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Kingshunt is an up and coming game currently in development at Vaki Studios. We had the opportunity to play through a vertical slice of Kingshunt with the developers to get a look at the game that is aiming for a niche not occupied by any other at the present time. How well the game progresses through development, through testing, and into release remains to be seen, but at first glance, Kingshunt seems to be onto something truly different.
I tend to agree, I like the premise however, lol it combines
two of my least favorite game types, MOBA and Tower defense, so hard pass for me, but I would really be interested in seeing the finished product. Maybe this game could change my mind.
If you want a new idea, go read an old book.
In order to be insulted, I must first value your opinion.
[Unreal Engine + Unnecessary Motion Blur + Obnoxious Bunny Hopping]
What is Ashes of Creation: Battle Royale
until : "G.D. twinkie-hole why did you put the turret there asdfasdasdasdfd~~!!!"
So, we're calling combining a couple existing things thrown together "something different" now?
> Healer, Tank, Ranged DPS, and Melee DPS
good luck balancing that for PvP.
Thank you for your time!
But it is always nice to se something new so ill check in from time to time to see how it progress.
Have not yet though. Maybe there is hope?
Nah there is really none for me or the human race.
"Unreal Engine + Unnecessary Motion Blur + Obnoxious Bunny Hopping"