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Fallout 76 Review - Our Verdict on Bethesda's Wasteland Extravaganza - Fallout 76 Review

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129
edited November 2018 in News & Features Discussion

imageFallout 76 Review - Our Verdict on Bethesda's Wasteland Extravaganza - Fallout 76 Review

After several hours of exploring the rolling hills of West Virginia, our scored review for Fallout 76 is here. In this article, we will build on previous observations and experiences to draw our conclusion.

Read the full story here




  • CryomatrixCryomatrix Member EpicPosts: 3,223
    Nice analogies to adolescence. Always good to see creative writing.
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  • MadFrenchieMadFrenchie Member LegendaryPosts: 8,505
    4) Add live NPCs with actual personalities. Your experiment with an NPC-less wasteland was not a pro in anyone's book I've seen. You can only hold attention through nostalgia recordings for so long before it becomes just another disembodied voice blabbering about the apocalypse.

  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,109
    No, this is not average. Calling this average is an insult to the gaming industry as a whole and a statement that this should be the approximate quality that releases measure their standards around.

    This is far below a 7. It deserves a 3 or 4, if we're being generous. 
    IselinAgent_JosephEponyxDamorNephethMadFrenchieAlomarAvarixBillMurphydinognAsmodeuXand 46 others.
  • PhaserlightPhaserlight Member EpicPosts: 3,079
    AngryJoe is not so kind:

    [Deleted User]LeFantomeJeffSpicoliSlyLoKThaharjmlane223alkarionlogAgent_JosephceltwulfMensurand 22 others.

    "The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
    Authored 139 missions in Vendetta Online and 6 tracks in Distance

  • NephethNepheth Member RarePosts: 473
    edited November 2018
    Sorry but you're being too generous. This game doesn't deserve an avarage score like 7. This is a solid 3. I won't even give it a 4. It doesn't deserve it. And by the way where are those engaging stories? I'm very curious...
    EponyxDamorkitaradAlomarepoqAvarixJeffSpicoliThaharAeanderAgent_JosephInteritusand 10 others.
  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,109
    AngryJoe is not so kind:

    And he does tend to be one of my critics of choice, since his tastes tend to be similar to mine (except that I'm not a fan of fighting games, horror games, and first person shooters like he is).
  • ConstantineMerusConstantineMerus Member EpicPosts: 3,338
    7? Well mate, you're gonna run out of numbers soon.
    Constantine, The Console Poster

    • "One of the most difficult tasks men can perform, however much others may despise it, is the invention of good games and it cannot be done by men out of touch with their instinctive selves." - Carl Jung
  • EponyxDamorEponyxDamor Member RarePosts: 749
    The review summary gave me a really good laugh. Thanks for that.

    Fallout 76 game is about 5 years behind the curve of popular genres, and waaaay behind the curve of what I expect from a $60, AAA title. A survival shooter that offers nothing new to that genre with practically none of the Fallout series soul? And also doesn't support basic features like FoV, ultrawide support, and push-to-talk?

    This looks and acts more like a $20-30 indie early access title -- and at that price, I'd probably give it a 5/10 at best. But at $60? This doesn't even deserve a 5/10 -- much less a 7/10 -- but closer to a 3 or 4.
  • AlomarAlomar Member RarePosts: 1,299
    Put 70 hours into F76 before I decided to hold off until more fixes/patches/polish. I'd rate it 5/10 at best as is; it's main selling feature is Fallout with friends. ESO is a themepark, so this is the first iteration of Bethesda rpg IP's in a traditional openworld sandbox, but with multiplayer. There's lots of bugs, and I mean a lot of bugs you don't go an hour without encountering half a dozen, but there's the foundation for a decent survival-"light" game. The game does the norm these days and does a bunch of things mediocrely to appeal to as many people as possible; while doing nothing in particular well.

    Honestly, I think their biggest mistake was calling this a launch when they released a survival game in the normal buggy state that early access games survival games normally are in. Follow that with a $60 price tag for a product worth no more than $30 and that's where most of the criticism I hear is coming from. The icing on the cake was the refusal to give out refunds, altering of collectors edition items, and no communication until 13 days after "launch" about fixes. They dug out what could have been a knee deep hole into a 6 ft under level hole to bury their game's future and respectability in.
    [Deleted User]Gobstopper3DMensurd_20winghaven1chojin2kFacelessSavior
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  • turinmacleodturinmacleod Staff WriterMember UncommonPosts: 166
    I will grant that perhaps my 5-6 hours in FO76 (Sat afternoon into evening) is not long enough to form a qualified opinion, but, in general if a game, ANY game, doesn't manage to grab my attention and interest in that time, I walk away.

    That was the case with FO76. In my 5-6 hours I ran into only ONE other living person, who was WAY higher level than I and was occupied with doing his own thing. That means for hours at a time, I interacted with no one, just ran from place to place and uncovered the fairly generic mystery of the Overseer. I was BORED.

    Then I got jumped by a SWARM of scorched, all armed with shotguns and pistols. There had to be 10 or more of them ranging from a couple of level ones to several who were level sixish, they killed me, somewhat easily.

    Then I logged out, popped in FO4 (I have close to 800 hours invested in that one) and spent the next couple of days playing that.

    Thus endeth my experience with FO76.

    [Deleted User]AlomarBeezerbeezCazriel
  • KellerKeller Member UncommonPosts: 602

    AngryJoe is not so kind:

    Angryjoe is not one of my friends. My friends enjoy their time together in Fallout76. Not sure how long it will last, as they have played many of these games, DAYZ, Rust, Minecraft, Space Engineers, Conan, ARK, Farming Simulator 19, etc.

    Guess any game that can be played together offers a different experience when you play it alone. Based on what my friends say, I would play it when I had the time.
  • CygiCygi Member RarePosts: 257
    7/10 as an "average"?
    5/10 is an "average".

    And this crap deserves 3/10.

    Giving this game 7/10 it's like slapping in the face of all gaming community.

    AsmodeuXalkarionlogAgent_JosephAlomarwildarms2gastovski1ZenerenXarkoDanielleblueAalamrand 2 others.
  • BillMurphyBillMurphy Former Managing EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 4,565
    edited November 2018
    I'd give it a 6 or a 7, probably in the middle. It's far better than people seem to be making it out to be, but nowhere near what it SHOULD be. And side note: scores, like opinions, are based on personal tastes and preference. Let's keep that in mind before telling someone else, including the writer, what they should think and feel.
    AeanderNephethLeFantomeThaharalkarionlogsschruppAgent_JosephEponyxDamor[Deleted User]Alomarand 16 others.

    Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.

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  • RiannesRiannes Member UncommonPosts: 98
    It is fun. That ginger Fatman in AngryJoe extended discussion played to almost lv200 theres got to be some upside. But that should not excuse Beth from delivering unfinished product. I hope improvements and bug fixes come sooner rather than later. I personally dont think the damage done is beyond repair but if they dont rush it will soon be.
  • PhaserlightPhaserlight Member EpicPosts: 3,079
    I'd give it a 6 or a 7, probably in the middle. It's far better than people seem to be making it out to be, but nowhere near what it SHOULD be.
    Is it as buggy as some of the AJ footage makes it out to be? 

    Do you think it was a FO4 asset flip?

    Either of those ought to be serious concerns.

    "The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
    Authored 139 missions in Vendetta Online and 6 tracks in Distance

  • BillMurphyBillMurphy Former Managing EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 4,565
    Cygi said:

    Giving this game 7/10 it's like slapping in the face of all gaming community.

    More like "Giving this game 7/10 it's like slapping in the face of anyone who thinks it's not worth that." 

    People REALLY need to remember that reviewers are people with tastes and preferences that differ just like anyone else. Given that there are plenty of people who like the game, just as there are plenty who don't, it would behoove us all to look through the lens of "different strokes for different folks".

    A reviewer's job isn't to tell you what you WANT to hear, but to tell you their honest opinion drawn from their own outlook and experiences. 
    jmlane223[Deleted User]Mensurwildarms2SillyDucks32BeezerbeezHatefullMaddog666YashaXuriel_mafessand 1 other.

    Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.

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  • AvarixAvarix Member RarePosts: 665
    Cygi said:

    Giving this game 7/10 it's like slapping in the face of all gaming community.

    More like "Giving this game 7/10 it's like slapping in the face of anyone who thinks it's not worth that." 

    People REALLY need to remember that reviewers are people with tastes and preferences that differ just like anyone else. Given that there are plenty of people who like the game, just as there are plenty who don't, it would behoove us all to look through the lens of "different strokes for different folks".

    A reviewer's job isn't to tell you what you WANT to hear, but to tell you their honest opinion drawn from their own outlook and experiences. 
    Reviews are to inform consumers about potential purchases. It should be done with the majority of your viewers in mind. Not the small percent that could enjoy watching paint dry. Personally, I'm tired of reading extended ads instead of actual reviews on gaming sites. 
    NephethEponyxDamorAlomarrpmarenswinghaven1ZenerenYashaXuriel_mafesscorvasAstraeisand 2 others.
  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,109
    edited November 2018
    I mean it when I say that calling this average is an insult to the gaming industry. Not the gamers. Not the readers. It is an insult to the developers and publishers who make the games we play.

    Why bother QA testing your games anymore? Why bother optimizing them? Why bother improving your engine technology or making new engines? Why bother making new assets? Why bother including NPCs or hiring writers? Why bother having stable servers? Why bother correctly advertising your product? Why bother with refund policies or basic customer support?

    Apparently, none of that matters, because you can neglect all of these things and still be considered average. If you're Bethesda, that is. If EA released this, we'd be looking at an uncontroversial, 2/10 review, because we actually hold EA to the same basic standards as everyone else.
  • BillMurphyBillMurphy Former Managing EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 4,565

    Avarix said:

    Reviews are to inform consumers about potential purchases. It should be done with the majority of your viewers in mind. Not the small percent that could enjoy watching paint dry. Personally, I'm tired of reading extended ads instead of actual reviews on gaming sites. 

    How is this review NOT informative? It doesn't conform to people who dislike the game's opinion, and that's not the same thing. What you're looking for is for reviewers to be echo chambers of your own personal thoughts. That's NOT what the idea should be. A critic's role isn't to meet your expectations, but to share with you whether a product met their own.
    [Deleted User]sschruppAeanderMensurSillyDucks32BeezerbeezHatefullminglobal76Maddog666YashaXand 7 others.

    Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.

    My Review Manifesto
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  • RiannesRiannes Member UncommonPosts: 98

    I'd give it a 6 or a 7, probably in the middle. It's far better than people seem to be making it out to be, but nowhere near what it SHOULD be.

    And side note: scores, like opinions, are based on personal tastes and preference. Let's keep that in mind before telling someone else, including the writer, what they should think and feel.

    I think this is a wierd one BM. It is a (fairly) fun game but isnt a well made game. I understand some people are angry because they feel ripped off. And they are rightly entitled to that. But how much should bad business practice factor into a game score???

    Are we basing the score from fun?
    From being polished?
    From good will?
    Most of the time these things go together but for fo76 its just weird.

    NMS and Sea of Thieves had such a good foundation but lacking content. I feel something similar in fo76. Fo76 do have contents but lacking in polish and is full of bugs. Will it get better? Im sure of it. But will it get better quick enough is really the question right now.
  • MadFrenchieMadFrenchie Member LegendaryPosts: 8,505
    Just technically speaking, I don't think the game deserves the average rating.

    Sure, the reviewer may have lucked out and not hit the majority of bugs others have hit, but that doesn't mean they're not there.  That should be taken into consideration in the final score.

    Yes, it's the reviewer's opinion, but I'm of the opinion a reviewer should construct the opinion with the audience in mind, and that means judging it based on bugs widely reported, even if you haven't personally experienced them.  And by the widely reported issues alone, I can't say this game should rate as average.

    The review barely makes mention of the bugs.  The review also makes a big deal out of the mere fact that we got Fallout something, as if that fact should buy Bethesda points on it's own.  I don't think that's a good thing to look at as a positive for this release, because it smacks of giving them a pass because you like Fallout.
    AvarixConstantineMerusLeFantomeThahargastovski1Agent_JosephEponyxDamorAlomarMendelZenerenand 2 others.

  • BillMurphyBillMurphy Former Managing EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 4,565
    OG_Zorvan said:

    People REALLY need to remember that reviewers are people with tastes and preferences that differ just like anyone else. 
    Very well. Since this reviewer has bad taste, can we get one from a reviewer with good taste next?
    I know you're likely joking (I hope), but just in case - taste is ALSO an opinion. And those vary. For instance, I'd also have removed your butt gif because it's in bad taste. But that's MY opinion. 

    Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.

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  • JeffSpicoliJeffSpicoli Member EpicPosts: 2,849
    • Aloha Mr Hand ! 

  • LeFantomeLeFantome Member RarePosts: 702

    Cygi said:

    Giving this game 7/10 it's like slapping in the face of all gaming community.

    More like "Giving this game 7/10 it's like slapping in the face of anyone who thinks it's not worth that." 

    People REALLY need to remember that reviewers are people with tastes and preferences that differ just like anyone else. Given that there are plenty of people who like the game, just as there are plenty who don't, it would behoove us all to look through the lens of "different strokes for different folks".

    A reviewer's job isn't to tell you what you WANT to hear, but to tell you their honest opinion drawn from their own outlook and experiences. 

    That doesn't mean reviewers are right.

    7 for a game like that is an insult for all the games who got the same score.
    Also, reviewers are seen as a reference as if the game is good or not. People are often waiting for reviews before buying, saying it's only honest opinion drawn from their own outlook and experiences is..meh.
    NephethAeanderThaharalkarionlogAgent_JosephEponyxDamorAlomarYashaXAalamrFacelessSaviorand 1 other.

  • ConstantineMerusConstantineMerus Member EpicPosts: 3,338
    OG_Zorvan said:

    People REALLY need to remember that reviewers are people with tastes and preferences that differ just like anyone else. 
    Very well. Since this reviewer has bad taste, can we get one from a reviewer with good taste next?
    I know you're likely joking (I hope), but just in case - taste is ALSO an opinion. And those vary. For instance, I'd also have removed your butt gif because it's in bad taste. But that's MY opinion. 
    Opinions (and tastes for that matter) have different values and deserve different level of respect. If you respect all the opinions just the same, then your respect becomes meaningless. 

    That aside, I think you are fighting a losing battle. No one is giving the members here the free pass even when they like games like RDR2 or W3. God forbid if anyone likes something about FO76 which is the new hate flavor of the month--well deserved to some extent--but liking it nonetheless means you'll be shunned and gunned. 
    [Deleted User]alkarionlog
    Constantine, The Console Poster

    • "One of the most difficult tasks men can perform, however much others may despise it, is the invention of good games and it cannot be done by men out of touch with their instinctive selves." - Carl Jung
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