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To people looking to play classic

danwest58danwest58 Member RarePosts: 2,012
I put this in the guild section yesterday but no one looked a it so I put this in the wrong area.

I am just asking to see if there are other like minded players out there like me that come classic will be looking for this kind of guild that I am considering running.   I know we are around 8 months before launch with that said I just want to get a feel for what is out there right now.   

I am considering running a guild that focuses on helping new and returning players play in classic because a lot of people forgot that you need to be careful of your pulls, you need to CC and the slower pace of the game.  With this guild if there is enough interest we will do 20 man raiding and if we have enough people 40 man raiding.  With that said it will be a causal schedule 2 days a week max because I want to play with adults like myself that cant dedicate 3+ nights raiding every week.  I also want like minded people that agree that no raiding or end game will be done for the first 6 months because the slower pace of leveling, and we want to play the game like it should be played as a journey not as a treadmill.   I dont want to say its a casual guild because NO I dont want a guild chat which is what a lot of casual guilds are today, I want a guild that has members who will make time a few days a week to do dungeons, some twink PVP, walk all the way to discolace together and all the while having a good time on discord.   

I am looking to do this on an (NA ET) (PVE) server as Alliance.  I am just wondering if there is enough like minded players out there that would fit with 5 to 10 of my friends who are going to be playing classic.   


  • C.L.O.U.DC.L.O.U.D Member UncommonPosts: 365
    I'm sure there are plenty of people like this for classic. The people who still play classic servers have been in my opinion, more helpful and decent than all the newer players who just want to grab gear and move on. That just might be because you actually need to act as a community to get things done with how classic is. I mean shit, I never even joined a guild in the past 2 expansions and I cleared all normal, heroic, and a good amount of the mythic content. 

    I'm looking forward to classic coming back, and hope that it can sustain a player base. 
  • MadFrenchieMadFrenchie Member LegendaryPosts: 8,505
    I'll at least try out classic when it launches.  And one of the first things I like to do is try to find a guild of like-minded folks.  As such, when the time nears, I'd be down to join a guild based here at

  • delete5230delete5230 Member EpicPosts: 7,081
    I'll at least try out classic when it launches.  And one of the first things I like to do is try to find a guild of like-minded folks.  As such, when the time nears, I'd be down to join a guild based here at
    For years now I've been playing Vanilla I could always play it for free.  But to show support I may subscribe when released.... I LOVE Vanilla that much where I want developers to know this is the way to go !  

    Anyway if I do, I could be in for a mmorpg Guild.  I could offer my humble help on finding groups to do content (yes, I can be humble). 

    Speaking of group's... I wonder if they will enhance the social panel to make it even more effective ?......But any sign of a Cross LFG finder and I'm out !
  • ConstantineMerusConstantineMerus Member EpicPosts: 3,338
    I might come and take @Kyleran so he can finally clear Naxx--whenever that releases--the way it was meant to be. 
    Constantine, The Console Poster

    • "One of the most difficult tasks men can perform, however much others may despise it, is the invention of good games and it cannot be done by men out of touch with their instinctive selves." - Carl Jung
  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
      You lost me at Alliance

      For the Horde!!
    Phry[Deleted User]
  • delete5230delete5230 Member EpicPosts: 7,081
    edited January 2019
    Do you like: 
    Wailing Caverns, Horde ? 
    The Deadmines, Alliance ? 

    I know how to get to Wailing Caverns being alliance, but not The Deadmines playing Horde. 

    I guess I just need to think about it.....Jzzz…. Cant figure this out. Duskwood, but how do you get to Duskwood being Horde !
  • DragnelusDragnelus Member EpicPosts: 3,503
    I'll at least try out classic when it launches.  And one of the first things I like to do is try to find a guild of like-minded folks.  As such, when the time nears, I'd be down to join a guild based here at
    For years now I've been playing Vanilla I could always play it for free.  But to show support I may subscribe when released.... I LOVE Vanilla that much where I want developers to know this is the way to go !  

    Anyway if I do, I could be in for a mmorpg Guild.  I could offer my humble help on finding groups to do content (yes, I can be humble). 

    Speaking of group's... I wonder if they will enhance the social panel to make it even more effective ?......But any sign of a Cross LFG finder and I'm out !

  • cheyanecheyane Member LegendaryPosts: 9,436
    edited January 2019
    Do you like: 
    Wailing Caverns, Horde ? 
    The Deadmines, Alliance ? 

    I know how to get to Wailing Caverns being alliance, but not The Deadmines playing Horde. 

    I guess I just need to think about it.....Jzzz…. Cant figure this out. Duskwood, but how do you get to Duskwood being Horde !
    I have while playing WoW done some crazy stuff. I took a Horde Orc hunter to Teldrassil to get an owl. It took hours and hours and many, many deaths. Getting on to the boat alone from Auberdine took 5 deaths I think. It's really a challenge and the character was below level 10, I left as soon as I got the tame pet skill. I also did the same with a Night Elf hunter and getting past the wolves in Ashenvale was harder than the Orc guards at the tower near Durotar to get to Echo Isles for the Durotar Tiger. While playing with my husband I took his Night Elf druid to Wailing Caverns with my Night Elf warrior. We finished the whole dungeon without doing any quests though this was in days of the  Burning Crusade expansion.

    I always wanted to try for those spiders in Azuremyst Isle with my Troll hunter but I never figured out the boat routes properly those days or there wasn't an easy way in I think because I never tried. 

    It's doable you just need to be patient and of course the number of deaths will probably leave you naked so equip only stuff you can afford to lose. It was a fantastic adventure.

    You just need to get to Stranglethorn Vale to get to Deadmines because getting to Westfall is a matter of many ,many death and spawning in the graveyards.

    Garrus Signature
  • delete5230delete5230 Member EpicPosts: 7,081
    cheyane said:
    Do you like: 
    Wailing Caverns, Horde ? 
    The Deadmines, Alliance ? 

    I know how to get to Wailing Caverns being alliance, but not The Deadmines playing Horde. 

    I guess I just need to think about it.....Jzzz…. Cant figure this out. Duskwood, but how do you get to Duskwood being Horde !
    I have while playing WoW done some crazy stuff. I took a Horde Orc hunter to Teldrassil to get an owl. It took hours and hours and many,many deaths. It's really a challenge and the character was below level 10, I left as soon as I got the tame pet skill. I also did the same with a night elf hunter and getting past the wolves in Ashenvale was harder than the Orc guards at the tower near Durator to get to Echo Isles for the tiger. While playing with my husband I took his night elf druid to Wailing caverns with my night elf warrior.

    It's doable you just need to be patient and of course the number of deaths will probably leave you naked so equip only stuff you can afford to lose. It was a fantastic adventure.

    You just need to get to Stranglethorn Vale to get to Deadmines because getting to Westfall is a matter of many ,many death and spawning in the graveyards.

    Nice story :)  

    Stranglethorn Vale, that's what I thought as it's the only way I could think of.  But Stranglethorn Vale is hard to navigate even in the high 30-low 40's. 

    Thanks !
  • cheyanecheyane Member LegendaryPosts: 9,436
    That's why you have to use the graveyards to travel. You die you move forward. It helps if you can hide like the night elf can.
    Garrus Signature
  • delete5230delete5230 Member EpicPosts: 7,081
    One time my friends and I were in our high 30's and we were trying to get our friend around lv. 15 or so through Stranglethorn.  At the top (northern end), their was a Wolf on the road that would ignore us and go right for him and one shot.... We had a hell of a time getting him the flight path to Booty Bay.  

    Ahhh Booty Bay, I love it there 
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,261
    Do you like: 
    Wailing Caverns, Horde ? 
    The Deadmines, Alliance ? 

    I know how to get to Wailing Caverns being alliance, but not The Deadmines playing Horde. 

    I guess I just need to think about it.....Jzzz…. Cant figure this out. Duskwood, but how do you get to Duskwood being Horde !
    You don't.  You figure how you are going to clear AQ40 so you can move on to Naxx.

    If it really is a true vanilla / classic experience most everything one does (in PVE) should be in support of 40 person raiding.

    40 person raiding is/was the pinnacle of vanilla WOW, if you aren't doing it, your playing the game wrong.   


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

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  • delete5230delete5230 Member EpicPosts: 7,081
    Kyleran said:
    Do you like: 
    Wailing Caverns, Horde ? 
    The Deadmines, Alliance ? 

    I know how to get to Wailing Caverns being alliance, but not The Deadmines playing Horde. 

    I guess I just need to think about it.....Jzzz…. Cant figure this out. Duskwood, but how do you get to Duskwood being Horde !
    You don't.  You figure how you are going to clear AQ40 so you can move on to Naxx.

    If it really is a true vanilla / classic experience most everything one does (in PVE) should be in support of 40 person raiding.

    40 person raiding is/was the pinnacle of vanilla WOW, if you aren't doing it, your playing the game wrong.   

    I never got into raiding, I like the mid game experience. I live on East Coast USA (EST), everyone seems to Raid late at night. 

    I used to be able to play every night, and all day on weekends when time allows.  Something happened to me and can't do that anymore.  Also the wife gets mad. 
  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    The way things are going, i am not sure Blizzard is going to manage it, i put a lot of hope into Classic and its pretty much the only version i am currently interested in. BfA is dying on the vine, but i am having reservations about whether Blizzard can even do this, if it turns out to be a sharded nightmare of a game, then i might just have to put aside my morals and look to the private servers.  :/
  • cheyanecheyane Member LegendaryPosts: 9,436
    There are no PvE private servers so that's out for me.
    Garrus Signature
  • DragnelusDragnelus Member EpicPosts: 3,503
    Phry said:
    The way things are going, i am not sure Blizzard is going to manage it, i put a lot of hope into Classic and its pretty much the only version i am currently interested in. BfA is dying on the vine, but i am having reservations about whether Blizzard can even do this, if it turns out to be a sharded nightmare of a game, then i might just have to put aside my morals and look to the private servers.  :/
    Bfa is doing great.

  • AethaerynAethaeryn Member RarePosts: 3,150
    edited January 2019
    cheyane said:
    Do you like: 
    Wailing Caverns, Horde ? 
    The Deadmines, Alliance ? 

    I know how to get to Wailing Caverns being alliance, but not The Deadmines playing Horde. 

    I guess I just need to think about it.....Jzzz…. Cant figure this out. Duskwood, but how do you get to Duskwood being Horde !
    I have while playing WoW done some crazy stuff. I took a Horde Orc hunter to Teldrassil to get an owl. It took hours and hours and many,many deaths. It's really a challenge and the character was below level 10, I left as soon as I got the tame pet skill. I also did the same with a night elf hunter and getting past the wolves in Ashenvale was harder than the Orc guards at the tower near Durator to get to Echo Isles for the tiger. While playing with my husband I took his night elf druid to Wailing caverns with my night elf warrior.

    It's doable you just need to be patient and of course the number of deaths will probably leave you naked so equip only stuff you can afford to lose. It was a fantastic adventure.

    You just need to get to Stranglethorn Vale to get to Deadmines because getting to Westfall is a matter of many ,many death and spawning in the graveyards.

    Nice story :)  

    Stranglethorn Vale, that's what I thought as it's the only way I could think of.  But Stranglethorn Vale is hard to navigate even in the high 30-low 40's. 

    Thanks !
    My secondary was a NE hunter. . I remember getting the white lion?  From  Barrens.  I got killed so many times.  I also went into some dungeon in Horde Land solo to get an armoured Boar.  I think I ended up with all of the unique pets.   The day they made them all the same for "balance" was the day they truly lost me.   There was that stealth cat as well. . super cool and such a great side game for hunters.  I hope they keep those in.

    Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!

  • cheyanecheyane Member LegendaryPosts: 9,436
    Aethaeryn said:
    cheyane said:
    Do you like: 
    Wailing Caverns, Horde ? 
    The Deadmines, Alliance ? 

    I know how to get to Wailing Caverns being alliance, but not The Deadmines playing Horde. 

    I guess I just need to think about it.....Jzzz…. Cant figure this out. Duskwood, but how do you get to Duskwood being Horde !
    I have while playing WoW done some crazy stuff. I took a Horde Orc hunter to Teldrassil to get an owl. It took hours and hours and many,many deaths. It's really a challenge and the character was below level 10, I left as soon as I got the tame pet skill. I also did the same with a night elf hunter and getting past the wolves in Ashenvale was harder than the Orc guards at the tower near Durator to get to Echo Isles for the tiger. While playing with my husband I took his night elf druid to Wailing caverns with my night elf warrior.

    It's doable you just need to be patient and of course the number of deaths will probably leave you naked so equip only stuff you can afford to lose. It was a fantastic adventure.

    You just need to get to Stranglethorn Vale to get to Deadmines because getting to Westfall is a matter of many ,many death and spawning in the graveyards.

    Nice story :)  

    Stranglethorn Vale, that's what I thought as it's the only way I could think of.  But Stranglethorn Vale is hard to navigate even in the high 30-low 40's. 

    Thanks !
    My secondary was a NE hunter. . I remember getting the white lion?  From  Barrens.  I got killed so many times.  I also went into some dungeon in Horde Land solo to get an armoured Boar.  I think I ended up with all of the unique pets.   The day they made them all the same for "balance" was the day they truly lost me.   There was that stealth cat as well. . super cool and such a great side game for hunters.  I hope they keep those in.
    That white lion was a quest spawn. Eeecheyake or something like that right ?
    Garrus Signature
  • SirAgravaineSirAgravaine Member RarePosts: 520
    What 20 man raids are there???
  • danwest58danwest58 Member RarePosts: 2,012
    What 20 man raids are there???
    They had ZG and AQ20.  Both were very fun raids to do.  
  • danwest58danwest58 Member RarePosts: 2,012
    It seems like there is interest in this type of guild which is cool.  I am glad there is interest.  I will not be pulling anything together until shortly after we get a release date.   If you are interested send me a Direct Message and we will keep in contact.   
  • Panther2103Panther2103 Member EpicPosts: 5,779
    I'll join when it launches, I'm probably not going to be plowing through content. Probably just leveling slowly and enjoying it again. 
  • danwest58danwest58 Member RarePosts: 2,012
    I am starting to spend time here and there on stuff for the guild.   Nothing too serious because we are still some months away and I am starting to reach out to people who contacted me about the guild.   So if anyone is interested in more about what is going on here is what I have.  Technically this should go to the guild recruitment forum, however I figured this was a discussion about the idea first.  Then it turned into around 10+ people liking my idea so I figured I would post where I am at right now.  

    I am just starting to pull people together in discord.  

    <Rebirth> Alliance/US ET/PVE

     Introduction: We are a group of friends that will be spending the first 6 months after launch leveling together and running dungeons multiple times a week. We are looking for like minded players that will also join us on discord and enjoy the leveling process. After the 6 months we will work together to start to get ready for raiding and once ready we will start raiding. We want to be doing ZG, AQ20 and MC two times a week. We are a Casual Schedule group and we are willing to work with people who never played Pre WOTLK.

     What we are looking for in members: We are looking for members who want to enjoy the journey to max level and will not rush to max level just to raid. We want people who will be active multiple days a week so we can run Dungeons together so we are not soloing all the time because that does get boring after a while. We expect members who do want to raid once we get to that point be able to be on 2 days a week for the 2 to 2 and a half hours we will raid. We also expect members to be ontime for all events to start, we understand things come up that is why we have discord so people can message one another if things come up.

     Schedule: We do not have a set raid schedule or time yet since release will not be until August and we are not looking to raid until this time next year. With that said the likely raid days knowing my friends schedules will be Tuesday and Thursdays, start time between PM ET 8/830 end time between 1030/11 PM ET. With this all set several of us will be running Dungeons as we level on these days regularly as well as throw together Dungeons other times of the week.

     We do not have a application process and are not looking to have one, if we can get away with it we will not spend time running a website. I want to recruit people by word of mouth and talking to people to see if they fix us instead of just recruiting everyone. If interested lets chat on Discord. HelzBelz#0716
  • delete5230delete5230 Member EpicPosts: 7,081
    My experience with arranging Real Life parties back in my drinking days, it's impossible to get people to say yes months in advance.... BUT it's nice to put the word out way in advance like planting the seed :) 

    Two weeks before release I'm sure you'll get a lot of activity.

    Good work @danwest58
  • delete5230delete5230 Member EpicPosts: 7,081
    Ppiper said:
    Scorchien said:
      You lost me at Alliance

      For the Horde!!
    Yup! Troll Hunter, thank you very much., Hopefully I can still craft my arrows and dual wield.
    - Human Warlock for grouping
    - Elf Rogue PvP to kill horde 
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