a bit, but its not like OMFG its ruining my enjoyment in the game. If anything I noticed from running missions is the fact that people need to really slow down. I have ran quite a few and people are missing that chest over there, or crafting mats. Its like everyone is on a race to get to and kill the mobs first.
    The problem isn't the load time length (which is still bad, even with an SSD) it's how often it breaks up the gameplay. Lets say you load into a stronghold, but you don't have the loadout you want. You can't just go into your inventory to change it. You have to load into the stronghold, then go into the menu, load back into the main hub, then load into the forge, load back into the main hub, then load back into the stronghold. All to change one weapon. 
  • TheDarkrayneTheDarkrayne Member EpicPosts: 5,297

    The gear and Javelin abilities are much better in this regard, though we still get a lot of largely identical abilities that merely swap out the type of damage done (fire/shock/physical/etc.).

    The random modifiers become more important than the default ability on gear and weapon type when you're at endgame. When you're levelling it's really just use the one with the highest power. That ends when you start doing Grandmaster.. or it should, if you want to live.

    That's good to hear.  I haven't gotten to 30 yet.

    If they focus on getting rid of as much of Tarsis and loading screens as possible, then provide a steady stream of new weapons/inscriptions/Javelins to go with some fresh new content periodically, they'll pull up back into line with games like Destiny and Division, who each went through this same kind of hit and miss at release.

    I've hinted at that elsewhere: I'm not sure if it makes this worse or better that it seems to suffer the same pitfalls it's precursor franchises did.  On one hand: it's isn't like this is any worse than Destiny or Division when they released, but on the other hand: it's got the same sort of pitfalls Destiny/Division did when they released years ago.

    While understandable, I think many of us hoped they could learn from the endeavors of their competition for our sake.

    I agree but they have definitely got it set up in a way that makes it very easy to add new content.

    I suspect they already have tons of content finished and that's why the roadmap shows content updates every month. They are probably staggering it's release. Good for casual retention, bad for people like me who have stormed through it.. not rushed it.. but put in a ton of hours already.
    I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
  • cmacqcmacq Member UncommonPosts: 331
    edited February 2019
    I agree with this review. I'm having a ton 'o fun and will be logging in again here very soon. The load screens suck, I want a mini map dammit and I still have level one items in the vault. Why can't I right click salvage them there? Hoping for some relief with the release day patch.

    OK today I seem to be able to salvage from the vault. Ah nvm. I guess it was the default items from when I first started the character. I read somewhere you can't salvage those.
    Post edited by cmacq on
  • Maxstone1Maxstone1 Member UncommonPosts: 54

    Other than the loading times being a bit long, I've had no issues. Guess I'm lucky.

    Overall, I'm enjoying it and having a lot of fun.

    It has room for improvement, but I got pretty much exactly what I expected.

    I don't get/understand the hate, but to each their own. I'm going to go back to having fun now.

    As long as this comes up between Destiny and Warframe I'll be happy...Warframe was and still is my siren song even though right now I'm focused on all the good single-player games that came out this year.
  • Deadrites87Deadrites87 Member UncommonPosts: 94
    I'm having fun and enjoying this game, even with all the flaws this game has. I can fly around and explore in freeplay for hours. The map doesn't feel small at all and has enough varied landscapes. The combat is the saving grace of this game, it's the main reason why I enjoy it.
  • AvarixAvarix Member RarePosts: 665
    I ended up uninstalling it. The core game seems decent so I will check it out again in a year when they've fleshed it all out, optimized it, and added a bunch of content. For right now though it ended up being meh and I have other games that I rather play. 

    If you're looking for a giant red flag for why the game didn't appeal to me I don't have one. I had an issue with the amount of load screens and the time each one took, along with audio dropping for no reason. These were frustrating. If the game were better I think I might have been able to overlook them more easily.

    It's a decent game outside of a few bugs/optimization issues. A majority of the game is middle of the road. At another point in time that might have been enough to keep me playing it but not currently. As far as looter shooters I still haven't played through Destiny 2 and I would rather try that out. Anthem is a good, but not great, game for me. YMMV
  • alkarionlogalkarionlog Member EpicPosts: 3,584
    black9ice said:
    Also for the crowd that wants to spew hate, etc...

    980ti Water cooled
    8350K (4Ghz Quad core)
    16gig DDR4
    WD 500gig Blue SSD (game drive)
    4K settings on medium

    Not many performance issues except a low frame rate for most people. But to be honest here I paid little to no attention to this as it is barely seen (at least by me, I am not FPS sensitive and have a hard time seeing any difference above 45-50fps). Load times between zones and scenes could be improved a bit, but its not like OMFG its ruining my enjoyment in the game. If anything I noticed from running missions is the fact that people need to really slow down. I have ran quite a few and people are missing that chest over there, or crafting mats. Its like everyone is on a race to get to and kill the mobs first.

    and you shouldn't, you should notice anything lower then 30, and a lot of diference on moving from 30 to 60 if you raise slowy from 30 to 60 you shouldn't notice too since you will get used to higher fps before you notice, huge jumps is what makes you notice and anything lower then 30
    FOR HONOR, FOR FREEDOM.... and for some money.
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