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Fallout 76 you cannot get a refund even if you wanted one



  • PhaserlightPhaserlight Member EpicPosts: 3,079
    I paid full price and feel like it was worth it. I'll be playing it for the foreseeable future. I feel bad for those who can't get into FO76. It's not like there are a ton of other games out there for us starving MMO fans these days. 
    Sure there are.

    I'm glad you're enjoying FO76 though.

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  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    Dont worry guys, Anthem is right around the corner and it will sa......sorry I couldn't complete that without laughing my ass off.
    JeffSpicoli[Deleted User]Octagon7711anemoXarkoAlBQuirkyThaharTacticalZombeh
  • cheyanecheyane Member LegendaryPosts: 9,436
    edited November 2018
    Tokken said:
    It's hard to feel sorry for the people who want to have a refund when all the signs were there that it was gonna be a bad game to begin with.   Impulse buying and joining the hype train sucks.   It's best to listen to all the reviews and, wait and see how it plays out after a few weeks after release.
    People also claim these games can be patched up. Can we really blame the consumer instead of  the company that released the game in a state people are flocking to ask for refunds of the amount they paid. Come on surely they bear some responsibility but does it abrogate their rights?

    However changing your refund policy because you're having to refund too many returns is so dodgy it might actually mean that they released the game fully knowing how shitty it was.

    No Man's Sky was released on Steam and they suffered from many refunds because people found that there was no multiplayer as was advertised by the creator on a whimsical video. At least they released it on steam so that people could actually get a refund unlike Bethesda here who decided to control the refunds themselves. A prescient move or a calculated one?
    Garrus Signature
  • SeelinnikoiSeelinnikoi Member RarePosts: 1,360
    They had the best IP to make a game similar to Fallen Earth (an old school survival MMO) and they blew it big time!

    Hell, they could even make something similar to Rust and it would be amazing based on the IP alone.

    But no, they made Fallout 76 which is now considered the worst Fallout in the series.

    This is what happens when Executives tell Devs how to make games, as I really believe the Devs (if true gamers) would see this game would stink a mile away!
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  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    edited November 2018
    cheyane said:
    Tokken said:
    It's hard to feel sorry for the people who want to have a refund when all the signs were there that it was gonna be a bad game to begin with.   Impulse buying and joining the hype train sucks.   It's best to listen to all the reviews and, wait and see how it plays out after a few weeks after release.
    People also claim these games can be patched up. Can we really blame the consumer instead of  the company that released the game in a state people are flocking to ask for refunds of the amount they paid. Come on surely they bear some responsibility but does it abrogate their rights?

    However changing your refund policy because you're having to refund too many returns is so dodgy it might actually mean that they released the game fully knowing how shitty it was.

    No Man's Sky was released on Steam and they suffered from many refunds because people found that there was no multiplayer as was advertised by the creator on a whimsical video. At least they released it on steam so that people could actually get a refund unlike Bethesda here who decided to control the refunds themselves. A prescient move or a calculated one?
    I'll say consumers should be blamed equally with bethesda when it comes to their products, simply because it goes back to what you first said, people expect bethesda games to be modded over a period of time etc to become a better experience. Now with this game in particular, I'll honestly put more blame on the consumer simply because the game did have a beta period (all-bit-it brief and too close to launch) which logic should've told anyone who participated that this it was what you were gonna get upon release. If people didn't refund after partaking in it just because they thought it was going to be fixed later down the line, they only have themselves to blame for that level of thinking. We can't think of consumers as these little babies that can't use logic or do a simple google search yet its okay to allow these drones to use money.
  • cheyanecheyane Member LegendaryPosts: 9,436
    Look it is my honest opinion that developers are not taking responsibility for their fuckups. They are trying to slink about and mince their way into profits with minimal effort. This is an example of that and I think players should punish them so that these practices will not be rewarded. 

    Unfortunately the Fallout name alone is enough to make people buy the game. Perhaps if more scorn is heaped on them for this disgraceful refusal to refund the loss of profit will make a difference even if the tarnishing of the name of the franchise does not.
    Garrus Signature
  • ragebulletragebullet Member UncommonPosts: 55
    Albatroes said:
    cheyane said:
    Tokken said:
    It's hard to feel sorry for the people who want to have a refund when all the signs were there that it was gonna be a bad game to begin with.   Impulse buying and joining the hype train sucks.   It's best to listen to all the reviews and, wait and see how it plays out after a few weeks after release.
    People also claim these games can be patched up. Can we really blame the consumer instead of  the company that released the game in a state people are flocking to ask for refunds of the amount they paid. Come on surely they bear some responsibility but does it abrogate their rights?

    However changing your refund policy because you're having to refund too many returns is so dodgy it might actually mean that they released the game fully knowing how shitty it was.

    No Man's Sky was released on Steam and they suffered from many refunds because people found that there was no multiplayer as was advertised by the creator on a whimsical video. At least they released it on steam so that people could actually get a refund unlike Bethesda here who decided to control the refunds themselves. A prescient move or a calculated one?
    I'll say consumers should be blamed equally with bethesda when it comes to their products, simply because it goes back to what you first said, people expect bethesda games to be modded over a period of time etc to become a better experience. Now with this game in particular, I'll honestly put more blame on the consumer simply because the game did have a beta period (all-bit-it brief and too close to launch) which logic should've told anyone who participated that this it was what you were gonna get upon release. If people didn't refund after partaking in it just because they thought it was going to be fixed later down the line, they only have themselves to blame for that level of thinking. We can't think of consumers as these little babies that can't use logic or do a simple google search yet its okay to allow these drones to use money.
    i agree consumers should do more research on games before taking the plunge, but....should developers be making half baked games at 60 dollar price tag? both perspectives are shit lol
  • PiscorePiscore Member UncommonPosts: 263
    kitarad said:

    No wonder they were afraid to put it on Steam. They would have faced an avalanche of refund requests they cannot refuse because of Steam's policy on refunds. Bunch of thieves.

    If you had any confidence in your product you should allow refunds. 

    And another price drop
    That's because the game is not release on Steam ;)


  • rojoArcueidrojoArcueid Member EpicPosts: 10,722
    edited November 2018
    Forgrimm said:
    That's why this guy wrecked a gamestop

    People still go to Gamestop? WoW! :neutral:
    I prefer to buy my games/hardware from Amazon but i do go to GS when they happen to have a better deal. In 2016 i bought a brand new WiiU for $160 at gamestop when Amazon sellers had it for like $300 still.

    As for Fallout 76, just like all mmos it makes zero sense to get it in physical form unless you want a collectors edition.
    Post edited by rojoArcueid on

  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    edited November 2018
    cheyane said:
    Look it is my honest opinion that developers are not taking responsibility for their fuckups. They are trying to slink about and mince their way into profits with minimal effort. This is an example of that and I think players should punish them so that these practices will not be rewarded. 

    Unfortunately the Fallout name alone is enough to make people buy the game. Perhaps if more scorn is heaped on them for this disgraceful refusal to refund the loss of profit will make a difference even if the tarnishing of the name of the franchise does not.
    I'm not saying your opinion is wrong (it is your opinion after all), all I'm saying is it was people didn't go in blind with this title like they did with say No Man's Sky. People were able to test the game (although you had to pre-order to get someone with a code) and/or see beta footage then make decisions accordingly (which honestly a lot of games have been doing less and less this past decade).

    Now if there wasn't any public testing, then I'd go back to what I said earlier and blame them both equally since bethesda has been known to always launch poor quality titles from a technical perspective. As a developer, should they be doing this? No. But its something the people have been okay for around a decade, so what exactly is the incentive for them to change. I mean Todd even said it himself that their creation engine was utilized with modders in mind (which is unfortunate that TES6 is confirmed to be on this "amazing" engine as well).

    Now people thinking Bethesda wouldnt honestly release something with little/to no effort on purpose and try to profit, just think back to them trying to charge for mods. They've honestly never been the 'stand-up' guys for the gaming genre.

    Albatroes said:
    cheyane said:
    Tokken said:
    It's hard to feel sorry for the people who want to have a refund when all the signs were there that it was gonna be a bad game to begin with.   Impulse buying and joining the hype train sucks.   It's best to listen to all the reviews and, wait and see how it plays out after a few weeks after release.
    People also claim these games can be patched up. Can we really blame the consumer instead of  the company that released the game in a state people are flocking to ask for refunds of the amount they paid. Come on surely they bear some responsibility but does it abrogate their rights?

    However changing your refund policy because you're having to refund too many returns is so dodgy it might actually mean that they released the game fully knowing how shitty it was.

    No Man's Sky was released on Steam and they suffered from many refunds because people found that there was no multiplayer as was advertised by the creator on a whimsical video. At least they released it on steam so that people could actually get a refund unlike Bethesda here who decided to control the refunds themselves. A prescient move or a calculated one?
    I'll say consumers should be blamed equally with bethesda when it comes to their products, simply because it goes back to what you first said, people expect bethesda games to be modded over a period of time etc to become a better experience. Now with this game in particular, I'll honestly put more blame on the consumer simply because the game did have a beta period (all-bit-it brief and too close to launch) which logic should've told anyone who participated that this it was what you were gonna get upon release. If people didn't refund after partaking in it just because they thought it was going to be fixed later down the line, they only have themselves to blame for that level of thinking. We can't think of consumers as these little babies that can't use logic or do a simple google search yet its okay to allow these drones to use money.
    i agree consumers should do more research on games before taking the plunge, but....should developers be making half baked games at 60 dollar price tag? both perspectives are shit lol
    Unfortunately, this is the reality we live in now. People find paying for alphas/betas perfectly fine. Companies think they are the savior of the industry if they dont have lootboxes but just micro-transactions. Its sad to see now that its so rare to find a game that even gives you alternative costumes for 'free' just by playing the game and doing challenges within the game. But the main reason we're in a world like this is because people accepted it. Supply can't work that well if there isn't a demand.

  • FlyByKnightFlyByKnight Member EpicPosts: 3,967
    Go get your refunds but I agree with people who are saying stop being impulsive buyers.

    If a developer/publisher wants your money that fast they'll do a better job of providing/marketing the features that will drive the demand.

    I looked at Fallout 76, saw how it COULD be a good thing but there wasn't enough evidence for me to join the stampede. If it was that good I would have found out 2-3 days later. Being a tempered skeptic never hurt ANYBODY.

    These companies live and die by their metrics now. So consumers have to  start understanding the whole "just try it" approach is negative reinforcement. Force them to market better, make them do better. Stop falling for the awesome trailer/sh!##y movie big Hollywood studio tricks. Getting accountability while they already have your money doesn't work.

    They'll take the money, take the sign-ups, laugh, run the game into the ground. Then they'll fire the talented, sell the company, make more money, and the next publisher gets to molest the next round of unknowing consumers. They do this until there's nothing left. It's happened so many times for so long the players have to start being smarter. That won't make us "entitled", or "snowflakes", or "spoiled millennials". It makes us wise consumers who prefer solid products with proper feature marketing.

    Who's with me!?  :D

    [Deleted User]ragebulletMadFrenchiemaskedweaselTacticalZombeh
    "As far as the forum code of conduct, I would think it's a bit outdated and in need of a refre *CLOSED*" 

  • VrikaVrika Member LegendaryPosts: 8,023
    OG_Zorvan said:

    Oh, and before anyone says "Metacritic scores don't matter!!", well it sure mattered when Bethesda used the Metacritic score to deny Obsidian their New Vegas bonuses. Can't have it both ways. :smile:
    False. Bethesda denied Obsidian their bonus because they had an agreement where bonus was tied to Metacritic score, but they do not have any similar agreement with Fallout 76 buyers. You can have it both ways simply by making different agreements.
  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    kitarad said:

    No wonder they were afraid to put it on Steam. They would have faced an avalanche of refund requests they cannot refuse because of Steam's policy on refunds. Bunch of thieves.

    If you had any confidence in your product you should allow refunds. 

    And another price drop
    I knew before it launched that it looked crap so i didn't pay much attention to if it launched on Steam but this makes a lot of sense.I mean how many devs have we seen of late all heading to Steam,even games dying out are still trying Steam in hopes of a rebound.

    I also found it VERY odd how after the original backlash,every streamer who got a free copy made sure to put some form of a title to state they were exploring and not worried about content.
    I don't but if i was to stream a game,i don't tell HOW i am playing,i would simply state the game and let people watch.

    Gaming has just gone so south it is sad to see this all unfold.Streamers are soooo protective of their money maker they make sure nobody says anything about their game that might jeopardize $$ in any way.

    For years all we heard was FUN FUN FUN,geesh we still hear that word but all i see is partnerships and sponsors and $$$.

    That Pirates game from Microsoft was one of the worst releases at an unreal price i have ever seen in gaming.This Fallout is not THAT BAD if i compare it to that Pirates game but being slightly better than garbage is still crap.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • linadragonlinadragon Member RarePosts: 589
    Game is actually fairly fun *shrugs*. People need to actually play it and try it before judging it. So much of the crap on metacritic is people that didn't play or are just people that want a very specific experience cuz of the name. It has its problems, but it is still a fun game. 
  • AlverantAlverant Member RarePosts: 1,353
    I have to roll my eyes when people say "do your research". In this post-truth era where people just cry "fake news" when presented with inconvenient facts, how can you trust what is being said? Game companies use NDAs and gag orders to keep bad news away and if a reviewer dares to give anything less than a perfect score they risk being shut out of the next release. Give a game a bad score and people will call you a "hater". Give it a good score and get called a "shill".

    No business deserves our trust because their profits depend on us buying their product. They are not our friends and we shouldn't treat them that way.
  • Vermillion_RaventhalVermillion_Raventhal Member EpicPosts: 4,199
    Going to pick up when it's cheap cheap.
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,261
    Game is actually fairly fun *shrugs*. People need to actually play it and try it before judging it. So much of the crap on metacritic is people that didn't play or are just people that want a very specific experience cuz of the name. It has its problems, but it is still a fun game. 
    It seems to me quite a few people went into this title knowing what it was likely to be like, and wanting to hate it for "reasons."

    How could it do anything but "meet" such expectations?  


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

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  • btdtbtdt Member RarePosts: 523
    Used to be if you bought a video game, the moment you broke the seal on the plastic wrap, you could no longer return it for a refund.  Exchange it for the same item yes, but refund in cash?  Not on your life.

    Do I care that you can't get a refund on a video game?  Not one bit.

    Maybe next time wait until the game is actually a game... you keep throwing money at these silly games like you're on crack... expect to get rolled.
  • k61977k61977 Member EpicPosts: 1,528
    edited November 2018
    Unfortunately the US works differently than most of the world on refunds.  The laws benefit the companies more than the customer and every state is different in regards to what can an can't be done.  Digital goods are still a gray area for a lot of states.  Things like does the state you live when you bought the good have the power or is it the state where the company is located are things that are still being worked out.  The federal government doesn't really come in to play when it comes to return policies and laws here more than not it is state laws that set the precedence.  We have the federal buyers remorse law (cooling down) but digital goods do not fall into that range I believe I could be wrong.  Here is just a simple list showing how some of the states differ on this.

  • AvarixAvarix Member RarePosts: 665
    I have a hard time feeling sorry for anyone that bought into this. It's not like this was an actual closed beta with an NDA in place. There is video evidence all over of what the game is. Doing a simple search on Youtube will show you everything you need to see. 

    If you truly thought they could fix even one third of the bugs plaguing the game in the two weeks leading up to release, you're part of the problem. Stop rewarding companies for quick cash grabs. 
  • IselinIselin Member LegendaryPosts: 18,719
    Man... I am certainly not aligned with the vast majority of gamers on this one.  I'm actually having a ton of fun with the game.

    Did you play Fallout 4?

    If you didn't I can understand you having fun with this, but if you did I just don't know how you wouldn't compare it to 4 and feel like this is something much less than that.
    "Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”

    ― Umberto Eco

    “Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” 

  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,781
    Iselin said:
    Man... I am certainly not aligned with the vast majority of gamers on this one.  I'm actually having a ton of fun with the game.

    Did you play Fallout 4?

    If you didn't I can understand you having fun with this, but if you did I just don't know how you wouldn't compare it to 4 and feel like this is something much less than that.
    Nope.  I've said in the past that I think it could just be a matter of expectations.  It's my first Fallout game.  

    That said... 3 of the others in my group are Fallout fans.

    I also think it helps that we have a pre-made group to play with.  I can see how it would be less fun to try and solo it, but that's true in most games like this.

    MadFrenchie[Deleted User]AlBQuirky

    All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

    "I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator

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  • IselinIselin Member LegendaryPosts: 18,719
    Iselin said:
    Man... I am certainly not aligned with the vast majority of gamers on this one.  I'm actually having a ton of fun with the game.

    Did you play Fallout 4?

    If you didn't I can understand you having fun with this, but if you did I just don't know how you wouldn't compare it to 4 and feel like this is something much less than that.
    Nope.  I've said in the past that I think it could just be a matter of expectations.  It's my first Fallout game.  

    That said... 3 of the others in my group are Fallout fans.

    I also think it helps that we have a pre-made group to play with.  I can see how it would be less fun to try and solo it, but that's true in most games like this.

    You should pick up and play 4 when you're done with 76. If you like 76, trust me, you'll love 4.
    [Deleted User]
    "Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”

    ― Umberto Eco

    “Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” 

  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,781
    Iselin said:
    Iselin said:
    Man... I am certainly not aligned with the vast majority of gamers on this one.  I'm actually having a ton of fun with the game.

    Did you play Fallout 4?

    If you didn't I can understand you having fun with this, but if you did I just don't know how you wouldn't compare it to 4 and feel like this is something much less than that.
    Nope.  I've said in the past that I think it could just be a matter of expectations.  It's my first Fallout game.  

    That said... 3 of the others in my group are Fallout fans.

    I also think it helps that we have a pre-made group to play with.  I can see how it would be less fun to try and solo it, but that's true in most games like this.

    You should pick up and play 4 when you're done with 76. If you like 76, trust me, you'll love 4.
    I really can't get into single player games anymore...

    [Deleted User]

    All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

    "I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator

    Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017. 

    Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018

    "Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018

  • IselinIselin Member LegendaryPosts: 18,719
    edited November 2018
    Iselin said:
    Iselin said:
    Man... I am certainly not aligned with the vast majority of gamers on this one.  I'm actually having a ton of fun with the game.

    Did you play Fallout 4?

    If you didn't I can understand you having fun with this, but if you did I just don't know how you wouldn't compare it to 4 and feel like this is something much less than that.
    Nope.  I've said in the past that I think it could just be a matter of expectations.  It's my first Fallout game.  

    That said... 3 of the others in my group are Fallout fans.

    I also think it helps that we have a pre-made group to play with.  I can see how it would be less fun to try and solo it, but that's true in most games like this.

    You should pick up and play 4 when you're done with 76. If you like 76, trust me, you'll love 4.
    I really can't get into single player games anymore...

    Well then you're the ideal customer for the GAAS studio movement :)

    Personally I find that NPCs have a lot more to offer me than random fellow players.
    [Deleted User]AlBQuirky
    "Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”

    ― Umberto Eco

    “Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” 

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