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  • WenchesnmeadWenchesnmead Member UncommonPosts: 35
    Darksworm said:
    cheyane said:
    I think corpse runs are very important to building both fear and respect and it also allows you to interact with others more frequently. 
    We used to run through MOBs and die on purpose to get to groups in Sebilis, etc. in EQ.  We didn't even try invising or avoiding them, because the Cleric would just rez us anyways.  We just had to make sure we didn't run the train too close to the party.  This turned into a joke pretty early in EQ's history, and all you were left with were the inconveniences, time wastes, and frustrations it caused.  There was no fear or immersion.  Just annoyance which was directed directly at Verant/SOE because sane people see for what it is... a video game, not real life or anything related to it.

    Video Games don't deserve respect.  They're there to entertain us.  I think you need to go outside more and stop depending on games to deliver so much in your life.
    Darksworm , your response was beyond fucking spot on man. 

    I figured I would highlight the ending since with people attention spans they probably wont make it past the first paragraph of one of the most in depth repsonses I have ever read on this forum.

    Could not agree more from start to finish.
  • XthosXthos Member UncommonPosts: 2,740
    I am thinking it will be a EQ/VG hybrid, early visuals remind me of EQ a lot, but as EQ and VG (despite the bugs, had a new computer, so wasn't hit as bad as most when it came out) are in my top 5 all time mmorpgs, I am good with that.  VG had more crafting/harvesting stuff that I would like to see in the game.

    I really like the buying the game and sub, as f2p can get you a lot of people, but it also opens up a lot more botting and cheating, its harder to manage exploits, when its free to throw a exploit account at the server.  

    I haven't gotten too into the specifics, as things can change, and probably will closer to alpha/beta.  I have debated getting a package to get in, but I don't want to ruin my experience with the game either, so I am holding off for now.  Playing Archeage right now, but it has turned into a cheatfest with no oversight once Gamigo got publishing from Trion.
  • PalebanePalebane Member RarePosts: 4,011
    edited January 2019
    cheyane said:
    I think corpse runs are very important to building both fear and respect and it also allows you to interact with others more frequently. 

    There is however one exception I feel it will warrant just may be a summoning method by a necromancer for those circumstances where you will not be able to get your body without a full raid. I recall several particularly bad Plane of Fear runs where I even lost my level and could not get back into Fear to get my corpse. All the time the clock was ticking I was sweating and really worried I was going to lose everything on the corpses I left trying to recover the first. It was a horrible experience the sheer terror of losing the months and months worth of work I had put in to get those items including 3 solid months of one room in a dungeon which I was so sick of that I never wanted to see it again.

    I feel that the fear of dying has to be real for players to respect the world and the game.

    No maps although I am one of the most scatterbrained people where directions were concerned that I would constantly get lost and take hours to get to a place simply because I ran the wrong way for half an hour. Maps are cheesy they just completely trivialize the space, area and exploration aspect of the game. You need to learn the terrain and pick out landmarks so that your familiarity of the landscape gives you the pleasure of actually travelling through it. If you are spending your time engrossed in an overhead map or compass, you're not looking at the world. You are just moving through it without experiencing the world and that is a crime. If the world is beautiful and diverse it should take up your interest and create in you the desire to move through it while appreciating its beauty. People often complain games are too small... blame maps.

    I remember drawing crude maps of places and counting rocks and trying to remember the shape of the particular rock before the zone line so that I can run through it when pursued by some unrelenting mobs. I had folders of maps that  I printed or drawn myself to guide me through this massive world.

    The number of times I got lost in Guk were so bad my guild would make fun of me all the time and some even insisted I should never go there alone in spite of having invisibility. I recall so many times watching my invisibility blinking and dreading the moment a mob I cannot handle on my own sees me. Then it would turn away and I would quickly cast it again, my heart thumping in my chest. I cannot think of a single game that ever made me that afraid again.

    Right now I am playing Fallen Earth. The map is large but because I have maps I am not afraid of getting lost. I get lost anyway :p but I am not afraid. I realised I was not noticing things like power lines or huge constructions that I should be using to find my way about. Instead I check the overall map to make sure I am moving in the right direction. Maps diminish a world.
    I hear what you are saying, and I’m all for the option for players who like that. As someone who is navigationally handicapped, I’ll take all the help I can get, even IRL.

    Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,262
    edited January 2019
    Palebane said:
    cheyane said:
    I think corpse runs are very important to building both fear and respect and it also allows you to interact with others more frequently. 

    There is however one exception I feel it will warrant just may be a summoning method by a necromancer for those circumstances where you will not be able to get your body without a full raid. I recall several particularly bad Plane of Fear runs where I even lost my level and could not get back into Fear to get my corpse. All the time the clock was ticking I was sweating and really worried I was going to lose everything on the corpses I left trying to recover the first. It was a horrible experience the sheer terror of losing the months and months worth of work I had put in to get those items including 3 solid months of one room in a dungeon which I was so sick of that I never wanted to see it again.

    I feel that the fear of dying has to be real for players to respect the world and the game.

    No maps although I am one of the most scatterbrained people where directions were concerned that I would constantly get lost and take hours to get to a place simply because I ran the wrong way for half an hour. Maps are cheesy they just completely trivialize the space, area and exploration aspect of the game. You need to learn the terrain and pick out landmarks so that your familiarity of the landscape gives you the pleasure of actually travelling through it. If you are spending your time engrossed in an overhead map or compass, you're not looking at the world. You are just moving through it without experiencing the world and that is a crime. If the world is beautiful and diverse it should take up your interest and create in you the desire to move through it while appreciating its beauty. People often complain games are too small... blame maps.

    I remember drawing crude maps of places and counting rocks and trying to remember the shape of the particular rock before the zone line so that I can run through it when pursued by some unrelenting mobs. I had folders of maps that  I printed or drawn myself to guide me through this massive world.

    The number of times I got lost in Guk were so bad my guild would make fun of me all the time and some even insisted I should never go there alone in spite of having invisibility. I recall so many times watching my invisibility blinking and dreading the moment a mob I cannot handle on my own sees me. Then it would turn away and I would quickly cast it again, my heart thumping in my chest. I cannot think of a single game that ever made me that afraid again.

    Right now I am playing Fallen Earth. The map is large but because I have maps I am not afraid of getting lost. I get lost anyway :p but I am not afraid. I realised I was not noticing things like power lines or huge constructions that I should be using to find my way about. Instead I check the overall map to make sure I am moving in the right direction. Maps diminish a world.
    I hear what you are saying, and I’m all for the option for players who like that. As someone who is navigationally handicapped, I’ll take all the help I can get, even IRL.
    I too suffer from navigating in online worlds,  which is so weird as in RL I am phenomenal at navigating so games must be lacking something,  no magnetic field, moss on trees or other markers I apparent rely on.

    I am currently playing a new DAOC freeshard which provides very small (due to higher resolution of my monitor) map which shows very generally where I am the world and where my party is.

    It does not display quest markers or other fine details and I'm more than fine with it.

    This is so much better than the last freeshard which removed these markers to try and limit radar hacking. (Didn't work)

    Just one improvement I would prefer but who knows what they'll deliver.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • Hawkaya399Hawkaya399 Member RarePosts: 620
    edited February 2019
    bgzgamer said:
    This is coming as someone who has donated thousands to Pantheon... Possible bias here..

    I grew up with EQ1 since 99. The thing that has me worried is them giving in to masses. I have high hopes, but companies need to make money. How profitable do they WANT to be? Thats the big question. Yes, you c an be profitable.. but who is giving the "head way" to the business? Is some suit going to step in and screw it up ala blizzard? Short term big profits vs long term smaller profits.

    I think about it all the time... but hey.. i am just one dude.
    And you're thinking about that now? After donating "thousands to Pantheon"? This occurred to me YEARS ago. Too many examples in history prove these companies will throw a loyal player to the curb for financial gain (please note, the official  stance is always optimistic and descriptive, never hinting at the underlying motive, and always win-win for everyone and improvements to the game). This is why I put minimal trust in any game or MMO if it's commercial, and if it has to be I'll go with the smallest ones. This is one of the reasons I stuck with Wurm Online in 2012. It's small and they don't have as much incentive to "reach the masses". A small studio is in the right frame of mind when they try to do what AAA can't do. Doing what AAA does well is like wrestling with a giant. When they try to focus on niche features, things like corpse runs and no in-game map and extensive sandbox world, well, it's in THEIR favor. Yes, Wurm Online has those features and many others--except in 2014 it added an in-game map (no GPS). These things create a separation, cementing its niche position. This will only appeal to a small audience, but it's something they can't get elsewhere easily, so its value is perserved.

    I don't trust Pantheon because of Brad, and what I've heard in interviews from the team. They're very open minded about appealing to a larger population of gamers, and while that's a good thing for population, it's not a good thing for anybody hoping for some old school gaming or some harsh survival mechanics. My fear is this open mindedness won't get them the population they're hoping for and ultimately it'll end up like Vanguard with respect to a dying population and plummeting profits. If they have realistic expectations, plan their budget correctly and attract the right audience, maybe it'll work out. But it's a tough environment now. Even if you copy WoW or ESO or BDO, you're liable to fail. This is a lesson the MMORPG industry learned years ago when numerous MMORPGs, intending on copying WoW's example, failed or didn't get the same success.

    The difference with me is I EXPECT them to make attempts to appeal to the masses. I will play it anyway, mostly because I didn't play Vanguard, but moreso because of the spirit of it. By supporting them, we as a gaming community can have some say by speaking with our wallets. So for that I congratulate you.
    Post edited by Hawkaya399 on
  • DauzqulDauzqul Member RarePosts: 1,982
    I went to purchase a pre-order package, but found that they had a kickstarter long before I had heard of the game.      I hate seeing other people with items that I have no way possible of earning in the future.     Seriously won't play it because of that.
  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    edited February 2019
    say what??

    I do't share the one posters reasoning behind small studios,not even in the smallest increment.

    Small dev studios are small because they have no choice but to be small it does not change their mindset at all.The only time there is a change in philosophy is HOW the developer got it's money.If it is free handouts by dumb gamer's.then it is VERY likely to be mishandled or not handled as well as if it was their own money.

    There is no guarantee of a game coming good or bad based on the size of a developer but there is way more leaning toward the positive if the developer has the money up front and not forced to an early release.When i say "up front" that means the ENTIRE amount NEEDED and not the amount they can get from some kickstarter just to get the game going.

    I can pull out the game i typically pull out,FFXI and compare i to now a day standards.Sqaure Enix expected to go in debt for 5 years before hoping to recover their cost in building FFXI,that is not even yet making any profits,just a break even point.NOW? lmao ,now a days developers want FREE money up front,they want instant profits and for LESS effort.

    So in a rather short time ,game design went from being passionate to being cheap and fast and taking NO is unreal to me at how fast gaming has sunk to such low standards in such a short time.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • Hawkaya399Hawkaya399 Member RarePosts: 620
    edited February 2019
    Rhoklaw said:
    I look at it from a different perspective. Sure, EQ had corpse runs, but what of it? When you play games where dying is basically meaningless, then all that does is decrease the value of a successful raid. Who cares if you beat a Mythical dungeon when all you do is respawn over and over. Corpse runs teaches people to care about their surroundings and pay attention. I'll never understand those who enjoy doing dungeon raids while making sandwiches and watching their favorite TV series at the same time.

    I enjoy the slow and steady dungeon crawl over that fast paced, you need to keep up crap you see all the time in World of Warcraft.

    If you enjoy easy mode games, there's definitely a plethora to choose from. EQ and Pantheon are group focused and rightly so. Building a community of friends to tackle content versus being kicked from PUGs because people aren't interested in working together is precisely why I can't play WoW. Hence while I'll refer to games like EQ and Pantheon as games for adults.
    I'm responding to the boldest text.

    It has far less to do with multitasking and much more to do with amount of time and also the KINDS of multitasking. A lot of people only have 1-3 hours to play. And a lot of them are also married and sometimes have children. This often creates a need to multitask when playing, like to respond to a child or their husband. The combination of hte two means oldstyle EQ gameplay would be incompatible for these types of players. And these kidns of players are large in numbers.

    Don't forget the oldstyle EQ gameplay is also frustrating and tense at times. It  does require a lot of concentration in some dungeons, if you don't want to die. This can even happen in the outside zones. In EQ you couldn't just run away and hte spawn would rubberband. Multiple things could aggro. You had to be very careful. So the result is anybody who doesn't want additional stress in their life will also be incompatible.

    For players would played ONLY in tight groups or solo it was much less stressful, but my opinion is hte bulk of the population wasn't like that. I started in march 1999 and I played ofr many years. Most of the people I met were doing PUGs/friends and NOT soloing. Yes everyone soloed now and then, true. Most of us weren't experts. We were dying routinely and learning the ins and outs. Ther was lots of stress.

    This is why soloing and easymode is so popular. It's not because people are dumb. They just don't want stress on top of the stress they already have in RL.
  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,065
    I played EQ from late 99 thru 2005...Was a great time...i have no interest in going through it again though......I liked the group based aspect of the game and made more friends there than any other MMO, but it was also the downfall of the game....I dont want to log in and LFG for 2 hours, or be told my tank isnt geared well enough, or that I cant join the group for some other trivial reason.
  • MendelMendel Member LegendaryPosts: 5,609
    I played EQ from late 99 thru 2005...Was a great time...i have no interest in going through it again though......I liked the group based aspect of the game and made more friends there than any other MMO, but it was also the downfall of the game....I dont want to log in and LFG for 2 hours, or be told my tank isnt geared well enough, or that I cant join the group for some other trivial reason.
    Like their group has KEI already?  I can't (or won't) relate how many times I heard that.

    Logic, my dear, merely enables one to be wrong with great authority.

  • PalebanePalebane Member RarePosts: 4,011
    edited February 2019

    Arterius said:
    For a EQ Noob what is KEI?

    Koadic’s Endless Intellect, a group caster mana regen buff only the Enchanter class could cast.
    [Deleted User]

    Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.

  • DancwithDancwith Member UncommonPosts: 28
    I think issues Pantheon will run into include speed of gameplay, fluidity of motion and action, engaging gameplay.  Corpse runs WILL have to be a mechanic of the past.  Other developers have implements more socially and gamer friendly methods and the mechanic will not be worth it.  

    Eq1 had transportation issues.  Honestly, the primary reason i had a druid and wizard is because i didn't want to spend hours moving from one side of the continent to the other.  the first trip was ok, but the novelty wore off FAST.

    Competition for bosses was Fun, but if they have a HIGH subscriber base, they won't be able to do that tactic and expect to succeed.
  • WellspringWellspring Member EpicPosts: 1,464
    Dancwith said:
    I think issues Pantheon will run into include speed of gameplay, fluidity of motion and action, engaging gameplay.  Corpse runs WILL have to be a mechanic of the past.  Other developers have implements more socially and gamer friendly methods and the mechanic will not be worth it.  

    Eq1 had transportation issues.  Honestly, the primary reason i had a druid and wizard is because i didn't want to spend hours moving from one side of the continent to the other.  the first trip was ok, but the novelty wore off FAST.

    Competition for bosses was Fun, but if they have a HIGH subscriber base, they won't be able to do that tactic and expect to succeed.
    Which of these MMORPGs, with the "more gamer friendly methods", are you currently enjoying?

    As for me, there aren't any new MMOs that I can tolerate, so I don't play any of them. The so-called "issues" are the mechanics I look forward to most in Pantheon. 
  • DancwithDancwith Member UncommonPosts: 28
    Dancwith said:
    I think issues Pantheon will run into include speed of gameplay, fluidity of motion and action, engaging gameplay.  Corpse runs WILL have to be a mechanic of the past.  Other developers have implements more socially and gamer friendly methods and the mechanic will not be worth it.  

    Eq1 had transportation issues.  Honestly, the primary reason i had a druid and wizard is because i didn't want to spend hours moving from one side of the continent to the other.  the first trip was ok, but the novelty wore off FAST.

    Competition for bosses was Fun, but if they have a HIGH subscriber base, they won't be able to do that tactic and expect to succeed.
    Which of these MMORPGs, with the "more gamer friendly methods", are you currently enjoying?

    As for me, there aren't any new MMOs that I can tolerate, so I don't play any of them. The so-called "issues" are the mechanics I look forward to most in Pantheon. 
    Pick one.  I have done and played all of them (not kidding).  Fact is, do you want to spend 30-50 mins running back to your body because the wind made your power flicker, or do you want to be able to recover and be progressing through the story or w/e your piece of pie. 

    as far as fluid of motion -  When i quit EQ1, which was gates of discord i think, i moved onto DAOC for a while before WoW released.  The Biggest, Most influential attention getting for me, what the combat and movement actions.  The immersion was stronger because i could relate and react in realtime to a somewhat realistic response on my character.  Oh, and if i died, at most i lost some experience BUT i could be back playing with my buddies in a fraction of the time it took me to return in EQ1.  

    Don't get me wrong.  EQ1 was my first and probably most memorable love in the MMO genre, but, there are things newer franchises did better and that got them the subscriber base.

    I don't know about you, but i did NOT enjoy that part of the game. 
  • svannsvann Member RarePosts: 2,230
    Corpse runs should be about saving yourself from xp loss, and not about possibly losing all your gear.  It should be a choice you make.  Do I summon my corpse and lose 10% xp or do I make the run.  If its about losing gear then there is no choice at all.
  • SephirosoSephiroso Member RarePosts: 2,020
    svann said:
    I agree.  There needs to be a middle ground on corpse runs.  Another method of corpse recovery.
    That middle ground is simple. Experience should be precious. Like Ragnarok leveling. No need to do a corpse run, but if you die you lose a large chunk of exp. Lower levels, won't matter that much, but once you start getting higher, you start losing hours and hours of grinding per death. That is meaningful. Also have a potential of de-leveling.

    Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!

  • SephirosoSephiroso Member RarePosts: 2,020
    edited February 2019
    Scot said:
    If they are going to have corpse runs that does sound as if they are keeping in old school gameplay without thinking of the effect that will have. I assumed this was not just going to be a copy and paste exercise from EQ1. Not everything about old school is better than what we have now and that's pretty obvious.
    I'd go as far as to say most thing's from old school gameplay is not better than what we have now. Only things i can think of that were better is quest design philosophy, role play opportunities, player freedom and class design. Everything else, we've improved on.

    Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!

  • LackingMMOLackingMMO Member RarePosts: 664
    eq1 and 2 vet here. Don't see any negatives yet cause I haven't played it to see how things work in this world. I personally do not see the death penalty or corpse runs as a negative, lets see if the adult me will agree with the younger me.
  • WellspringWellspring Member EpicPosts: 1,464
    Corpse runs != permanent gear loss. 

    For example, after a few days if you fail to recover your corpse, it appears at a grave yard zone for you to retrieve. This is how EQ1 did it after a while. 
  • AmatheAmathe Member LegendaryPosts: 7,630
    Corpse runs != permanent gear loss. 

    For example, after a few days if you fail to recover your corpse, it appears at a grave yard zone for you to retrieve. This is how EQ1 did it after a while. 
    I can't swear to this, because it has been a long, long time. But I think that was introduced in the Planes of Power expansion, and I think it was just for raid zones. 

    EQ1, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, GW, GW2 CoH, CoV, FFXI, WoW, CO, War,TSW and a slew of free trials and beta tests

  • RedecRedec Member UncommonPosts: 43
    Nothing like getting dead in the Plane of Hate and having to retrieve crappy gear from the bank to hopefully get your crap back. Good times
  • MendelMendel Member LegendaryPosts: 5,609
    Amathe said:
    Corpse runs != permanent gear loss. 

    For example, after a few days if you fail to recover your corpse, it appears at a grave yard zone for you to retrieve. This is how EQ1 did it after a while. 
    I can't swear to this, because it has been a long, long time. But I think that was introduced in the Planes of Power expansion, and I think it was just for raid zones. 
    There was also Shadowhaven which worked for all zones.  I don't remember if it was before or after PoP, though.

    Initially, if you couldn't get your corpse back, it *was* possible to lose your gear.  The corpse could fall through the world and could not be summoned by a player character.   The corpse would also expire after some set time (48 hours, I *think*) and if it weren't looted by then, it was gone.  More likely cause of gear loss was the /consent command.  Originally, /consent allowed another player to loot the corpse as well as drag it.  Too many people I knew gave /consent to the wrong people.  Far more people whined, complained and spammed the EQ forums complaining about they had lost a full set of banded mail.  I never had a problem, but I was happy when SOE changed that.

    Logic, my dear, merely enables one to be wrong with great authority.

  • Mylan12Mylan12 Member UncommonPosts: 288
    edited February 2019
    Redec said:
    Nothing like getting dead in the Plane of Hate and having to retrieve crappy gear from the bank to hopefully get your crap back. Good times
    Only way I see this being a problem was if you lost your internet connection and could not be res back into the zone.

    Mendel said:
    Amathe said:
    Corpse runs != permanent gear loss. 

    For example, after a few days if you fail to recover your corpse, it appears at a grave yard zone for you to retrieve. This is how EQ1 did it after a while. 
    I can't swear to this, because it has been a long, long time. But I think that was introduced in the Planes of Power expansion, and I think it was just for raid zones. 
    There was also Shadowhaven which worked for all zones.  I don't remember if it was before or after PoP, though.

    Initially, if you couldn't get your corpse back, it *was* possible to lose your gear.  The corpse could fall through the world and could not be summoned by a player character.   The corpse would also expire after some set time (48 hours, I *think*) and if it weren't looted by then, it was gone.  More likely cause of gear loss was the /consent command.  Originally, /consent allowed another player to loot the corpse as well as drag it.  Too many people I knew gave /consent to the wrong people.  Far more people whined, complained and spammed the EQ forums complaining about they had lost a full set of banded mail.  I never had a problem, but I was happy when SOE changed that.

    I wished that I could have given select people permanent consent to drag my corpse in EQ especially for raids.
     I once did a complete hate raid as a corpse. I was dragged along by a cleric and res if any bard stuff dropped. This was went verdant messed up on an update by a decimal point or so they say and made bards super agro magnets.

    I have my doubts that they have permanent gear loss part of the death loss in this game but I can see corpse recovery being part of it to either recover more experience back or maybe get you items back quicker. Then again they have probably not decided yet so guess we see.

    Only time I came close to losing my corpse in EQ was due to a game bug which the GMs should have addressed but wouldn't.  Luckily the servers zerg guild leader also got caught in the same bug and they sent a half dozen groups into the dungeon at once and apparently cleared the bugged mobs at the zone in or crashed the zone one.
  • AmatheAmathe Member LegendaryPosts: 7,630
    I never lost my corpse permanently in EQ.  I lost it temporarily quite a few times. And I worried about losing it all the time lol.  That is because my job required a lot of extended travel back then. What if I died right before having to log off and leave town?

    EQ1, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, GW, GW2 CoH, CoV, FFXI, WoW, CO, War,TSW and a slew of free trials and beta tests

  • Scott23Scott23 Member UncommonPosts: 293
    Mylan12 said:
     I once did a complete hate raid as a corpse. I was dragged along by a cleric and res if any bard stuff dropped. This was went verdant messed up on an update by a decimal point or so they say and made bards super agro magnets.

    I did one of those too.  I was in Hate right after that patch.  Two pieces of bard gear dropped and at the end I was one death away from de-leveling when we were done.  I was sweating bullets

    (For those that don't know - you couldn't enter the plane of hate or fear if you were not level 50 - when we finally left I think I was level 50 by about 100 exp.)
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